
Terms containing 出水口 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.下水道出水口outlet of sewer
tech.下水道溢出口建筑物outlet structure for closed drain
tech.出水口main outlet
ecol.事故出水口emergency outlet
tech.住宅下水出口存水弯house trap
hydroel.st.侧式进 / 出水口side intake/outlet
hydroel.st.侧式进 / 出水口side intake/ outlet
tech.水出口cooling water outlet
tech.冷冻水出口chilled water outlet
refrig.冷冻水出口温度控制water leaving chiller temperature control
met.冷却水出口cooling water outlet
met.冷却水出口cooling water outlet
met.冷却水出口cooling water out
compr.冷却水出口温度cooling water outlet temperature
met.冷却水排出口cooling water drain
steel.冷却水排出口cooling water outlet
tech.冷却水进出口cooling water outlet and inlet
tech.净化水出口treated water outlet
steel.出口侧刮水板entry wiper
steel.出口侧刮水板delivery wiper
hydroel.st.出口总水头排出扬程total discharge head
hydroel.st.出口总水头排出扬程total <-> discharge head
water.res., ecol.出口排水线outlet drain lines
tech.出口排水线outlet drain line
tech.出口排水闸outlet sluice
tech.出口控制式热水器outlet-control water heater
tech.出口控制热水器outlet-control water heater
eng.geol.出口水力坡降exit gradient
tech.出口水头outlet water head
hydroel.st.出口水头损失exit head loss
eng.geol.出口水头损失outlet loss
hydroel.st.出口水头损失outlet head loss
eng.geol.出口水头损失exit loss
textile出口水平level of export
water.res., ecol.出口水温outlet temperature
water.res., ecol.出口水温outfall temperature
shipb.出口水陆运费outward freight and cartage
tech.出口端含水饱和度exit-end water saturation
econ.出口质量水平outgoing quality
tech.出水口discharge outlet
tech.出水口paying out
tech.出水口water spout
auto.冷却系统出水口water outlet
tech.出水口single outlet
tech.出水口outlet port
met.出水口water outlet
met.出水口drain outlet
oil出水口water delivering orifice
hydroel.st.出水口water output
hydroel.st.出水口delivery gate
eng.geol.出水口water-yielding opening
eng.geol.出水口water opening
tech.出水口flowing mouth
bridg.constr.出水口water way
tech.出水口outlet b
archit.出水口内衬gargoyle lining
hydraul.出水口建筑物outlet structures
auto.冷却系统出水口接头连接管water outlet connection
railw.出水口法兰water outlet flange
hydroel.st.出水口闸门outlet gate
el.出水口water outlet valve
tech.出水河口处置effluent disposal in rivers
tech.出水锥形口discharge cone
met.出浸人式水口的注流stream from submerged entry nozzle
met.出渣口冷却水套tapping breast
tech.出湖口水道lake-outlet channel
met.出铁出渣口冷却水套tapping breast
met.出铁口冷却水套tapping breast
tech.单一出口水道blind lead
tech.压力水出口阀outlet valve
archit.喇叭形出水口flared outlet
tech.喷灌系统中的出水口outlet for water in a sprinkler system
tech.地下水出口groundwater seep
tech.地下水出流口tapping of groundwater
tech.地下水流出口tapping of groundwater
tech.地下水流出口groundwater tapping
tech.埋没式出水口submerged outlet
tech.多点出水口multiple outlet
tech.多管出水口multiple outlet
tech.孔口出水orifice flow
tech.存水弯出口trap outlet
tech.尾水管出口draft tube port
hydroel.st.尾水管出口draft-tube exit
tech.尾水管出口draft tube exit
hydroel.st.尾水管出口压力测量仪表盘draft tube outlet pressure measuring panel
hydroel.st.尾水管扩散段出口压力测点draft tube diffuser outlet pressure measuring point
anim.husb.带滤网的血水排出口使流人集血槽中blood and water drain
tech.废水出口wastewater outlet
tech.废水排出口wastewater outfall
tech.弃水出口waste outlet
gen.我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day
tech.排水出口drain opening
chem.排水出口drain outlet
tech.排水出口drainage outlet
tech.排水出口工程outlet works
hydraul.排水沟出口outlet for ditch
tech.排水沟出口outlet of drainage ditch
tech.排水瓦管出口outlet of tile drain
eng.geol.无水流出的泉口non-discharging spring
tech.梯田出水口terrace outlet
tech.楼面出水口flooring outlet
org.name.欧洲水果和蔬菜批发、进出口贸易联合会European Union of the Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale, Import and Export Trade
avia.水上迫降应急出口ditching exit
tech.水下出口underwater outfall
exhib.水产进出口公司Aquatic Products Import and Export Corporation
oil水出口water out
water.res.水出口outlet of waters
water.res.水出口farm turnout
water.res.水出口farm outlet
met.水平出钢口浸人式水口submerged entry nozzle with horizontal outlets
met.水平出钢口浸人式水口SEN with horizontal ports
ecol.水平安全出口horizontal exit
tech.水库排出口工程reservoir outlet works
expl.水枪出口压力水枪喷嘴出口处的水流动压力outlet pressure of monitor
tech.水泥平衡涵洞出水口cement levelling-culvert outlet
tech.水泥平衡涵洞出水口cement leveling-culvert outlet
tech.水流出逸口outcrop of water
tech.水流出露口outcrop of water
met.水相出口aqueous outlet
hydroel.st.水轮机出口测量断面outlet measuring section of turbine
tech.水面平衡涵洞出水口levelling culvert outlet
tech.水面平衡涵洞出水口leveling culvert outlet
tech.污水出口outlet sewer
oil污水出口sewage outlet
tech.污水出口outlet of sewer
tech.污水排出口浓度outfall concentration
tech.污水流出口wastewater outfall
tech.污水流出口sewage outfall
tech.污水管出口outlet sewer
tech.污水管出口sewer orifice
tech.污水管出口sewer outfall
tech.污水管出口sewer outlet
tech.污水管出口outlet of sewer
tech.污水道排出口sewer outfall
tech.沉淀池出水堰口effluent weir of sedimentation tank
hydroel.st.沟渠出水口ditch outlet
hydrol.泉水出口springwater tapping
tech.泉水出口outlet of spring
tech.出水口pump outlet
tech.泵的出水口pump outlet
tech.流域出水口watershed outlet
met.浸人式水口出钢孔SEN exit port (Immersion depth is defined as the distance between the meniscus and the top edge of the SEN exit port. 插人深度被定义为金属弯月面至浸人式水口出钢孔上沿的距离。)
tech.浸没式出水口submerged outlet
tech.消火栓出水口hose outlet
hydroel.st.涵洞出水口culvert outlet
tech.淡水冲出的口fresh shot
hydroel.st.淹没式出水口submerged outlet
tech.渠道出水口canal off-let
archit.湖泊出口水道lake-outlet channel
tech.溢水出口结构spillway outlet structure
tech.漏水出口leakage water outlet
tech.潜没式出水口submerged outlet
tech.潜流式出水口submerged outlet
hydroel.st.灌渠出水口irrigation ditch outlet
sol.pow.热水出口outlet of hot water
tech.热水出口outlets of thermal water
tech.疏水器出口trap outlet
refrig.盐水出口brine outlet
tech.直角出水口square-edged outlet
hydroel.st.竖井式进/出水口shaft intake/outlet
tech.筒管出水口barrel outlet
tech.管式出水口pipe-type outlet
tech.聚乙烯浴室出水口polythene bathroom outlet
tech.聚乙烯浴室出水口polyethylene bathroom outlet
hydraul.肯尼迪出水口量水计Kennedy gauge outlet
hydroel.st.虹吸出水口siphonic outlet
tech.虹吸式出水口siphon outlet
tech.虹吸式出水口siphonic outlet
tech.补偿水出水口工程compensation water outlet works
tech.装饰性出水口water spout
bridg.constr.跌水式出水口water drop outlet
bridg.constr.跌水式出水口drop outlet
tech.路面出水口floor outlet
met.轧机机座进出口水平导向辊billy roll
tech.软水出口soft water outlet
el.轴封水出口热交换器seal water outlet heat exchanger
el.轴封水出口过滤器seal water outlet filter
tech.返洗液废水出口backwash waste outlet
hydroel.st.进 / 出水口intake/outlet
textile进出口商品价格水平level of prices at import and export
busin.进出口商品价格水平level of prices at imports and exports
tech.钟形出水口outlet bellmouth
tech.陷凹单一出口水道cul-de-sac (street)
tech.雨水出rainwater outlet
tech.雨水出口rain outlet
tech.雨水排出口storm outfall sewer
agric.雨水管出口storm drain outlet
tech.雨水管出口storm drainage outlet
tech.雨水管出口storm drainage orifice
tech.雨水管出口storm drainage (工程)