
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一切争端通常遵照互谅互让的原则以处理Disputes are usually to be disposed of in accordance with the principle of mutual understanding and accommodation
一般工工业ordinary processing industries
上周旅店客房预定数急剧增Hotel bookings rose sharply last week
上面所规定的附费用是根据运费率来计算的The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates
控制的调整率the uncontrolled rate of adjustment
控制的调整率uncontrolled rate of adjustment
渲染的事实真相a sober truth
缴股份a non-assessable capital stock
缴股本nonassessable capital stock
限制地without stint
限制的贷款an untied loan
物价等不停地剧上升spiral (或下降)
不包括附Xri (ex right issue)
不参分红优先股non-participating preference share
不参分红的保险单non-participating policy
不参管理的合伙人silent partner
不参经营的合伙人silent partner
不可以自由人的海运同盟closed conference
不均衡的增unbalanced addition
物价的不断剧上升spiral (或下降)
不知是否有幸能邀请你来参我们的展览会?May we have the honor to invite you to attend our exhibition?
不累信用证noncumulative credit
不能匀支的增费用the non-absorbable incremental cost
加勒比地区通用货币名勒比元East Caribbean Dollar
丝绸手巾现在新坡市场上颇受青睐,兹供你方参考For your guidance n., we would inform you that the silk handkerchiefs are now preferred in the Singapore markets
serial addition
串并及校正法serial-parallel addition and correction
串行serial addition
为添燃料而绕航deviation to take on fuel
为黄金盖纯度印戳hallmark the gold
乘数一速数互相作用multiplier-accelerator interaction
买卖双方同意尽力促使快各项债务的更替Both the buyer and the seller agree to make every effort to expedite novations of the obligations
乳类工厂a milk processing factory
亚美利航空公司American Airlines
伤害之外又侮辱add insult to injury
伸缩成定价法flexible mark-up pricing
伸缩成定价法flexible markup practice
但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
你们能快生产的步伐吗?Can you accelerate the pace of production?
你方的义务和职责范围未经你方书面同意不得以改变The extent of your obligations and responsibilities shall not be modified without your written consent
你方能快完成那笔订单吗?Can you hurry up that order?
供应增increase of supply
免收附费的航空函件the unsurcharged airmail correspondence
全员参的生产维修制total productive maintenance
公司有业务方面的紧急需要,要求工厂增产量The business exigencies of the corporation required that the plant should increase the production
公司正准备增全体员工的福利待遇The company is planning to increase fringe benefits for all of its employees
公司销售总额已增15%The gross sales of the firm has increased by 15%
关税附customs fees
关贸总协定的设立是为了速商品流通GATT is designed to speed up circulation flow of commodities
内部工车间closed job shop
further processing
石油工的技术设备secondary plant
再不增信用贷款no more credit
再保险附保险费additional premium-reinsurance
再出口的中级the middle-stage processing for reexport
再出口的中级middle-stage processing for reexport
再制品经过工的产品processed product
再行additional subscriptions
农业附integration surtax
农民收人增income increase of the peasants
刀具模具制造 成本tooling cost
分期付款购货的附价格carrying charge
分等税收是按收入逐级增的税Graded tax is the one rising according to income
初期工业early-stage processing industry
初次prior processing
利息算法terms of interest
到岸佣金价格成本加保险费、运费及佣金后的 价格cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸佣金价格cost, insurance, freight & commission
到岸汇费价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange
到岸价格2%佣金cost, insurance, freight and 2% commission
到岸价格3%佣金cost, insurance, freight and 3% commission (货价、保险费、运费加结关费用价)
到岸价格佣金价cost, insurance, and freight and commission
到岸价格佣金价CIF and commission
到岸价格佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission & interest
到岸价格佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight commission and interest (货价、保险费、运费加佣金及利息)
到岸价格关税cost, insurance, and freight duty paid
到岸价格关税CIF duty paid
到岸价格内河运费cost, insurance, and freight inland waterway
到岸价格内河运费CIF inland waterway
到岸价格内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland water way (货价、保险费、运费加内河运费价)
到岸价格利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价格利息价cost, insurance, and freight and interest
到岸价格利息价CIF and interest
到岸价格卸货价cost, insurance, freight landed terms (货价、保险费、运费加卸货价)
到岸价格卸货条件cost, insurance, and freight landed terms
到岸价格卸货条件CIF landed terms
到岸价格战争险价cost, insurance, and freight and war risk
到岸价格战争险价CIF and war risk
到岸价格汇费价cost, insurance, and freight and exchange
到岸价格汇费价CIF and exchange
到岸价格汇费价格cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination (货价、保险费、运费及到目的港价)
到岸价格班轮条件cost, insurance, and freight liner terms (由卖方卸货)
到岸价格班轮条件CIF liner terms (由卖方卸货)
到岸价格班轮费用cost, insurance, freight liner terms (货价、保险费、运费、加班费用价)
到岸价格结关费用价格cleared cost, insurance, freight cleared (货价、保险费、运费和结关费用价)
到岸价格通关费cost, insurance, and freight cleared
到岸价格通关费CIF cleared
到岸价格、货价、保险运费价格cost, insurance & freight
到岸成本、运费、保险汇费价cost, freight, insurance and exchange
制造商附value added by manufacturer
包括追权一起购入call of more
包销辛迪underwrite syndicate
拿大石油公司North Canadian Oils
危机的exacerbation of crisis
后续downstream process
商品岀口工区manufacturing areas for export commodity
在…上加戳countermark (或副标签)
在圣诞节前夕购买热潮期间,商店的店员将要增The shop assistants will be supplemented during the Christmas rush
在抵押品上追的新债务future advance mortgage
地方附additional local tax
地方附local surtax
坐标法标号coordinate indexing
处罚性附punitive surtax
复利compound discount
信息additional information
外汇率下跌使海外销售额增Overseas sales have benefit-ed from the fall in the exchange rate
外运产品分享制或"外运加工"是指不同国家的企业为合作生产与销售某种产品做出的一种创新性安排; 外国企业把未完成或未组装的商品运到某国特殊贸易区,完成组装或制作后返回某些国家销售production sharing
外部来料工费processing expense arising from outside manufacture
多工序a multistage process
多工序multistage process
多用户产品附value-added multi client products
多米尼共和国的 Dominican Peso 多米尼加比索Dominican
多级multistage process
多道工型生产a multiprocess type of production
失业增growing unemployment
如有需要,卖主可在箱上注说明文字The seller can affix indicative information on the case if necessary
如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增奖金The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%
如果在合同中有明显的矛盾,我们应特别注意并以消除If there is obvious contradiction in the contract, we shall pay special attention and remove it
如果我们没有弄错的话,对我方产品的需求将会不断增If we mistake not, there will be an increasing demand for our products
如果有任何条款触犯我国的法律,这些条款务必除去或以修订If any of its provisions contravenes the laws of our country, such provisions should by all means removed or revised
如果要重新提交样品,则任何附测试的费用必须由你方负担In the event of the resubmission of samples you must bear the cost of any additional tests
如果需求持续增长,生产工能力将达到极限Processes will reach their capacity limit if demand continues to grow
£50租金、罚款raise the rent, fine to (50英镑)
将它们在消费者身上pass them on to consumer
将寄去保险附单一张,扩大保险范围把陆运险也包括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
就地the on-line processing
就工资和附津贴与工会达成的协议pay package
币值调整附currency adjustment surcharge
年数总折旧法depreciation-sum of year digit method
年数总折旧法sum-of-the-year's-digits method
年终year-end bonus
广东工出口区管理处Kwangtung Export Processing Zone Administration
当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员参培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
很遗憾,本合同有两个条款在现行法律下属不合法,不能以实施We regret to say that two provisions of this contract are illegal and unenforceable under the current laws
总值权法aggregate-value method of weighting
总值比例权法proportion of total value method of weighting
总增简写为GVAgross value added
总增算价百分法gross mark-on percentage
总经理只对增收益感兴趣The managing director is interested only in increasing profitability
成套工设备complete factory plant
成本、 保险费,运费战争险价,到岸价加兵险费cost, insurance, freight and war risks
成本、 保险费、运费汇费价,到岸价加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
成本保险cost and insurance (价)
成本保险费和运费的净价cost, insurance, freight net
成本cost markup
成本cost plus
成本利契约cost plus contract
成本利润cost plus a profit
成本利润合同cost plus profit contract
成本利润定价法cost plus pricing
成本固定附加费价cost plus fixed fee
成本固定附加费合同cost-plus fixed fee contract
成本定价法cost-plus pricing practice
成本成定价cost plus pricing
成本成定价法cost plus pricing practice
成本成计价cost plus
成本费用合同cost-plus contract
成本费用合用cost-plus contract
成本运费cost and freight (价)
成本 离岸运费价cost and freight
成本运费价cost and freight
成本运费价格目的港名称cost and freight named port of destination
成本运费保费、 加保战争险货到付款CIFW payment upon arrival
美国成本速回收制accelerated cost recovery system
成本cost additions
成本、保险空运费价,空运到岸价C. I. F. plane
成本、保险空运费价,空运到岸价cost, insurance freight by plane
成本、保险运费条件,到岸价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
成本、保险费运费价,到岸价格cost, insurance and freight
成本保险费运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
成本、保险费、运费净价,到岸净价C. I. F. net (无佣金)
成本、保险费、运费净价,到岸净价cost, insurance, freight net (无佣金)
成本、保险费、运费佣金价,到岸价加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
成本、保险费,运费佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
成本、保险费、运费关税价cost, insurance, freight, duty paid (C. I. F. duty paid)
成本、保险费、运费利息价,到岸价加利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
成本、保险费、运费利息及目的港费用cost, insurance, freight and port of destination
成本、保险费,运费到岸条件C. I. F. landed terms
成本、保险费,运费到岸条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价通关费C. I. F. cleared
成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价通关费cost, insurance, freight cleared
成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
成本增cost push
成本的a markup on cost
成本、运费佣金cost, freight and commission
成本、运费保险价cost, freight and insurance
我们付了保证参到底的保证金We paid the earnest money to guarantee our participation to the very end
我们利润的增与开支的下降是成比例的Our increase in profit is proportional to decline in overheads
我们发现合同草案中有些漏洞,应在签署之前以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
我们在新坡销售各类机械We sell various kinds of machinery in Singapore
我们将增生产以适应我方客户的需要We will gear up our production to meet the needs of our clients
我们将派史密斯先生为代表参谈判We will send Mr. Smith as delegate to the negotiations
我们将肯定快准备此货We will definitely accelerate the preparation of the goods
我们希望我们所做的能有助于强我们的关系We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations
我们希望本公司的新产品系列会增我们的市场份额We hope our new product range will boost our market share
我们必须增股东人数Well have to increase the number of shareholders
我们必须尽最大努力来增公司的营业额We must do our best to increase the company's turnover
我们有些子公司不愿意参投标Some of our affiliates refuse to tender a bid
我们给契约附一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我们要求你方取道经由新坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay
我们这种新产品在新坡受到好评This new product of ours are commented upon in warm words in Singapore
我公司出口产品品种已有所增The variety of our products for export has been broadened
我公司特委托 ABC 公司在新坡及其邻近地区销售化妆品We have now entrusted ABC company with the sale of cosmetics in Singapore and its neighbouring districts
我公司近年来的净收入大有增Our company's net income has improved a lot in recent years
我国有关部门对出口该特殊商品已限制The authorities of our country have placed restriction on the export of that special kind of commodity
我方制造品的某些特色应在说明书中以强调Some features of our manufactures should be in the description
我方对一切提交给我们的信息均严保密We hold all information submitted to us in strict confidence
我方将尽力快装运以及时满足你方要求We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
所有收到的款项由会计作为信托基金以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
打字员在星期日班有30美元额外报酬The typist had $30 extra pay for working on Sunday
承包商应将损坏或损毁的工程以重建或修理The contractor shall reconstruct of repair damaged or destroyed work
承包商按发票金额15%将此货投保The contractor insured the goods at invoice value plus 15%
技术变革的速率accelerated rate of technical change
把任务强在某人头上saddle sb. with a task
把自己的意志强work one's will upon
投资速原理accelerator principle of investment
投资速理论accelerator theory of investment
持有财产所带来的费用如税款等,分期付款购货等的价格carrying charge
按基期固定fixed weight at the base period
按成本成及再出售价计算法cost-plus and resale method
按比率增scale up
按照新增就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平the average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C. I. F. liner terms)
按资历增的工资longevity pay
挑选出某人以特殊训练single sb. out for special training
捐税增tax hike
捕渔工船fishing factories and carriers
支付保费payment of additional premium
政府不干涉的经济no-government economy
散装货船上交货平舱费价格free on board and trimmed
散装货船上交货理舱费价格free on board and stowed
数量权法physical-quantity method of weighting
数量的附限制residual quantitative restriction
数量附限制residual quantitative restriction
是否参投资insistence upon equity participation
是否参经营insistence upon participation in management
普通参条款general participation clause
暂时游离的追货币temporary released additional value
最初工部分first piece
最后final touches
最适当的价率optimal rate of mark-up
最适当的卡特尔价率optimal cartel mark-up rate
最适当的垄断optimal monopoly mark-up
有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本佣金合同建造的Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts
有时工程的一项变动会导致增或缩减工程服务Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services
工商品the non-processed commodity
权平均数the unweighted mean
权平均数the unweighted average
未参经济活动的人口inactive population
未参职业活动的人a non-active person
未经工的货物rough cargo (goods)
本公司依拿大法律凭照经营The corporation is chartered under the laws of Canada
本合同中的条款应以缩减和限制Provisions of this contract shall be curtailed and limited
本契约中所列条款均应由有关当局以审批The terms contained in the deed should be approved by the appropriate authority
机会成本增increasing opportunity cost
机械machining operation
权利和利益可以用一种确定的表现形式以转让The right and interest can be transferred in a definite form of embodiment
来料process buyer's materials according to their designs
来料value adding processing (assembling)
来料processing on order
横的辛迪horizontal syndicalization
次要港口附the minor port surcharge
欢迎你们直接或间接地参我们的研究工作You are welcome to directly or indirectly take part in our research work
正在增on the increase
正式参full participant
此次延误会增我方的费用This delay will cause us an increase in cost
水灾赈济附flood relief surtax
流动working stock
海关封物品articles under customs seal
消费者需求的增increase in consumer demand
等级cumulative scale
渐次增roll up
港口劳工法附surcharge according to port labour law
pa' anga
牙买Jamaican dollar (币名)
牙买协定Jamaica Agreement
物价综合weighted aggregate of prices
生产、工过程manufacturing process
生产成本奖励一共的费用cost-plus-incentive fees
由于需求增,我们正努力加速生产最新式样的服装As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions
由于需求增,销售量上升Due to the increase in demand the sales advanced
由盈亏增的资产additions to property through surplus
汇票的参承兑intervention for (honour)
真正人口自然增true or intrinsic rate of natural increase
社会平均工盈利率rate of profit on the average processing costs in society
票据贷款收利息additionally collected interest on loans and bills
税收自然增natural increase in tax revenue
税率按工程度滑动the escalation of tariff according to the degree of processing
空邮附airmail surtax
rough cut
利息指逾期不付追加利息cumulative interest
寄存器an accumulator register
进位the accumulative carry
累积成本cumulative mark-on
累积收益储备的附利息interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve
罢工附additional expense-strike
美国一拿大自由贸易协定United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
美国的勒比地区倡议Caribbean Basin Initiative
美国的勒比地区经济复兴法案Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
职务duty allowance
联合致力于销售,勘探、工和资金筹措joint efforts for marketing, exploitation, processing and financing
肉类工业meat industry
船上交货佣金价free on board and commission
船籍附flag surtax
船舶保险辛迪hull syndicate
萨哈林一阿拉斯地区咨询组Sakhalin-Alaska Consulting Group
西拿大石油会计师协会Petroleum Accountant Society of Western Canada
要求ask for a raise
要求添call or more
要求追担保claim for additional security
货价保险cost and insurance
货价运费发票invoice cost and freight invoice
货价、保险费空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
货币的追需求the added demand for money
货币贬值附surcharge devaluation surcharge
货物应通过样品,或计划及图纸来以说明The goods should be described either by sample, or by plans and drawings
质量要求应在协议中详细地以说明The quality requirements should be detailed in the agreement
贬值附devaluation surcharge
贸易权平均trade-weighted average
贸易权重估率trade-weighted revaluation rate
资本capital augmenting
资本capital deepening
资本值增the accretion to the capital
资本值增accretion to the capital
资本增capital deepening
资本增the accretion to the capital
资本补capital addition
资本追capital addition
资本需要作为入的障碍物capital requirements as bar to entry
赞成入共同市场者common marketeer
超时补overtime premium
超过原工资半倍的班工资time and a half
超重货物附extra charges on heavy lift
超长货物附extra charges on lengthy cargo
超长附the long or over length additional
辛迪投标a syndicated tender
辛迪贷款a syndicate loan
辛迪银行业务the syndicate banking
辛迪项目syndicated program
选择卸港附optional additional
逐步增的退休金accrued retirement benefit
佣金the commission on a sliding scale
运费法freight allowed
美国阿拉斯北坡原油Alaska North Slope oil
美国阿拉斯石油承包商Alaska Petroleum Contractors
阿拉斯系统协调委员会Alaskan Systems Coordination Council
美国阿拉斯能源管理局Alaska Power Administration
价值the added value
价值value added (added value)
价值分析added value analysis
保险policy of insurance
保险费additional premium (水险)
信贷supplier credit
借款additional facility
利息add-on interest
利润税supplemental profit tax
美国利润税additional profits tax
利率add-on rate
危险the additional peril
因素additional factors
工资the extra wage
工资extra pay
意外保险supplemental accident insurance
成本capacity associated cost
数额the supplement amount
条件side condition
条件的信贷tied credit
条款soft clause
条款side clause
生活费additional living expenses
石油税supplemental petroleum tax
矿区使用费权益overriding royalty interest
福利费用fringe benefit cost
addition to the tax
extra duty
super tax
tax surcharge
税调查the surtax survey
要求fringe demand
设计能力additional planning capability
诉讼supplemental proceedings
诉讼supplementary proceedings
误差additional error
safety loading
某些国家中饭店等的cover charge
extra charge
additional expense
费用extra expense
资金contribution of capital
配额additional quota
限制residual restrictions
extraneous risk
supplementary amount
股票限额预托倍买卖option to double
隐伏implicit weighting
需付附subject to additional charges
需求量增increase in the quantity demanded
厚的non upset
工工业生产nonmanufacturing activity
非动力之附unearned appendage
非参性公司债券a non-participating bond
非参性股non-participating stock
非常情况下快折旧the emergency amortization
非洲、勒比和太平洋地区国家集团Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries
预先prior processing
预算修正案追预算budget amendment
预计的附ex ante surcharges
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