
Terms for subject Economy containing 分出公司 | all forms | in specified order only
信内附有我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额为40万英镑的汇票一张Enclosed we hand you a draft, £ 400 000, drawn on you by our London house
再保险分出公司ceding company
如果制造商不能满足我公司向他提出的订单中所有要求,我方可从其他来源来弥补不足部分If the manufacturer cannot satisfy all the requirements in our orders proffer-ed to him, we may make up the difference from other sources
我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business
被跨国公司被外国完全控制的一部分出口export enclave