
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
交易成/失败trading success/failure
公司公布信息查询corporate announcement information enquiry function
初步成initial success
能的转移subdelegation of function
能资本家entrepreneurial capitalist
咨询advisory function
奖励成rewarding of success
市场价格发现market price discovery function
市场的资源配置resource allocation function of the market
想成但已失败的公司were-to-be hero company
发行证券hot issue 的同义词out the window
的经纪人big producer
的范例successful example
的风险管理successful risk management
者的诅咒公司 IPO时,不论开始发行量是多少,只要需求大于公司股票供给,就只能在固定的发行价格下按比例分配该公司的股票; 如果用于拍卖交易,是指中拍者也许要付出高于一般交易的价格winner's curse
投资成概念investment success concepts
投资成的要诀investment success concepts
抱着成希望的新公司wannabe hero company
接管竞价成takeover bid success
new efficacy
替代substitution function
有限-能批发商limited function wholesaler
查询未成unsuccessful enquiry
特殊能公司special purpose vehicle
目标控制control-oriented function
稽核audit function
累积分配cumulative distribution function
组织organizing function
综合能银行体系universal banking system
资金调剂funds adjusting function
适者生存的市场market function of survival of the fittest