
Terms for subject Planning containing | all forms
专用件计方法planning method for special parts
专项计special item plan
业务规plan of operation
中央计central plan
中央计的经济centrally planned economy
中央计经济国家centrally planned economics
中排程计shop schedule
中期规纲要medium term outline plan
中期计medium-range plan
主要的计master plan
主要计指标main targets of the plan
五年计Five Year Plan
仓储计silo programme
企业投资计enterprise investment plan
企业计enterprise plan
伞状计umbrella programme
作业计operating schedule
作业计体系operation-planning system
供应计plan of supply
修改原计revisions to plan
全国计协会national planning association
全面规over-all planning
全面计comprehensive planning
公司发展规planning for company growth
凸零星分线性convex piecewise-linear
分区规政策spatial policy
分散计decentralized planning
分散计管理decentralized planning control
分散计部门decentralized planning department
分期偿还计plan of redemption
分配计plan of executive
分配计plan of distribution
利润上缴计plan of profit delivery
制订人力管理费用计planning of overhead cost of manpower
功能计functional planning
劳动工资计plan concerning manpower and pay scales
劳动工资计labour and wage plan
劳动生产率计plan for labor productivity
北极星号计Polaris program
医疗保险计monitoring, control and surveillance
十足准备计one hundred percent reserve plan
协作计cooperation plan
协调规coordinated planning
单件小批生产作业计job & small batch operation schedule
厂房改建或建造计plan for building changes or construction
变异规diversification programs
变更计change of plan
可行的计feasible scheme
启蒙计richmond plan
固定分配计constant sharing plan
固定计期政策fixed-horizon policy
固定资产投资t十plan for investment in fixed assets
国家的规原则planning philosoph of the state
国家计country programmers
国家计state plan
国家计country program
国家计体制state-planned system
国家计的优先顺序national plan priorities
国家计的完成fulfilment of state plan
国民经济计plan of national economy
国民经济计plan for the national economy
国民经济计草案draft national economic plan
土地规plan of land utilization
土壤使用规land use planning
在计on the stocks
地区计regional plan
地方计local plan
城市中心的规planning of civic center
城市的无计增长unplanned urban growth
基本建设计plan of capital construction
增产节约计plan for increasing production and practising economy
备用件计方法planning method for parts from other designs
多元化计diversification programs
多因素计multi-factor schemes
多种经营diversification programs
大修理计plan of major repair
大量生产作业计mass production operation schedule
太空计space program
季度计seasonal plan
定期的计编造periodic planning
定额流动资金计planned statement of standardized current capital
实用企业规practical business planning
家庭收入计.family income pain
小日程计detail schedule
工业产品计plan of factory products
工业生产计production plan of industry
工业综合计industrial complex plans
工业计industrial planning
工资基金计plan of wage fund
工资基金追加计additional plan of wage fund
市场机制与计经济market mechanism & central planning
帐户计plan of account
年度分季分月计seasonal and monthly plan in a year
年度工作计annual working program
年度综合计annual overall plan
年度计annual plan
年度计利润额planned annual profit
应变计planning for change
开始实行一个新计initiate a new plan
弹性计flexible plan
弹性计elastic plan
总体经济计macro-economic plan
总体计over-all planning
成批生产作业计batch production operation schedule
战术性计tactical planning
战略计strategic plan
打乱计upset the apple cart
执行生产计execution of production plan
执行计delivery of program
技术发展计program of technological development
技术和经济计technical and economic programme
技术组织措施计plan for technical and organizational measures
指导性计guidance plan
搜索决策规search decision rule
改进计perfect one's plans
整体生产计aggregate production planning
新镇规new town plan
日程计schedule planning
日计schedule of the day
时间计period planning
最佳执行计optimum implementation programme
月度生产作业计schedule of monthly production
有时限的计time-bound programme
期间计period planning
机率限制规chance constrained programming
材料申请计plan of material requisition
松弛时间/留剩作业规slack/remaining operations rule
标准件计方法planning method for standard parts
标准计standard plan
模数生产计parametric production planning
正常计regular program
正式调研计planning the formal research
活动规planning the activities
混合计planning mix
滑动式计rolling plan
滚动式计rolling plan
滚动的计rolling plan
物料计系统material planning system
物资分配计plan of material distribution
物资计管理plan management of materials and equipment
物资需要量计materials requirement planning
物资需要量计material requirement planning
现行计之设计planning a realistic schedule
班组计team or group plan
生产作业计operation schedule
生产协作计plan of cooperative production
生产技术准备计plan for technical preparations in production
生产能量计capacity planning
生产计production planning
生产计production plan
生产计manufacturing plan
生产财务计plan of production and finance
生育计fertility planning
申请计plan of application
研究计research plan
移动计moving projection
移动计moving horizon
策略的一般计general plan of strategy
plan out
管理经营management plan
紧急计emergency program
累积投资计cumulative investment program
练合性计umbrella programme
细节计derivative plans
经济企economic planning agency
经济规economic planning
经济计economic plan
经济计会议economic planning council
统一经济计unified economic planning
统一计unified planning
综合的团体计comprehensive corporate planning
综合规aggregate planning
综合计aggregate planning
综合计comprehensive planning
综合计aggregate plan
网络计方法network method
职工人数计plan of the number of staffs and workers
职工人数计plan for the required number of workers and staff
职能计functional planning
职能部门计functional department plan
营业经营operating plan
营业外损益计planned statement of non-operating profit and loss
行业部门sectional department plan
补充计草案draft supplementary plan
人员planning personnel
功能planning function
原则planning principle
周期planning horizon
周期planning cycles
委员会planning commission
经济活动planning the activities
经济发展planning for economic development
远景planning horizon
planning department
一般性原则pervasiveness of planning
与规划plans and planning
与规划plan and planning
与调查局bureau of plans and surveys
与问题确定planning and problem definition
业务和机构program operation and service
主管人planning supervisor
事务planning tasks
产出planned output
产品planned products
产量schedule output
人员planning personnel
优先原则primary of planning
会议planning session
会议planning conference
供应planned supply
内投资investment within the plan
planned out
plan out
分析报吿plan analysis report
分配planned distribution
前提planning premises
区分division of planning
单位unit of plan
反馈planned feedback
周期planning cycles
回授planned feedback
基础project basis
科、组planning section
外产品non-planned products
委员会planning commission
委员會planning council
完成情况图graph of fulfillment of plan
完成指数planned indices fulfilled
完成指标indication of fulfillment of plan
完成百分数percent of the fulfillment of a plan
定时planned timing
定额planned norm
-实施-评价plan -do-see
工作planning work
工作机构planning of organ
市场planned market
建议数字proposed figures for the plan
执行情况condition of execution of plan
指标planned target
指标indicators for plan
指派project assignment
控制planning control
控制数字plan control figures
掩标planning index
措施planning discipline
支出planned outlays
数字planned figures
数据planning data
数量planned quantity
时间表planned time
planning period
planned period
plan period
.计检修制度planned repair system
program me laws
环境environment of plans
生产planned production
生育间隔planned spacing of birth
申请核准书PPA project proposal for approval
界限planning horizon
的发现planned discovery
的数量指标和质量指标indicators of plan
的环境the environment of plans
管理project control
管理体制system of planned management
管理控制系统program-management control system
纲要program outline
编制plan formulation
编制程序procedures of plan formulation
编制程序procedure for compiling making plans
职能planning nature
职能planning function
草案draft of the plan
蛛网表明长期目标、短期目标和预算之间的相互关系planning spider
planning chart
调拨planned allocation of commodities
调速planned timing
资料planning data
过程planning process
销售,planned selling
阶段planning stage
限额planned limit
项目planned project
计算机运用的计planning for computer
订出国家计country programming
订计make a plan
详细计more detailed planning
调整计restructure a plan
调査计planning of survey
财务计人员financial planner
财政计financial planning
资金规financial planning
赚钱计scheme for making money
车间计workshop plan
运输收入计的完成fulfilment of transportation revenue plan
运输日计daily transport plan
运送路线计shipping schedules
逐年延展计rolling plan
通用件计方法planning method for universal parts
部分付款计partial payment plan
重点计intensified program
长期发展计long-term development plan
长期规long-term planning
长期规纲要long-term outline plan
长期计long-term plan
长期计long-range plan
集市经济的计planning for the bazaar economy
零基计与预算编制法zero-base planning and budgeting