
Terms for subject Commerce containing 分批 | all forms | in specified order only
分批偿还债券serial bond (与定期债券 (term bond) 相对)
分批定货job order
分批差异lot difference
分批成本计算法specific order cost system
分批生产production in batches
分批生产job lot production
分批装船信用证part shipment L/C
分批装运in instalments
分批装运合同installment sales contract
分批订货job order
分期分批付款series of payment
分期分批岀销sales by installments
分期或分批交货delivery of goods by installments
如果贵方准许分批装运We may accept your order provided partial shipments are allowed
定期分批加工periodic batch processing
分批发运货物的总保险general insurance for recurring shipments
本合同非按分批装运条件成交The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment
材料分批加工batch process
根据你方要求,我方将把货物分等量的三批装出Pursuant to your request, we'll ship the goods in three equal lots
货物规定分批交付The goods are to be delivered by instalments