
Terms for subject Food service and catering containing | all forms
产生能量成energy-yielding component
循环nutrient cycle
浓度nutrient density
离点cut-off point
离蛋白protein isolate
配色谱partition chromatography
判别统计discriminant analysis statistics
化学评chemical score
原子吸收光光度测定法atomic absorption spectrophotometry
可选成optional ingredient
可食部食物成分表edible portion
家庭层面的household level analysis
家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale for Measurement of Food Access
家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
感官sensory analysis
有效营养成available nutrient
权限划division of competence
生物活性食物成bioactive food component
科学证据grades of scientific evidence
constituent of a diet
脂肪热量百fat energy percentage
膳食成dietary component
膳食蛋白质热量净百NDp Cal %
膳食蛋白质热量净百net dietary protein calories percent
蛋白—热量百protein-calorie percent
蛋白评protein score
蛋白质热量百protein calories percent
近似组proximate components
通径path analysis
食品成food ingredient
食物food analysis
食物food dispenser