
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
世界农业发展指导计粮农组织Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Development
世界气候应用及资料计咨询委员会Advisory Committee for the World Climate Applications and Data
世界气候影响研究计World Climate Impact Study Programme
世界气候计World Climate Programme
世界气候资料计World Climate Data Programme
中国环境规研究院China Environment Planning Institute
中国生物多样性保护行动计China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan
中国跨世纪绿色工程规China Trans-Century Green Project Plan
亚太清洁发展和气候新伙伴计Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
亚流域subdivision of watershed
亚马逊保护计Amazonia Protection Programme
亚马逊保护计Amazonia Protection Program
人与生物圈计国际协调理事会International Co-ordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program
人口城市规urban planning of population
人类环境计human environment program
优化规qualified programming
保护大气行动计action plan for the protection of the atmosphere
全国生态环境建设规Planning on National Ecological Environment
全球变化研究计Global Change Research Programme
全球变化研究计Global Change Research Program
全球大气研究规世界气象组织Global Atmospheric Research Program
全球大气研究计Global Air Research Program
全球大气研究计大西洋热带试验GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
全球大气研究计第一期全球性实验First GARP Global Experiment
全球契约计Global Compact
全球海面温度计global sea surface temperature project
全球环境变化人文因素计International Human Dimensions Program on Global Environmental Change
全球降水气候学计Global Precipitation Climatology Project
全面规合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout
农业气候区agroclimatic division
农业气象学计agricultural meteorology programme
农业气象学计agricultural meteorology program
农村环境规rural environmental planning
痕打底层scratch coat
痕硬度试验sclerometric hardness test
痕硬度试验scratch hardness test
痕试验scratch test
痕试验scarification test
北海联合计波谱joint north sea wave project JONSWAP spectrum
原则regionalization principle
区域城市规regional town planning
区域规regional plan
区域规控制zoning control
区间线性规interval lineal programming
危险度区risk factor zoning
危险度区danger division
发展规development of planning
发展规委员会Committee for Development Planning
可租可买计Buy or Rent Option
噪声控制规noise control program
噪声控制规noise control planning
国家环境规和协调委员会National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination
国际全球大气化学计International Global atmospheric Chemistry Project
国际化学物质安全性计International Program on Chemical Safety
国际地圈-生物圈计International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
国际水文十年计International Hydrological Decade IHD
国际水文学规International Hydrological Program
国际海洋勘探十年计International Decade of Ocean Exploration
国际环境教育计International Environmental Education Program
国际生物学规international biological programIBP
国际饮水供应和卫生十年计International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade
土地使用规land use planning
土地利用区land use regionalization
土地利用规land use program
土地区land division
土地整治规physical planning
土地整理规land consolidation planning
土地生态规land ecological planning
土地规land planning
地质环境规geologic al environment planning
城区无计扩张urban sprawl
城市环境功能区functional division of urban environment
城市规city planning area
城市规噪声控制noise control in city planning
城市规法规urban planning legislation
城郊规town and country planning
城镇规条例town planning act
多目标规multi objection planning
大气污染控制规模型air pollution control plan model
大气污染监测规air pollution control planning
大都市的区域规regional planning in metropolitan area
太阳能资源区division of solar energy resources
工业污染控制规industrial pollution control planning
工厂规factory planting
市政规municipal program
干旱和半干旱区生态管理规Program for Ecological management of arid and semi-arid Regions
建筑气候区building climate division
排放缩减信用计emissions reduction credit scheme
放场规planning of grassland for grazing
放射学规radiological program
政府主导计government-sponsored programs
旧车换现金计cash-for^clunkers program
林业规forest planning
核准城市规approved town plan
核电发展规nuclear power program
棋盘式城市规体系rectangular system of city planning
欧洲共同体委员会环境领域计Regional Action Programme on the Initiative of the Commission Concerning the Environment (ENVIREG)
欧洲共同体委员会环境领域计Commission Initiative in the Field of the Environment
欧洲区域/空间规章程European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter
每年处理量计processing quantity plan per year
每年度保养计annual maintenance programme
每年度保养计annual maintenance program
气候区climatic division
气候变化检测计climate change detection project
气候对人类影响研究计的行动计划action plan for the programme of studies
气候对人类影响研究计的行动计划action plan for the program of studies
气象学应用计application of meteorology programme
气象学应用计application of meteorology program
气象组织和环境规署合作的臭氧科学会议Ozone Science Meeting (WMO, UNEP)
气象组织臭氧计WMO Ozone Project
水污染控制规water pollution control planning
水环境规water environment layout
水质监测计Water Monitoring Project
污染控制规pollution control planning
污染物排放总量控制计Plan of Total Amount Control of Pollutant Discharge
沙漠化防治区desertification control regionalization
法国绿色能源计French Green Energy Plan
流域水污染控制规river basin water pollution control planning
海洋功能区marine functional zoning
海洋勘探和研究长期扩大规Longterm and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and Research
温室效应气体计Program on Greenhouse Gases
潜在危险设施土地使用策和管制协调委员会Coordinating Committee on Potentially Hazardous Installations
热带海洋与全球大气实验计国际办事处International TOGA Project Office
环境区域规environmental regional planning
环境检验规environmental test planning
环境监测计environmental monitoring program
环境行动计environmental action programme
环境规environmental programme
环境规制度institution of environmental planning
环境规environmental program
生产力布局规planning of distribution of productive forces
生态规ecological planning
生物圈保护区行动计action plan for the biosphere reserves
矿产资源规管理management of mineral resource planning
种源区provenance zone allocation
经济规economic zoning
绘制海洋图计Program on Ocean Mapping
绿色奥运行动计action plan for a green Olympics
联合国发展计United Nations Development Programme
联合国发展计United Nations Development Program
联合国环境规United Nations Environment Program
联邦放射性监测和援助计Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assistance Plan
能源规energy planning
自然区natural regionalization
草地资源区grassland resource divisions
评估技术program evaluation and review technique
采伐planned cutting
资源保护规conservation programme
资源保护规conservation program
资源功能区functional zoning of resources
资源区制图cartography of resource regionalization
资源区指标体系indicator system of resource regionalization
资源开发规development and planning of resources
资源规管理planning management of resources
连续大气监测计continuous atmosphere monitoring programme
连续大气监测计continuous atmosphere monitoring program
部门环境规departmental environmental planning
都市区域计regional planning in metropolitan area
长期生态研究计long-term ecology research
闭环物料需求计closed loop material requirements planning
闭环物料需求计closed loop MRP
防止沙漠化计Anti-desertification Programme
防止沙漠化计Anti-desertification Program
防治区prevention regionalization
防治区dividing of prevention region
阶段division of stage
阿佩尔计“Awareness and Preparation for Emergencies on a Local Level” Program
阿佩尔计“Awareness and Preparation for Emergencies on a Local Level” Programme
阿佩尔计APELL 计划 Programme APELL
阿佩尔计APELL 计划 Program APELL
非洲区域性土壤资源开发计Regional Soil Resource Development Projects for Africa
非线性整数规non-linear integer programming
风能资源区divisions of wind energy resources
风险区risk zonation