
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
缴股份non-assessable stock
缴股份non-assessable capital stock
说明之分录blind entry
说明的分录blind entry
限制的货款non-tied loan
不再增信用贷款no more credit
不参opt out
不参分红的优先股non-participating preference share
不可押抵押closed mortgage (or bonds)
不可以自由入的海运同盟closed conference
不递信用状non-cumulative credit
不附条件的合同absolute ontract
世界银行认缴资本的增数字increases in subscriptions to the Bank's subscribed capital
勒比元East Caribbean Dollar
主动工贸易active improvement trade
以特别提款权计值的辛迪贷款SDR-denominated syndicated credits
僻地港附out port surcharge
免收航空附费的航空函件unsurcharged airmail correspondence
工成本cost of further processing
再保险附保费additional premium reinsurance
农业工品processed farm products
农业增value added of farm
农产品工业ventures in agroindustry
net markup
出 口工免税区export-processing free zone
出口工区manufacture and export zone (export processing zone)
出口商品工区manufacturing areas for export commodities
出货地计运费货品定价basing-point system (of pricing)
出货地计运费货品定价basing point system (of pricing)
分批batch processing
分段运费的combination of sectional charges
初定original mark up
到岸利息价格成本加保险费、运费及利息后的 价格cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价佣全价C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
到岸价关税的价CIF duty paid
到岸价关税的价cost, insurance, freight duty paid
到岸价兵险战争险在内价cost, insurance, freight and war risks
到岸价内河运费价CIF inland waterway
到岸价内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
到岸价内河运费价C.I.F. inland waterway
到岸价汇费利息价cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest
到岸价利息及目的壻价cost,insurance,freight,interst and port of destination CIFI port of destination
到岸价卸货价CIF landed terms
到岸价卸货价cost, insurance, freight landed terms
到岸价卸货价C.I.F. landed terms
到岸价战争险价C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks
到岸价汇费及到达目的港价CIFE port of destination
到岸价汇费及到达目的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
到岸价班轮费用价cost, insurance, freight liner terms CIF liner terms
到岸价结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared
到岸价结关费用价CIF cleared
到岸价格佣金cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价格佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价格佣金及利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
到岸价格内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
到岸价格利息价成本、保险费、运费加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价格卸货价成本、保险费、运费加卸货价C.I.F. landed
到岸价格战争险价成本、保险费、运费加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks
到岸价格战争险在内价C.I.F.W. payment upon arrival
到岸价格汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
到岸价格汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance freight and exchange
到岸价格班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
到岸价格结关费用价成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared
到岸价格进口关税价成本、保险费、运费加进口关税价C.I.F. duty paid
以说明make notations
make a raise
price markup
价取消mark-up cancellation
价取消markup cancellation
价契约条款up price clause
价或减价条款up or down a iteration of price clause
additional insurance
enter into a partnership with
入与退出的合伙人income and outgoing partners
入他人企业或国家之间已订立的合同公约的行为act of accession
入议定书adhesion to the protocol
勒比投资公司Caribbean Investment Corporation
勒比海自由贸易联盟Caribbean Free Trade Association
勒比自由贸易协会Caribbean Free Trade Association
"印"货币"stamped" money
压水pressurized wates
工交易processing deal
工出口export processing
工出口区manufacturing areas for export commodities
工出口区Export Processing Zone
工出口贸易improvement trade for export
工区zone for processing
工厂finished factory
工品processed goods
工商品processed commodities
工定做"one ofiT" production
工定货"one ofiT" production
工平台processing platform
工成本finished cost
工成本conversion cost
工标准processing criteria
工税农产品processing tax
工能力process capability
工贸易processing trade
工贸易processing deal
工贸易improvement trade
工费processing charges
工进口贸易improvement trade for import
工阶段process segment
工鱼肉processed fish and meat
快准备此货accelerate the preparation of the goods
快费已付express paid
快费已电汇付讫express paid by telegraph
快费已邮付express paid by post
急业务urgent service
急业务电话urgent service call
急新闻电报urgent presss
急电urgent cable
add-on interest
成率mark-up percentage
成率markon percentage
增加被拖船只taking in an additional tow
拿大专利Can pat Canadian patent
拿大元货币名Canadian Dollar
拿大元Can $
的股票拿大太平洋铁路股票Canadian Pacific RaHway Co.
拿大广播公司Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
拿大进口贸易商协会Canadian Importer's and Trader's Association
收利息interest surcharges
权平均复收益compound yield based on weighted average
权平均存货法weighted average inventory method
权平均实际利率weighted average effective interest rates
权平均法weighted averages method
权法weighted method
权法method of weighting
权相对值weighted relative values
权综值式weighted aggregates of value
增高标价mark on up
水移泊费shifting berth
油计划bunkering schedule
对轻泡货物运费加成additional light measurement cargo
注密押cipher (cypher)
班办法overtime arrangement
班时间over time
班费overtime cost
班费overtime pay
班费premium pay
班费charges for overtime
US盖戳记股票stamped shares UK, stalled stock
盖"邮资已付"的自动邮资盖印机franking machine
装货additional cargo
计费用carrying charge
贴印花need be stamped
载货additional cargo
throw in
速增长accelerated growth
速系数accelerator coefficient
重关税dual tariffs
劳动力参Labor force participation rate
即时参的保证合同immediate participation guarantee contract
与非参加优先股participating or non-participating preferred stock
义务履行的第三人person intervening
付款payment for honor
第三人付款payment by intervention
付款人payer for honor
participating country
国在国际货币基金中的准备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
"地洞中的蛇"体系的货币"snake" currency
开发进口develop-and-import scheme
承兑act of honour
承兑acceptance for honour
承兑acceptance for honor
承兑acceptance by intervention
承兑人acceptor for honor
票据的承兑人acceptor by intervention
承运人participating carrier
拒付或拒绝承兑汇票的付款payment for honor supra protest
机构participating agency
管理management participation
管理的优先股participating preference
经济活动人口economically active population
经济活动人口active population
经营management participation
蛇形浮动体系的国家"snake" country
诉讼third-party claim
诉讼人third-party claimant
诉讼方intervening party
运输participation in traffic
发票价运费invoice value plus freight
发行辛迪issuer syndicate
抵押open-end mortgage
可容 18 仑液体的小桶kilderkin
各项相同总计不一定相符details may not add to totals due to round
合同附条款additional clause to an agreement
名义上的增nominal increase
哥斯达黎科郎币名Costa Rican Colon
商业commercial processing
固定fixed weighting
固定薪水佣金salary plus commission
国外勤务foreign duty pay
国际辛迪银团贷款International Syndicated Loan
在新坡市场的天然橡胶的标准品质ribbed smoked sheet
在账户上增款项run up
地方附local surtax
地方附local surcharge
均可参open for accession by
upward adjustment
用涂改等欺骗手法了票面价值的支票raised cheque
或毛增加值value added gross value added
保险费increase of premium
单位产量vertical expansion
危险increase of risk
总股本决议general capital increase resolution
标准value added criterion
生产increase of production
贸易的作用trade creation effect
金额increased amount
销售量push up sales
increase in amounts
throw in
外汇附exchange supplementary duties
外运outward processing
大幅度增substantial increase
委托manufacturing consignment
委托processing deal
委托工外销processing deal for export
委托工贸易processing trade
工业制造成本或商业进货成本赚头以决定售价的方式cost -plus approach
工人限期入工会的工厂企业union shop
工原料processed material
工的原料processed material
已抵除之增balanced addition
年增价值value added annually
年数总折旧法sum-of-the-years-digits method
年数总数折旧depreciation sum of year digit
库存增increase in stocks
惩罚性附punitive surtax
成本一个百分数酬金合同cost plus a percentage fee contracts
成本价基础cost plus basis
成本保险价cost and insurance
成本货价保险费及运费价格C.I.F. price
成本cost plus a profit
成本利契约cost-plus contract
成本利润计价法cost plus pricing
成本固定数目酬金合同cost plus a fixed fee contract
成本固定费用合同cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
成本固定酬金cost plus fixed fee
成本奖金合同cost plus an award fee contracts
成本成基础cost plus basis
成本比例报酬合同cost plus percentage fee contract
成本比例报酬合同cost-plus-percentage-fee contract
成本费用承包商估价单cost plus fee
成本费用价格cost-plus price
成本运费价格cost and freight
成本运费价格C. and F. (cost and freight)
成本酬金cost plus fee
成本、保险费空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
成本、保险费运费cost, insurance and freight
C.I.F. net成本、保险费运费净价到岸价格净价cost, insurance, freight net
C.I.F. and C成本、保险费、运费佣金价到岸价格加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
成本、保险费、运费佣金及利息价到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight commission and interest C.I.F. and I
成本、保险费、运费关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid (C.I.F. duty paid)
成本、保险费、运费内河运费价到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway C.I.F. inland waterway
成本、保险费、运费利息价到岸价格加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest C.I.F. and I
成本、保险费、运费卸货价到岸价格加卸货价cost, insurance, freight landed terms C.I.F.landed terms
成本、保险费、运费战争险价到岸价格加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks C.I.F. and W
C.I.F. and E成本、保险费、运费汇费价到岸价格加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
成本、保险费、运费班轮条件到岸价格加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight liner terms C.I.F. liner tenns
成本、保险费、运费结关费用价到岸价格加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared C.I.F. cleared
成本最高限额酬金合同cost plus a fee with guaranteed maximum
战争险附费用additional expenses-war risks
所得附income tax surcharge
承保辛迪underwriting syndicate
按总值比例权法proportion of total value methods of weighting
按规定必须增mandatory increase
按贸易权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
按贸易额权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
提供附服务的租赁wet lease
提单上盖或加批的条嶽superimposed clauses in bill of lading
提单上盖或添上的加批条款superimposed conditions (in bill of lading)
提单上盖或添上的批注条款superimposed clause
摊销组合或集团,销售辛迪selling syndicate (or group)
收取附imposition of surcharge
收取附collection of additional charges
收取附imposition of surcharge
坡橡胶商会Singapore Chamber of Commerce of Rubber Association
新厂商的过分excessive entry of new firms
1980 日历年欧洲货币辛迪贷款Syndicated Eurocurrency Credits: Calendar, 1980
普遍参条款general participation clause
面向出口的工业部门more export-oriented industrial sector
服务地点差价调整数权平均数weighted average of post adjustments
入综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
工商品non-processed commodities
工的货物rough cargo (goods)
权平均数unweighted average
未参海运公会的航运业者non-conference operator
未参海运同盟的航运业者non-conference operator
未参经济活动人口inactive population
未参经济活动人口economically inactive population
未经工的货物rough cargo
来料工贸易trade of processing with customer’s materials
次要港口附minor port surcharge
欧洲货币辛迪贷款利息interest on syndicated Eurocurrency credits
欧洲辛迪股票指数Euro syndicate General Share Index
正税与附regular tax and additional tax (surtax)
每认缴一股增一票plus one vote for each share subscribed
法定statutory salary increase
海外工出口业off shore industry
存储器add-on memory
港口劳务法附surcharge according to port labour law
港口劳工法附surcharge according to port labor law
港口拥挤附port congestion surcharge
港口附port additional
港口附port surcharge
燃料附调整率bunker adjustment factor
燃料附bunker surcharge
牙买石油公司Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica
生产毛值的增gross value added
用外币计算的货价、保险费运费价C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency
皇家Imperial Gallon I. G.
直接成本酬金合同格式form of agreement-direct cost plus basis
直航附through service or direct additional
直航附direct additional
离岸运费价cost and freight
税则第 531 条附section 531 surtax
税收的具体增specific increases in taxes
糖果糕点processing of confectionary
累积权法aggregate-value method of weighting
累计权法aggregate-value method of weighting
累进附progressive surtax
经营低档商品以增销售量trading down
绕航添燃料deviation to take on fuel
给每一种商品上标签tag every item in the store
罢工追费用保险strike expenses insurance
罢工附费用保险strike expenses insurance
商业仲裁委员会Canadian-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美国United States Gallon
自由free entry
船上交货并理舱,固,捆扎FOB stowed secured, lashed
船体保险辛迪hull syndicate
哥交易所Chicago Board of Trade
哥商业交易所Chicago Mercantile Exchange
哥商品交易所Board of Trade
哥第一国家银行First National Bank of Chicago
苏伊士附Suez surcharge
被动工贸易passive improvement trade
西拿大运费同盟West Canada Freight Conference
要求追保证claim for additional securities
规定付佣金百分之……stipulate for …% overriding commission
计划成本报酬制合同target-cost-plus-fee contract
证明书盖戳记stamping of certificate
货价保险费在内的价格cost and insurance
货价运费价格C&F Price
货价运费价格cost and freight
货价运费价格C & F cost and freight
货价运费的价格cost and freight
货价运费的价格C.F. price
货价,保险空运费在内价cost, insurance, freight by plane
货价、保险费运费净价cost, insurance, freight net
货价、保险费运费净价C.I.F. net
货价、保险费运费在内的价格cost, insurance and freight
货价、保险费、运费佣金在内的价格C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission
货价,保险费、运费汇费利息在内的价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest
贷款辛迪lending syndicate
贸易权平均数trade-weighted average
费用净增数总额total net additional costs
费用附expense loading
超级热器spt. (superheater)
超重货物附extra charges on heavy lifts
超重附heavy lift additional
超长货物附extra charges on long length
超长附over length additional
转船附transhipment additional
较自由港更自由freer than a free port
辛迪投标syndicated tender
过境工贸易transit improvement trade
运价增tariff increase
运费战争险在内的价格C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks
运费滞期费freight and demurrage
运进inward processing
进口附primage duty
进口附import surtaxes
进口附import surcharge
进申口工区free trade zones
supplemental bill
关税入口税additional duty
关税additional duty
成本additional cost
所得税supplementary income tax
additional tax
贷款complementary financial facility
费用additional expenses
需求supplementary demand
选择卸货港和附optional destination and option fees
选港附optional additional
信用状cumulative credit
progressive tax
银行辛迪banking syndicate
销售辛迪selling syndicate
阻止自由入的障碍物barriers to free entry
价值added value
价格extra price
保费additional premium
保险accessory risks
保险投保effect an insurance
信贷supplemental credit
关税primage duty
利益人身保险additional benefit
危险additional perils
危险extraneous risks
合同accessory contract
契约accessory contract
人身保险意外保险supplemental accident insurance
批注superimposed notation
报酬added return
指标法additional indicator system
条件additional conditions
条文superimposed clause
福利工人除工资外的收入;如养老金;医疗津贴fringe benefit
surtax (supplementary tax)
supplementary taxes
additional tax
税调查表surtax supplementary tax survey
股息supplementary dividend
股息extra dividend
被保险人additional insured
被保险人additional assured
议定书additional protocol
购买义务的出售tie-in sale
cover charge
associate charge
费率after charge
费用additional expenses
运费additional freight
运费率additional rate
extraneous risks
accessory risks
风险additional risk
非参优先股non-participating preferred stock
非参优先股non-participating preference share
须付附subject to additional charges
额外additional markon
额外additional markon
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