
Terms for subject Biology containing | all forms
中车hoary plantain (Plantago media L.,车前科)
水蚤幼虫复数:ptotoxoeaeprotozoea larva
hog's fennel (Peucedanum decursivum Maxim.)
masterwort (Peucedanum decursivum Maxim.)
hogfennel (Peucedanum decursivum Maxim.)
胡属hog's-fennel (Peucedanum L.,伞形科)
胡属hog's fennel (Peucedanum L.,伞形花科)
胡属masterwort (Peucedanum L.,伞形花科)
胡属hogfennel (Peucedanum L.,伞形花科)
大车common plantain (Plantago major L.,车前科)
大车ripple grass (Plantago major L.,车前科)
大车greater plantain (Plantago major L.,车前科)
孢茎车amplexicaul plantain (Planta go amplexicaulis Vahl.,车前草科)
小车平压车前,Plantago depressa Willd,车前科depressus plantain
披针叶车窄叶车前,Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科rib-wort
披针叶车窄叶车前,Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科buck thorn plantain
披针叶车窄叶车前,Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科narrow-leaved plantain
无人岛Japanese hogfennel (Peucedanum boninense Tuyama,伞形花科)
dropwort (Peucedanum of ficinale L.)
sulphur wort (Peucedanum of ficinale L.)
hog's-fennel (Peucedanum of ficinale L.)
水车water plantain ottelia (Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers.)
水车water plantain ottelia (Ottelia Pers.,水鳖科)
白子车paleseed pantain (Plantago virginica L.,车前草科)
白山Hakusanensis hogfennel (Peucedanum multivittatum Maxim.,伞形花科)
维生素Avitamin A precursor
臭茗状车starweed (Plantago coronopus L.,车前科)
药用欧前胡,Peucedanum qfficinale L.; Peucedanum germanicum Ehrh.,伞形花科dropwort
药用欧前胡,Peucedanum qfficinale L.; Peucedanum germanicum Ehrh.,伞形花科sulphur-wort
药用欧前胡,Peucedanum qfficinale L.; Peucedanum germanicum Ehrh.,伞形花科hog's fennel
药用common hogfennel (Peucedanum officinale L.,伞形科)
common plantain (Plantago asiatica L.; Plantago major var. asiatica Decne.,车前科)
plantain (Plantago asiatica L.)
Asiatic plantain (Plantago asiatica L.,车前科)
叶山慈姑犬齿赤莲,Erythronium dens-canis L.adder's- tongue
叶山慈姑属赤莲属,Erythronium L.,百合科adder's- tongue
圆尾蚜苹粉红劣蚜,Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini),蚜科rosy apple aphid
plantain (Plantago L.,车前科)
plantain family (Plantaginaceae)
草灯蛾plantain arctid (Parasemia plantaginis L.,灯蛾科)
长叶车ribwort (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
长叶车narrowleaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
长叶车rib-wort (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
长叶车narrow-leaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
长叶车rib grass (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
长叶车buckthorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.,车前科)
spicknel (Pseucedanum oreoselium (L.) Moench.; Athamanta oreoselinium L.,伞形花科)
mountain parsley (Pseucedanum oreoselium (L.) Moench.; Athamanta oreoselinium L.,伞形花科)
黑子车blackseed plantain (Plantago rugelii Dene.,车前草科)