
Terms containing 出外 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一块立方氧化锆比相同大小的钻石更重,但不如钻石硬。此外,立方氧化钴比钻石发出更多光芒A chunk of cubic zirconia is heavier than a diamond of the same size, but not as hard Moreover, cubic zirconia produces more flashes of color than a diamond
textile一般性外出服general town wear
gen.不外出stay in
econ.中国出版对外贸易公司China Publication Trading Corporation
gen.назв.комп. 中国出版对外贸易总公司China National Publishing Industry Trading Corporation
comp.name.中国对外经济贸易出版社China Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Publishing House
econ.中国对外翻译出版公司China Translation and Publication Corporation
gen.назв.комп. 中国对外翻译出版公司China Translation and Publishing Corporation
China, polit.中央外文出版发行事业局China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration
fin.临时支出额外费用extraordinary expenditure
busin.出外surrender foreign currency
China, polit.产品主要出口的外资企业export-oriented foreign-funded enterprises
econ.他的公司在国外市场所取得的成就出乎他的意料His company has succeeded in the overseas markets more than he had expected
interntl.trade.以出口收入为基础的外汇限额办法system of foreign exchange quotas based on export earnings
bridg.constr.伸出桥台前墙之外protracting beyond the front wall of abutment
tech.伸出舷外的栏杆outboard boom
tech.伸出舷外的栏杆burton boom
gen.你出国时带多少外币?How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?
econ.你把那台计算机运出境外是不合法的Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful
cloth.你的外出服很漂亮,在哪里买的?Your town wear is perfect. Where did you get it?
tech.依赖外国船的进出口贸易passive commerce
tech.保险单中出现的例外产权title exception
fin.出外币资金foreign currency funds lent
el.出外汇证明inspection of the exchange memo
tech.内外出行internal-external trip
econ.再出口与对外交易保险cover for re-export and external transactions
interntl.trade.再出口与对外交易保险cover for reexport and external transactions
busin.再出口与对外交易保险cover for re-export and external transaction
tech.凸出墙外的凸窗window bay
archit.凸出墙外的窗bay window
tech.凸出壁外的窗oriel window
gen.M 出乎 M 意料之外be a surprise to
gen.出乎意外〔意料〕的unhoped (-for)
gen.出乎意外地out of a clear sky
gen.出乎意外地on a sudden
gen.出乎意外地on the sudden
gen.出乎意外地all of a sudden
gen.出乎意外地contrary to one's expectation
gen.出乎…意料之外to one's great surprise
gen.M 出乎M范围之外out of the sphere of
plast.surg.出于对外形的考虑aesthetic considerations
econ.出于格外优待,该公司才同意这样解决The company agrees to this settlement exertion
gen.出人意外go off at a tangent
gen.出人意外fly off at a tangent
tech.出借外汇账户lending foreign exchange account
fin.出卖外汇委托书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
commer.出口人与国外客户无直接契约关系The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers
busin.出口价值:外销金额export value
busin.出口商品成本与外汇收入比率ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange
tech.出口外壳discharge case
interntl.trade.出口外汇export exchange
interntl.trade.出口外汇保留额export retention quota
econ.出口外汇保留额export retention quotas
securit.出口外汇核销check-up export proceed
securit.出口外汇汇票outward bill
tech.出口外汇汇票佣金commission on drafts sold
econ.出口所创外汇export earners foreign currency
tech.出口援外产品items for export as part of foreign aid
busin.出口援外项目items for export as part of foreign aid
busin.出口援外项目item for export as part of foreign aid
interntl.trade.出售外汇selling exchange
busin.出售外汇核准单authorization sheet for sale of exchange
tech.出售外汇核订单authorization sheet for sales of exchange
econ.出售外汇汇票佣金the commission on drafts sold
tech.出售外汇汇票佣金commission on drafts sold
econ.出售外汇的核定单authorization sheet for sales of exchange
busin.出售外货的经纪人dealer in foreign articles
gen.出外吃饭dine out
econ.出外帮工live out
econ.出外帮工制living out system
adv.出外on location
exhib.出版对外贸易公司Publishing Industry Trading Corporation
adv.出租车外壳taxicab exteriors
gen.出色的外交家star diplomat
adv.出血户外广告bleed face
tenn.击出界外shoot out the ball
baseb.击出界外腾空球被接出局foul out
baseb.击球员击出界外球foul off
baseb.击球员击出界外球foul away
securit.列出的账外资产non-concealed assets
econ.列出账外资产non-concealed assets
baseb.刚刚打出栏外的本垒打cheap home run
space喷管前出口锥外壳forward exit cone housing
tech.动力输出轴外罩power takeoff shield
tech.区域外出行external trip
interntl.trade.出外foreign exchange sold
interntl.trade.卖出远期外汇forward exchange sold
tech.可抽出外壳的混凝土桩peerless pile
space喷管后出口锥外壳aft exit cone housing
commer.向一家外国企业出售专有技术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
tech.向国外托收出口票据foreign collections
China, law向境外输出export abroad
tech.向外凸出to buckle outward
archit.向外开出outward bound
tech.向外开出的路outward-bound road
el.向外推出的罩push-out enclosure
eng.geol.向外渗出outward seepage
baseb.投手投出的球向外飘出sail away
econ.出外国汇票foreign bills sold
securit.出外国汇票foreign bill sold
fin.出外国票据汇票foreign bills sold
busin.出外国票据foreign bills sold
busin.出外国票据汇票foreign bill sold
securit.出外国票据foreign bill sold
busin.出外币汇票foreign currency bills sold
busin.出外汇认可书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
textile商品出口外汇commodity export exchange
sport, bask.棒球因击出的界外球被接住而出局foul out
busin.国外代理商收入与其费用支出factor income from abroad and factor cost payments
busin.国外出版物external publication
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统book-detection system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统alert system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统gate-control system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统exit-control system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪book loan out detector
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪alert system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪gate-control system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪book-detection system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪exit-control system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪Book anti-theft detection system
tech.在室外出指示器inout indicator
tech.在室外出表示器in-and-out signal
tech.在室外出表示装置in-and-out signal
securit.基线及额外支出预测baseline-plus forecast
archit.墙上突出外端无支撑的楼梯hanging stairs
telecom.外 〔输〕出载波outgoing carrier
sport., med.外伤性颅内出血traumatic intracranial hemorrhage
econ.外出stay away
tech.外出egress (权)
gen.外出go out
math.外出暂时在…be absent in
commer.外出做商业旅行be absent on a business tour
corp.gov.外出和往返旅行费用travel costs outward and return journey
textile外出套装town suit
textile欧洲外出女装outing dress
libr.外出定向征集subject specific acquisition trip
gen.外出录音location sound recording
textile外出手提包daytime bag
gen.外出时最好戴太阳帽和太阳镜When you go out, you should wear the sun helmet and the sun glasses
textile外出服walking dress
textile外出服outing costume
textile外出服daytime dress
cloth.外出服town wear
econ.外出査账费用public accounting fee
oil外出潜水器diver lock-out submersible
navig.外出潜水器lock-out submersible
sport.外出用膳eating out
el.外出留言outgoing message
gen.外出的一天a day out
shipb.外出航行outward voyage
sport., med.外出血external hemorrhage
textile外出装street wear
textile外出装street dress
textile外出裙street skirt
gen.外出许可leave out
cryptogr.外出过滤egress filtering
textile外出鞋town shoes
surg.外囊出血external capsule hemorrhage
el.外围设备输人/输出peripheral input/output
tech.外围输出设备peripheral output device
gen.外国出产的of foreign growth
econ.外国出生的人口foreign-born population
busin.外国消费者支出foreign consumer expenditure
baseb.外场栏外击出本垒打clear the fences
tech.外墙无突出烟囱的壁炉rear dorse
met.外壳可抽出式混凝土桩peerless pile
nurs.外层渗出性视网膜病变external exudative retinopathy
nurs.外层渗出性视网膜病变coats disease
interntl.trade.外币买进卖出损益profit and loss on buying and selling foreign coins
busin.外币现钞出境限额limits to exporting of foreign currencies
interntl.trade.外币进出损益profit and loss on buying and selling foreign coins
oil外成喷出物exogenous ejecta
tech.液压系统外接输出端external delivery point
adv.〔中〕外文出版社Foreign Languages Press
econ.外汇佣金支出the commission paid on foreign exchange
busin.外汇佣金支出commission paid on foreign exchange
fin.外汇出售核定单authorization sheet for sale of exchange
tech.外汇出售核订单authorization sheet for sales of exchange
busin.外汇卖出foreign exchange sales
busin.外汇卖出foreign exchange bills sold
fin.外汇卖出价selling rate of foreign exchange
econ.外汇卖出价和买入价ask rate and bid rate
fin.外汇卖出日记本foreign exchange sales journal
busin.外汇卖出日记账foreign exchange sales journal
busin.外汇卖出逾额amount oversold
busin.外汇卖出逾额amount of foreign exchange oversold
econ.外汇收人和支出foreign exchange receipt and disbursement
interntl.trade.外汇收入与支出foreign exchange receipts and disbursements
econ.外汇收入和支出foreign exchange receipts and disbursements
econ.外汇汇出或兑换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
interntl.trade.外汇汇出或汇入foreign exchange transfers
busin.外汇汇出申请application for outward remittance
econ.外汇流出量foreign exchange outflow
tech.外汇流出量amount of foreign exchange outflow
tech.外源喷出物accidental ejecta
tech.外贸出口export trade
econ.外贸出口顺差favourable balance of trade export duties
hydroel.st.外贸投入和产出trade input and output
fin.外贸进出口总额total foreign trade value
interntl.trade.外资退出条款provision for fade-out
auto.车赛外进外出out in out
tech.外部不经济性的价格和产出效应price and output effect of external diseconomy
auto.车身外部凸出部分external protrusion
auto.车身外部凸出部分external projections
econ.外部出版物the external publication
econ.外部出版物external publication
el.外部命令输出external command output
avia.外部指令输出eternal command output
el.外部输人出external input/output
el.外部输人/输出处理机external input/output processor
el.外部输入输出处理器external input/output processor
tech.外部输出设备output peripheral equipment
gen.好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out
dentist.如果继续出血,请另外咬紧一个棉球If bleeding continues, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and bite it firmly
textile妇女外出服装coat and skirt
tech.室外出线端子outdoor termination module
interntl.trade.对外出口export abroad
econ.对外援助支出aid to foreign countries
busin.对外支出external spending
econ."对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China
busin.对外贸易—出口foreign trade-export
econ.对外输出export abroad
petanq.小球飞出场外go out of the bowl
earth.sc.局部地区野外观测自动化系统模式输出诊断程序local AFOS MOD program
mining.把矿带出坑外bring to grass
baseb.常在本垒的同一侧将球击出界外的击球手dead-pull hitter
billiar. 弹出台外in hand
gen.很抱歉,收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单Sorry, the cash register system is out of order. Please follow me to another checkout
sport.意外出血accident hemorrhage
tech.意外喷出物accidental ejecta
fig.意外地出现appear out of the blue
gen.意外地出现come out of the blue
tech.意外支出unexpected pay
fin.意外支出extraordinary payment
tech.意外支出unexpected expenses
securit.意外支出unforeseen expense
tech.意外逸出accidental spillage
expl.意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone
proj.manag.意大利和英国一样、其繁荣也依赖出口和外来投资Italy, like the UK, is a country whose prosperity depends on exports and inward investment
shipb.我们从事出口船舶业务已有 30 余年,曾向国外出口很多船舶For more than thirty years we have been exporting ships and exported considerable ships to abroad.
gen.我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight
gen.我公司主营工艺品外贸出口业务,产品大部分销往欧美市场Our company specializes in export arts and crafts products to European and American markets
dentist.我另外给您一些棉球带回家,如果当您回家后拔牙创口继续出血,请换新棉球咬紧I will give you the extra gauze to take home, so please replace the gauze if bleeding does not stop
adv.户外广告牌上延伸出的嵌板cut-out extension
adv.户外广告牌出血bleed through
box.打出台外ring out
tech.承租人租金外的支出tenant contribution
gen.大学生送出去请校外教师指导farm out
rugb.把对方队员拉出冒尔外drag an opponent out of a maul
rugb.投出界外throw into touch
tech.抛出船外pitch overboard
tech.抛出船外drop overboard
el.mach.抽出转子外加电压试验applied voltage test with rotor removed
sumo.推出场外frontal thrust out
fin.推出新的外汇交易品种introduce new foreign exchange instruments
China, polit.援外出国人员personnel sent abroad to participate in foreign-aid programs
wrest.摔出场外ring out
interntl.trade.无外汇出口no-draft export
busin.无外汇出口export without foreign exchange
econ.日本对外出口贸易振兴会Japan External Trade Organization
busin.未轧平远期外汇卖出头寸unmatched forward sale position
manag.本国和外国出生人口native and foreign born population
textile本国开出国外支付的票据made bill
fin.本年外汇支出foreign exchange expenditure annually
interntl.trade.根据票外的关系提出诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
interntl.trade.根据票据外的关系提出的诉讼action outside the instrument
econ.出外汇申请书application for remittance
interntl.trade.海关对外贸易-出口foreign trade-export (customs statistics, 统计)
libr.海外出版物overseas publication
interntl.trade.海外加工出口业off shore industry
busin.海外加工出口工业offshore industry
gen.3 英尺project 3ft. beyond
nurs.白内障囊外摘出术extracapsular extraction of cataract
tech.白色硬质聚氯乙烯外用挤出型材white rigid polyvinyl chloride exterior-profile extrusion
fin.直接从外汇储备拨出资金allocate funds directly from foreign exchange reserves
avia.直接读出红外辐射仪direct readout infrared
tech.直接读出红外辐射计direct readout infrared radiometer
tech.稀泥浆自动排出船外装置【疏】automatic overboard-dump system for light mixture
tech.稀泥浆自动排出船外装置【疏】automatic light mixture overboard-discharging device
tech.紫外一可见光流出物监测器ultraviolet-visible effluent monitor
IT红外光高功率输出的光导纤维infrared high output optical fiber
baseb.线外出局line out
kick.volley.罚出场外send off
surg.翻出型肛门外吻合巨结肠根治术Swenson procedure
tech.舷外排出管overboard discharge line
nautic., tech.舷外排出管overboard discharge pipe
nautic., tech.舷外排出阀overboard discharge valve
commer.英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
tech.营业外净支出net disbursement besides business
tech.营业外支出non-business expenditures
econ., int. law.营业外支出non-business expenditure
fin.营业外支出non-operating outlay
fin.营业外支出other expenses
interntl.trade.营业外支出non-operating expenses
tech.营业外支出cost outside business (费用)
tech.营业外支出审计non-operating expense audit
tech.营业外支出审计non-business expenditures audit
tech.营业外支出表non-operating expense audit
tech.营业外支出表non-business expenditures statement
textile计划外出口non-planned export
busin.计划外出口unplanned export
commer.设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出口地区free trade zone
econ.该商行在海外市场上经营出口业务甚为稳定The firm is doing steady export activities in overseas markets
gen.请不要将头、手伸出窗外Keep your arms and head inside the bus
busin.账外支出invisible payment
econ.贸易外输出输人invisible exports and imports
gen.M 超出 M 的范围之外outside the compass of
gen.M 超出 M 的范围之外beyond the compass of
tech.超出国家计划市场之外outside the planned market
econ.超出某人收入之外的beyond one's means
gen.超出…的理解力以外be beyond one's comprehension
gen.超出…的理解力以外be above one's comprehension
gen.超出…的理解力以外pass one's comprehension
gen.超出…视野〔视界,知识范围〕之外outside one's ken
gen.超出…视野〔视界,知识范围〕之外beyond the ken of
gen.超出…视野〔视界,知识范围〕之外out of one's ken
gen.超出…视野〔视界,知识范围〕之外beyond one's ken
sumo.踏出界外rear step out
tech.轴承外圈拔出工具bearing cup puller
tech.出外围控制output peripheral control
IT输入/输出外围设备input/output peripheral
interntl.trade.输出国外export abroad
telecom.迅速作出出乎意外的决定sudden death
proj.manag.这一利率水平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
econ.这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights
econ.这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign
met.连续出铁外置炉forehearth for continuous tapping of hot metal
gen.部际国外出版物收集委员会Interdepartment Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications
busin.银行卖出外汇价bank's selling rate
busin.银行卖出外汇汇率bank's selling rate
econ.除了做广告以外,他们并未做出任何特别开支They didn't make any extraordinary expenses other than for advertising
hydroel.st.非外贸产出和投入non-traded output and input
interntl.trade.预交出口外汇advance settlement of export exchange
fin.预算外支出expenditure out of budget
fin.预算外支出extra-budgetary expenditure
fin.预算外支出off-budget expenditure
econ.预算外支出expenditure out budget
tech.预算外支出out-budget expenses
fin.预算外收入与支出receipt and expenditure out of budget
fin.预算外收入与支出receipts and expenditure out of budget
tech.预算外收入与支出receipts and expenditures out of budget
interntl.trade.预缴出口外汇advance surrender of export exchange
econ.预缴出口外汇advanced settlement of export exchange
busin.预缴出口外汇advance settlement of export exchange
textile预缴出口外汇证书certificate for advance settlement of foreign exchange for export
econ.预缴出口外汇证明书certificate for advanced surrender of export exchange
textile预缴出口外汇证明书certificate for advance surrender of export exchange
busin.预缴出口外汇证明书advance surrender of export exchange
textile额外出口additional exports
busin.额外支出extraordinary payment
fin.额外支出extra spending
busin.额外支出extra expenditure
textile额外支出extra expenses
UN, account.额外支出additional expenditures
busin.额外支出extraordinary expenditure
petanq.飞出场外fly out of the court
auto.驱车外出driven out
IMF.黄金出售额外利润windfall profits from gold sales
IMF.黄金出售额外利润windfall gold profits
IMF.黄金出售额外利润windfall gold sales profits
tech.出外bulging shell