
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一揽子采购计lump-sum purchase plan
上定目标下拟计式的计划工作goal down-plan up planning
下达指令性生产计issues directives about production targets
下达指令性计issue plans as binding instructions
线支票open check
不可拨基金nontransferable fund
不可靠线性规linear programming under uncertainty
不同行业规programs for different trades
不太理想的计suboptimal plan
不实在的计house of cards
不按计排除故障unscheduled removal
不确定性线性规linear programming under uncertainty
不能拨资金non-transferable funds
专业人员培训计professional development programme
专业人员开发规professional development program
专案计special project
专案计管理special project control
专用件计planning method for special parts
专用基金计special fund plan
业务division of business
业务计division of business planning
业务谋business game
个人退休金储蓄计individual retirement savings program
中央计经济Centrally planned economics
中央计经济centralized planned economics
中央计经济central planned economy
中央计经济国家centralized planning economy countries
中央集中规central planning
中期规medium-range program
中期计mid-term plan
中期计media plan
中期计intermediate plan
中期计草案proposed medium-term plan
中长期计middle-long term plan
中长期计middle and long-term plan
临时计tentative schedule
主管人员培养规executive development program
主要医疗保险计major-medical benefit plan
主要活动计master activity plan
主要计master plan
主计master plan
企业整体规corporate comprehensive planning
企业经营计business plan
企业计编制business planning
估算财务计estimated financial plan
估计销售量计pro forma account sales
低价住房计low-cost housing project
低价住房计low cost housing project
借用件计planning method for parts from other design
债务安排计scheme of arrangement
元件寿命评价和可靠性计components life evaluation and reliability (program)
先进通信电子设备需要计advanced communication electronics requirements plan
分区规模式pattern of spatial organization
分式规fractional programming
分批付款计partial payment plan
分批采购计buy on the installment plan
分期付款计term plan
分期付款计编制preparation of an installment distribution plan
分期摊还计amortization plan of payment
分期预算计budget plan
分权计decentralized planning
分权计与集权控制decentralized planning and centralized controlling
分权计管理decentralized planning control
分档鼓励工资计geared incentive scheme
分等计ranking plan
分级规hierarchical planning
分级规hierarchic planning
分配计distribution plan
分配计编制preparation of a distribution plan
分项造价规elemental cost planning
切实可行的计practicable plan
一价格prices on a uniform basis
一单据alignment of document
一税负equalize tax burden
mark-up marshalling
lay off
分合作区块demarcate areas of cooperation
分和sum of partitions
分工作项目classifying items of work
分市场范围dividing up market
分权益和收益的观念concept of distinguishing equity from revenue
分资金来源及用途segregation of the sources and utilization of funds
分邮区制Zone Improvement Plan
双线double crossing
定市场指跨国公司瓜分市场territorial market
拨材料appropriated materials
拨项目transfer item
cross out
cross off
time sharing
汇业务giro service
界法bracketing method
线crossing: not negotiable
线支票crossed check
线支票crossed cheque
线支票cross cheque
线支票指在票面划两条平行线,此种支票只能由银行转账,不能兑取现金crossed check
线支票cheque crossed
线支票cross check
线更正correction by drawing a straight line
线汇票crossed money order
线结平账户ruling and balancing accounts
转账项Transferred Account
strike off
cross out
创新计creative program
初步计建议initial proposal
利润分配计profit-sharing plan
利润改善计和执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
利率调整计interest adjustment scheme
利—量规profit-volume planning
制定概括性计conceptual planning
制定经济计economic planning
制定计lay a plan
制订战略计strategic planning
制造计图表manufacturing plan sheet
制造费用归部门departmentalization of overhead cost
前推动态规算式forward dynamic programming algorithm
前期投资计front-loading project
前期负担费用的投资计即投资者采用分期付款方式投资,期末获得固定利率的收益,但前期须负担开办费、服务费等费用front loading plan
layout of district
区域分法zoning law
区域性补偿计regional co-operation scheme
区域性计regional planning
区域计area plan
区间线性规internal linear programming
协作计plan of cooperation
协助计公共设施aiding in planning for utilities
协助计公共设施aid in planning for utilities
协助计材料流程aiding in planning materials flow
协助计材料流程aid in planning materials flaw
协调生产规harmonize production program
协调计coordinated plan
单件小批生产作业计job and small batch operation schedule
各种成套计various sets of plan
合伙计copartnership scheme
合作计cooperative plan
合作计co-operative programme
同业资金interbank transfer of funds
吞吐量规tonnage projection
员工股权计employee stock ownership plan
售后服务计plan of service
商品周转计commodity turnover plan
商品基金计commodity fund plan
商品控制计commodity control scheme
商品流转计commodity flow plan
商品流通计commodity distribution plan
商品流通计commodity circulation plan
商品计commodity projection
商品计调拨planned allocation of commodities
商品运输计commodity transportation plan
商品销售计commodity sale plan
土地利用计land use plan
地区计local plan
地方基建计local capital construction plan
坏账bad debt written off
多准则线性规multicriterion linear programming
多准则规multicriterion programming
多因素计multifactor scheme
多方谋cross cast
多样化规diversified program
多目标规multiple objective programming
多目标计multi-purpose project
多种生产计模式multiple production planning-model
多种经营规diversification programs
多科性规multidisciplinary program
多部门资源规综合技术multisector resources-planning technique
多阶段生产计模式multistage production planning model
多雇主养老金计multiemployer pension plan
大修计overhaul plan
大规模地面计large-scale floor plan
大规模生产计mass production plan
大规模社会间接资本计large social overhead capital project
大规模社会间接资本计large-scale social overhead capital projects
大通增值保险计chase inflation-fighter plan
契约式垂直营销计contractual vertical marketing plan
契约性投资信托计contractual plan (front-end load plan)
奖金和津贴计bonus and premium plans
子系统综合检验计Subsystem Integration Test Plan
存储计storage plan
存料计成本差异variance from planned cost of stores
小组推销计group plan
小组策评价与维修系统teams tactical evaluation and maintenance system
小组计与决策group planning and decision making
层次生产计hierarchical production plan
层次生产计hierarchic production plan
市区分法zoning law
市区分法规zoning code
市场market allocation
市场完善计market perfects the plan
市场导向性计market-oriented plan
市场活动计market activity project
市场计market plan
市场调查计market survey plan
市政经济计municipal economic planning
布兰南一本森计两人曾分任艾森豪威尔和杜鲁门总统的农业顾问Brannan-Benson Plan
带薪休假计paid vocation plan
开发援助计development aid program
"开放天空"计"open skies" plan
弹性规flexibility planning
弹性计stretchy plan
强制退休计compulsory retirement plan
当年基建计capital construction plan of current year
总产量计production planning for aggregate output
总体规population programming
总体规Generalized Planning
总体规integer programming
总体计图解法graphic method of aggregate planning
总发展计General Development Plan
总布置计whole layout planning
总策master planning
总规master plan
成套部件计component parts planning method
成批生产经营计mass production operation schedule
成批生产经营计mass production operation plan
成本改进计cost improvement program
成本效益计cost-effectiveness program
成本计工作与估价cost planning and appraisal
成本降低计cost reduction plan
成熟计mature plan
战术实施计tactical practical planning
战略性长期计strategic long-range planning
公司的战略计strategic plan
战略计制订程序strategic planning process
打乱全计设计totally confound design
打乱计confounded planning
指令性计directive planning
指令性计指标mandatory plan targets
指令性计指标indices of mandatory plan
指令性计管理mandatory planned management
指令性计管理management of mandatory planning
指导性世界计indicative world plan
指导性计数字indicative planning figure
指导计guidance plan
指标性规数字indicative planning figures
指示性计指标indices of guidance plan
按产品分部门departmentation by product
按周供给量计存货法week's supply method of stock planning
按地区分部门departmentation by territory
按工艺或设备分部门departmentation by process or equipment
按成果付酬计payment by results scheme
按比例scale division
按比例规模式linear programming model
按税种according to different categories of taxes
按职能分部门departmentation by function
按行政系统和行政区according to administrative systems and divisions
按计单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
按部门分的世界生产sectors world production
按顾客分部门departmentation by customer
按预定计according to schedule
摊派计费用assessed program cost
支持计stand-by plan
支票线在支票上划一平行双线double crossing
支票上横线crossing of a check
支票特别线special crossing of a check
收入分配计income distribution plan
收成农作物保险计crop insurance scheme
收益倍增计income-doubling program
改变生产计change production plan
放宽风险担保计extended risk guarantee program
放弃计relinquish a project
放款计loan plan
政府资助的开发规government-sponsored development program
故障率抽样计failure rate sampling plan
教育计educational plan
昼夜计all-hour work plan
最优计optimal plan
最低成本和估算计least cost and estimating scheduling
最低成本和估算计least cost and estimating schedule
最低限度一揽子计minimum package project
最佳管理计best management plan
最新计latest plan
月份投资计monthly investment plan
月度财务收支计monthly financial revenue and expenditure plan
月收支计monthly revenue and expenditure plan
月生产计monthly production plan
月计monthly plan
月运输计monthly shipment plan
有合伙人贷款的分期分配计installment,distribution plan with partner's loan
有效的长期业务规effective long range business planning
有效的长期营业计effective long-range business planning
有效计步骤effective planning procedure
有计地选择厂址planned location of industry
有计抽样purposive sampling
国民经济有计按比例发展规律law of a planned and proportionate development
有计的商品经济planned commodity economy
期间规period programming
期间计period plan
分借款人unallocated borrower
线支票open cheque
线支票uncrossed check
线支票open check
本市汇汇票city item
机构规planning of organ
机构间联合规作业joint interagency planning
权变规contingency planning approach
权责division of authority and responsibility
材料供应计materials supply plan
材料改进计material improvement project
材料规制度material planning system
材料计协调员coordinator of materials planning
材料计管理materials management by planning
材料需求计material requirements planning
材料需要量计material requirements planning
标准件计planning method for standard parts
标准会计部分计partial plan of standard accounting
ABC 标准抽样计ABC standard
标准计standard project
样品试制计sample plan
样本sample division
核定计approved plan
格雷欣计定律Gresham's law of planning
桌上计desk plan
民用通信科培训计civil communication section training program
活动计program of activities
派生规derivative program
派生计derivative plan
流动资金计current fund program
流动资金计circulating fund plan
测定日给率计measured day-rate plan
渐进计progressive scheme
港口规port and harbor planning
游客出访目的地计visitor destination plan
甘特图的计进度和控制Gantt chart scheduling and controlling
甘特方案计Gantt layout planning chart
生产进度production scheduling
生产分红计share of production plan
生产分配计production/distribution planning
生产变换体系计工作planning the conversion system
生产技术综合进度计comprehensive schedule for preparing production technology
生产管理计production management plan
生产能力计工作capacity planning
生产规productive program
生产规production program
生产规planning of production
生产规和管理production planning and control
生产计plan of production
生产计灵活性flexibility of production plan
生产计编制和管理Production Scheduling and Control
生产计调度信息系统information system of planning scheduling and dispatching
生产计调度信息系统information system of planning and dispatching
生产资源规manufacturing resources program
生产资源计manufacturing resources planning
用五位号码分邮区制zone improvement plan code
申请计requisition plan
电子计算机化的设备布置规computerized relative allocation of facilities
电气化计规划electrification plan
看过了,我方对贵公司的线器很感兴趣I just went around. I'm interested in your scribers
研究与发展规research and development program
研究成本规research costs planning
研究计planning of study
社会主义计socialist planning
社会保障计social security programme
社会导向规socially-oriented program
社会开发计social planning
社会经济发展计social-economic development program
社会—经济基础计social-economic basic program
社会规social program
程序管理计program management planning
"稳定出口收入"计措施stabilize export scheme
"稳定出口收入"计措施STABEX scheme
稳定化规stabilization program
稳定计stabilization plan
紧急计emergency programme
缓冲储存计buffer stock plan
缓冲库存计buffer stock plan
编制总体开发计overall development planning
编制总规organizing the overall program
编制活动计planning the activities
编制现金分配计preparation of cash distribution plan
编制综合管理计integrated management planning
编制计organize project
编制计organize plan
编制财务计financial planning
编制预算计中的固定成本fixed cost on planning budget
网络规模型network programming model
职业division of occupation
职业发展规career development program
职业发展计career development plan
职业计career plan
职位提升计career progression plan
职工优先认股筹资计capital raised under share incentive scheme
职工持股计指公司允许职工以优惠价格购买股票的计划,用以提高其责任感, 增加向心力employee stock ownership plan
职工福利计employee welfare plan
职工股份所有权计employee stock ownership plan
职权division of function and power
职能segregation of function
职能division of function
职能计functional plan
联合计模型project link
联合部门规joint sector programming
联络计liaison plan
航行计Air Navigation Plan
船舶配载计配载示意图cargo plan
草拟新计initiate a new plan
营业计operational game
营业计与控制sales operations planning and control
营销组合计marketing mix plan
营销规融资业务financing of the marketing program
营销计plan of marketing
营销计plan for marketing
落空计frustrated plan
行业部门计sectional departmental plan
行之有效的管理计effectively administered control plans
行动规action program
行政区管理management by administrative regions
行政计plan of executive
行政计编制administrative planning
调度计scheduling plan
调查计planning of survey
调査计survey plan
贝道克斯工资计Bedaux wage plan
财务收支规financial revenue and expenditure program
财务收支计plan for financial income and expenditure
财务收支计financial revenue and expenditure plan
财务管理计plan of financial management
财务规信息网络financial and program information network
财务规编制financial programming
财务计plan of finance
财务计方案financial program
财务计模式financial planning model
财政投资与贷款计treasury investment and loan program
财政计financial programme
责任division of responsibility
货币采购计money-purchase plan
货物集中统筹计cargo consolidation scheme
质量保证计经理quality assurance program manager
质量规要求quality program requirements
质量计分析quality planning and analysis
质量计规定quality program provisions
购买美国货计见上条注释"Buy American" Program
购储计accumulation plan
贷款偿付计loan repayment schedule
贷款计loan program
费用appropriation of charge
资本开支计capital spending plan
资本控制计capital controls program
资本支出计capital expenditure plan
资源与项目计resource-and-project planning
资源计与管理resource planning and management
资源计工作与进度法Resource Planning and Scheduling Method
资源配置计resource allocation plan
资源配置计allocation plan of resources
资金来源及用途segregation of sources and utilization of funds
资金计fund plan
资金计cash planning
赊销计tally plan
退休计信托retirement plan trust
适应市场经济计体系plan-oriented market economy system
适应性计adaptive plan
适应性计adaptive planning
选择计select planning
逐步退休计gradual retirement plan
递减计regressive scheme
途程计routing planning
通用件计planning method for universal parts
通过关联数技术评价的援助计Planning Assistance Through technical Evaluation of Relevance Numbers
通过技术合作计进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programmes
通过技术合作计进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programs
速成训练计intensive training programme
配置规layout planning chart
配载计allocate plan
销售组合计marketing mix programme
销售经营计及管理sales operations planning and control
销售规sales project
销售规评价与诊断系统sales planning evaluation and clinic system
销售计plan of sale
销售计scheme of distribution
销售计融资financing of the marketing programme
错误计erroneous plan
阶段项目规准则phased project planning guideline
附属计subsidiary plan
限制性计restrictive plan
限制耕地面积计acreage reserve program
限制计restrictive scheme
鼓励按股增资计capital raised under share incentive scheme
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