
Terms containing 初轧机 | all forms | in specified order only
met.万能式扁坯初轧机universal slabbing mill
tech.万能式板坯初轧机universal slabbing mill
met.万能板坯初轧机universal slabbing mill
met.三辊式初轧机three-high cogging mill
met.三辊式初轧机three-high blooming mill
met.三辊式初轧机three-high cogging train
met.三辊式初轧机three-high blooming train
steel.两辊可逆初轧机two high reversing blooming mill
met.中间初轧机intermediate bloomer
met.二辊可逆式初轧开坯two-high reversing cogging mill
met.二辊可逆式初轧开坯two-high reversing blooming mill
met.二辊可逆式初轧开坯two-high reversing cogging train
met.二辊可逆式初轧开坯two-high reversing blooming train
tech.二辊可逆式初轧机two-high reversing blooming mill
met.二辊可逆式初轧机two-high reversing cogging train
met.二辊可逆式初轧机two-high reversing blooming train
met.二辊式初轧开坯two-high cogging mill train
met.二辊式初轧机two-high bloomer
met.二辊式初轧机two-high cogging mill
met.二辊式初轧机two-high blooming mill
steel.二辊式初轧机two high blooming mill
met.二辊式初轧机two-high cogging mill train
met.二辊式初轧机two-high blooming mill train
met.二辊式万能板坯初轧机2-Hi universal type slabbing mill
tech.二辊式万能板坯初轧机two-Hi universal type slabbing mill
tech.二辊式万能板坯初轧机slabbing mill
met.二辊式初轧开坯机组two-high blooming mill train
tech.初切轧碎机primary breaker
met.初轧粗轧,开坯cogging mill
tech.初轧preliminary crusher
tech.初轧剪切机slab shears
met.初轧坯剪切机cogging shear
tech.初轧坯剪切机cogging shears
met.初轧坯翻转机bloom turnover device
met.初轧大方坯剪切机bloom shear
met.初轧大方坯推出机bloom pusher
met.初轧-开坯联合轧机combination blooming billet mill
met.初轧方坯剪切机bloom shear
met.初轧方坯推出机bloom pusher
tech.初轧机primary crusher
met.初轧机blooming mill
met.初轧机primary mill
roll.初轧机primary mill
met.初轧机cogging-down mill
met.初轧机cogging mill
tech.初轧机primary breaker
tech.初轧机外壳blooming mill housing
tech.初轧机外壳blooming housing
met.初轧机孔型blooming mill pass
tech.初轧机孔型bloom pass
met.初轧机breakdown mill
met.初轧机cogging stand
met.初轧机blooming stand
met.初轧机cogging-down stand
met.初轧机blooming mill stand
met.初轧机机架cogging mill housing
met.初轧机机架housing of cogging mill
met.初轧机机架blooming mill housing
tech.初轧机机组blooming train
met.初轧机用轴承bearing for cogging mill
met.初轧机breaking-down train
met.初轧机cogging train
met.初轧机blooming train
met.初轧机轧辊cogging roll
met.初轧机轧辊blooming roll
met.初轧机轧辊bloom roll
met.初轧机轴承bearing for blooming
met.初轧板坯修整机床slab grinder
steel.初轧板坯剪切机slab shear
tech.初轧板坯剪切机slab shears
tech.初轧板坯堆垛机slab piler
met.初轧板坯推进【出】机slab pusher
tech.初轧板坯推进机slab pusher
tech.初轧板坯清理机床slab grinder
met.初轧板坯翻转用起重机slab turning crane
met.初轧板坯输送机slab transfer
met.初轧板坯齐边压力机slab reducer
tech.初轧板坯齐边压力机slab straightener
el.mach.初轧电动机motor for blooming mill
el.mach.初轧电动机bloomer motor
el.mach.初轧电动机front motor
tech.初轧碎机primary crusher
met.初轧-轧坯联合轧机combination blooming billet mill
steel.可逆初轧机reversing blooming mill
construct.可逆初轧机reversing cogging mill
met.可逆式初轧机reversing blooming mill
met.可逆式初轧机reversing primary mill
met.可逆式初轧机reversing bloomer
tech.可逆式初轧机reversing cogging mill
met.可逆式初轧机reversing blooming mill train
met.四辊可逆式初轧机four-high reversing roughing mill
met.四辊可逆式初轧机4-high reversing roughing mill
steel.初轧机上轧制roll cogging
met.大升程初轧机high-lift blooming mill
met.大升程初轧机high lift bloomer
tech.大升程初轧机high lift blooming mill
met.大升程板坯初轧机high lift slabbing mill
met.大方坯板坯初轧机blooming-slabbing mill
met.小型初轧机small-size bloomer
met.小型初轧机baby bloomer
met.开坯-初轧机blooming mill
met.方坯初轧机blooming mill
met.方坯-板坯初轧机blooming slabbing mill
tech.方板坯初轧机blooming-slabbing mill
met.板坯初轧机slab mill
met. 板坯初轧机slabber
met.板坯初轧机slabbing mill
met.板坯初轧机轧辊slabbing mill roll
met.板坯-方坯初轧机slabbing and blooming mill (The existing slabbing and blooming mill, which currently supplies a seamless tube plant with tube rounds, will be replaced by an electric arc furnace and a continuous slab/ bloom caster. 目前正向一家无缝钢管厂提供圆管坯的这台板坯-方坯初轧机将被一座电弧炉和一台板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机所取代。)
met.板坯-方坯初轧机slabbing-blooming mill
met.液压初轧方坯剪切机hydraulic bloom shearing machine