
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
位坐封premature setting
井口达时间校正uphole time correction
岸交货free overside
岸价加佣金和利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interestCIFCI
岸价加兑换费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
岸价加兑换费及到目的港费CIFE port of destination
岸价加兑换费和关税CIFE duty paid
岸价加内河运费CIF inland waterway
岸价加利息及到目的港费CIFI port of destination
岸价加卸货费CIF landed terms
岸价加战争保险金cost, insurance, freight and war risk
岸价加班轮费用CIF liner terms
岸价加结关费CIF cleared
岸价格加佣金和利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
岸价格加关税cost, insurance, freight, duty paid
岸轮船舱底交货房价CIF ex ship's hold
期日收益率yield to maturity
用于电报此结束nothing more
港价格free overside
货检验receiving inspection
货汇票arrival draft
货终点reception terminal
达时差step-out time
达终端incoming terminal
办不no can do
赤道reduction to the equator
反射波达时间曲面reflection-time surface
可在收货物后付款payable on receipt
可达的最大控制技术maximum achievable control technology
外币岸价CIF value in foreign currency
外币岸价cost insurance and freight value in foreign currency
岩屑迟时间lag time of cutting
即付payable on receipt
期债务unmatured debt
期负债unmatured liabilities
未得答复no reply received
未收回电no reply received
未查not sought
未观测not observed
未达获得not reached
本年期长期债务current maturity of long-term debt
校正60° API 的原油corrected crude oil
油船岸的装卸管线ship-to-shore pipeline
泵输送tight-line pumping
泵输送solid pumping
罐输送floating line pumping
罐操作put and take operation
收款cash on delivery
时间lag time
泵冲数lag stroke