
Terms containing 到期 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一年内到期的长期债务current maturity of long-term debt
tech.一次到期债券term bond
securit.三权到期美国每季有一天是股票期权、指数期货和指数期权同时到期的日子,因此叫 "三权到期"triple witching
securit.三权到期triple witching day
securit.上市证券到期日程表maturity schedules of marketable security
busin.上市证券到期日表maturity schedules of marketable security
securit.下一交收日到期next settlement day due
securit.不规则到期odd maturity
securit.不规则到期broken date
securit.不规则到期日远期交易broken date forward transaction
tech.不规定到期日的债券irredeemable bonds
busin.义务履行到期date when performance due
gen.他的支票日期填迟到六月份His cheque is postdated to June
tech.付款到期date to which payment becomes due
busin.估计到达日期estimated date of arrival
busin.保证按期到达ensure the date of arrival
busin.信用证到期L/C expiration day
securit.信用证到期L/C expiration date
busin.信用证到期日期L/C expiration date
tech.修改到期日承兑qualified acceptance as to time
securit.借贷到期通知note maturity notice
securit.借贷的到期通知书note notice
securit.债券到期不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
securit.债券到期收益yield to maturity of a bond
securit.债券到期收益率bond yield to maturity
securit.债券到期bond maturity
securit.债券到期还款bond redemption
securit.债券与贷款到期日期分布情况maturity distribution of loans and securities
busin.债务到期due of an obligation
securit.债务到期obligatory maturity
tech.债务到期date of maturity of the obligation
tech.债务到期date of exigibility of the obligation
busin.债务或其他义务履行到期date of eligibility of the obligation
tech.到期先做规则first in system-first served rule
tech.全部或大部分的债券或欠款的到期balloon maturity
securit.全面到期synthetic maturity
busin.具体到期specific maturities
gen.写…到最近日期为止write up
tech.准备支付到期票据meet a bill
securit.准确到期very accurately defined maturity
securit.分批到期serial maturities
tech.分期付息到期一次清还本金的抵押贷款straight-term mortgage
tech.分期付息到期还本的抵押贷款straight mortgage
gen.20世纪80年代初期to the early 1980s
gen.到三十年代中期by the mid-thirties
busin.到期expiry of a time
busin.到期due to fail
busin.到期full due
China, polit.到期terminate
China, law到期date of maturity
busin.到期due to full
gen.到期fall in
tech.到期due (的)
gen.票据到期become due
tech.到期一次清还贷款的借据straight note
busin.到期不偿还的贷款dead loan
securit.到期不匹配风险maturity-mismatch risk
securit.到期交割月份指谷物合同的交割月份contract/delivery month
securit.到期付款payment in due course
China, law到期付款pay the bill at its maturity
securit.到期付款fall due
tech.到期付款净额net account due
busin.到期付款汇票bill on maturity
busin.到期付清be paid in full at appointed time
busin.到期以前ante diem
tech.到期以后的月数months after due date
securit.到期价值expiry value
securit.到期价格expiry price
busin.到期保险单matured insurance policies
busin.到期保险费due premium
securit.到期借票due bill
busin.到期债券mature bond
busin.到期债券bond due
busin.到期债券matured bonds
securit.到期债券matured bonds (MB)
busin.到期债券及息票matured bonds and coupons
securit.到期债券应付款matured bonds payable
securit.到期债券违约不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
securit.到期债务mature liability
busin.到期债务maturity liability
busin.到期债务maturity debenture
busin.到期债务偿还debt maturity
securit.到期债务matured liability
securit.到期债务debt due
China, law到期债权matured creditor's rights
busin.本金加利息的到期maturity value
securit.到期偿还债券bond due for payment
securit.到期偿还债券本息meeting bond interest and principal
securit.到期偿还本金meeting principal
securit.到期偿还的证券non-callable securities
securit.到期偿还贷款loan due for payment
busin.到期催单reminder of due date
busin.到期全部付清be paid in full at the appointed time
busin.到期全部偿还straight end payment
securit.到期出售due on sale
securit.到期分次承兑票据汇票bill at usance
securit.到期分配distribution by maturity
securit.到期利差maturity spread
securit.到期利息及分红interest and dividends due
busin.到期券或保险金matured endowment
busin.到期前交货pre-mature delivery
tech.到期前偿付prematurity repayment
busin.到期前偿还prematurity repayment
securit.到期前发行premature distribution
securit.到期前始终有效的指令good through until date order
securit.到期前有效指令good-till-date order
tech.到期前的违约breach before performance is due
securit.到期单据支票due bill check
securit.到期即付汇票bill on maturity
busin.到期合同determined contract
busin.到期后一个月付款month after date
securit.到期后溢价赎回premium redemption
busin.到期后背书endorsement after maturity
busin.到期基数maturity basis
securit.到期处理maturity settlement
securit.到期失去价值expired worthless (期权)
securit.到期实得复合收益realized compound yield to maturity
busin.到期年金annuity due
busin.到期年金现值present value of an annuity due
tech.到期年金的现值present value of an annuity due
busin.到期年金额amount of an annuity due
busin.到期应付款due for repayment
busin.到期应付的款项due and payable
busin.到期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
securit.到期应付票据账簿/款账册bill payable maturity book
securit.到期/应付资金fund due
tech.到期应付金mature repayment
busin.到期应偿付债券bond due for payment
tech.到期应偿付债券bonds due for payment
busin.到期应偿付的due for repayment
busin.到期应偿付的信贷credit due for repayment
tech.到期应纳税款tax due
securit.到期归属权ownership of expiration
tech.到期投资maturing investment
busin.到期提出due presentment
busin.到期提示汇票due presentment
securit.到期提示通知reminder of due date
busin.到期支票mature check
gen.到期支票antedated cheque
securit.到期收益maturity yield
busin.到期收益率yield in maturity
securit.到期效应期货、期权到期时,交易者急欲交易而造成价格大幅波动的结果expiration effect
securit.到期无息债务matured non-interest bearing debt
tech.到期due date
busin.到期expiry date
busin.票据到期due date
busin.借据等的到期due date
busin.到期expiration date
busin.到期dies ad quem
busin.债券等到期date of maturity
tech.到期day maturity
securit.到期Mat. (maturity)
securit.到期time of maturity
securit.到期law day
securit.到期maturity day
securit.到期maturity (Mat.)
securit.到期final maturity date
securit.到期日互换maturity swap
securit.到期日保理服务maturity factoring
securit.到期日分布情况债券maturity distribution
securit.到期日延长extension of maturity
securit.到期日延长extend the expiration date
tech.到期日期due date
agric., busin.到期日期指合同,期票等maturity date
busin.到期日期expiry date
busin.到期日期expiration date
shipb.到期日期mature date
securit.到期日期maturity date
securit.银行存款分类到期日梯形结构maturity ladder
busin.到期日通知notice of due date
securit.到期日错配安排maturity mismatching arrangement
securit.到期日错配情况maturity mismatch profile
railw.到期upon expiry
securit.到期时段maturity bands
securit.到期时间time of maturity
securit.到期时间当日交易最后时间expiration time
busin.到期月份contract months
securit.到期月份expiration month
securit.到期期权far option
securit.到期期限term to maturity
securit.到期未付债务matured liabilities unpaid
securit.到期未付款back money
securit.到期未付的票据overdue bill
busin.到期未付股利passed dividend
busin.到期未偿还债券matured bonds unredeemed
busin.到期未偿还债券mature bond unredeemed
securit.到期本息大额还清balloon payment
busin.到期汇票mature bill
busin.到期汇票due draft
tech.到期汇票matured bill
securit.到期清算maturity settlement
China, law到期的票据matured instrument
securit.到期的衍生权证expiring derivative warrants
securit.到期的负债maturity liability
busin.到期票据fall due bill
busin.到期票据matured bill
busin.到期票据mature bill
busin.到期票据登记簿tickler file
securit.到期票据登记簿maturity tickler
busin.到期票据记录簿maturity tickler
securit.到期类别maturity bands
securit.到期红利maturity bonus
securit.到期终止termination of term
securit.到期结算余额balance due
busin.到期缺口maturing gap
securit.到期计时基准maturity basis
busin.到期证券securities of near-maturity
busin.到期负债maturity liability
busin.到期负债指到期债务,如应付债券本金等matured liability
busin.到期账目maturity book
securit.到期价格趋于一致maturity convergence
securit.到期价格趋同maturity convergence
busin.到期通知notice of due date
busin.到期通知书expiration notice
busin.到期延期通知单renewal notice
securit.到期配比maturity matching
China, law到期重大债务overdue major debts
securit.到期重大债务due major debt
busin.到期金额maturity amount
busin.到期金额amount due
securit.到期错配风险maturity-mismatch risk
securit.到期阶段maturity stage
securit.到期阶段maturity phase
agric.到期run out
busin.到期预付金额matured repayment
securit.到期风险maturity risk
securit.到期风险溢价maturity risk premium
avia.〔客〕到货日期on dock date
busin.到达一定期的累积数period payment accumulating
tech.到达干燥周期drying-out period
tech.到达干燥期限drying-out time
tech.到达日期data of arrival
busin.到达日期date of arrived
avia.到达日期arrival date
securit.剩余到期current maturity
busin.加速到期事件event of acceleration
tech.包裹的运到期transit period of parcels
law协议已到期的事实fact that the agreement has lapsed
securit.单个月份到期single monthly mortality
securit.单月份到期还本率single monthly mortality
securit.即刻到期条款due on sale clause
securit.即将到期债务maturing liability
securit.即将到期current maturity
securit.即将到期的长期债务current maturity of long-term debts
busin.原定到期日期original expiration date
securit.双权到期double witching day
securit.双权到期相关资产的期货和期权同时到期double witching hour
securit.反向到期reverse to maturity
busin.发行新债券以代替将到期债券refinancing of maturing bond
busin.发行新债券取代将到期债券refinancing of maturing bond
tech.只分期付息而到期后一次偿还本金的抵押方式interest only mortgage
busin.合同到期expiration of a contract
busin.合同到期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
securit.合同到期contract expiration date
securit.合同到期contract month
sport.合约到期out of contract
adv.同时收到两种及以上当月期刊的住户household combinations of magazines
securit.多次到期serial expiration
securit.多种到期债券multi-maturity bond
busin.大数欠款到期balloon maturity
busin.大规模交易到期付款mature for large-scale trading
busin.如期收到duly received
securit.子弹式到期本金在到期日一次还清bullet maturity
securit.存款到期Mat. (maturity)
securit.存款到期maturity (Mat.)
securit.存款到期日不相配梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险deposit maturity mismatch ladder
tech.定期存入等量数目款项到期后的未来价值比future worth of one per period
busin.定额到期债券fixed-maturity bond
busin.定额到期债券fixed maturity bond
busin.到期债务maturing liability
busin.到期债务maturing debt
securit.到期可调整优先股maturing adjustable preferred stock
busin.到期负债maturing liability
securit.将要到期的票据maturing note
tech.履行期末到前违约breach of contract before performance is due
busin.到期保费earned premium
tech.到期保险金earned premium
securit.债务已到偿债期fall in
busin.已拨付但未到偿还期disbursed and not yet due for repayment
securit.常规到期regular date
securit.常规到期日远期交易regular date forward transaction
busin.平均到期equated time
tech.平均到期average maturity
tech.平均到期equated maturity
tech.平均到期average due date
busin.应付到期债券matured bonds payable
busin.应付到期债券本金principal payable of matured debenture
busin.应付到期利息matured interest payable
busin.应付账款平均到期average accounts payable period
busin.应付账款平均到期比率average accounts payable period ratio
busin.应付顾主到期款项account due to customers
busin.应收到期寄售货款accounts due on consignment-out
busin.应收到期寄售货款account due on consignment-out
busin.应收到期accounts due
busin.应收到期试销货款accounts due on sales on approval
busin.应收到期试销货款account due on sales on approval
busin.应收到期账款accounts receivable due
tech.应收到期账款accounts due
busin.应收联营企业到期账款account due from affiliated company
busin.应收联营公司到期账款accounts receivable due from affiliated company
tech.应收银行到期存款deposite due from bank's account
busin.应收银行到期存款deposit due from banks account
busin.应收银行到期存款deposit due from bank account
tech.应收银行到期存款deposit due from bank's account
securit.延期到账delayed availability
securit.延期资金到账时间表deferred availability schedule
securit.延长的到期extended expiry date
gen.得不到期望中的东西miss out on
gen.得不到预期的效果miss fire
securit.到期的期权near option
China, law怠于行使到期债权be indolent in exercising natural creditor's rights
securit.息票债券的到期收益率yield to maturity for coupon bonds
busin.成品交库到期due in finished stock
expl.我们在图书馆查到同一时期的有关文献In the library we have found the relevant literature of even data
shipb.我们在收到贵方信用证后两三个星期内就能发货Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.
gen.我想乘飞机到旧金山,是5号,星期天I'd like to fly to San Francisco, Sunday the 5 th
gen.我想延期两晚到3月8号I'd like to extend my reservation for two more nights to 8th, March
busin.我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
expl.所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采一直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal
securit.承兑到期账目acceptance maturity record
busin.承兑汇票到期记录acceptance maturity record
tech.承兑票据到期记录acceptance maturity record
securit.承诺到期收益率promised yield to maturity
securit.承销期到期expiration of the period for underwriting
avia.技术到手日期technology availability date
busin.拒付到期款与收回货物default and repossession
securit.持有直至到期hold to maturity
securit.持有至到期日账户held-to-maturity account
tech.到期计算maturity basis
busin.按期到达terminal arrive
busin.按期收到duly received
securit.损失结转到下期loss carried forward to the next term
securit.提前到期贷款prematured loan
tech.提前归还未到期借款break a loan
tech.提前支取未到期存款break a deposit
busin.撤销未到期合同cancellation of future performance
busin.支付到期票据meet a bill
securit.支付到期票据meet a bill at maturity
tech.支票到期maturing check
busin.收到日期date of receipt
busin.收回到期账款recovery of sums due
securit.到期日发行undated issue
earth.sc.到期日期no expiration data
busin.到期日期no expiration date
securit.无固定到期日的远期外汇option exchange
sport.无须购买任何昂贵的健身器材,你也能把家变成健身房。一个星期做三次练习,不到一个月你就能看到结果Turn your home into your gym without buying any expensive equipment. Try these exercises three times a week, and you'll see results in less than a month
securit.明日到期overnight maturity
busin.最后到期偿还期final maturities
securit.最后到期final maturity date
adv.最能达到预期效果的时机psychological moment
busin.有效贷款偿还期到期maturity structure of effective loan
busin.期望到期价值expected terminal value
tech.期望到达时间expected approach time
securit.期权到期option expiry
securit.期权到期option expiration date
securit.期权到期option day
tech.期票到期日期date of maturity
tech.期货交易到期forward maturities
busin.到期unexpired term
securit.到期not yet due
busin.到期交易unmatured transaction
tech.到期保险费unexpired premium
busin.到期保险费准备reserve for unexpired premium
busin.到期债券undue bond
tech.到期债务undue debt
busin.到期偿付prematurity repayment
busin.到期偿还prematurity repayment
busin.到期前交货pre-mature delivery of futures
busin.到期协议unmatured agreement
busin.到期合同unmatured contract
busin.到期安排unexpired arrangement
securit.到期应还债务debt payable at a future time
securit.到期提取premature drawing
gen.到期支票postdated cheque
securit.到期的偿还indebiti solutio
securit.到期的远期合同unmatured forward contract
tech.到期票据undue bill
busin.到期票据current paper
tech.到期票据bill undue
China, law到期责任准备金unearned premium reserve
China, law到期责任准备金reserve for future claim
busin.到期风险准备金unexpired risks reserve
securit.到期风险金准备reserve for unexpired risk
busin.未付到期债务matured liabilities unpaid
busin.未付到期负债matured liability unpaid
securit.未到价位的期权underwater option
tech.未到龄期混凝土green concrete
busin.本年到期长期债务current maturity
busin.本年到期的长期负债current maturity of long term debt
busin.本期或一年内到期current maturity
securit.权证到期warrant's imminent maturity
tech.标准到期standard maturities
securit.标准到期standardized expiration dates
securit.梯型到期策略ladder maturity strategy
securit.到期债券non-amortizable bond
tech.每元欠款到期偿还的款额amount of one (包括复利)
securit.每月到期single monthly mortality
securit.每月到期还本率single monthly mortality
gen.比萨是 19 世纪后半期随着意大利的移民传到美国的Pizza came to America with Italian immigrants in the latter half of the 19th century
construct.汇票到期bill to mature
construct.汇票到期bill to fall due
tech.没有达到预期效果fall flat
securit.法定到期legal maturity
busin.法定债务到期obligatory maturity
securit.清偿到期债务pay off due debts
securit.清理到期票据clean up due bill
securit.现金及银行到期存放cash and due from banks
busin.到期满抵押贷款straight term mortgage loan
gen.真心希望我们再次相遇,期待收到你的消息I really hope to see you again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from you
tech.票据到期bill to mature
tech.票据到期bill to fall due
busin.票据到期拒付分录entry if note is dishonored
busin.票据到期maturity date of a note
tech.票据到期due date
busin.票据到期通知书note maturity notice
tech.票据到期通知书note notice
securit.票据结算行到期票据clearing house items
securit.票据结算行代理到期票据clearing house due bills
securit.到期日时间time to expiry
tech.租约到期后仍不归还房产的承租户hold over tennant
tech.端到端会话期end-to-end session
securit.第三者代管到期escrowed to maturity
busin.等同到期equated maturity
securit.简单到期收益simple yield to maturity
securit.系列到期serial maturities
securit.系列到期serial expiration
shipb.索赔要求到期date on which the claim becomes due
securit.绝对到期drop dead day
securit.绝对到期drop dead fee
busin.到期债务unmatured debt
tech.自然到期running-out system
shipb.船舶到达卸货港日期date of arrival of vessel at port of discharge
busin.规定到期fixed maturity date
busin.订单最早到期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
securit.认股权到期收益yield to warrant expiration
gen.请到服务台领取长期存物证Please pick up a long-term storage tag at the Bell Captain's Desk
tech.调整后最早到期日收益率yield to adjusted minimum maturity
busin.账单到期即付pay as you go
securit.货币市场到期日梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险money market maturity ladder
tech.货物运到期transit period of goods
busin.购买到期债券buy maturities
busin.购买到期债权buy maturity
securit.到期日时间time to expiry
securit.距离到期time to maturity
securit.距离到期日时间time to maturity
tech.到期transit period
tech.近期到期short maturity (外汇)
busin.远期到期long maturity
securit.远期交易到期forward maturity
busin.追收到期账款recovery of sums due
agric.租约通知到期give notice of termination (of a contract)
tech.通知到期notice of due date
tech.逾期到达overdue arrival
tech.部分分期偿还、其余到期偿还的抵押贷款partially amortized mortgage
securit.配对到期matched maturity
busin.长期债务中本年内到期部分current portion of long-term debt
China, polit.长期得不到解决的问题longstanding problems (in)
securit.隔夜到期overnight maturity
busin.到期偿还债券non-callable bond
busin.顾主欠款到期account due from customers
busin.到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
securit.预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
tech.预支未到期存款break a deposit
busin.预期到达时间expected time of arrival
busin.预期到达率expected arrival rate
securit.预测到期projected maturity date
securit.预计到期收益return to maturity expectations
securit.预计到期expected maturity
tech.预计到达日期expected data of arrival
avia.预计收到日期estimated receivable date
tech.风险与到期日关系risk-maturity relationship
securit.风险与到期日关系risk maturity relationship
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