
Terms for subject Business containing 到期 | all forms | in specified order only
上市证券到期日表maturity schedules of marketable security
义务履行到期date when performance due
估计到达日期estimated date of arrival
保证按期到达ensure the date of arrival
信用证到期L/C expiration day
信用证到期日期L/C expiration date
债务到期due of an obligation
债务或其他义务履行到期date of eligibility of the obligation
具体到期specific maturities
到期expiry of a time
到期due to fail
到期full due
到期due to full
到期不偿还的贷款dead loan
到期付款汇票bill on maturity
到期付清be paid in full at appointed time
到期以前ante diem
到期保险单matured insurance policies
到期保险费due premium
到期债券bond due
到期债券matured bonds
到期债券mature bond
到期债券及息票matured bonds and coupons
到期债务maturity liability
到期债务maturity debenture
到期债务偿还debt maturity
本金加利息的到期maturity value
到期催单reminder of due date
到期全部付清be paid in full at the appointed time
到期全部偿还straight end payment
到期券或保险金matured endowment
到期前交货pre-mature delivery
到期前偿还prematurity repayment
到期合同determined contract
到期后一个月付款month after date
到期后背书endorsement after maturity
到期基数maturity basis
到期年金annuity due
到期年金现值present value of an annuity due
到期年金额amount of an annuity due
到期应付款due for repayment
到期应付的款项due and payable
到期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
到期应偿付债券bond due for payment
到期应偿付的due for repayment
到期应偿付的信贷credit due for repayment
到期提出due presentment
到期提示汇票due presentment
到期支票mature check
到期收益率yield in maturity
债券等到期date of maturity
票据到期due date
借据等的到期due date
到期expiration date
到期dies ad quem
到期expiry date
到期日期expiry date
到期日期expiration date
到期日通知notice of due date
到期月份contract months
到期未付股利passed dividend
到期未偿还债券matured bonds unredeemed
到期未偿还债券mature bond unredeemed
到期汇票due draft
到期汇票mature bill
到期票据matured bill
到期票据fall due bill
到期票据mature bill
到期票据登记簿tickler file
到期票据记录簿maturity tickler
到期缺口maturing gap
到期证券securities of near-maturity
到期负债maturity liability
到期负债指到期债务,如应付债券本金等matured liability
到期账目maturity book
到期通知notice of due date
到期通知书expiration notice
到期延期通知单renewal notice
到期金额maturity amount
到期金额amount due
到期预付金额matured repayment
到达一定期的累积数period payment accumulating
到达日期date of arrived
加速到期事件event of acceleration
原定到期日期original expiration date
发行新债券以代替将到期债券refinancing of maturing bond
发行新债券取代将到期债券refinancing of maturing bond
合同到期expiration of a contract
合同到期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
大数欠款到期balloon maturity
大规模交易到期付款mature for large-scale trading
如期收到duly received
定额到期债券fixed-maturity bond
定额到期债券fixed maturity bond
到期债务maturing liability
到期债务maturing debt
到期负债maturing liability
到期保费earned premium
已拨付但未到偿还期disbursed and not yet due for repayment
平均到期equated time
应付到期债券matured bonds payable
应付到期债券本金principal payable of matured debenture
应付到期利息matured interest payable
应付账款平均到期average accounts payable period
应付账款平均到期比率average accounts payable period ratio
应付顾主到期款项account due to customers
应收到期寄售货款accounts due on consignment-out
应收到期寄售货款account due on consignment-out
应收到期accounts due
应收到期试销货款accounts due on sales on approval
应收到期试销货款account due on sales on approval
应收到期账款accounts receivable due
应收联营企业到期账款account due from affiliated company
应收联营公司到期账款accounts receivable due from affiliated company
应收银行到期存款deposit due from banks account
应收银行到期存款deposit due from bank account
成品交库到期due in finished stock
我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
承兑汇票到期记录acceptance maturity record
拒付到期款与收回货物default and repossession
按期到达terminal arrive
按期收到duly received
撤销未到期合同cancellation of future performance
支付到期票据meet a bill
收到日期date of receipt
收回到期账款recovery of sums due
到期日期no expiration date
最后到期偿还期final maturities
有效贷款偿还期到期maturity structure of effective loan
期望到期价值expected terminal value
到期unexpired term
到期交易unmatured transaction
到期保险费准备reserve for unexpired premium
到期债券undue bond
到期偿付prematurity repayment
到期偿还prematurity repayment
到期前交货pre-mature delivery of futures
到期协议unmatured agreement
到期合同unmatured contract
到期安排unexpired arrangement
到期票据current paper
到期风险准备金unexpired risks reserve
未付到期债务matured liabilities unpaid
未付到期负债matured liability unpaid
本年到期长期债务current maturity
本年到期的长期负债current maturity of long term debt
本期或一年内到期current maturity
法定债务到期obligatory maturity
到期满抵押贷款straight term mortgage loan
票据到期拒付分录entry if note is dishonored
票据到期maturity date of a note
票据到期通知书note maturity notice
等同到期equated maturity
到期债务unmatured debt
规定到期fixed maturity date
订单最早到期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
账单到期即付pay as you go
购买到期债券buy maturities
购买到期债权buy maturity
远期到期long maturity
追收到期账款recovery of sums due
长期债务中本年内到期部分current portion of long-term debt
到期偿还债券non-callable bond
顾主欠款到期account due from customers
到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
预期到达时间expected time of arrival
预期到达率expected arrival rate