
Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles containing | all forms
一元化运unified sport
上下跳jump up and down
专业运娱乐表演professional sport entertainment
专门化的运中心specialized sport centre
体育initiative physical education
柔韧性训练active flexibility training
肌-对抗肌比agonist-antagonist ratio
运动active movement
久坐不的生活方式sedentary lifestyle
人体基本运形式elementary body movement
人类运哲学human movement philosophy
校际间付费体育活pay-to-play plan
休息与恢复活rest and recovery activity
休闲活参与者recreational participant
优势运能力dominant motor ability
优秀运elite athlete
优秀运员特征模型model of outstanding athlete's characteristics
体育休闲活physical recreation
体育活physical activity
体育活计划physical activity programme
体育活设施physical activity infrastructure
健康体育教育运health -related physical education HRPE movement
健康运wellness movement
全能运multi-event athlete
全自电子的fully automatic electrical
冒险运risk sport
赛前减小运taper down
作动力结构movement dynamics
作协调性movement coordination
作完成速度speed of execution
作技能教育skill education
作探索movement exploration
作教育movement education
作流程movement flow
作能力motor capacity
作自由与恢复freedom of movement and recovery
作观察movement observation
作词汇movement vocabulary
作课程movement curriculum
作连贯movement smoothness
作逆转reversal of movement
力灵活性dynamic flexibility
机激励原则principle of motivation
觉反馈kinaesthetic feedback
助力运assisted movement
参与participation motives
参加奥运会的运Olympic athletes
发力作扭矩motive torque
周期性运与耐力cyclic sport and endurance
商业性休闲活commercial recreation
国家运state tournament
国家运体系national sport system
垫上运exercise on mat
多功能运俱乐部multipurpose athletic club
多活计划取向multiactivity-program approach
大学休闲活计划university recreation program
妇女运women's movement
娱乐性运physical recreation
学生运student athlete
家庭体育活family physical activity
家庭健身活home-based fitness activity
小幅度small movement
心理作表象mental image of movement
训练法ideomotor method
抗运干扰技术anti-motion-interference technology
折叠hinged moment
swing up
动作pendular motion
操场活playground movement
教育改革运education-reform movement
无氧运anaerobic sports
智障奥林匹克运Special Olympics
校内体育活intramural sports
残障运员分级classification of disabled athletes
的无氧供能成分anaerobic component of activities
的有氧供能成分aerobic component of activities
范围range of motion
消除运性疲劳技术fatigue elimination technology
特殊奥林匹克运Special Olympics
短时多组活课程multiactivity curriculum
竞技运自治self-governance of competitive sports
训练器isokinetic apparatus
训练法isokinetic training method
精英运elite athlete
紧跟领先运maintain contact with the leaders
终生体育活lifetime physical activity
终生体育活lifespan physical activity
终生体育运lifetime sport movement
结伴活partner activities
耐力运endurance sports
职业运professional sportsman
自然运natural athlete
补偿性compensatory movement
休息passive rest
体育passive physical education
动作passive movement
柔韧性训练passive flexibility training
灵活性passive mobility
赛前提高强度减小运量小周期peaking and unloading microcycles
身体保持不remain stationary
身体活physical activity
能量rotational energy
速度turning speed
转换注意力活diversionary activity
创伤sports injury
医学检查sports medical examination
员主动参与active participation of athlete
员发育阶段athletic development stage
员的训练投入参与athlete involvement in training
员目标训练状态target training state of athlete
员等级athlete classification
员红血球溶解runner's haemolysis
员训练现实状态present training state of athlete
员选材athlete identification
成绩sport performance
技术athletic techniques
技术评价assessment of athletic techniques
技能sport skill
控制motor control
智能sport intellect
智能athletic intelligence
智能训练sport intellect training
极限limit of sports record
活动教学分析pedagogical kinesiology
灵活性kinetic mobility
状态诊断diagnosis of athlete's state
社会化socialization into sport
竞赛sport competition
系统sport system
经历motor experience
适应能力motor fitness
能力形成阶段athletic formation stage
行为sporting behaviour
训练sport training
训练athletic training
训练原则principle of sport training
训练学theories of sport training
训练水平sport training level
训练理论theories of sport training
训练的方法与手段means and methods of sport training
训练管理administration of sport training
训练计划sport training plan
训练过程sport training process
适应能力sport fitness
kinetic chain
sports team
通过户外探险开展的教育活adventure education
院际运intercollegiate sport
随后follow-through movement
随后作步follow-through step
青年运junior athlete
非专业运nonprofessional athlete
高水平运成绩饮食high-performance diet