
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
中等平均致死median lethal dose
催化catalyst A substance whose presence alters the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds, but whose own composition remains unchanged by the reaction. Catalysts are usually employed to accelerate reactions(positive catalyst), but retarding (negative) catalysts are also used (一种物质,它的存在影响了化学反应进行的速度,但是其本身的组成保持不变。催化剂通常用来加速反应(正催化剂),但是缓速催化剂(负催化剂)也被使用。)
光化学氧化photochemical oxidant Any of the chemicals which enter into oxidation reactions in the presence of light or other radiant energy (任何能借助光或其它辐射能发生氧化反应的化学物质。)
冷却refrigerant A substance that by undergoing a change in phase (liquid to gas, gas to liquid) releases or absorbs a large latent heat in relation to its volume, and thus effects a considerable cooling effect (一种物质,能在改变物理状态(液体到气体,气体到液体)时释放或吸收相对它的体积来说很大的热量,因此起到降温效果。)
减蚀抗腐蚀corrosion inhibitor
凝聚flocculant A reagent added to a dispersion of solids in a liquid to bring together the fine particles to form flocs (一种试剂加入固体分散存在的液体中,使固体聚形成絮体。)
dose The amount of test substance administered. Dose is expressed as weight of test substance (g, mg) per unit weight of test animal (e.g., mg/kg), or as weight of food or drinking water (监控的试验用物质的数量。剂量是指试验用物质的重量(如克、毫克)与每单位重量的实验动物(如毫克/千克)之比值,或是与食物、饮用水的重量比值。)
dosage The amount of a substance required to produce an effect (某种物质能发挥功效的数量。)
量与效果关系dose-effect relationship The relation between the quantity of a given substance and a measurable or observable effect (某物质的剂量与可测量或观察的效果间的关系。)
量计health monitor
助混complexing agent A substance capable of forming a complex compound with another material in solution (一种能够与溶液中的其它物质形成复杂混合物的物质。)
发泡foaming agent Substances which make it possible to form a homogenous dispersion of a gaseous phase in a liquid or solid medium (一种物质,可以在液体或固体媒介中形成连续分散气相。)
合成洗涤synthetic detergent An artificially produced solid or liquid cleansing substance that acts like soap but is stronger, and is capable of dissolving oily materials and dispersing them in water (人为生产的固体或液体清洁物质,像肥皂但比肥皂强效,有能力使油性物质溶解和分散在水里。)
同位素指示tracer element
同位素指示tracer A minute quantity of radioactive isotope used in medicine or biology to study the chemical changes within living tissues (用于医学或生物学来研究生物组织化学变化的一分钟量放射性同位素。)
接近致死approximate lethal dose
放射性指示radioactive tracer A radioactive isotope which, when injected into a biological or physical system, can be traced by radiation detection devices, permitting determination of the distribution or location of the substance to which it is attached (一种放射性同位素,当把它注入到生物或物理系统时,能被辐射检测设备追踪,并能检测到它的分布情况或位置。)
放射性指示技术radioactive tracer technique
最低致死minimum lethal dose
最低致死least fatal dose
最大允许maximum permissible dose
最大允许maximum allowable dose
最小致死minimum fatal dose
有机溶organic solvent Organic materials, including diluents and thinners, which are liquids at standard conditions and which are used as dissolvers, viscosity reducers, or cleaning agents (有机材料,包括稀释剂和冲淡剂,它在标准条件是液体并被用作溶解装置、粘度还原剂或清洗剂。)
杀草weed killer
杀菌fungicide Chemicals used to kill or halt the development of fungi that cause plant disease, such as: storage rot; seedling diseases; root rots; vascular wilts; leaf blights, rusts, smuts and mildews, and viral diseases. These can be controlled by the early and continued application of selected fungicides that either kill the pathogens or restrict their development (用来杀死或制止真菌病害生长的化学品,例如存储腐烂;苗期病害,根腐烂,血管枯萎,叶摧残,生锈,斯马茨和霉菌,病毒疾病。这些病害可以在早期或持续使用某些杀菌剂来控制,原理是要么杀死病原体,要么限制其生长。)
杀菌bactericide An agent that destroys bacteria (可以杀死细菌的物质。)
杀虫pesticide A general term for chemical agents that are used in order to kill unwanted plants, animals pests or disease-causing fungi, and embracing insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematicides, etc. Some pesticides have had widespread disruptive effects among non-target species (用于除掉不需要的植物、动物或疾病导致的真菌的化学药剂、除草药、杀真菌剂、杀线虫剂等。有些杀虫剂具有在非目标种类中制造混乱的作用。)
杀虫insecticide Any chemical agent used to destroy invertebrate pests (用于杀死无脊椎类害虫的化学药剂。)
杀虫控制标准pesticide control standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases pertaining to the production, dissemination or use of substances designed to mitigate or eliminate insects or small animals that harm vegetation (一类产品的生产、普及和使用规范和测量标准,这类产品用于在法定条件下消灭破坏农作物的小型动物。)
杀虫的代谢metabolism of pesticides The sum of chemical reactions, including both synthesis and breakdown, that occurs in substances or mixtures intended to prevent, destroy or mitigate pests that are directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other humans interests (化学反应的总和,包括合成和分解,发生于物质或混合物,为了防止或减轻害虫的直接或间接地不利于收割农作物和其他人类利益的破坏。)
杀虫的利用utilisation of pesticides Use of chemical or biological substances to deliberately kill unwanted plants or animals (使用化学的或生物物质来杀死不需要的植物或动物。)
杀虫的毒性toxicity of pesticides
柔软softening agent 1. A substance added to another substance to increase its softness, pliability, or plasticity. 2. A substance, such as a zeolite, for softening water (1. 一种物质添加到另一种物质,以增加其柔软性、柔韧性或可塑性。 2. 一种物质,如沸石,用于水的软化。)
氧化oxidizing agent
氧化oxidising agent Compound that gives up oxygen easily, removes hydrogen from another compound, or attracts negative electrons (氧化合物,移除从另一个氢原子吸引得到的电子。)
污染示踪tracer of pollution
油黏合oil binding agent Highly absorbent agents used for physically removing spilled oil in case of leakages and oil accidents occurring in water bodies, industry, work-shops, on roads, etc. Materials that have been found useful for this service vary from simple, naturally occurring materials such as straw, sawdust, and peat to synthetic agents, such as polyurethane foam and polystyrene powder (高度吸收剂,用于完全清除石油泄漏或水体、工业、工厂、道路上等发生的石油事故的溢油。已经发现的对该服务有用的材料,来自于不同的简单和自然形成的原料,如稻草、锯末以及泥炭合成剂,如聚氨酯泡沫、聚苯乙烯粉。)
消毒disinfectant An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that disinfects by destroying, neutralizing, or inhibiting the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms (一种介质,如热、辐射或化学物质, 用以破坏、中和或抑制致病性微生物的生长。)
润滑lubricant A substance used to reduce friction between parts or objects in relative motion (一种用于减少部件或相对运动物体之间摩擦的物质。)
添加additive Substances mixed in small quantities with another product to modify its chemical or physical state. Additives are used to make food look visually more attractive, in the case of colouring agents, as well as to preserve and extend the life of the product (少量混合在另一种物质中以改变其化学或者物理状态的物质。添加剂可使食物看上去更具吸引力(如色素添加剂),同时也可维持和延长产品的有效保质期。)
清洁detergent A surface-active agent used for removing dirt and grease from a variety of surfaces and materials. Early detergents contained alkyl sulphonates, which proved resistant to bacterial decomposition, causing foaming in rivers and difficulties in sewage treatment plants. These hard detergents were replaced during the 1960s with soft biodegradable detergents. Apprehension continues to be expressed about the use of phosphates in detergents, helping to promote the process of eutrophication. No satisfactory substitute has yet emerged (一种表面活性剂,用来去除各种各样表面及物质的灰尘和油脂。 早期的清洁剂含有烷基璜酸盐,它能够抑制细菌分解,导致河流大量泡沫,且难以被污水处理厂处理。 在1960年代,这些硬性清洁剂被软化且可以被生物降解的清洁剂所替代,但人们同样担心清洁剂中的磷会促进水体优养化。 直到现在仍没有合适的替代品。)
渗透impregnating agent A material used to fill holes in wood, plaster, or other surfaces before applying a coating such as paint or varnish (在对木材、石膏或其他物质表面涂漆前,应注满它们表面的孔隙,注入时所用的制剂被称为渗透剂。)
solvent Substance, generally a liquid, capable of dissolving another substance (通常是可溶解另一种物质的液体物质。)
回收solvent recovery Solvent recovery is a widely practised form of recycling where spent solvents are distilled and reused. However, the cheaper solvents are often incinerated or dumped in hazardous waste landfill sites (溶剂回收是蒸馏或再生溶剂的广泛采用的形式。然而,更便宜的溶剂通常是在危险废物焚烧或丢弃的堆积区。)
漂白bleaching agent 1. A chemical, such as an aromatic acyl peroxide or monoperoxiphthalic acid, used to bleach flour, fats, oils and other edibles. 2. An oxidizing or reducing chemical such as sodium hypochlorite, sulfur dioxide, sodium acid sulfite, or hydrogen peroxide (1. 一种化学物质,如芳香酰基过氧化物或monoperoxiphthalic酸,用来漂白面粉,油脂,油和其他食品。 2. 一种氧化还原物,如次氯酸钠,二氧化硫,亚硫酸盐钠酸,或过氧化氢。)
灭火fire retardant
燃油添加fuel additive Substance (such as tetraethyl lead) which is added to petrol to prevent knocking (添加入汽油的物质(如四乙基铅),以减少爆震音。)
生物杀灭biocide A diverse group of poisonous substance including preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants and pesticides used for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health or that cause damage to natural or manufactured products (一组多样的有毒物质,包括防腐剂,杀虫剂,消毒剂和用于生物控制的杀虫剂,有害于人类或动物健康,或者造成自然或人造产品的损害。)
矿石土壤改良mineral conditioner Any naturally occurring inorganic substances with a definite chemical composition and usually of crystalline structure, such as rocks, which are used to stabilize soil, improving its resistance to erosion, texture and permeability (任何具有确定化学成分的天然无机物,通常是晶体结构,如岩石,可用来使土壤稳定,改进其抗腐蚀、质地和渗透性的能力。)
等效equivalent dose A quantity used in radiation protection, expressing all radiation on a common scale for calculating the effective absorbed dose. The unit of dose equivalent is the rem. which is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by certain modifying factors such as the quality factor, the distribution factor, etc. (放射保护中使用的量,为表达放射量,方便计算有效吸收剂量提供的统一度量。单位是rem。数量上等于1rad辐射下的吸收剂量乘以某些修正因子,例如质量因子,分布因子等。)
粘合adhesive Substance used for sticking objects together, such as glue, cement, or paste (用来将物体粘合在一起的物质,比如胶水、水泥或者浆糊。)
糖浆;甜味sweetener A sweetening agent, especially one that does not contain sugar (脱硫剂,尤其是不包含糖。)
腐蚀抑制corrosion inhibitor A chemical agent which slows down or prohibits a corrosion reaction (一种可以防止或延缓腐蚀反应的化学试剂。)
船底防污antifouling agent Agent that inhibits the growth of barnacles and other marine organisms on a ship's bottom (an antifouling paint or other coating). Organo-tin compounds have been the most often used agents in this application since they are effective against both soft and hard fouling organisms. However, in spite of their performance, they have a negative impact on the marine environment and their long half life in the environment, has prompted marine paint manufacturers to look for a nonpersistent alternative (一种用于抑制藤壶(一种甲壳类动物)或其它海洋生物体在船舶底部生长的试剂(防腐用油漆或其它涂料)。 有机锡是最常被使用的试剂,因为它可以有效的抑制柔软和坚硬的致腐蚀性之生物的生长。 虽然它具有防污的功能,但是它对海洋环境有负面影响,且它在环境中有很长的半衰期,这促使船舶油漆生产商寻找其他非持久性的替代物。)
表面活性surface-active agent A substance that, when used in small quantities, modifies the surface properties of liquids or solids. A surface-active agent reduces surface tension in a fluid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible fluids, such as oil and water. Surfactants are particularly useful in accomplishing the wetting or penetration of solids by aqueous liquids and serve in the manner of detergent, emulsifying, or dispersing agents. They are more effective than soap in certain situations and are used by conservators for such purposes as cleaning, wetting, and dispersing (小批量使用,用于改变液体或固体表面性质一种物质。采用表面活性剂降低表面流体或两个不混溶流体如油和水的界面张力。表面活性剂,特别是用于水的液体或固体润湿渗透有益和服务方式的洗涤剂,乳化或分散剂。他们比在某些情况下肥皂用作上述用途的清洗润湿方面更有效,且被环保专家用于此类目的的清洁、润湿和分散。)
诱变mutagenic substance Agents that induce a permanent change in the genetic material (引起遗传物质的永久性变化的制剂。)
诱变,诱变因素mutagen An agent that raises the frequency of mutation above the spontaneous rate. An agent that causes changes to plants and animals, particularly to their genetic material and especially at the time of reproduction. Certain chemicals and forms of radiation are powerful mutagens that damage the DNA, or genetic material in the centre of every cell of a living organism (增加突变频率而高于自发节律的药剂。药剂导致植物和动物特别是其遗传物质的变化,尤其是在繁殖的期间。某些化学物质和辐射诱变形式对DNA或每个生物体细胞中心的遗传物质造成强力突变。)
辐射radiation dose The total amount of radiation absorbed by material or tissues, in the sense of absorbed dose, exposure dose, or dose equivalent (物质或组织吸收的辐射的总量,有吸收剂量、照射剂量或剂量当量的说法。)
threshold dose
防腐preservative A chemical added to foodstuffs to prevent oxidation, fermentation or other deterioration, usually by inhibiting the growth of bacteria (一种添加到食品的化学物质,以防止氧化,通常通过抑制细菌的生长发酵或变质。)
除草herbicide A chemical that controls or destroys undesirable plants (用来控制或破坏不想要的植物的化学物质。)
除藻algicide Any substance or chemical applied to kill or control algal growth (可用于杀死藻类或控制藻类生长的物质或化学品。)
食品添加food additive Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualities (本身没有营养价值的物质(或者不被用作营养物),在加工过程中被加入食物,以提高颜色,质地,风味,或保质期等品质。)
食品着色food colourant Any digestible substance, usually a synthetic dye, which manufacturers add to food to give it color and enhance its appearance (可消化物质,通常是合成染料,制造商加入食物使其着色,使增强食物外观。)