
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
农业级产品primary products from agriculture
任培训training for the newly recruited persons
任法官beginner of judges
initial examination
in the initial phase of work (to)
步审查the preliminary examination
步审査preliminary examination
步审议preliminary deliberation
步审议preliminary deliberations
步形成take initial shape
步证据preliminary evidence
first offender
稿a draft version
等义务教育compulsory primary education
级中学教师teacher in a junior middle school
级法院primary court
在社会主义级阶段in the primary stage of socialism
普及等义务教育universalize compulsory primary education
的草案the initial draft
社会主义级阶段primary stage of socialism
社会主义级阶段the initial stage of socialism
社会主义级阶段the primary stage of socialism
社会主义级阶段的理论the theory on the initial stage of socialism
进行次审议include the draft law for preliminary deliberation
长期处于社会主义级阶段remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time to come