
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
中间包front wall of tundish
估计值advance estimates
保温preheated forehearth
倾动jarring forehearth
倾动式tipping forehearth
倾动式tipping fore hearth (化铁炉的)
倾动式tilting forehearth (化铁炉的)
兑铁水废钢温度temperature of scrap prior to charging hot metal
冲击波沿shock-wave front
冲击波沿shock front
冲击波波shock front
冲天炉的cupola receiver
冲杆进速度speed of punch advance
凝固沿solidification front (The dissolved oxygen in steel combines with carbon to give carbon monoxide gas, which is released at the solidification front. 钢中的溶解氧与碳结合生成的一氧化碳气体在凝固前沿逸出。)
凝固沿solidifying front
凝固沿solidified front
凝固沿solidification front
出钢最后试验final tapping test
出铁的一次出渣casting flush
切割机辊道pre cut-off table
切头剪辊道crop shear approach table
刮刀leading edge of cut-off bar
刮刀leading edge
刮料板leading edge of cut-off plate
刮料板leading edge
齿轮刀具protuberance cutter
一孔型道次previous pass
一孔型previous pass
一炉preceding heat (次)
一炉异钢种钢水old grade (【参】在连铸专业中有时作"前一炉(异钢种)钢水"解,)
一炉正在浇注的异钢种钢水old grade of steel being cast (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
一道次previous pass
之泵backing pump
伸量lead (穿孔顶头的)
余角front clearance
倾焊angle forwards welding
倾翻斗车front tipper
刮刀leading edge
压力挤压extrusion with front pressure (法)
压力挤压法extrusion with front pressure
后均为漏斗形的铜质薄衬板thin copper linear plate with funnel shape on both front and rear sides
作业线的后设备terminal equipments
forward direction
向力forward force
向散射forward scattering
fore well
front wall (炉子等的)
炉子墙坡砌体front bank brickwork
墙坡砌体front bank brickwork
墙支柱buck stave
墙砖垛door jamb
墙衬里front lining
屏蔽front screen
鼓风炉external reservoir
鼓风炉external settler
化铁炉的iron receiver
鼓风炉的external crucible
furnace vessel
fore well
鼓风炉external crucible
床台front bed
床排空forehearth draining
开式压力机open front press
张力forward pull
张力outlet tension
张力forward tension
张力front tension
张力front pull
张力coiler tension
拉拔forward drawing
支泵backing pump
支泵fore pump
散射角forward scattering angle
期降水指标antecedent precipitation index
机架front platen
fore plate
横梁breast beam
段过程设备upstream process equipment
fore well
沿front edge
沿前流气相色层分离gas frontal chromatography
沿分析frontal analysis
沿面front face
roughing pump
speed gain
forward slip
slip forward in advance
forward slip
slip forward in advance
forward flow
滑区forward slip zone
滑区zone of slippage on the delivery side
滑区zone of slippage on delivery side
滑角advance angle
滑角advance angle
滑速率front slip rate
iron receiver (化铁炉的)
receiver (化铁炉的)
casting shoe
移区advance zone
空气擦拭器front air wiper equipment
head end
leading end (带卷,线圈的)
front end
端反应front reaction
端墙front end wall (炉子等的)
端处理机front end (processor)
端装载机front end loader
级泵rough pump
级真空primary vacuum
级真空backing space
级管道fore line
刮料板leading edge
fore pump
置出发信号advance starting signal
置警告信号advance warning signal
表面镜front surface mirror
视图front view
rake angle
触点front contact
部的front edge
travelling sound wave
traveling sound wave
向前forehand welding
表面进旋转火焰淬火法combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening
进旋转火焰淬火法combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening
气焊进法forehand technique
送料压力机front loading press
送料压力机front loading press
部工序upstream process
部工序upflow operation
部工艺设备upstream process equipment
闸门early gate
隔离板front screen
front surface
馈自适应系统feedforward adaptive system
化铁炉cupola receiver
化铁炉cupola forehearth
化铁炉炉cupola furnaceman
单位张力specific front tension
反应reaction front
已使用的金属prehistoric metal
后挖卸式挖装机back hoe front end loader
运行forward running
道次odd-numbered pass
道次odd numbered pass
道次forward pass
道次forward pass
喷煤pre-PCI (的)
固定式stationary forehearth
在…之前prior to...
坯料楔形billet nose
plastic front
射击瞄准时间dead time
小方坯楔形billet nose
屈服应变preyield strain
屈服微应变preyield microstrain
屈服微应变preyield micro-strain
带卷张力轧机coiler tension rolling mill
张力带卷轧机coiler tension rolling mill
炉的冲天炉reservoir cupola
炉的冲天炉receiver cupola
炉的化铁炉tank cupola
炉的化铁炉reservoir cupola
炉的化铁炉receiver cupola
带卷镀锡的预整矫直、切边、焊接、检查作业线coiling line
带卷镀锡的预整作业线coil preparation line
带材leading strip end
带钢端检测器strip front end detector
带钢轧厚度ingoing gauge of strip
带钢轧厚度incoming thickness of strip
文件current file
行指示字current line printer
成品former pass
成品孔型leading pass
成品孔型former pass
成品孔型penultimate pass
成品孔型leader pass
成品孔型断面leading pass section
成品孔型断面leading pass section
成品机座leading stand
成品机座的轧辊leader rolls (横列式轧机的)
横列式轧机成品预精轧机座的轧辊pony rolls
成品预精轧机座的轧辊leader rolls
成品机架leading housing
成品机架的轧辊pony rolls (横列式轧机的)
成品椭圆孔型leading oval pass
成品预精轧机座leader stand
成品再preparatory pass
成品再strand pass
成品再孔型preparatory pass
成品再孔型strand pass
成品再孔型preleader pass
成品再孔型preparatory pass
拉拔的预处理pretreatment for drawing
开启advanced opening
警报advance warning
收缩的扩张preshrinkage expansion
收缩膨胀preshrinkage expansion
墙平炉H I. furnace
墙平炉HI furnace
最佳结晶器超量设定值optimum set-point for mold lead
主要工作辊道front main mill table
主要工作辊道front main table
downside (三辊式机座的)
ingoing side
entry side
front side
down side
工作辊道front mill table
工作辊道front table
推床导板front side guard
摆动升降台front tilting table
操纵台ingoing control post
辅助工作辊道front auxiliary table
辊道mill approach table
输人辊道ingot receiving table
输人辊道mill run-in table
输人辊道ingoing table
输入辊道mill run-in table
输入辊道ingot receiving table
板坯边楞lead edges of slab
楔形nosed (送轧坯料的)
水冷water-cooled forehearth
活动式mobile fore hearth
活动式mobile forehearth
浸出处理pre-leaching treatment
浸出处理pre-leaching operation
浸出溶液head solution
渗透permeation front
火焰flame front
火焰缘线line of flame front
火焰缘速度flame front speed
火焰锋区flame front zone
火焰锋线line of flame front
出渣front flushing (指从平炉炉门坎出渣)
分析on-the-spot sample analysis
吊车casthouse crane
吊车casthouse crane
EAF worker (电炉的)
front side crew (集体)
furnace attendant
furnace tender
furnace operator (With the infra-red slag detection system all furnace operators are able to detect slag in steel stream at tap in a precise way, independent of their skill level or visibility conditions during the tap. 使用红外测渣系统时,所有的炉前工,不论其技术水平高低或出钢时环境能见度状况优劣,都能精确对出钢钢流裹渣进行测定。)
converter worker (转炉的)
blast furnace worker (高炉的)
forehearth operator
hearth attendant
blast furnace man (高炉的)
front side crew
blast furnace operator (高炉的)
工具keeper's tools
工具keeper's tools
工助手keeper helper
工助手keeper helper
工小组furnace crew
快速分析bath analysis
操作casthouse operation
操作工forehearth operator
料斗furnace hopper
料斗furnace bin
高炉机械machinery in casthouse
机械machinery in casthouse
混铁罐forehearth mixing ladle
班组furnace crew
班组front side crew
班组casthouse crew (高炉的)
用大锤sledge hammer
furnace screen
筛下粉矿preskip fines
筛下粉矿pre-skip fines
筛下返矿preskip returns
筛下返矿pre-skip returns
筛下返矿槽preskip returns bin
试样分析on-the-spot sample analysis
辊道charging roller table
返矿槽bin for pre-skip returns
返矿槽pre-skip returns bin
炉料人炉的料面形状existing burden surface profile
点火负压preignition suction
烧嘴front of burner
烧结带flame front
thermal front
热修时构筑的hot front wall
加工preweld treatment
处理preweld treatment
清理preweld cleaning
清理preweld cleaning
预热时间preweld interval
熔融金属hot metal receiver
电热electrically-heated settler
电镀清洗cleaning for electroplating
他正在经营一个小钢厂即加拉廷钢公司Now he's running a minimill
当前 文件current file
文件current file
相位超leading in phase
破断扭转次数number of twists before fracture
破断的循环次数number of cycles before fracture
精轧孔型leader pass
精轧的带钢洁净度cleanliness of strip prior to finishing rolling
终拔尺寸common draw size (退火、铅淬火钢丝或先镀后拔的镀锌、镀锡钢丝的)
终拔尺寸common draw size
终拔尺寸base size (退火、铅淬火钢丝或先镀后拔的镀锌、镀锡钢丝的)
终拔尺寸base size
结晶器超mold lead (【技】在负滑脱期间结晶器超前于铸坯的距离。)
结晶器超量范围mold lead range
罗布尔说:"1982年在我们生产钢梁之,进口量约占市场的41%""Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble.
蓄热室checker front wall
裂纹缘形状crack front shape
裂缝缘形状crack front shape
装料台输送机conveyer to loading table
位错emissionary dislocation
开启advanced opening
angle of lead
厚度incoming thickness
厚度ingoing thickness
厚度ingoing gauge
厚度entry thickness
带钢incoming strip
带钢entry strip
带钢incoming steel strip
带钢entry steel strip
板坯initial slab
管材直径entry tube diameter
轧件front of rolled material
轧件front of piece
轧件轧厚度initial thickness of rolling material
轧件轧厚度initial stock height
轧制slip forward in advance
轧机后工作辊道front and back mill tables
轧机推床导板front side guard
轧机操作台ingoing control post
转变奥氏体preexisting austenite
过滤器设坝的中间包tundish with dam in front of filter
还原净化prereduction purification
连续出铁forehearth for continuous tapping of hot metal (① The Smelt Reduction Vessel is equipped with a forehearth for continuous tapping of hot metal. 熔融还原炉装备一个连续出铁前炉。②The forehearth for continuous tapping of hot metal can maintain an optimum bath level within the SRV. 连续出铁前炉能将熔融还原炉内的熔池液位保持在最佳水平。)
退火松开的带卷loose coil
退火松开的带卷expanded coil
金属forward creep (轧制时金属的)
钢丝绳拉伸试验破断的伸长elongation in rope tensile test to fracture
薄板镀锡酸洗tin pickling
项目item advance
顺料流萃取级数forward extraction stage
风口front of tuyere
风口沿front of tuyere
风口沿nose of tuyere
风口火焰温度tuyere nose flame temperature
风口raceway flame temperature
高炉风口燃烧区绝热火焰温度raceway adiabatic flame temperature
风口燃烧带raceway combustion zone (【技】风口前燃料燃烧发生气化的区域。它包括氧化区和还原区。燃烧带中有自由氧 O₂ 存在的区域称为氧化区。从自由氧消失到 CO₂ 消失的区域称为还原区。由于燃烧带是高炉内唯一存在氧化气氛的区域,因此亦称氧化带。)
风口tuyere snout (风口突出炉内的部分)
风口nose of tuyere
高炉操作瞻性最佳策略optimum strategy for future BF operation
高炉炉事故casthouse accident
高炉炉操作casthouse work
高炉炉操作casthouse operation (【技】在高炉出铁场及风口、渣口工作平台进行的以出铁、出渣为主要内容的一系列工作。)
鼓风炉blast furnace settler