
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
两栖amphibian A class of vertebrate animals characterized by a moist, glandular skin, gills at some stage of development, and no amnion during the embryonic stage (属于脊椎动物纲,具有湿软、腺状的皮肤,以及进化至某一程度的腮,在胚胎时期没有羊膜。)
二冲程发two-stroke engine An internal combustion engine whose cycle is completed in two strokes of the piston (一种内燃发动机,其循环是通过两个活塞冲程完成。)
人口population dynamics The process of numerical and structural change within populations resulting from births, deaths, and movements (人口由于诞生、死亡和迁移引起的数量和结构的变化。)
人类活anthropic activity Action resulting from or influenced by human activity or intervention (由于人类活动或者人类干预而影响或者导致的结果。)
从事农业的劳人口working population engaged in agriculture The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultry (某一地区或国家的进行有酬工作、或从事作物生产、畜牧业或家禽业的劳动人口的数量。)
休闲活leisure activity Sports and recreational activities carried out in the time free from work or other duties (在下班时间和其它工作外的自由时间进行的运动和休养活动。)
保护与野生植物Conservation and Wildlife
全球态植被模型dynamic global vegetation model
公共行public action A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populace (在民众同意的前提下采取的措施。)
公民议中心citizen initiative
军事活military activities Actions and movements pertaining to or conducted by the armed forces (与军队有关或被军队指挥的行动和活动。)
军事调损害damage from military manoeuvres Injury or harm resulting from the planned movement of armed forces or from the tactical exercises simulating war operations that is carried out for training and evaluation purposes (军队进行计划性迁移,或为训练与评估而进行的模拟战争战术演练所产生的损害与危害。)
农业不agricultural real estate Property of agricultural land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, fences, etc. (农业用地和土地上任何永久附属物(如建筑、栅栏等)的所有权。)
冬季运胜地winter sports resort Resort where sports held in the open air on snow or ice, especially skiing are practiced (露天的雪或冰上举行体育活动的度假村,尤其指滑雪练习。)
初始行加拿大initial action
制造业活manufacturing activity Activities connected with the processing of raw material into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation (与原材料加工成成品有关的活动,特别是通过大规模的产业化经营的方式。)
animal Any living organism characterized by voluntary movement, the possession of cells with noncellulose cell walls and specialized sense organs enabling rapid response to stimuli, and the ingestion of complex organic substances such as plants and other animals (具有自主移动能力、非纤维细胞壁细胞、快速反应刺激的专门感觉器官,且能摄取复杂有机物(例如植物和其他动物)的任何生物。)
物交易animal trade The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling animals, especially livestock (交换,买卖动物的行为,特别是对于牲畜。)
物产品animal product No definition needed (无需定义。)
物传染病zoonosis Diseases which are biologically adapted to and normally found in animals but which under some conditions also infect man (生物学中一般发现于动物体内的疾病,但它在一定条件下也感染人。)
物伤害animal damage Harm caused to the environment by animals as, for instance, in the case of overgrazing, trampling, etc. Overgrazing damage is reduced by properly located watering facilities to decrease daily travel by livestock. Rotation of grazing areas allows time for recovery of grass. Some land can be easily restored if grazing is allowed only during one season. Animals may cause damage to crops when agriculture land borders on virgin territory or game reserves. In addition wild animals may bring disease in valuable domestic herds. Cattle overstocking has caused serious degradation of habitat, and cattle raising is thus, to some extent, counterproductive (动物对环境造成的危害,例如由过度的放牧、践踏等。过度放牧的危害可通过适当的放置供水区以减少家畜每日的行经路线的方法加以降低。放牧区轮流开放可以让草有恢复的机会。某些土地只允许放牧一季的时间,这些土地则较容易恢复。当农地的边缘位于未开发区域或在保护区中,则可能对作物造成危害。除此之外,野生动物可能会为有价值的家畜带来疾病。牛只过多已经造成严重的栖地危害,因此,对牛只饲养的产量也会有造成一定程度的不良影响。)
物位移animal displacement The habit of many animal species of moving inside their habitats or of travelling, during migrations, to different biotopes, often considerable distances apart; in aquatic environments displacements can occur horizontally or vertically while in terrestrial environments animal populations that breed in the alpine or subalpine zones in summer, move to lower levels in winter; animal displacements usually follow circadian rhythms and are related to the necessity of finding breeding, resting and feeding areas (许多动物有迁入其栖息地或经过长途旅行迁移到别的生态环境中的习性。在水生环境中的动物位移通常是水平或垂直方向上的;而在陆生环境中,夏季在高山带或亚高山带繁殖的动物群体会在冬季迁移到较低的地方;动物位移通常遵循其生理周期,同时也与它们是否有必要寻找繁殖、休眠和捕食地有关。)
物住所animal housing Any kind of shelter, refuge affording protection to animals (可以给动物提供保护的任意庇护所。)
物保护animal protection Precautionary actions or procedures taken to prevent or reduce the harm to sentient, non-human species, posed, in most cases, by humans (人类为了避免或减少对有感知能力的非人类物种的伤害,所采取的预警行为或程序。)
物保护protection of animals
物保护区animal conservatory Areas for the conservation of rare or endangered animal species (保护稀有或濒临灭绝的动物物种的区域)
物健康animal health
物噪音animal noise Noise caused by animals such as dogs kept in kennels or in private homes as pets (动物比如在宠物园或者家里被当作宠物饲养的狗,所发出的噪音。)
物园zoological garden Area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them, or study them (保留动物,尤其是野生动物,以便人们可以去观看或研究它们的地方。)
物基因animal genetics The scientific study of the hereditary material of animals for theoretical and practical applications such as increased population, conservation and disease research (关于动物遗传物质的科学性研究,有理论的和实际的应用,如:族群增加、保育和疾病研究。)
物学zoology The study of animals, including their classification, structure, physiology, and history (对动物的研究,包括其分类、结构、生理和历史。)
物实验animal experiment Investigation carried out in animals for research purposes (在动物身上实行的用于研究的调查,实验。)
物庇护所animal shelter A protection providing housing for animals in bad weather (在天气恶劣时为动物提供住所的保护地。)
物废弃物animal waste Discarded material from industries directly associated with the raising of animals, such as those wastes produced by livestock farming (manure, milk, etc.), meat production and animal testing (animal bodies, animal parts, feathers, etc.) and fur breeding (fur, blood, etc.) (直接与动物饲养有关的产业所产生的废弃物,例如由畜牧业(粪肥、牛奶等)、肉类加工和动物实验(动物躯体、动物肢体、动物羽毛等)、皮毛兽育种(皮毛、血液等)产生的废弃物。)
物廊道animal corridor Line corridors (roads, paths, and hedgerows) which lack interior habitat but may serve as movement groups for organisms. Corridors may also provide an efficient migratory pathway for animals. The presence or absence of breaks in a corridor may be a very important factor in determining the effectiveness of its conduit and barrier functions (没有内部栖息地但是可以为生物体提供族群移动的线状廊道(如公路、小径和灌木篱墙的)。廊道还可为动物提供有效的迁徙途经。廊道有无中断是决定其通道的有效性和阻碍作用的重要因素。)
物性纺织纤维animal textile fibre A filament or threadlike strand derived from animals that manufacturers use to produce clothes or other goods that require weaving, knitting or felting, which include silk, wool, mohair and other forms of animal hair (取自于动物的丝线,它被制造商以纺织、编织或毡合的方式来制造衣服或其它物品,包括蚕丝、羊毛、安哥拉毛和其它形式之动物毛发。)
物排泄物animal excrement Waste matter discharged from the body of an animal (从动物身体中排泄出的废物。)
物权利animal rights Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to sentient, non-human species, including freedom from abuse, consumption, experimentation, use as clothing or performing for human entertainment (基于对有感知能力的非人类物种的法律保护或道德原则的宣告,包括不受虐待、不被滥用、不被用作实验品、不为娱乐人类而被用作服饰或表演的自由。)
物残留animal remain Any substances or components left over from animal life, including body parts and, later, decomposed materials (动物身上残留的任何物质或成分,包括身体的某个部分,末期的部分,已分解的成分。)
物物种再引进animal species reintroduction Attempts made to prevent the extinction of threatened species and populations by reintroducing them in their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopes (将受威胁物种再引进到自然栖息地以防止物种灭绝。 物种的再引进需要对它们消失的原因以及其生态环境的更动进行初步研究。)
物物种引进introduction of animal species Animals which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species, depending on their interspecific relationships and characteristics, may act as or carry parasites or diseases, prey upon native organisms, display toxic reactions, or be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities (被人类机构移位到所在地以前,至少有历史可查时期,没有存在于土地或水中的动物。这种物种移位总会涉及一定的风险,有时甚至于是严重危机。取决于所引进物种的种间关系和特点,他们可以作为或携带侵食本地生物的寄生虫或疾病,引起毒素反应,或者与本地物种相比具有高度竞争力,或以其他方式严重影响本地物种和群落。)
物生产animal production No definition needed (无需定义。)
物生命animal life No definition needed (无需定义。)
物生存地animal habitat The locality in which an animal naturally grows or lives. It can be either the geographical area over which it extends, or the particular station in which an animal is found (动物自然生长和生存的地方。 此处是动物所遍及的地理区域,或者指某种动物被发现的特别位置。)
物生态学animal ecology A study of the relationships of animals to their environment (对动物及其与周围环境的关系的研究。)
物生殖animal reproduction Any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which an animal produces one or more individuals similar to itself (动物死亡后所留下的任何物质或成分,包括躯体,及后来的降解物质。)
物生物学animal biology The scientific study of the natural processes of animals (研究动物的自然过程的科学)
物生理学animal physiology Study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organisms (对于动物组织的正常处理和代谢的研究。)
物疾病animal disease
物的选择性饲养selective breeding of animals Breeding of animals having desirable characters (养育具有所希望特性的动物。)
物种群animal population A group of animals inhabiting a given area (在某一特定地区生存的一群动物。)
物种群animal species Species belonging to the animal kingdom (动物领域的种群。)
物种群相劣化bastardisation of fauna One of the possible consequences of the introduction of animal species in an area where they are not indigenous. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species may be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities (某一地区由于引进非原生于该地的动物而造成的后果之一。 如此的迁移即使没有产生严重后果,但总是会有些许的危险性。 新到的品种可能具有很强的竞争性,或对原生物种和社群产生负面影响。)
物穿越地带crossing place for animals Bridges and tunnels provided for animals for crossing roads and railways. Railway and road infrastructures represent an hindrance to wildlife migration (为动物穿越道路或铁轨所提供的桥梁或隧道;道路或铁轨的建设野生生物迁移的阻碍。)
物粪便燃料animal dung as fuel Excrement from animals that may be dried and burned to generate energy or converted to liquid or gaseous fuels, such as methane, through chemical processes (动物的排泄物,可以通过干燥或燃烧产生能源,或通过化学过程将其转变成液态或气态的燃料(如甲烷)。)
物粮食animal foodstuff Any crops or other food substances for animal consumption (用来喂养动物的任何作物或者其他食物。)
物群fauna The entire animal life of a given region, habitat or geological stratum (某一区域、栖息地或地质层的动物的生活。)
物群重建fauna restoration The process of returning wildlife ecosystems and habitats to their original conditions (还原野生动物生态系统和原生存环境的过程。)
物耕种animal husbandry A branch of agriculture concerned with the breeding and feeding of domestic animals (与家养动物的繁殖和喂养有关的一个农业分支。)
物肥料animal manure Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the soil (从禽畜饲养棚舍或牧场所收集的动物排泄物,无论含有残余物与否可被用来肥沃土壤。)
物营养animal nutrition Ingestion, digestion and/or assimilation of food by animals (动物对于食物的摄入,消化或者同化作用。)
物行为animal behaviour Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environment (正常环境下动物的行为,包括动物对环境改变所产生的内在和外在反应。)
物行为学ethology The study of animal behaviour in a natural context (在自然环境下动物行为的研究。)
物资源animal resource No definition needed (无需定义。)
物迁徙animal migration Movements that particular animals carry out regularly often between breeding places and winter feeding grounds (某些特定的动物在繁殖地与冬季给食地之间的常规性迁移。)
物遗产animal heritage The sum of the earth's or a particular region's non-human, non-vegetable, multicellular organisms viewed as the inheritance of the present generation, especially animal species deemed worthy of preservation and protection from extinction (地球上或特定地区非人类、非植物、多细胞有机体的数量,它们被视为目前世代所留的遗产,尤其是濒临灭绝而应被保护和保存的动物。)
物饲养feeding of animals The act and effect of supplying animals with food (给动物喂食的动作和效果。)
labour One of the factors of production. It includes all the exertions - manual, physical or mental - by individuals, directed towards the production of wealth (一个生产要素。它包括所有被用于财富生产的个体的投入——手工的、体力的或者脑力的。)
manpower 1. The power generated by a man working. 2. The number of people available for work, service, etc. (1. 一个人的工作产生的作用。 2. 能够工作、服务等等的人的数目。)
labour force
力市场labour market
labour law The branch of the legal system which lays down the rules governing employment relationships, trade union relations, and state intervention to provide protection against particular situations of need for citizens who are workers (法律制度的一个分支,其制定了管理雇佣关系、工会关系、为保护工人防范特殊情况提供保护的国家干预方面的规则。)
医疗保健活垃圾health-care activities waste
单独行lone wolf action
原生protozoan A diverse phylum of eukaryotic microorganisms; the structure varies from a simple uninucleate protoplast to colonial forms, the body is either naked or covered by a test, locomotion is by means of pseudopodia or cilia or flagella, there is a tendency toward universal symmetry in floating species and radial symmetry in sessile types, and nutrition may be phagotrophic or autotrophic or saprozoic (真核微生物,结构简单的单核原生体。)
反应力学reaction kinetics That branch of physical chemistry concerned with the mechanisms and rates of chemical reactions (物理化学的一个分支,涉及化学反应的机制和比率。)
engine A machine in which power is applied to do work by the conversion of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion (借助将各种形式的能量转变为机械能并运转,从而使得动能能应用于做功的机器。)
机燃料motor fuel Any gaseous or liquid flammable fuel that burns in an internal combustion engine (任何内燃机使用的可燃气体或液体燃料。)
向火灾发进攻attack a fire
发育过程initiating development process
哺乳mammal Any animal of the Mammalia, a large class of warm-blooded vertebrates having mammary glands in the female, a thoracic diaphragm, and a four-chambered heart. The class includes the whales, carnivores, rodents, bats, primates, etc. (哺乳动物是一大类温血脊椎动物,雌性有乳腺,有一个胸腔隔膜和一个四腔心脏。本类包括鲸鱼、食肉动物、老鼠、蝙蝠、灵长类等。)
商业活business activity Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or services (任何追求利益的事业或商业冒险,包括生产、销售及购买商品或服务。)
啮齿类rodent Any of the relatively small placental mammals that constitute the order Rodentia, having constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing (构成重齿目的任何相对小的哺乳动物,有不断生长的用于咬的特殊门牙。)
四冲程发four stroke engine An internal combustion engine whose cycle is completed in four piston strokes; includes a suction stroke, compression stroke, expansion stroke, and exhaust stroke (内燃机,其周期是由四个活塞冲程完成;包括吸气冲程、压缩冲程、膨胀冲程和排气冲程。)
地震活seismic activity The phenomenon of Earth movements (地球活动的现象。)
美国国家气象局地面自观测系统automated surface observing system
城市流资源, 无需定义。urban flows resources, No definition needed
城市行计划urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings (为提供健康和安全的居住条件、有效的交通和通信、足够的公共设施和优美的环境,改善城市中心的一组有计划、协调的活动或服务。)
大气活atmospheric process Atmospheric processes are distinguished in physical and chemical processes and both types may be operating simultaneously in complicated and interdependent ways. The physical processes of transport by atmospheric winds and the formation of clouds and precipitation strongly influence the patterns and rates of acidic deposition, while chemical reactions govern the forms of the compounds deposited (大气活动分为物理活动和化学活动,两种类型都可能同时以复杂并且各自独立的方式出现。大气中风,云和降雨运输强烈影响酸性物质形成的方式和速率,同时化学反应控制着化合物形成的形式。)
天然气发gas engine An internal combustion engine that uses gaseous fuel (使用气体燃料的内燃机。)
头足纲如章鱼, 某些海洋动物,组成最高级的软体动物类,包括鱿鱼、章鱼、鹦鹉螺。cephalopod Exclusively marine animals constituting the most advanced class of the Mollusca, including squid, octopuses, and Nautilus
娱乐活recreation Activities that promote refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation and enjoyment (通过放松或娱乐提高身体或精神健康的活动。)
宣传运public awareness campaign An organized, systematic effort through various communications media to alert the general population of a given area to anything of significant interest or concern (通过有组织的、系统的努力,关注某一地区的重要利益或关注点。)
屠宰slaughtering of animals Killing of animals for food (杀动物以食用。)
工业活industrial activity Operations, functions and processes involved in industrial production (工业生产中的操作、运行和加工活动。)
常温warm-blooded animal Animal which has a body temperature that stays the same and does not change with the temperature of its surroundings (体温保持不变且不随周围环境温度而改变的动物。)
拖拽draught animal
vibration A periodic motion of small amplitude and high frequency, characteristic of elastic bodies (一种小振幅、高频率、有弹性体特点的周期运动。)
旅游活管理touristic activity management The administration, promotion, organization and planning for the business or industry of providing information, transportation, entertainment, accommodations and other services to travelers or visitors (为旅客或游客提供信息、交通、娱乐、住宿和其它服务的管理、促进、组织和计划。)
无脊椎invertebrate Any animal lacking a backbone, including all species not classified as vertebrates (没有脊柱的动物,包括所有没有列入脊椎动物类的物种。)
日常活水平daily activity level
有螯角chelicerate A subphylum of the phylum Artrophoda; chelicerae are characteristically modified as pincers (Artrophoda亚门,螯角的特点就是像钳子。)
有袋目哺乳marsupial Type of Australian mammal with a pouch in which the young are carried. Marsupials give birth to young at a much earlier stage of development than other mammals so that the young need to be protected in the mother's pouch for some months until they become able to look after themselves (澳大利亚哺乳动物种类,其长有承载幼子的袋子。有袋动物幼崽生在一个比其他动物早很多的早期发育阶段,使得其需要在母亲的保护袋中被保护数月直至其能够照顾自己。)
motor vehicle A road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, especially an internal-combustion engine (由马达或引擎,特别是内燃发动机,驱动的道路车辆。)
车污染motor vehicle pollution Pollution caused by gases vented to the atmosphere by internal-combustion-engine driven vehicles (污染由内燃发动机驱动的车辆排放气体到大气中造成。)
车辆工业motor vehicle industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
车辆废气motor vehicle exhaust gas Gases vented to the atmosphere by internal-combustion-engine driven vehicles (排放到大气中的气体产生于内燃机引擎驱动的车辆。)
车辆排放物motor vehicle emission The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment chiefly from car, truck and bus exhaust (进入环境的气态和颗粒污染物的排放主要来自汽车、卡车和公共汽车废气。)
机构活institutional activity The specific tasks, undertakings or functions that governments, businesses and other organizations perform (政府、企业或其他组织执行的具体的任务、工程或者机能职责。)
机械振mechanical vibration A motion, usually unintentional and often undesirable, of parts of machines and structures (一种机器和结构部分的运动,通常是偶然的、不合需要的。)
棘皮类echinoderm Marine coelomate animals distinguished from all others by an internal skeleton composed of calcite plates, and a water-vascular system to serve the needs of locomotion, respiration, nutrition or perception (海洋类有体腔动物,区别于其他动物之处在于由方解石板组成的一个内部骨架和一个满足运动、呼吸作用、营养或者知觉的水管系。)
毛皮fur animal Animals bred and slaughtered for their fur (为取其毛皮而饲养的动物。)
噪声aerodynamic noise Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a body (强烈气流经过物体表面产生的噪声。)
水栖aquatic animal
水生哺乳aquatic mammal
水质自监测站Automatic Water Quality Monitoring Stations
污染物pollutant mobilisation
汽油发gasoline engine An internal combustion engine that uses a mixture of air and gasoline vapour as a fuel (使用空气和汽油蒸气的混合物作为燃料的内燃机。)
沉积物移sediment mobilisation The transport or setting in motion by wind or water of insoluble particulate matter (不能溶解的物质被风或水搬运和放置。)
泄漏响应自管理系统automated spill response management system
人口active population The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nation (在指定企业、地区或者国家中可已并适合雇佣的人数。)
房屋mobile home Living quarters mounted on wheels and capable of being towed by a motor vehicle (安装在车轮上并能被汽车拖走的住房。)
flow The forward continuous movement of a fluid through closed or open channels or conduits (液体流经密闭或开放的通道或导管,向前的连续运动。)
海上防止溢油行计划marine oil spill action plan
海洋marine fauna Animals which live in the sea (生活在海中的动物。)
海洋哺乳marine mammal Mammals which have adapted to live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc. (适应生活在海上的哺乳动物,如鲸、海豚、鼠海豚等。)
海洋哺乳物保护法案Marine Mammal and Protection Act
海绵poriferan The sponges, a phylum of the animal kingdom characterized by the presence of canal systems and chambers through which water is drawn in and released; tissues and organs are absent (运河中出现的动物界的门;缺少部分组织和器官。)
海陆运 地壳的缓慢升降运动 ??bradyseism A long-continued, extremely slow vertical instability of the crust, as in the volcanic district west of Naples, Italy, where the Phlegraean bradyseism has involved up-and-down movements between 6 m below sea level and 6 m above over a period of more than 2.000 years (地壳的长期持续的、极其缓慢的垂直不稳定性,如在那不勒斯、意大利火山区西部,在超过2000年的时间里,Phlegraean海陆运动涉及了海拔6m以上和6m以下的升降运动。)
rolling noise Deeply resounding, reverberating noise caused by the friction between car tyres and road surfaces (由汽车和路面摩擦产生的很强的回声、轰轰的噪音。)
濒临绝种endangered animal species Animals, birds, fish or other living organisms threatened with extinction by natural or human-induced changes in their environment (因为自然或人为改变生存环境,有灭绝威胁的动物、鸟类、鱼类或其他生命有机体。)
火山活volcanism The processes by which magma and its associated gases rise into the crust and are extruded onto the Earth's surface and into the atmosphere (岩浆和伴生气体上升进入地壳,并被挤压出地球表面,进入大气层的过程。)
熊科ursid A family of mammals in the order Carnivora including the bears and their allies (食肉类哺乳动物的一个种族,包括熊和它们的同类。)
牛科bovid Any animal belonging to the Bovidae family (任何属于牛科家族的动物。)
犬科canid Carnivorous mammal in the superfamily Canoidea, including dogs and their allies (犬型上科总科的一种食肉哺乳动物,包括狗和它的同类。)
独立行independent action
环境态参考点environmental performance reference point
环境态指示器environmental performance indicator
环境environmental incentive
环节annelid Any worms of the phylum Anellida, in which the body is divided into segments both internally and externally. The group includes the earthworms, lugworm, ragworm, and leeches (环节动物门的动物。 身体内外被分为许多的体节,这个族群包括蚯蚓、海蚯蚓、沙蚕、水蛭。)
生态学家的ecologist movement Grouping of individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection of the environment (致力于环境保护的个体与组织群体。)
生态系统力学ecosystem dynamics
生物力农业biodynamic agriculture
甲壳纲crustacean A class of arthropod animals having jointed feet and mandibles, two pairs of antennae, and segmented, chitin-encased bodies (节肢动物的一纲,具有通过关节连接的脚与下颚、两对触须、以及分节的几丁质躯体。)
力学electrokinetics The study of the motion of electric charges, especially of steady currents in electric circuits, and of the motion of electrified particles in electric or magnetic fields (电荷运动的研究,尤其是电路中稳定电流以及电厂或磁场中带电粒子的运动。)
electric vehicle Vehicle driven by an electric motor and characterized by being silent and less polluting (由电动机驱动的车辆,具有低噪音和低污染的特点。)
社会social dynamics The pattern, change, development and driving forces of a human group, community or society (一个人类群体,社区或社会的模式,改革,发展和动力。)
社会教育活socioeducational activity Instruction or events designed to offer learning or cultural experiences to populations without access to traditional educational institutions due to social or economic barriers (由于社会或经济障碍,设计教学或活动而不是传统教育以给人们提供学习或文化经验。)
社会运social movement A organized effort by a significant number of people to change (or resist change in) some major aspect or aspects of society (一个由相当多的人,改变(或抗拒改变)一些社会的主要方面或各方面的有组织的力量。)
空中行官员air operations officer
空气流air movement Air movements within the Earth's atmospheric circulation; also called planetary winds. Two main components are recognized: first, the latitudinal meridional component due to the Coriolis force (a deflecting motion or force discussed by G.G. de Coriolis in 1835. The rotation of the Earth causes a body moving across its surface to be deflected to the right in the N hemisphere and to the left in the S hemisphere); and secondly, the longitudinal component and the vertical movement, resulting largely from varying pressure distributions due to differential heating and cooling of the Earth's surface (地球大气循环中的空气流动,也叫行星风。主要由两个力分量引起:第一,纬度子午线上的力分量即地球自转偏向力(由G.G. de Coriolis在1835年提出的一种偏向运动或偏向力:地球的自传导致横越其表面的物体移动在北半球的时候向右偏转,在南半球向左偏转);第二,经度纵向分量和垂直运动,主要由地球表面温度差分加热和冷却造成的不同压力分布所引起。)
空间流spatial mobility The rate of moves or migrations made by a given population within a given time frame (一些特定人群在一个给定的时间框架内的迁移率。)
经济活economic activity Any effort, work, function or sphere of action pertaining to the production of goods, services or any other resource with exchange value (任何有关于商品生产、服务或其他交换价值资源的努力、工作、功能或行动范围。)
翼手目chiropteran Order of placental mammals comprising the bats having the front limbs modified as wings (有胎盘的哺乳动物的目,包括四肢进化成翅膀的蝙蝠。)
脊椎vertebrate Any chordate animal of the subphylum Vertebrata, characterized by a bony or cartilaginous skeleton and a well-developed brain: the group contains fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals (任何脊椎动物亚门的脊索动物,特点是有骨骼和软骨骨骼或一个发达的大脑:该动物群包含鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳动物。)
脊索chordate The highest phylum in the animal kingdom, characterized by a notochord, nerve cord, and gill slits; includes the urochordate, lancelets and vertebrates (动物王国中最高级的门,特征是有脊索、神经索和鳃裂,包括尾索动物、文昌鱼和脊椎动物。)
腔肠coelenterate Animals that have a single body cavity (the coelenteron). The name was formerly given to a phylum comprising the Cnidaria and Ctenophora, but these are now regarded as phyla in their own right, and the name Coelenterata has fallen from use, although it is sometimes used as a synonym for Cnidaria (单体腔(体肠腔)的动物,这个名称以前是腔肠动物和栉水动物的总称,现在各自成为独立的门。但现在Coelenterata这个名称已不再使用,尽管有时也还被用作腔肠动物的同义词。)
腹足gastropod Any mollusc of the class Gastropoda, typically having a flattened muscular foot for locomotion and a head that bears stalked eyes (任何腹足类软体动物,一般具有用于运动的扁平肌肉足,以及含有追踪能力眼睛的头部。)
帮助automatic aid
监测automatic detection The processing, discovery and identification of data elements by automated means (通过自动方式处理,发现和验证数据元素。)
节肢arthropod The largest phylum in the animal kingdom; adults typically have segmented body, a sclerotized integument, and many-jointed segmental limbs (动物界最大的门,成年个体有节状肢体,硬化外皮,以及多个有接缝的节状肢体。)
草食herbivore An animal that feeds on grass and other plants (以青草或其他植物为食物的动物。)
药物力学pharmacokinetics The study of the rates of absorption, tissue distribution, biotransformation, and excretion (关于药物的吸收速率、分布、组织和分泌的研究。)
action group A collection of persons united to address specific sociopolitical or socioeconomic concerns (联合起来从事某些特定的社会政治或者社会经济学事务的一组人。)
行政行为motivation of administrative acts The underlying reason or cause, a psychological or social factor, that incites or stimulates managers, executives or supervisors to complete tasks that achieve organizational or company goals (激励或鼓舞管理人员、行政人员或监管人员完成任务以实现组织或公司目标的心理或社会因素的原由。)
试验用test animal Animals on which experiments are conducted in order to provide evidence for or against a scientific hypothesis, or to prove the efficacy of drugs or the reaction to certain products (在动物身上进行实验,为了支持或反对一个科学假说提供证据,或证明药物的疗效或对某些产品的反应。)
贸易活trade activity
资本自由流free movement of capital The unrestrained flow of cash, funds, and other means of wealth between countries with different currencies (现金、资金和其他财产形式在国家间以不同汇率不受约束的流通。)
踯行plantigrade Pertaining to mammals walking with the whole sole of the foot touching the ground (哺乳动物的整体和脚接触地面。)
蹄类ungulate Hoofed mammals, including the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla (有蹄的哺乳动物,包括偶蹄动物和奇蹄动物。)
软体mollusc Any of various invertebrates having a soft unsegmented body and often a shell, secreted by a fold of skin (各种有软的未分段身体并常常隐藏在折叠皮肤有壳的无脊椎动物,。)
软体物侵袭mollusc invasion
sport The complex of individual or group activities pursued for exercise or pleasure, often taking a competitive form (个别或集体为追求运动或乐趣采取的复杂的活动,往往采取了竞技形式。)
野生植物wildlife Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions (独立于人类、通常在自然条件下生长的动物和植物。)
野生植物保护wildlife conservation A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status (为维持或恢复自然栖息地和野生动植物物种数量在一个合理的状态所需采取的一系列措施。)
野生植物保护wildlife protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to animals, plants and other organisms living in their natural state (为防止或减少对动物、植物和生活在自然状态下的其它生物的伤害而采用的预防措施、程序及相关设备。)
野生植物保护区wildlife sanctuary 1. An area, usually in natural condition, which is reserved (set aside) by a governmental or private agency for the protection of particular species of animals during part or all of the year. 2. An area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and fishing is either prohibited or strictly controlled (1. 政府或私人机构为保护特定物种的动植物在部分或全年期间所保留(预留)的处于自然条件下的地区。2.指定为保护野生动植物的地区,在其范围内狩猎和捕鱼是禁止或严格控制的。)
野生植物栖息地wildlife habitat Suitable upland or wetland areas promoting survival of wildlife (促进野生动植物生存的适合的旱地或湿地。)
野生植物种群统计wildlife population statistics The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends (通过各种方法(如目视调查)收集的数据,以代表或估算任何野生动植物物种的大小,以达到如种群趋势分析之类的目的。)
野生wild animal Not domesticated animals living independently of man (独立于人类生存的非家养的动物。)
野生wild fauna Not domesticated animals living independently of man (独立于人类生存的非家养的动物。)
野生物区系wild fauna
野生物志wild fauna
陆上活land-based activity
陆地哺乳land mammal
食肉predator Animal which kills and eats other animals (杀死并吃掉其它动物的动物。)
食肉carnivore An animal that eats meat (食肉的动物。)
食肉用animal for slaughter Animals bred and killed for the production of food (饲养用来生产食物的动物。)
食虫insectivore Any placental mammal of the order Insectivora, being typically small, with simple teeth, and feeding on invertebrates. The group includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs (任何属于食虫目而有胎盘的哺乳动物,一般体型较小,具有简单的牙齿,以无脊椎动物为食物。此类动物包括鼩鼱,钱鼠与刺猬。)
驯养domesticated animal 1. Wild animal which has been trained to live near a house and not be frightened of human beings; 2. species which was formerly wild, now selectively bred to fill human needs (1. 野生动物经驯养,生活在房舍旁,不对人类构成威胁; 2. 最初是野生品种,后经选择性繁殖满足人类的需要。)
鲸目cetacean Aquatic mammals, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises (水栖哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚。)
鼬科mustelid A large, diverse family of low-slung, long-bodied carnivorous mammals including minks, weasels, and badgers; distinguished by having only one molar in each upper jaw, and two at the most in the lower jaw (一个大而多样化的低矮、长体形食肉哺乳动物科,包括水貂、黄鼠狼、獾等,特点是每一个上颌只有一个臼齿,在下颌最多两个。)