
Terms for subject Securities containing 到期 | all forms | in specified order only
三权到期美国每季有一天是股票期权、指数期货和指数期权同时到期的日子,因此叫 "三权到期"triple witching
三权到期triple witching day
上市证券到期日程表maturity schedules of marketable security
下一交收日到期next settlement day due
不规则到期odd maturity
不规则到期broken date
不规则到期日远期交易broken date forward transaction
信用证到期L/C expiration date
借贷到期通知note maturity notice
借贷的到期通知书note notice
债券到期不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
债券到期收益yield to maturity of a bond
债券到期收益率bond yield to maturity
债券到期bond maturity
债券到期还款bond redemption
债券与贷款到期日期分布情况maturity distribution of loans and securities
债务到期obligatory maturity
全面到期synthetic maturity
准确到期very accurately defined maturity
分批到期serial maturities
到期不匹配风险maturity-mismatch risk
到期交割月份指谷物合同的交割月份contract/delivery month
到期付款payment in due course
到期付款fall due
到期价值expiry value
到期价格expiry price
到期借票due bill
到期债券matured bonds (MB)
到期债券应付款matured bonds payable
到期债券违约不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
到期债务matured liability
到期债务mature liability
到期债务debt due
到期偿还债券bond due for payment
到期偿还债券本息meeting bond interest and principal
到期偿还本金meeting principal
到期偿还的证券non-callable securities
到期偿还贷款loan due for payment
到期出售due on sale
到期分次承兑票据汇票bill at usance
到期分配distribution by maturity
到期利差maturity spread
到期利息及分红interest and dividends due
到期前发行premature distribution
到期前始终有效的指令good through until date order
到期前有效指令good-till-date order
到期单据支票due bill check
到期即付汇票bill on maturity
到期后溢价赎回premium redemption
到期处理maturity settlement
到期失去价值expired worthless (期权)
到期实得复合收益realized compound yield to maturity
到期应付票据账簿/款账册bill payable maturity book
到期/应付资金fund due
到期归属权ownership of expiration
到期提示通知reminder of due date
到期收益maturity yield
到期效应期货、期权到期时,交易者急欲交易而造成价格大幅波动的结果expiration effect
到期无息债务matured non-interest bearing debt
到期maturity day
到期time of maturity
到期maturity (Mat.)
到期law day
到期Mat. (maturity)
到期final maturity date
到期日互换maturity swap
到期日保理服务maturity factoring
到期日分布情况债券maturity distribution
到期日延长extension of maturity
到期日延长extend the expiration date
到期日期maturity date
银行存款分类到期日梯形结构maturity ladder
到期日错配安排maturity mismatching arrangement
到期日错配情况maturity mismatch profile
到期时段maturity bands
到期时间time of maturity
到期时间当日交易最后时间expiration time
到期月份expiration month
到期期权far option
到期期限term to maturity
到期未付债务matured liabilities unpaid
到期未付款back money
到期未付的票据overdue bill
到期本息大额还清balloon payment
到期清算maturity settlement
到期的衍生权证expiring derivative warrants
到期的负债maturity liability
到期票据登记簿maturity tickler
到期类别maturity bands
到期红利maturity bonus
到期终止termination of term
到期结算余额balance due
到期计时基准maturity basis
到期价格趋于一致maturity convergence
到期价格趋同maturity convergence
到期配比maturity matching
到期重大债务due major debt
到期错配风险maturity-mismatch risk
到期阶段maturity stage
到期阶段maturity phase
到期风险maturity risk
到期风险溢价maturity risk premium
剩余到期current maturity
单个月份到期single monthly mortality
单月份到期还本率single monthly mortality
即刻到期条款due on sale clause
即将到期债务maturing liability
即将到期current maturity
即将到期的长期债务current maturity of long-term debts
双权到期double witching day
双权到期相关资产的期货和期权同时到期double witching hour
反向到期reverse to maturity
合同到期contract expiration date
合同到期contract month
多次到期serial expiration
多种到期债券multi-maturity bond
子弹式到期本金在到期日一次还清bullet maturity
存款到期Mat. (maturity)
存款到期maturity (Mat.)
存款到期日不相配梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险deposit maturity mismatch ladder
到期可调整优先股maturing adjustable preferred stock
将要到期的票据maturing note
债务已到偿债期fall in
常规到期regular date
常规到期日远期交易regular date forward transaction
延期到账delayed availability
延期资金到账时间表deferred availability schedule
延长的到期extended expiry date
到期的期权near option
息票债券的到期收益率yield to maturity for coupon bonds
承兑到期账目acceptance maturity record
承诺到期收益率promised yield to maturity
承销期到期expiration of the period for underwriting
持有直至到期hold to maturity
持有至到期日账户held-to-maturity account
损失结转到下期loss carried forward to the next term
提前到期贷款prematured loan
支付到期票据meet a bill at maturity
到期日发行undated issue
无固定到期日的远期外汇option exchange
明日到期overnight maturity
最后到期final maturity date
期权到期option expiry
期权到期option expiration date
期权到期option day
到期not yet due
到期应还债务debt payable at a future time
到期提取premature drawing
到期的偿还indebiti solutio
到期的远期合同unmatured forward contract
到期风险金准备reserve for unexpired risk
未到价位的期权underwater option
权证到期warrant's imminent maturity
标准到期standardized expiration dates
梯型到期策略ladder maturity strategy
到期债券non-amortizable bond
每月到期single monthly mortality
每月到期还本率single monthly mortality
法定到期legal maturity
清偿到期债务pay off due debts
清理到期票据clean up due bill
现金及银行到期存放cash and due from banks
票据结算行到期票据clearing house items
票据结算行代理到期票据clearing house due bills
到期日时间time to expiry
第三者代管到期escrowed to maturity
简单到期收益simple yield to maturity
系列到期serial maturities
系列到期serial expiration
绝对到期drop dead day
绝对到期drop dead fee
认股权到期收益yield to warrant expiration
货币市场到期日梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险money market maturity ladder
到期日时间time to expiry
距离到期time to maturity
距离到期日时间time to maturity
远期交易到期forward maturity
配对到期matched maturity
隔夜到期overnight maturity
预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
预测到期projected maturity date
预计到期收益return to maturity expectations
预计到期expected maturity
风险与到期日关系risk maturity relationship