
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个月议定书确认了工厂的技术附件The protocol confirmed the technical appendix for plant a month ago
一直到满期都带有利息interest to maturity
一般来说,制成的货品在发货要经过一些严格检验Generally speaking, the manufactured goods undergo strict examinations before dispatch
不保水运的风险no risk till water bound
不可支配的non-controllable premises
不容否认,这批大豆在装船未经仔细检査There is no denying the fact that the soybeans had not undergone a careful inspection before shipment
不得追溯到以的订货not to be backdated to any previous order
不能提偿还的条件uncallable conditions
不能提收回的公司债券uncallable bonds
不能支配的non-controllable premiss
与合同条款相符,供货商必须在7月交货The supplier, coincident with the stipulations of the contract, has to deliver the goods before July
与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达完成All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert
两天,我们中止了关于这些进口商品质量低劣的争执We had hiatus in our dispute over the inferior quality of the imported goods two days ago
为了在装运给货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector
为眼利益牺牲长远利益sacrifice future good for present gain
为解决这一问题,我方将派代表去进行检査In order to settle this question, we will send a representative to carry out the inspection
买断工龄提退休early retirement buy out
in advance
储蓄对事后储蓄ex-ante vs ex-post saving
分析ex-ante analysis
可替代的ex-ante substitutable
声明advance directive
成本管理the motivation cost control
收益率ex ante rates of return
机率probability a prior
的储蓄ex ante saving
的欺诈the fraud in limine
五年该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery
五月份必须装船,否则我方就赶不上销售季节了Shipment has to be made before May, otherwise we are not able to catch the season
交易所交割日的一天ticket day
交货付款payment before delivery
交货付现cash before delivery
交货检査pre-delivery inspection
产品出厂要检验We check each product before it leaves the factory
产品在出厂都应经过检査Products should be inspected before leaving the factory
从"门" 进行at the front door (公开市场业务活动)
他两年毕业于一家商学院He graduated from a business college two years ago
他们发现他在叙述中有很多后矛盾的地方They found a lot of inconsistencies in his account
他们想利用当市场情况,以高价出售货物They are trying to take advantage of the present market conditions to sell at high prices
他们把货搬进几天就空出的仓库They moved the goods into the warehouse which had been vacated several days before
他们目经营厨房用具They are dealing in kitchen implements at present
他们相信我方会作一切必要安排,提交货They trust that we will make all necessary arrangements advance the delivery
他们难于为其目的发展计划筹措资金They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme
他已提完成他的任务He has fulfilled his task ahead of time
他的话严重地背离了他以许下的诺言What he said is a gross departure from the promise made by him before
无佣金no commission until paid
付息 、纳税、折旧和摊销收益earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization
付息和纳税收益earnings before interest and taxes
付息的税收益earnings before interest and taxes
年度收益更正数correction of prior year's earnings
的水准the former level
的水准former level
的经历previous history
以当的市场情况为根据the base on the ruling market
以预付款形式提供的收获贷款pre-season loans in the form of advances
估计费用在业主付款以已用证明文件证实Documentary evidence prior to payment by owner had already substantiated estimated expenses
你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从供应给我方的完全相同The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us
你方 4 月 20 日或以来电接受此还盘为有效This counter offer remains open for your acceptance by telex on or before April 20
你方应在事支付部分费用You should pay the costs in part before hand
你方必须在合同期满及时付款You must pay in time before the lapse of the contract
保证提完成任务pledge oneself to fulfilling the task at time
借契中规定借款人提还款的权力anticipation right
债券条款提兑回call provision on bonds
债权人在允许企业贷款之,必须考虑这家企业的财力Creditors must consider the financial strength of a business before permitting it to borrow funds
偿还之before payout
的利润previous profit
的报价和日期previous quotation and date
的法律prior laws
的积累previous accumulation
的职业previous office
社会经济形态older socio-economic formation
装运prior shipment
信贷分析5要素公司管理人和股权人、借款目的、还款能力、还款保障、贷款景展望People, Purpose, Payment, Protection, Perspective
公司纳税利润corporate profit before tax
公司纳税利润corporate profits before after taxes
决定购买的调查、审计due diligence
利税before interest and taxes
利税净现金流net cash flow before interest and tax
到期付款the prematurity payment
到期已付的票据paid bull
到期的背书the endorsement before due
到期的贷款pre-matured loan
到目为止to date
到站交货费用已付delivered free to destination
前后后up and down
卫公司edge corporation
后一致的估计consistent estimate
后向合并制造业在原料供应和产品销售方面的一体化backward and forward integration
后法before and after project
后论证the argument back and forth
后论证argument back and forth
向合并forward integration
向和后向联动forward and backward linkage
向扩展forward integration
向联动forward linkage
向联锁效果forward linkage effect
导指标leading indicator
尖舵fore peak tank
届前期last-half year (or term)
the morning session
年收益更正correction of prior year's earnings
手背书prior endorser
minor proposition
提条款preamble class
方仓库a quay shed
景调査anticipation survey
preceding month
月末平均单价法method of average price at the close of the preceding month
previous period
last term
期决算the preceding settlement
期投资大的计划front-loading project
期损益profit and loss from the previous period
期收益调整adjustment o£ earning of prior period
期服务费prior service cost
期结转余额the balance brought over from the last account
期股利preceding dividend
期股息the preceding dividend
期调整prior-period adjustments
期退休金费用支出past service costs
次装运prior shipment
欧洲社会主义经济缩写为FSEformerly socialist economies of Europe
甲板a fore deck
瞻性forward looking
站计算机a front-end computer
续工业the upstream industry
fore hatch
行作业previous office
资本家previous capitalist
gain ground
进速度贷款利率rate of advance
门交易front door operation
页滚转brought over
馈系统feedforward system
结算a morning clearing
卖方对食品市场的景过于悲观The sellers are unduly pessimistic about the future of the food market
卖方的销售条款与一次的购货订单的条款相比没有抵触的地方The seller's terms of sale are not in conflict with the terms of previous purchase order
危机结束,他们不会进入市场They will not go into the market until the crisis is over
双方在本协议生效日已有的全部权利应不受到损害All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired
双方都同意签定代理协议的题是保证起码的交易额Both parties agree that the premise to the signing of the agency agreement is the guarantee of minimum turnover
发货试验predelivery test
发运检査the pretrip inspection
取消unsay one's words
取消以的承诺cancellation of previous commitments
取消以订货cancel former order
变数置时间variable lead time
合同履行未到期的违约breach of contract before performance is due
合同签约,我们必须估计有关的总花费Before signing the contract we must get an estimate of the total costs involved
合同签订之所作的口头说明没有约束力Oral explanation given before the award of the contract will not be binding
the same
拉丁idem (the same)
同行中的senior of a profession
安排进度法forward scheduling
纵向兼并forward vertical merger
转嫁shifting forward
连锁forward linkage
连锁效果forward linkage effect
向后推算进式算法forward pass calculation
启运检査pre-shipment inspection
装运prior to (shipment)
在... 以pending
ahead (的)
任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office
ahead (的)
门进行公开市场业务活动at the front door
某人同意等提下on the premise of (one's agreement, etc.)
在与客户商谈之,他们还不能作出决定They cant come to a decision until they have talked with their clients
在另行通知until further notice
在合同到期之,合同签署人不应推卸根据本合同应承担的任何义务、责任和职责The undersigned will not be relieved from any of their obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under the contract before its expiration
在圣诞节夕购买热潮期间,商店的店员将要增加The shop assistants will be supplemented during the Christmas rush
在开舱卸货支付before breaking bulk
在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
在承运代表面检验survey held in the presence of the carrier's agent
在期限日之偿还the redemption before due date
在结算日期之该选择权不得行使The option is not exercisable prior to the closing date
在装运发生occur prior to shipment
在设法建新车间之,你必须先把各项计划提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
在调查终止之,他不得辞去财务主任的职务He was not permitted to resign from his post as finance director before the termination of investigation
增值之投资unescalated investment
如卖方判断买方的财务能力已削弱时卖方可要求发货之先行支付现款The seller can require cash payment before shipment if he judges that the buyer's financial responsibility becomes impaired
如能赐给有关当此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation
学龄儿童总数preschool-age population
盘问the fishing expedition
就此两者之间,我愿选择Of these two alternatives I prefer the former
尽管我们很想提发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity
工业的向联动forward linkage of industry
工作序期间process period
今年市场景比去年的好Prospects for the market are better than those of last year
10年他在伦敦商务参赞处工作过He worked in the Commercial Counsellor's Office in London ten years ago
开发期经营研究pre-development operations studies
开发筹备活动the predevelopment activity
式样过时的服装目在市场上很难销售The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present
使用价值current use value
农业与农村问题current agricultural and rural problems
市场不景气The market was flat at present
的价值present value
的需要current demand
影响impact forecast
影响impact outlook
很抱歉,我方目不能发货We regret our inability to effect shipment at present
必须指出,装船我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened
总的经济overall economic perspective
成立公司、设立登记前利润profit prior to incorporation
我们不缺当市场情况的资料We are not lacking in information on the current market situation
我们会在装船完毕一周电告你方船名We will advise you by cable the name of vessel a week before completion of the loading
我们会尽最大努力提装船We will do our best to advance shipment
我们会替贵公司提定好足够的舱位We will book sufficient shipping space for you in advance
我们允许你方5月1 日修改建议的部分内容We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1
我们发现合同草案中有些漏洞,应在签署之加以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
我们对以上各项商品均无兴趣The above articles are of no interest to us at present
我们将在五月底发货We would like to have the goods shipped before the end of May
我们将继续进行以的代表开始进行的业务谈判We are going to continue the business negotiations initiated by the former representatives
我们已找到令人满意的办法解决目的资金问题We have found a satisfactory solution to the present problem of fund
我们很可能会接受一种建议We are likely to accept the former proposal
我们期待 5月1曰收到你方对我们询价的答复We expect to receive your reply to our enquiry by May 1
我们注意到目有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
我们现有产品的质量保证与我们以产品的质量完全相同The quality of our current product is guaranteed totally equal to that of our previous product
我们真诚希望30天展期有助于你摆脱当困境We earnestly hope that the extension of 30 days will help you out of your present embarrassment
我们答应了提装船We are commit ted to advance shipment
我们给目可供产品开了一份清单We listed our products available at present
我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目的问题得到解决We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved
我们认为目的形势不会阻碍我们的发展They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development
我们阅读并理解了述条件,同意完全执行这项订单We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full
我已计算出截止到 10月份这5个月的销售量I counted up the sales for the five months to October
我方在以的一封信中,已把这种安排通知你方了We informed you of this arrangement in one of our previous letters
我方在提交报价将先派出代表Our reps will be sent in advance of our submitting the quotations
我方通常在装运仔细检査货物The goods are carefully examined in the usual way before shipment
截至目为止的摊销the amortization to date
所得税收入before income tax
所有投标人应在1999年7月29日递交标书All bidders should submit their bids before July 29,1999
扣除特殊项目净收入net income before extraordinary items
投产费用preoperating expenses
投产资金成本preproduction capital cost
投资分析preinvestment analysis
投资基金the preinvestment fund
投资援助the preinvestment assistance
投资时期pre-investment phase
投资活动a preinvestment activity
投资活动prein vestment activity
投资的研究preinvestment study
投资的研究pre-investment study (survey)
投资研究的酬劳金commission of preinvestment studies
投资研究费用cost of pre-investment studies
投资计划项目pre-investment project
投资资本支出preproduction capital expenditures
折旧净利net profit before depreciation
抵押贷款必须在赎回日或赎回日之偿还The mortgage loan must be redeemed on or before the redemption date
按以条件the terms as usual
move up
in advance
一年通知可提取的withdrawable at one year's notice
付款make payment before hand
付款信用证anticipatory letter of credit
付款的折扣率anticipation rate
使用工资anticipate one's wage
使用工资anticipate one’s wage
偿还advanced redemption
偿还债券贴水call premium
兑换the anticipated redemption (偿还)
全部偿还外债pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule
安装installation in advance
完成fulfilled ahead of schedule
完成出口任务fulfil the export tasks ahead of schedule
完成生产指标meet production target ahead of time
支付的承兑汇票the anticipated acceptance
支取到期条款an acceleration clause
终止业务活动terminate business activities before the date of expiration
终止合同terminate contract before the date of expiration
装船put forward on the shipment
装运的货物advanced shipment
购票的乘客preticketed passenger
赎回advanced redemption
转期advance refunding
进度ahead of schedule
提交议会预算informal presentation
撤回有效good till countermanded
撤回有效报盘offer good until withdraw
撤销有效good till cancelled
改造后法before/after modernization
政府控制目的通货膨胀是非常重要的It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation
政府间关于当援助和流动指标概念问题专家组Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on the Concepts of the Present Aid and Flow Target
施工准备construction preparation
途的工作blind alley office
途的工作the blind alley employments
途的工作blind alley employments
无效能的史halfway prehistoric
most many, much 的最高级 significant end
最近immediate outlook
7月底完成贵方2020号定货已不可能It has become impossible to execute your order No. 2020 by the end of July
途的交易productive business
有发展途的股票growth shares
未售出有效offer subject to being unsold
未撤消有效good till cancelled
未撤销有效good till cancelled
未撤销订单有效good till countermanded
未撤销订单有效good till cancelled
本地市场目活跃The market at this place is lively at present
根据你方代表的请求,我们将提到10月份装运Upon the request of your representative, we will advance the shipment to October
根据目形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
此目录包含我方目所能供应的全部产品This catalogue comprises our present availabilities of all products
赠与gift before death
流向devolve (向下)
生产准备时间make ready time
生产资本支出the preproduction capital expenditure
由于几天的大风暴,我们不得不将装船日期推迟3 天Because of the severe storm of the last few days we had to put off the shipment for three days
由于他们宁可暂时观望,目业务活动甚少As they prefer to wait and see, there is little business activity at present
由于你方未告知必要的细节,我方目无法向你方发出报盘We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars
由于大量承约,在圣诞节之我方不能接受新定单Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot accept any new orders before Christmas
由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目不能供应你们所需的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
由于目制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定扩大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
由于目市场价格不稳定,我们不能给你方报实盘Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer
由于这家公司已经购足所需货物,目不再进货了As its requirements have already been filled, the company is not buying at present
甲方在未取得乙方的事先同意之不得单方面行动Party A shall not act unilaterally without the prior approval of Party B
拉丁语 in praesenti
at this stage
市场上的棉织品供应过剩There is a glut of cotton goods in the market at present
市场价格普遍偏高Prices which are ruling in the market are high now
利益monetary interests of the day
虽贵些,但从长远来说,是相当合算的Though costly at present, it does pay in the long run
顾后all factors taken into consideration in making overall arrangement
离开柜台请点清您找回的零钱Please examine your change before you leave the counter
before tax
利润the pretax profit
利润profit before tax
所得the pretax income
收益pre-tax earnings
现金利润cash profit before tax
的利润总额pretax profit
账目收益the pretax accounting income
项目方案招标pre-tax work program bid
税损移扣减tax-loss carry back
税收提使用票据revenue anticipation note (一种由市政当局发行的短期债券,其还款来源为预期今后可征收的某项税收)
涨价an unprecedented rise
涨价unprecedented rise (高涨)
物价的最高纪录all high
的最高纪录物价等all high
规模on an unprecedented scale
销售unprecedented transactions (额)
高涨an unprecedented rise
签订代理协议的the premise to the signing of the agency agreement
索赔期在两周就截止了The time-limit for the claim expired a fortnight ago
纳税净利net profit before tax
纳税净收益net income before tax (指所得税)
纳税所得before-tax income
纳税收入pretax income
纳税的利润profit before tax
经理对税利润作了猜测The manager guess-ed at the pretax profits
结息预计余额anticipate balance
结息预计利息anticipate interest
结算试算表the unadjusted trial balance
缴付息税盈余earnings before interest and taxes
缴付息税盈利earnings before interest and taxes
缴税净收入net income before tax
考虑到目的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
考虑到目的情形,我们已作了很大让步In view of the present situation we have made much concession
教育prevocational education
联邦所得税before Federal income tax
股息收益每股股利与目价格的比率dividend yield (股息生息率)
自.....日后生效effective on or about
船向fetch head
船尾向stern on
船开始装货向海关申报enter outward
船的fore part
若我们在 5 月 18日得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection
若我方在6月底得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection
装箱检査the pretrip inspection
装船不保险the non-risk till waterborne
装船不计保险the non-risk till waterborne
装船检验survey before shipment
装船之,货物经过了仔细检査The goods were carefully checked prior to shipment
装运prior shipment
装运交货付款cash before shipment
装运,公司应将所有的设备装配完全All equipment is to be assembled in their entirety by the company before shipment
装运资产融通preshipment financing
解放农村的经济衰退迫使大量廉价劳动力涌入城市Before liberation the economic recession in the country forced an influx of cheap labour into cities
解除汇票手人的责任discharge of a prior party
解除汇票手的责任discharge of a prior party
计算少数权益的收益income before minority interest
无佣金no commission until paid
设计阶段pre-project phase
证券未正式上市的先期交易beat the gun
该公司三年引入机动工作时制The company introduced flextime working three years ago
该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well
调整试算表the unadjusted trial balance
调整试算表pre-adjustment trial balance
财务报告在提交给董事会之应仔细审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
贸易成交额尚不能表明目我们有必要安排代理事宜The amount of business does not justify an agency arrangement at present
一拖后关系lead-lag relationship
指标leading indicator
期间的需求demand during lead time
进度ahead of schedule
指标leading indicator
某人结清quit scores with (sb.)
运入保税区的申报declaration before carrying in bonded area
这份修改过的信用证代替以所开的那一份The amended L/C took the place of the one established previously
这家公司在破产拥有大量不动产This company possessed lots of immovable property before its bankruptcy
这座桥在全体工人的合作下提建成The construction of the bridge was completed ahead of schedule with cooperation of the workforce
这张单子是目畅销的产品目录The list is an enumeration of the current salable products
这批纺织品必须在许可证期满运到The dry goods must arrive before the expiration of the licence
这批进口商品要在许可证到期结关These imported goods are required to be cleared from the customs by the date of expiration
这种商品目需求量很大There is large demand at present for this article
这种洗衣机在投产做了相当大的改进The washing machine was modified considerably before it went into production
这笔业务是以装船30天开出信用证为条件而成交的The transaction was concluded subject to the L/C being opened 30 days prior to shipment
这笔定货一定要在12月交付It is a vital necessity to execute this order before December
这笔订货的剩余部分将在3月25日交货The remainder of the order will be delivered before March 25
这项租金是根据当的市场情况而定的The rent is based on the current market
进口许可证申请得到批准之,请将一切准备好Please get everything ready before your application for the import licence is endorsed
远期票据的提付款anticipated payment
退休的过渡时期gradual transition to retirement
退休年龄丧失工作劳动能力disablement before retirement
适应当情况fit existing condition
适应性发明adaptive invention perspective
重新安排还债期限按合约规定的应偿还债务contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling
鉴于包装完好,短重无疑发生在装运之Beyond doubt, the shortage in weight occurred prior to shipment as the packing keeps intact
鉴于目市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being
长期徘徊不the protracted stagnation
附带罚金的提或延期款repayment with penalty
附带罚金的提或延期款the repayment with penalty
除税净收入net income before tax
除非你方另有说明,我们将延用以的装船唛头Unless otherwise stated, we will stencil the same shipping mark as before
雇员录用面谈employment interviewing
项目进法item advance
高速度以按比例发展为High speed presupposes a balanced development
鼓励提离职worker buyout
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