
Terms for subject Forestry containing | all forms
不良林defective stands
优良林selected crop
优良林selected stand
优良林elite stand
优质林high-grade forest stand
辨率卫星数据low resolution satellite data
辨率卫星数据coarse resolution satellite data
辨率组成部分low-resolution component
低等级林low-grade forest stand
低蓄积林depleted forest
保护conservation zoning
保护林conservation stand
光谱数据目视human visual analysis of spectral data
全龄林all-aged forest
全龄林all-aged stand
AVHRR 1公里全辨率数据AVHRR 1 km full-resolution data
体繁殖propagation by division
叉木forked tree
叉级数branch order
叉角branch angle
布区型林分区类型area type
期采伐面积periodic cutting area
枝习性branch habit
枝习性branching habit
枝芽branched buds
类一致性classification consistency
类号印标记classification mark
类多样性taxonomic diversity
类森林gazetted forest
类森林classified forest
级统计图choropleth map
级转筛grading reel
配的土地allocated land
加拿大林火危险级系统forest fire danger rating system
加拿大林火危险级系统Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
单人派任务individual assignment method
单人派任务individual assignment
单人派任务法individual assignment method
单人派任务法individual assignment
可取消的定期作业区方法revocable periodic block method
可燃物类型fuel type classification
周长检尺法quarter-girth measurement
周长检尺法girth quarter measure
固定的定期作业fixed periodic blocks
国家火灾危险级系统简写为NFDRSnational fire danger rating system
土地覆盖land cover classification
土壤成soil sampler
土壤水张力soil moisture tension
地被land cover classification
姜饼棕林hyphaene palm stand
嫌气anaerobic decomposition
定期作业区法periodic block method
定植苗planting stock grading
密林林dense forest stand
年龄级布表age class distribution table
成本效益benefit-cost analysis
按森林区测定材积scaling by forest section
按森林区测定材积volume measurement by forest section
无氧anaerobic decomposition
木屑chip segregation
木材timber assortment
木片chip fractionation
木片筛chip classification
木片筛chip classifier
未充利用物种underutilized species
weight distribution
forest stand
中央横断面average basal area
中央高average height
中央高mean stand height
中央高average stand height
价值stand value
分段面积stand basal area
发育stand development
安全性stand stability
密度density of crop
密度stand density
密度指数stand density index
年龄stand age
形数stand form factor
改造stand improvement
断面图stand profile
期望价stand expectation value
条件stand condition
特性估测stand estimation
登录stand register
的描述stand description
组成constitution of stands
组成composition of stands
结构stand structure
结构stand composition
stand table
stand tables
记载description of crop
边界stand edge
速测镜Spiegel relaskop
高形数stand form height
树头棕林borassus palm stand
树木年轮tree-ring analysis
根的泌物root emanation
森林布上限upper tree line
植被vegetation classification
正号林plus stand
残留林relic stand
火灾class of fire
火迹fire scar analysis
ash analysis
独立数字independent digital classification
生态ecological stratification
生物量变化biomass change analysis
生物量各室的碳含量carbon in respective biomass compartment
碳组carbon fraction
种群脆弱性population viability analysis
种群脆弱性population vulnerability analysis
粗筛coarse fraction
良好林good stand
边缘型林fringe type stand
进攻小attack unit
郁闭林closed crop
采种林seed stand
阿拉伯树胶林gum arabic stand
辨率卫星数据high-resolution satellite data
辨率组成部分high-resolution component
高密林dense forest stand
龄级age-class interval
龄级age-class period
龄级age class distribution
龄级age-class distribution