
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一揽子供资计basket funding
一揽子计政策package programme policy
三级合作信贷计three-level cooperative credit scheme
不在计内的购买impulse buy
不牢靠的计house of cards
不确定的计水准indefinite planning horizon
不确定约束条件下的规chance-constrained programming
与计有关的食物援助programme-linked food aid
专业人员培养计professional development program
专案计project planning
世界生育调查计world fertility survey project
世界粮食计署商品的可接受性世界粮食计划署acceptability of WFP commodities
世界行动计world plan of action
业务计体系operation-planning system
两年期计的制订biennial programming
个别化的发展计individualized development program
美国的中介计Matchmaker Program
中央计经济centrally planned economics
中央计经济centrally planned economies
中央计经济centrally planned economies
中央计经济国家简写为CPE国家centrally planned economy countries
中央计经济国家centrally planned economy countries
中央计经济国家简写为CPE国家CPE countries
中央计经济国家简写为CPE国家CPE country
中央计经济国家简写为CPE国家centrally planned economy country
中期规medium-term plan
中期计纲要medium-term outline plan
为偿付债务开支再筹资金refinancing of debt service payment
为偿还债务开支再筹资金the refinancing of debt service payments
主要工业的国有化有助于政府统筹规The nationalization of key industries helps the government make an overall planning
主要计方案major program
主计master planning
会计规accounting regulation (规程)
伤残人收入除外计disability income exclusion
伯恩斯坦计Bernstein plan
伯恩斯坦计国际货币计划Bernstein plan
估计和试验计estimate and test plan
低成本住房计low-cast housing project
低收入中央计经济low income centrally planned economy (国家)
低收入中央计经济国家low-income centrally planned economy
住房建设计housing project
住房规housing programming
作业计job plan
你们的计收到了丰硕的效果Your schemes have bom rich fruit
你方应该按照我们在规中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme
你的计是行不通的Your plan is not workable
使 …按计划进programme
使 …按计划进program
借款计borrowing programme
停耕或休耕部分耕地的计set-aside programme
健康保险计health insurance plan
充分就业的计与代价planning and paying for full employment
免税计negative-tax plan
全体董事一致同意公布该计The plan shall be published by a unanimous consent of all directors
全国能源计national energy program
全国范围计a nation-wide program
全球规global planning
全面经济计all-inclusive economic planning
全面计the overall planning
全面计overall plan
全面进口监管计Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme
公共建筑工程计public works programme
公共建筑工程计public works program
公共福利计public welfare programme
公共福利计public welfare program (payment, 或费用)
公司的接管计firm's takeover plan
公司计保持年度红利为每股6.5美元不变,包含3.5美元的期中红利The company plans to keep its annual dividend unchanged at $6.5 per share, which includes a $3.5 interim payment
共同出资的年金计contributory pension plan (scheme)
关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言与行动计1975 年 3 月联合国工业发展组织第二次大会在秘鲁首都利马通过的宣言,简称利马宣言Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation
养殖场规farm planning
养老计的资金供应funding of pension plans
养老金计pension scheme
养老金计的资金供应funding of pension plans
分期付款销售installment plan
分期付款计hire purchase sale
分期付款计budget plan
分期付款计pay on the installment plan
分期付款计pay-as-you-go plan
分期付款计instalment sale
分期付款计sale on instalments
分期偿还计amortization schedule
分期偿还计amortization scheme
分期定额付款的契约性信托投资计front-end load plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计front-end loan plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计contractual plan
分配需要计distribution requirements planning
一减税法linear approach
一单据the alignment of document
一生产成本equalizing cost of production
一的运价表tariff on uniform basis
allocate (账号)
分出mark out
分出mark off
分经济区域division of economic zones
分美国邮区编号Zip code
分销售市场market-sharing arrangement
区分组block group
区确定方案block definition program
美国区边界建议计划block boundary suggestion project
score out
定领海界限delimitation of the territorial sea
allocation (allotments)
拨储金transfer savings
拨储金存款transfer saving deposit
拨清算协定clearing agreement
拨结算clearing by writting order
write off
类选点classification and choosing typical unit
红线提单a "red "bill of lading
“红线”提货单red bill of lading
线图表line chart
线标明line out
用尺线隔开rule off
创造就业的计employment-generating programme
利润division of profit
利润改善计profit improvement plan
利润改善计与执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
利润计预算profit planning budgeting
利马宣言、 关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言与行动计1975 年 3 月联合国工业发展组织第二次大会在秘鲁首都利马通过的宣言,简称"利马宣言"Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation
利马宣言、 关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言与行动计1975 年 3 月联合国工业发展组织第二次大会在秘鲁首都利马通过的宣言,简称"利马宣言"Declaration of Lima
制定项目计project programming
制订 …的计划chart
制订计lay or form a plan
制订计draw up a plan
前期投资大的计front-loading project
block system
区域计regional planning
半计市场调节semiplanned market regulation
半计调节the semi-planned market regulation
协议执行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan
单一指令计体制system of unified mandatory plans
单元装置试验计unit test plan
卡彭特分保计Carpenter Plan
危机预防计preparedness programme
合作计cooperative program (project)
合作计co-operative programs
合约计front-end loan plan
合约计contractual plan
同时拨制a simultaneous allocation system
向公司职员出售股票的计employees stock plan
否决计veto a plan
启发规heuristic rule
员工持股计employee stock ownership plans
员工持股计employee stock ownership plan
周详的计well-laid plan
商品流转计commodity distribution plan
商品规commodity projections
商品资金计管理commodity fund plan management
喀盆塔分保计carpenter plan
喂养计feeding programme
器材需求计material requirement planning
土地和水生资源利用规land and aquatic resource use planning
土地垦殖计land settlement project
土地改良信贷计credit schemes for land improvement
土地改良计的可租性rentability of land improvement schemes
土地规site planning
土建工程合同物价调整规-使用和制订导则调价规则price adjustment formulae For building contracts guide to application & procedure
在下面一条线rule off
在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
地区互联计area contingency plan
地方一级计和执行单位local-level planning and implementing unit
多因素计a multifactor scheme
多年作业计multi-year operational plan
多方管理计multiple management plans
多样的时间工资计multiple time rate plan
多目标规multiple goal programming
多视角试验计trial multivision programme
多边食物援助计multilateral food aid programme
多部门资源规综合技术a multisectoral resources-planning technique
大修期内计保养planned maintenance during overhaul
大修理计an overhaul plan
大修理费用计an overhaul expenses budget
大修计master repair schedule
大家对此计之关心public interest in the program
大规模地面计large scale floor plan
大规模社会资本计large social overhead capital project
大项计program (me)
天然气规和销售协议natural gas project and sale agreement
契约的计contractual plan
奖金和津贴费计bonus and premium plans
安吉尔计一项改革国际货币制度的计划Angell Plan
将…列入计划表schedule (或程序表、 时间表)
将计搁置下来shelve a plan
小农放款计small-farmer lending programmes
市区分法令zoning ordinance
市区规条例zoning ordinance
美国市场促销计Market Promotion Program
美国、日本的市场导向合作计Market-Oriented Cooperation Plan
市场规market planning
市政工程计public works programme
市政工程计public works program
幕后策behindhand the scheming
平均未计的拆卸间隔mean time between unscheduled removal
平衡的全面发展规balanced over all development planning
平衡的贷款计balanced loan programme
年度工作计annual work program
年度生产计annual production plan
挪威油气田开发与经营计plan for development and operation
开发和经营计plans for development and operation
开发和经营计plan for development and operation
开发费用计development cost plan
开发进口计develop-and-import scheme
开支计expenditure plan
开支计plan of expenditure
开放天空计open skies plan
开放系统的规工作open systems planning
强制性石油进口计mandatory oil import program
总体管理计分析控制技术integrated managerial programming analysis control technique
总体经济计macroeconomic plan
总计overall plan
总计之组成Organizing the overall program
成本计与鉴定cost planning and appraisal
我们正在拟定一项招聘计,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
我们觉得你方的计行得通We find your plan feasible
我方乐意按照技术规格说明书的规定,备好一份主要计We are glad to prepare a master plan as specified in the technical specifications
战略性的长期计strategic long-range planning
美国战略石油储备计Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan
战略规模型strategic planning model
战略计目标strategic planning objective
美国扩大出口计Export Enhancement Program
扩大技术援助计expanded technical assistance program
生产能力扩展计expansion programme
生产能力扩展计expansion program
扩建计expansion project
批准的计approved programme
批准的计approved program
技术人力共同调配计a skilled manpower pool
技术发展计technical development plan
联合国技术援助发展计Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance
技术改瑋规technological transformation planning
持续的规活动简写为CPAcontinuing programme activity
指令计mandatory planning
指导性计a guiding plan
指导性计a guidance plan
指示性规indicative planning
指示性计indicative planning
按国家分的管辖范围country coverage
按期、按质、 按量完成国家计meet the state plan's requirements on date, quantity and quality
按程收费计pay-as-you-go plan
按职能分部门functional departmentalization
按计出港cleared as planned
按部门分的世界生sectoral world production
按部门分的世界生产sectoral world production
按项目by category
按预定计on schedule
摊销计amortization policy
支票上双线double crossing
收入安全网计income safety-net programmes
收入转移计income transfer programme
收支范围的division of the revenue and expenditure boundaries
收益分配计a gainful sharing plan
收益分配计gain sharing plan
改进计perfect one's plan
放弃一项计relinquish a project
政府信贷计government credit programme
政府计使某些轻工业非国有化The government has plans to denationalize some light industries
政府计机构government planning agencies
数量经济政策和计quantitative economic policy and planning
整体计overall plan
普通线general crossing (of a check)
普遍优惠关税计general preference scheme
普遍优惠计general scheme of preference
普遍医疗保险计universal health insurance scheme
最低成本规minimum cost programming
最低规时限the minimum planning horizon
最后筹资计final financing program
最大利润规maximum profit programming
月度财务收支计monthly revenue and expenditure budget
有专门目的的储蓄计special-purpose savings scheme
有效的长期企业计effective long-range business planning
有计发展planned development
有计的预防性维修planned preventive maintenance
服务要求计service requirements planning
期间计编制period planning
分的供款人an unallocated borrower
未计的贷款余额unprogrammed balance of credit
材料规material planning system
材料计联络人coordinator of material planning
材料需求量计material requirement planning
标准抽样计ABC standard ABC
核定计方案approved program me
模式农场计pattern farm plan
模拟和投资计系统simulation and investment planning system
模拟规simulation programs
欧洲复兴计European Recovery Program
正常信贷计ordinary credit scheme
银行之间的结算the town clearing
转账giro transfer
转账交易giro transaction
银行giro banks
测定的日给计a measured day rate plan
济贫计poverty program
涂削线opening a crossing
消灭缺点部署, 无缺点方案, 无缺点计zero defects program
消费物价指数计的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
消费计consumption plan
清淤研究计dredging research program
物资需求计materials requirement planning
支票的 特别线special crossing (of a cheque)
特别标签规special labeling requirement
特别行动计special action programme
特定线special crossing (of a cheque)
特种管理科学教学计special programme in management
特里芬计Triffin Plan
甘特奖励计Gantt premium plan
生产性资产投资计plan-and-equipment expenditure program
生产性资产投资计plan-and-equipment expenditure programme
生产性资产投资计plant-and-equipment expenditure programme
生产性资产投资计plant-and-equipment expenditure program
生产计production budget
生产计控制制度the production, planning and control system
企业的生产财务计output and finance plan
由于这次罢工,生产计不可避免地会推迟完成Because of the strike the productive plan will be subject to unavoidable delays
电气化计an electrification plan
看重后期投资的计an end loading project
着手一项改革计inaugurate a scheme of renovation
研究成本的规research cost planning
研究计research project (项目)
研究计research effort
确定的计订货finn planned order
社会规social programs
社区开发计community development project
社区食品和营养计community based food and nutrition programmes
程式规者履行因素programmer performance factor
突出计the taut planning
第四点计point four program
scheme (阴谋)
对付scheme against (the opponent, 对手)
策略性计the tactical planning
figure for
block out
给养secure supplies
筹备计integrated projects
筹资计financing scheme
紧急计crash program
紧缩计austerity program
累积投资计cumulative investment programme
编制合同计development of a bond program
编订计步骤planning process
网状计network plan
网络计critical path method
网络计技术program evaluation and review technology
网络计技术j进度检核技术program evaluation and review technique
职业规career plan
职员工作改进计clerical work improvement program
职工利润分享计employee profit sharing plan
联合国环境规署基金Fund for the United Nations Environment Programme
联合安装计joint installation plan
联合技术开发计joint technical development plan
联合规corporate planning
英国联合规Joint Program Office
美国联合规委员会Joint Planning Committee
联邦价格支持计federal program of price support
联邦合同执行计办公室Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
联邦、州及地方政府之间的三级财政职责federal and state-local diversion of fiscal responsibility
联邦执行计Federal Implementation Plan
舒曼计Schumann plan
节巧与投资计savings and investment plan
节巧与投资计saving and investment plan
美国节能贷款计Energy Savings Loan Scheme
营销计marketing programme
营销计似乎非常理想,但实施起来又会怎样呢?The marketing plan seems very desirable, but what will it be in practice n.?
落后于预定计behind schedule
董事会有保留地同意新公司的规board gave the new company's project qualified approval
行为的计工作action planning
行动计a game plan
行动计action project (纲领)
补助金支付计subsidy payment schedule
调拨计appropriation plan
贝弗里奇计英国社会保险计划Beveridge plan
财务一揽子计financial package
财务与计资料网financial and program information network
财务计financing plan
财政计financial project
财政计financing plan
财政计financial program
账户计plan of accounts
账户计project scheme of accounts
货物应通过样品,或计及图纸来加以说明The goods should be described either by sample, or by plans and drawings
质量保证计quality programme
质量可靠性保证和可维修性计quality reliability assurance and maintainability program
质量检验计quality examination program
贴补计negative-tax plan
贷款回收计loan recovery arrangements
贷款计a borrower plan
贷款计a borrowing plan
贷款计borrowing plan
贷款计之执行implementation of financing program
贸易和开发计trade and development program
费用的the cost transfer
资本主义计经济capitalist planned economy
资本计基金capital projects funds
美国资源与计管理rotations and Program Management
美国资源与计管理Resources and Program Management
资源停用计resource retirement programme
资源停用计resources retirement programmes
资源分配和项目计resource allocation and project planning
资源计和管理resource planning and management
资金来源及用途the segregation of sources and utilization of funds
超产奖金计production bonus
超计利润extraplan profit
超计利润奖bonuses for overfulfilling the profit norm
超计节约economy above the plan
超额完成计outstrip target
超额完成计exceed the target
超额完成计奖金overfulfilment bonus
车厢自动识别计automatic car identification program
转换计conversion plan
适应市场经济的计体系plan-oriented market economy system
逐年扩展计rolling plan
逐渐退职gradual retirement plan
遇有任何取消订货或退货,账或反索赔的情况,应向总公司报告Any revocation or return of goods, set off or counterclaim shall be reported to the head office
遵循有计、按比例发展的规律abiding the law of planned and proportionate development
配对计Matchmaker Program
配载计an allocation plan
配载计allocate a plan
配额计quota scheme
销售地区territorial allocation of market
销售计sales budget
长期开发规long range development program
长期经营计long planning
长期规long-term plan
长期规long term program
长期规long term programme
长期规strategic planning
长期规long-range programme
长远发展规long range development program
长远规long-range plan
长远计take the long view
长远计long-term planning
长远计long-range schedule
限制耕地面积计acreage reserve programme
商品限制计restrictive scheme
线支票an uncrossed cheque
非工程计性的投资the non-project investment
非政府性食品援助计non-governmental food aid programme
非线性规the non-linear programming
非计决定a non-programmed decision
面向社会的规socially-oriented programmes
面向社会的计socially-oriented programmes
项目实施计project operation plan
项目建设计implementation planning
项目总规project master plan
项目执行计project execution plans
项目的the segregation of items
项目规project planning
项目规project design
项目计评估appraisal of projects
预估世界计indicative world plan
预先制定的计forward planning
预算外拨款extra-budgetary programme
预算外拨款extra-budgetary program
预算编制计budget programme
预算编制计budget program
预算计文件budget planning document
预防性维管理计preventive maintenance management program
预防性维管理计preventive maintenance management plan
马歇尔计Marshall plan
鲁莎国际金融计Roosa plan
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