
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不能收回帐款的writing off uncollectible accounts
严重的nasty shocks
主权债务缓sovereign debt buffers
买人对buying offset (指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
互相销帐户mutually offsetting entry
信贷credit write-offs
刺期sprint period
contra entry
to reserve an entry
reverse an entry
reserve an entry
账后账面价值writing-down value
转盈余的借项surplus charge
contra entry
reverse an entry
销干预sterilized intervention
销或冲正记载reverse entry
销措施sterilization operation
销金额amount written off
销错误offsetting errors
利益突事宜委员会Conflict Committee
动态对dynamic hedging
半对期权half-hedge option
销交易reversing transaction
反周期资本缓counter-cyclical cushions
回收已销之呆帐bad debts recoveries
国际货币基金组织缓库存融资安排IMF buffer stock financing facility
国际金融危机严重severe impact of the global financial crisis
地缘政治broader geopolitical clash
坏账bad debt write-off
外汇对交易currency hedging
多头对long hedging (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头对purchasing hedge (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "long hedging",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头对long hedge (又译"buying hedge" "long hedging" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头对buying hedge (又译"long hedge" "long hedging"purchasing hedge ",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
套利对arbitrage hedge
unwind a trade
close a position
clear a position
下行风险的工具tool for hedging against downturns
买人closing purchase
买人closing buy
人民币hedge the Chinese currency
delta (delta 是希腊字母,其大写为△,小写为δ。Delta 值是期权交易中衡量基础资产价格每一单位的变动会导致期权价格有多大幅度变动的参数:看涨期权的德尔塔是正值,看跌期权的德尔塔是负值)
全球信贷风险的套期保值hedge against global credit risks
包装hedge wrapper
卖岀closing sale
基金的基金fund of hedge funds
基金资产hedge fund assets
式共同基金hedge mutual fund
期权hedge option
比率hedging ratio
汇率风险hedge currency risks
结余contra balance
通胀率的上升hedge against an increase in inflation
通胀的套期保值hedge against inflation
spread lock
岁出回数appropriation refund
销坏账bad debt written-off
销开办费organization cost written-off
应对国际金融危机respond to the impact of the global financial crisis
应对欧元区危机的deal with the repercussions of the eurozone crisis
德尔塔式对delta hedge
承受经济震荡的bear the brunt of economic shocks
推出人民币计价的对工具offer renminbi-denominated hedging tools
提供缓provide the cushion
提高银行抵御金融击的能力make banks more resilient to financial shocks
支出回报告report of expenditure refunds
无形资产全额一次lump-sum write off intangible
无风险对delta hedge
暂时性transitory shocks
有效应对国际金融危机effectively ward off the impact of the global financial crisis
销的uncountable infinite
本外币对操作sterilization operation
次贷subprime write-off
沉着应对国际金融危机coolly respond to the impact of the global financial crisis
流动性缓liquidity cushions
监管宽松的对基金lightly-regulated hedge funds
直接销法direct write off method
直接销法direct charge-off method
积极抵御全球金融危机的aggressively counter the impact of the global financial crisis
储存物资预付资金prefinancing of buffer stock
基金buffer fund
库存储备safety stock
库存贷款buffer stock financing
改革对金融系统的冲击cushion the shock of reform to the banking system
资金buffers of capital
美元贸易信贷dollar trade-credit shock
股市中性对基金equity market neutral hedge fund
股票资产组合的对工具hedging tool against one's stock portfolios
能源对交易energy hedging
财政fiscal impulse
跨国对系统mutual offset system
转帐销证明凭单transfer and counter warrant
遏制汇率contain currency conflict
长期long-term impact
销干预non-sterilized intervention
面对face shocks
预算budget impulse
预算支出appropriation refund
额外附加的缓additional buffer
黄金销政策gold sterilization policy