
Terms containing 劳动力 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一般劳动力动态评估系统General Workforce Performance Appraisal System
tech.一般劳动力市场market for general labor
busin.不熟练劳动力green labour
busin.世界平均劳动力集约度average labour intensity in the world
busin.丧失劳动力be incapacitated
busin.丧失劳动力be disabled
China, law丧失劳动能力lose the ability to work
econ.丧失劳动能力抚恤金incapability pension
busin.丧失劳动能力抚恤金incapacity pension
busin.丧失劳动能力的低能人口incapacitated and mentally deficient persons
China, law丧失劳动能力的程度extent of labor capacity lost
China, law丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力totally or partially lose the ability to work
busin.丧失部分劳动力partial disablement
tech.个别劳动力流动individual labour movement
tech.个别劳动力流动individual labor movement
tech.中等体力劳动moderate physical labor
agric.人力劳动manual labour
tech.人的劳动力human labour power
tech.人的劳动力human labor power
gen.从事体力劳动do manual labour
agric.从属劳动力auxiliary man-power
econ.企业劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
gen.体力〔脑力〕劳动者a brain worker
gen.体力〔脑力〕劳动者a manual worker
tech.体力劳动manual work
tech.体力劳动physical labour
econ.体力劳动manual labor
tech.体力劳动physical labor
tech.体力劳动physical exertion
tech.体力劳动manual labour
tech.体力劳动和脑力劳动的对立antithesis between manual and mental labor
econ.体力劳动者a blue collarite
tech.体力劳动者manual worker
busin.体力劳动者manual laborer
avia.体力劳动负荷physical workload
econ.作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power
tech.使用劳动力use of labor
tech.使用农业劳动力use of agricultural labor
econ.使闲散劳动力资本化capitalization of idle labour
tech.借用劳动力loaned labour
tech.借用劳动力loaned labor
tech.劳动力full-time labor
tech.劳动力full labour power
tech.劳动力full labor power
tech.劳动力full-time labour
tech.劳动力able-bodied farm worker
agric.全农业劳动力able-bodied farm worker
econ.全国劳动力周转率labour turnover-national
econ.全国范围内劳动力的流动性national labour turnover
tech.公共劳动力public forces
tech.内部劳动力市场internal labor market
agric.农业劳动力farm labour
agric.农业劳动力labourer (复)
China, law农业劳动力rural labor force
China, law农业劳动力rural worker
China, law农业劳动力labor force in agriculture
agric.农业劳动力agricultural labourer
anim.husb.农业劳动力单位productive man work unit
agric.农业劳动力有效使用efficient use of farm labour
China, law农业富余劳动力surplus agricultural workers
China, law农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor force
tech.分层次流动的劳动力市场labour market with a hierarchical mobility
tech.分层次流动的劳动力市场labor market with a hierarchical mobility
tech.剩余劳动力spare labor force
tech.剩余劳动力surplus labor
busin.剩余劳动力surplus work force
tech.剩余劳动力spare labour force
tech.剩余劳动力surplus labour
econ.剩余劳动力市场surplus-labour market
busin.剩余劳动力市场surplus labour market
tech.动力疲劳dynamical fatigue
tech.动力疲劳dynamic fatigue
tech.动力疲劳dynamic fatigue
tech.动力疲劳试验dynamical fatigue test
tech.动力疲劳试验dynamic fatigue test
busin.劳力流动性labor mobility
busin.劳力流动性mobility of labor
econ.劳力流动性labour mobility
tech.劳力流动性labour liquidity
busin.劳力流动性论theory of labor mobility
busin.劳力非流动性immobility of labour
agric.劳动labour potential
tech.劳动力working force
busin.劳动力labouring power
econ.劳动力labour power
busin.劳动力不稳labor unrest
agric.劳动力不足shortage of labour
anim.husb.劳动力不足scarcity of labour
econ.劳动力不足manpower shortage
agric.劳动力不足shortage of manpower
agric.劳动力不足labour shortage
econ.美国劳动力不足地区labour-shortage area
econ.劳动力与垄断资labour and monopoly capital
econ.劳动力与总人口之比labour-population ratio
busin.劳动力买卖buying and selling of labor power
agric.劳动力互换labour exchange
tech.劳动力人口labour force
econ.劳动力价值payroll cost
econ.劳动力价值manpower cost
busin.劳动力价值value of labor power
econ.劳动力价格price of labor power
busin.劳动力价格price of labour power
busin.劳动力价格manpower price
econ.劳动力价格的货币转换transformation of money from an expression of the price of labour power
econ.劳动力作业中心manpower service center
tech.劳动力使用utilization of labour
tech.劳动力使用utilization of labor
busin.劳动力供应弹性elasticity of supply of labour
busin.劳动力储备pool of labor
busin.劳动力储备pool of labour
econ.劳动力储备金fund of labour
tech.劳动力充裕abundance of labour
tech.劳动力充裕abundance of labor
econ.劳动力充足abundance of labour
busin.劳动力再生产reproduction of labor-power
tech.劳动力再生产reproduction of labour power
tech.劳动力再生产reproduction of labor power
econ.劳动力再配置the manpower relocation
tech.劳动力再配置manpower relocation
busin.劳动力分析work force analysis
agric.劳动力分配deployment of labour power
econ.劳动力利用utilization of labor
econ.劳动力利用率utilization rate of labour power
busin.劳动力剩余labor surplus
busin.劳动力剩余经济labor surplus economy
econ.劳动力单位labour power unit
shipb.劳动力发展及培训计划man-power development and training program
agric.劳动力变动fluctuation of labour
econ.劳动力合作cooperation of workforce
busin.劳动力向上流动upward movement of labor
econ.劳动力吸收量labour absorption
tech.劳动力和材料支付契约guaranty bond
econ.劳动力商品commodity of labour-power
econ.劳动力商品labour power as a commodity
busin.劳动力商品labor power as commodity
econ.劳动力垄断labour monopoly
shipb.劳动力培训学习manpower training study
busin.劳动力增加型技术变化labor augmenting technical change
busin.劳动力增加型技术进步labor augmenting technical progress
gen.劳动力外流brawn drain
econ.劳动力大量剩余市场substantial labour surplus market
busin.劳动力大量剩余市场substantial labor surplus market
consult.劳动力安排mobilizing manpower
agric.劳动力密度单位面积劳动力labour density
expl.劳动力密集型企业labor intensive enterprise
expl.劳动力密集型爆破法labor-intensive blasting method
agric.劳动力密集型耕作法labour-intensive cultivation method
econ.劳动力就业计划employment plan
busin.劳动力市场manpower market
busin.劳动力市场market for labour
HR劳动力市场labor markets
busin.劳动力市场供需平衡equilibrium of labor market
busin.劳动力平均价格average price of labour
HR劳动力弹性work force flexibility
busin.劳动力归劳动者所有labor belongs to the individual laborers
tech.劳动力总数total labour force
avia.劳动力总量total workforce
shipb.劳动力投人labor force participation
tech.劳动力报告manpower report
tech.劳动力amount of labour
tech.劳动力日报表daily force report
commer.劳动力构成structure of labour force
econ.劳动力构成makeup of manpower
tech.劳动力构成make-up of manpower
busin.劳动力榨取exploitation of labour
econ.劳动力比率labour ratio
busin.劳动力比率manpower ratio
busin.劳动力比率labor ratio
busin.劳动力水平流动性horizontal labour mobility
busin.劳动力汇总表labor summary
tech.劳动力流动labour turnover (率)
econ.劳动力流动labour flux
busin.劳动力流动labour flux
tech.劳动力流动labor turnover (率)
econ.劳动力流动性mobility of labour
busin.劳动力流动性fluidity of labour
busin.劳动力流动性labour mobility
busin.劳动力流动率manpower turnover
econ.劳动力流动矩阵labour flow matrix
busin.劳动力流动矩阵labor flow matrix
busin.劳动力状况抽样调查labor force sampling survey
econ.劳动力的交换价值exchange-value of labour-power
HR劳动力的人口统计学work force demographics
econ.劳动力的使用labour utilization
econ.劳动力的再生产reproduction of labour-power
econ.劳动力的再生产reproduction of labor power
econ.劳动力的向上流动upward movement of labour (即向劳动条件好的方向流动)
econ.劳动力的影子价格shadow price of labour
commer.劳动力的数量和结构size and structure of labour force
econ.劳动力的日价值daily value of labour-power
busin.劳动力的流动fluidity of labour
econ.劳动力的流动性labour turnover
busin.劳动力的流动性mobility of labour
econ.劳动力的老龄化aging of the labour force
tech.劳动力短缺labour force shortage
econ.劳动力短缺the manpower tightness
tech.劳动力短缺labor force shortage
econ.劳动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场labour shortage area
econ.劳动力短缺地区labour shortage area
econ.劳动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场surplus-labour market
busin.劳动力短缺地区labor shortage area
tech.劳动力移动labour migration
tech.劳动力移动labor migration
tech.劳动力管理handling of labour
tech.劳动力管理handling of labor
busin.劳动力紧张deficit of workmanship
busin.劳动力纵向流动vertical mobility of labor
busin.劳动力统计labor force statistics
busin.劳动力缺乏lack of labor
tech.劳动力缺乏labor shortage
econ.劳动力缺乏lack of labour
econ.劳动力缺乏labour famine
tech.劳动力缺乏labour shortage
tech.劳动力缺乏labor famine
busin.劳动力老化aging of labour force
tech.劳动力自然更新速度natural renewal of labour power
tech.劳动力自然更新速度natural renewal of labor power
econ.劳动力计划manpower planning
avia.劳动力评估manpower estimate
busin.劳动力调查labor force survey
China, law劳动力调查统计制度statistical system for workforce survey
econ.劳动力调査labour force survey
busin.劳动力调蓄体制labor force reserve and regulatory system
econ.劳动力调转transfer of manpower
tech.劳动力调配labor exchange
tech.劳动力调配labour exchange
tech.劳动力调配handling of labour
tech.劳动力调配allocation of labour force
commer.劳动力调配deployment of labour force
tech.劳动力调配deployment of manpower
tech.劳动力调配handling of labor
tech.劳动力调配allocation of labor force
tech.劳动力调配表man-assignment schedule
agric.劳动力费用labour cost (复)
commer.劳动力费用总额total labour cost
econ.劳动力资源man power
econ.劳动力资源resource of labour force
tech.劳动力资源pool of labour power
busin.劳动力资源resource of labor force
tech.劳动力资源pool of labor power
commer.劳动力转移transfer of labour force
busin.劳动力转移displacement of labor force
shipb.劳动力输人国家labor force importing countries
shipb.劳动力输出国家labor force exporting countries
busin.劳动力迁移labour migration
econ.劳动力过剩labour redundancy
econ.劳动力过剩abundance of labor
tech.劳动力过剩abundance of labour
gen.劳动力问题研究协会Labour Research Association
shipb.劳动力需求demand for labor
busin.劳动力需求估计estimation of required labour force
busin.劳动力需求弹性elasticity of demand of labor
econ.劳动力需求计划demand schedule for employment
agric.劳动力需要量labour requirements
busin.劳动力需要量估算estimation of require labour force
busin.劳动力需要量估算estimation of require labor force
agric.劳动力需要高峰peak of labour requirement
tech.劳动力预算manpower budget
ecol.劳动生产力labour capacity
desert.劳动生产力labour productivity
econ.劳动生产力productive power of labour
fishery劳动生产力productivity of work
econ.劳动生产力说productivity theory
econ.劳动的电力或能源装备率rate of energy consumption per unit of labour
econ.劳动的电力或能源装备率rate of electricity consumption per unit of labour
econ.劳动的边际生产力marginal productivity of labour
busin.劳动能力capacity of labor
busin.劳动能力labor capacity
busin.劳动能力capacity for labour
desert.劳动能力working capacity
tech.劳动力semi-able-bodied worker
tech.劳动力semi-able-bodied labour force
tech.劳动力auxiliary manpower
tech.半熟练劳动力semi-skilled manpower
agric., econ.单位劳动力报酬return per man
econ.占用劳动力appropriation of labor power
busin.占用劳动力appropriation of labour power
econ.厂商劳动力周转率labour turnover-firm
econ.厂商劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
tech.厂商劳动力周转率firm labor turnover
tech.发掘劳动潜力tap the labour potential
tech.发掘劳动潜力tap the labor potential
tech.可利用的劳动力availability of labour
tech.可利用的劳动力availability of labor
commer.可转移劳动力transferable labour force
tech.吸收劳动力adsorption of labor power
tech.吸收劳动力adsorption of labour power
shipb.吸收劳动力absorption of labor power
econ.吸收从农业中游离岀来的劳动力absorb all the freed labour from the countryside
econ.吸收多余劳动力soak-up surplus labour
econ.吸收多余的劳动力soak up surplus labour
tech.吸收社会劳动力absorption of labour power
tech.吸收社会劳动力absorption of labor power
busin.吸收闲散劳动力absorption of idle labour force
busin.商品流通领域的劳动力labor force in commodity circulation fields
HR国内劳动力市场internal labor markets
busin.地方劳动力市场local labor market
tech.城市劳动力资源urban labour force resource
tech.城市劳动力资源urban labor force resource
tech.基本劳动力state forces
China, law基本丧失劳动能力basic loss of working ability
tech.外国劳动力expatriate labour
tech.外国劳动力expatriate labor
tech.外来劳动力foreign labourer
tech.外来劳动力foreign laborer
busin.多余劳动力redundant labor force
HR多文化背景劳动力multicultural work force
econ.大约70%的劳动力受雇从事服务行业About 70% of labour force are employed in service activity
econ.失业劳动力unemployed labor force
commer.失业劳动力unemployed labour force
econ.劳动力woman power
econ.季节性闲置劳动力seasonally idle labour
econ.安排农村剩余劳动力就业creating jobs for rural surplus laborers
tech.完全丧失劳动力total disability
tech.完全丧失劳动力complete disability
econ.实际劳动力需求effective labour demand
econ.家庭劳动力family labour force
agric.家庭劳动力family labour
shipb.容纳更多的劳动力absorb more labor power
econ.就业劳动力employed labour force
econ.就业的劳动力labour power employed
busin.就业的民用劳动力civilian labour force employed
tech.就地转移劳动力on-the-spot transfer of surplus labor force
busin.工业劳动力industrial labour force
busin.工会强迫资方雇佣多余劳动力labor featherbedding
tech.工地劳动力on-the-site labor
tech.工地劳动力one-site labour
tech.工地劳动力on-the-site labour
tech.工地劳动力site labor
tech.工地劳动力one-site labor
commer.已转移的劳动力transferred labour force
tech.市场劳动力价格market price of labour
tech.市场劳动力价格market price of labor
econ.市场劳动力供需平衡equilibrium of labour market
econ.市场劳动力供需平衡equilibrium of labor market
gen.干弯腰活的劳动力stoop labour
econ.平均劳动力average labour power
commer.廉价劳动力cheap labour
tech.廉价劳动力cheap labour force
busin.廉价劳动力cheap labor (force)
tech.廉价劳动力cheap labor force
busin.延续劳动力再生产continuing the reproduction of labour power
tech.延续劳动力再生产continuing the reproduction of labor power
tech.建筑劳动力building labour
tech.建筑劳动力building labourer
tech.建筑劳动力building laborer
tech.建筑劳动力building labor
tech.劳动力able-bodied labourer
tech.劳动力able-bodied laborer
tech.当地劳动力local labour
tech.当地劳动力local labor
consult.所限劳动力workforce limited
tech.所需劳动力labour requirement
tech.所需劳动力required labor
tech.所需劳动力labor requirement
consult.技术熟练劳动力skilled labour force
econ.折算后的工业劳动力人数converted industrial labour force
tech.抽调劳动力transfer of manpower
busin.按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
econ.按照新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平the average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
tech.施工劳动力construction labour
tech.施工劳动力construction labor
tech.劳动力能力disability status
China, law无劳动能力without ability to work
busin.有劳动能力人口able-bodied population
econ.有劳动能力的人口able-bodied population
econ.有劳动能力的居民死亡率统计表labour force life table
China, law有劳动能力的罪犯able-bodied prisoner
busin.有效劳动力active labour force
busin.有效劳动力供给effective labor supply
busin.有效劳动力需求effective labor demand
econ.未成年的劳动力immature labour power
tech.极轻体力劳动very light physical labor
agric.核心劳动力core worker
econ.横向劳动力流动性horizontal labour mobility
agric.每单位面积劳动力labour per unit of area
econ.民用劳动力civilian labor force
busin.民用劳动力civilian labour force
econ..水平劳动力流动性horizontal labor mobility
econ.活的劳动力living labour power
tech.流动劳动力migrant labour
tech.流动劳动力migrant labor
tech.流动劳动力floating labor
busin.潜在的劳动力过剩concealed surplus of labour
econ.熟练劳动力experienced labour force
tech.熟练和半熟练劳动力skilled and semi-skilled labour
tech.熟练和半熟练劳动力skilled and semi-skilled labor
busin.用基本资产来规定劳动力数量的系数factor of provision of labour with basic assets
agric.畜力劳动animal labour
agric.畜力劳动费animal labour costs
gen.白化浪费劳动力lose one's labour
tech.直接雇佣劳动力direct labour
tech.直接雇佣劳动力direct labor
agric.知识劳动力intellectual labour force
tech.社会劳动力public forces
China, law第四级体力劳动强度Grade IV physical labour intensity
tech.繁重的体力劳动exhausting labour
tech.繁重的体力劳动exhausting labor
expl.纯体力劳动unskilled labor
econ.纵向劳动力转移vertical labour mobility
tech.脉动张应力疲劳强度fatigue strength under pulsating tensile stresses
tech.脉动抗弯应力疲劳强度pulsating fatigue strength under bending stress
tech.脑力劳动intellectual work
busin.脑力劳动mental labour (work)
busin.脑力劳动mental labour
econ.脑力劳动head work
econ.脑力劳动mental labor
econ.脑力劳动intellectual employments
econ.脑力劳动intellectual labour
busin.脑力劳动intellectual employment
sport.脑力劳动brain work
econ.脑力劳动与体力劳动报酬the reward for mental and physical work
tech.脑力劳动产物brain child
busin.脑力劳动者brain worker
econ.脑力劳动者white-collar worker
busin.脑力劳动者mental worker
tech.膨胀劳动力资源expanded human sources
tech.节省劳动力saving in labour
tech.节省劳动力saving of labour
tech.节省劳动力saving in labor
agric.节约劳动力saving labour
tech.节约劳动力labour saving
tech.节约劳动力labor saving
tech.节约劳动力economy of manpower
tech.节约劳动力时间economizing labour time
tech.节约劳动力时间economizing labor time
tech.节约劳动力的技术labour saving technique
tech.节约劳动力的技术labor saving technique
tech.计日劳动力state forces
tech.计算劳动力computational labour
tech.计算劳动力computational labor
tech.调剂劳动力adjust the use of labor force
tech.调配劳动力deployment of labor force
busin.资本劳动力转移capital and labour movement
econ.资本于劳动力的比率capital-labour ratio
China, law超强度体力劳动physical labor of ultra-intensity
econ.轻体力劳动者light worker
tech.辅助劳动力subsidiary labor power
agric.辅助劳动力auxiliary man-power
tech.辅助劳动力subsidiary labour power
tech.辅助劳动力auxiliary manpower
tech.输入劳动力imported labour
tech.输入劳动力import labour power
tech.输入劳动力imported labor
tech.输出劳动力export labour power
tech.输出劳动力export labor power
tech.追加的劳动力supplementary labour power
tech.追加的劳动力supplementary labor power
tech.退休年龄前丧失劳动力disablement before retirement
commer.造就高素质的劳动力create a highly skilled workforce
China, law部分或者全部丧失劳动能力partially or fully losing labor capacity
tech.重体力劳动heavy work
tech.重体力劳动hard physical labour
tech.重体力劳动heavy physical labor
tech.重体力劳动heavy physical labour
sport., med.重体力劳动heavy muscular work
tech.重体力劳动hard physical labor
busin.重体力劳动heavy labour
busin.重体力劳动作业labor-consuming process
tech.铁路内部劳动力市场railway internal labour market
tech.铁路内部劳动力市场railway internal labor market
busin.集中劳动力pooling of manpower
busin.雇佣劳动力employed labour
tech.需要大量劳动力的货物labor-intensive goods
busin.青年劳动力young labor
busin.非体力劳动non-manual work
tech.非体力劳动者non-manual workers
econ.非熟练劳动力the unskilled workforce
tech.非物质劳动力immaterial labour
tech.非物质劳动力immaterial labor
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