
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
上颌maxillary prognathism
上颌部截骨术anterior maxillary osteotomy
方切除low anterior resection
下丘脑-垂体叶功能试验functional test of hypothalamus anterior pituitary
下颌mandibular protrusion
下颌mandibular prognathism
中性髓细胞neutrophilic promyelocyte
临睡taking medicine before sleep
二期愈合庭成形术secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty
保健prenatal care
保健antenatal care
宣教prenatal education
检查prenatal examination
先天性耳痿管congenital preauricular fistula
先天性视盘血管襻congenital prepapillary vascular loops
出生发育prenatal development
下鼻甲切除术antero-inferior turbinectomy
中鼻甲切除术antero median turbinectomy
主静脉anterior cardinal vein
侧阴道缝补术anterior colporrhaphy
列腺prostate [gland]
列腺切除术护理nursing care of prostatectomy
列腺增生hyperplasia of prostate
列腺液检查prostatic fluid examination
列腺癌cancer of prostate
列腺癌分期stages of prostate cancer
列腺素引产prostaglandininduction of labour
列腺结核tuberculosis of prostate
十字韧带anterior cruciate ligament
嗜铬组织prechromaffin tissue
囊白内障anterior capsular cataract
anterior fontanel
囟门穿刺法puncture of anterior fontanel
外侧囟sphenoid fontanelle
anterior guidance
尿道炎anterior urethritis
巩膜炎anterior scleritis
巩膜葡萄肿anterior scleral staphyloma
庭习服vestibular habituation
庭功能检查vestibular test
庭功能试验vestibular function test
庭大腺囊肿Bartholin cyst
庭大腺囊肿切除术excision of Bartholin gland cyst
庭大腺囊肿造口术marsupialization of Bartholin gland cyst
庭大腺脓肿abscess of Bartholin gland
庭性共济失调vestibular ataxia
庭沟扩展术vestibular extension
庭盾vestibular shield
庭神经元炎vestibular neuronitis
庭神经切除术vestibular neurectomy
庭神经炎vestibular neuritis
庭神经障碍disorders of vestibular nerve
庭试验vestibular testing
房冲洗器anterior chamber irrigator
房型人工晶状体anterior chamber intraocular lens
房积脓性角膜溃疡serpiginous corneal ulcer
房积脓性角膜溃疡Saemisch corneal ulcer
房穿刺术paracentesis of anterior chamber
房穿刺针paracentesis needle
斜角肌综合征anterior scalene syndrome
极白内障anterior polar cataract
次剖腹产repeated pregnancy after cesarean section
次月经past menstrual period
front teeth
角膜界层Bowman membrane
瞻性调查prospective survey
纵隔引流drainage of anterior mediastinum
B 淋巴细胞pre-B lymphocyte
T 淋巴细胞pre-T lymphocyte
T 淋巴细胞pre-T cell
B 淋巴细胞pre-B cell
置胎盘护理nursing care of placenta previa
视内镜forward-viewing endoscope
连合喉切除术anterior commissure laryngectomy
额面喉切除术anterior frontal laryngectomy
驱期prodromal period
鼻孔填塞法packing of anterior nares
鼻孔闭锁atresia of anterior naris
鼻镜检查 anterior rhinoscopy
单一性垂体叶功能不全isolated deficiency of anterior pituitary hormone
双颌bimaxillary protrusion
口腔vestibule of mouth
口腔颌面外科手术后护理pre and post operative care of oromaxillo-facial surgery
叩击心fist percussion on precardium
右枕right occipitoanterior
嗜碱性髓细胞basophilic promyelocyte
嗜酸性髓细胞eosinophilic promyelocyte
坏死性巩膜炎necrotizing anterior scleritis
垂体叶功能减退症hypofunction of anterior pituitary
复发性鼻庭炎recurrent nasal vestibulitis
外鼻及鼻庭检查法examination of external nose and nasal vestibule
大脑动脉闭塞anterior cerebral artery occlusion
咨询门诊advisory clinic before marriage
检查premarital consultation
孕早期产诊断first trimester prenatal diagnosis
学语prelingual deafness
学龄儿童 50 项量表50 item-scale for preschool child
学龄儿童保健preschool child care
学龄儿童心理卫生preschool mental health
学龄preschool stage
完全性置胎盘total placenta praevia
导管型主动脉缩窄preductal type coarctation of aorta
射血preejection phase, PEP
分支传导阻滞left anterior fascicular block
分支阻滞left anterior hemiblock
左枕left occipitoanterior
延髓交叉综合征anterior cross bulbar syndrome
区导联precordial lead
区肋间回缩征Broadbent sign
区隆起precordial prominence
心脏负荷preload of heart
心脏负荷cardiac preload
慢性列腺炎chronic prostatitis
憩室prediverticular stage
成串期收缩salvo premature beat
成对期收缩couplets premature beat
手术护理preoperative care
抽屉拉法drawer forward test
收缩期向活动systolic anterior motion
收缩期奔马律presystolic gallop
收缩期杂音presystolic murmur
pronation sign
晶状体囊切开术anterior capsulotomy
放疗pre-operation radiotherapy
模型preoperative cast
毛细血管微动脉precapillary arteriole
活化因子C3 proactivator
活化因子体转化酶C3 proactivator convertase
症状诊断presymptomatic diagnosis
段玻璃体切割术anterior vitrectomy
眼外肌徙术advancement of extraocular muscle
神经痛anterior ethmoidal neuralgia
神经综合征anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome
prochordal plate
后血染pre and postmenstrual bleeding
premenstrual phase
期紧张premenstrual tension
紧张综合征premenstrual tension syndrome
经尿道列腺切除术transurethral resection of prostate
结节性巩膜炎nodular anterior scleritis
老年期痴呆presenile dementia
老年期精神病presenile psychosis
昏迷hepatic precoma
性急性肾功能衰竭prerenal acute renal failure
黏液性水肿pretibial myxedema
胫骨肌综合征tibialis anterior syndrome
后照chest anteroposterior view
胸后chest posteroanterior view
胸腔手术后护理pre and post operative care of chest surgery
胺与胺体摄取和脱羧细胞系统APUD system
脊髓灰质炎anterior poliomyelitis
孔注射法anterior palatine foramen injection
良性列腺肥大benign prostatic hypertrophy
虹膜粘连anterior synechia
血浆凝血活酶plasma thromboplastin precursor
血管vasa previa
视网膜出血preretinal hemorrhage
视网膜纤维增生preretinal fibrosis
角膜部膜状营养不良anterior membranous dystrophy of cornea
伸指标刻度calibration for horizontal adjustment
赫鲁比置镜Hruby preset lens
边缘性置胎盘marginal placenta praevia
部分性置胎盘partial placenta praevia
青春期牙周炎prepuberty periodontitis
颞下颌关节脱位anterior dislocation of TMJ
taking medicine before meals
神经切除术presacral neurectomy
上棘穿刺术puncture of anterior superior iliac spine
麻醉给药preanesthetic medication
黏膜下庭成形术submucosal vestibuloplasty
黏膜皱襞端变细tapering of mucosal fold
庭囊肿nasal vestibular cyst
庭炎vestibulitis of nose