
Terms for subject Technology containing 冲波 | all forms | in specified order only
三角波脉冲triangular pulse
三角波脉冲发生器triangle generator
作用冲击波applied shock
入射冲击波incident blast wave
冲击式生波机plunger type wave generator
冲击式造波机plunger type wave generator
冲击波impulse wave
冲击波explosive wave
爆炸冲击波explosion wave
冲击波交会intersection of shock waves
冲击波反射波面reflected shock front
冲击波不连续性shock wave discontinuity
冲击波传播shock wave propagation
冲击波传播shock motion
冲击波前沿surge front
冲击波前沿shock wave front
冲击波加热shock heating
冲击波加热shock wave heating
冲击波加热shock heat
冲击波动力学storm-surge dynamics
冲击波反射shock reflection
冲击波发生器surge generator
冲击波合成shock synthesis
冲击波后的涡痕shock wave shadow
冲击波后的涡迹shock wave shadow
冲击波固化shock wave solidification
冲击波宽度duration of shock pulse
冲击波技术shock wave technique
冲击波抽运激光器shock wave-pumped laser
冲击波泵浦激光器shock wave-pumped laser
冲击波电离shock wave ionization
冲击波痕shock wave shadow
冲击波的采石作用quarrying action of the waves
冲击波聚合作用shock wave polymerization
冲击波试验surge test
冲击波试验shock wave tests
冲击波调压surge control
冲击波调节surge control
冲击波过渡区shock transition region
冲击波速shock velocity
冲击波速率shock velocity
冲击波速率shock speed
冲击波防护blast protection
冲击波阻尼线圈surge block coil
冲击波面shock wave front
冲击波高压技术shock wave high-pressure technique
冲岸波uprush (浪)
冲波气流shocked flow
冲波shock front
冲激波bow wave
冲积波constructive wave
副载波脉冲subcarrier pulse
压力冲击波pressure surge
压力冲击波pressure shock wave
冲波recoil wave
反射冲击波reflected shock wave
变压器脉冲响应波形transformer pulse response waveform
合成冲击波resultant shock wave
后退冲击波receding shock wave
基准载波脉冲群reference carrier burst
声波脉冲sound pulse
声波脉冲sound impulse
声表面脉冲压缩滤波器surface acoustical wave pulse compression filter
声表面脉冲压缩滤波器surface acoustic wave pulse compression filter
多波群脉冲发生器multiburst generator
射频脉冲波radio-frequency pulse shape
冲波Mach region wave
斜磁流体冲击波oblique hydromagnetic shock wave
方波型光脉冲square-wave pulse of light
无碰撞冲击波collisionless shock wave
明槽冲击波shock wave in open channel
标准操作冲击电压波standard switching voltage impulse
核冲击波nuclear shockwave
冲波direct shock wave
正交冲击波normal shock wave
正弦半波冲击脉冲half sine shock pulse
正弦平方脉冲与方波信号sine-squared pulse and bar signal
正弦波形脉冲sinusoidal pulse
水中冲击波underwater blast wave
水位波动缓冲器water-level depressor
水平锯齿波缓冲horizontal sawtooth buff
波冲击wave impact
波冲堤wave wash levee
波前冲击试验front of wave test
波形冲头punch with fluted nose
波形冲头punch with corrugated nose
波形脉冲waveform pulse
X 波段脉冲发射机X-band pulse transmitter
波浪上冲界线swash limit
波浪上冲界线limit of swash
波浪上爬冲界限limit of swash
波浪冲击wave attack
波浪冲击能wave energy of sea floor
波浪冲击高度swash height of waves
波浪冲刷wave-induced source
波浪冲刷深度erosion depth of wave
波浪冲积堤wave wash levee
波浪冲蚀wave stroke
波浪冲蚀wave attack
波浪退吸冲刷suction scour
波纹板冲压法open beading
波脉冲wave impulse
液体冲击波hydraulic shock
爆炸冲击波blasting impulsive wave
爆炸冲击波explosive blast
爆破冲击波explosion shock wave
爆破冲击波blast wave
爆破冲击波blasting impulsive wave
电冲击波管electrical shock tube
电冲击波管electric shock tube
电磁冲击波electromagnetic shock wave
电磁法的激励场源脉冲波pulse wave of inducing field source in electromagnetic method
电路端脉冲波放大器head amplifier
电键浪涌脉冲滤波器key click filter
直接的冲击波伤害primary blast injury
磁层冲击波magnetospheric shockwave
磁流体动力冲击波magnetohydrodynamical shock wave
磁流体动力冲击波magnetohydrodynamic shock wave
磁流体动力学冲击波magnetohydrodynamical shock wave
磁流体动力学冲击波magnetohydrodynamic shock wave
空中爆炸的冲击波explosive-produced air shock
空气冲击波shock wave
空气冲击波air blasting wave
等离子体冲击波plasma stock wave
线性脉冲滤波器linear pulse filter
冲波pulse wave
冲波impulse wave
冲波pulse train
冲波pulse ripple
冲波pulse wave packet
冲波pulse envelope
冲波多普勒超声流量计pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonic flow meter
冲波pulse spike
冲波峰因数pulse crest factor
冲波impulse wave form
冲波形发生器pulse pattern generator
冲波形图timing chart
冲波振荡器impulse wave generator
冲波pulse ripple
冲波试验front of wave test
冲波速试验pulse velocity test
脉冲计算波形computed pulse shape
脉冲亚毫米波激光干涉仪pulsed submillimeter laser interferometer
脉冲传输反射波法pulse transmission-reflection method
脉冲传输回波法pulse transmission-reflection method
脉冲削波器pulse clipper
脉冲副载波pulse subcarrier
脉冲功率行波管pulsed power travelling-wave tube
脉冲包络检波器pulsed envelope detector
脉冲半波pulse half wave
脉冲压缩波pulsed compression wave
脉冲取样示波器pulse sampling oscilloscope
脉冲同步示波器pulse synchroscope
脉冲回波pulse echo
脉冲回波接收器pulse echo receiver
脉冲回波法pulse echo method
脉冲回波测试仪pulse echo tester
脉冲回波超声学pulse echo ultrasonics
脉冲声波pulsed sound wave
脉冲多普勒杂波pulse Doppler clutter
脉冲宽度波动pulse time jitter
脉冲宽度调制的斩波器pulse width-modulated chopper
脉冲巅值检波器pulse peak detector
脉冲带宽滤波pulse bandwidth filtering
脉冲幅度调制载波pulse amplitude-modulated carrier
脉冲引力波pulsed gravity wave
脉冲微波雷达pulsed micro wave radar
脉冲斩波〔断续〕器pulse chopper
脉冲斩波器pulse chopper
脉冲杂波impulsive noise
脉冲杂波信号impulsive noise signal
脉冲法电波探测impulse method electrical finding
脉冲法电波探测impulse method electric finding
脉冲测量示波器pulse measuring oscilloscope
脉冲涟波pulse ripple
脉冲滤波pulse bandwidth filtering
脉冲电压示波器impulse voltage oscilloscope
脉冲示波器pulse oscilloscope
脉冲示波器impulsing oscilloscope
脉冲示波术surge oscillography
脉冲离子回旋共振波谱仪pulsed ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer
脉冲积分检波器pulse integrating detector
脉冲纹波pulse ripple
脉冲群波形burst waveform
脉冲计数器一检波器pulse counter detector
脉冲调制波pulse modulated wave
脉冲调制载波pulsed modulated carrier
脉冲调幅载波pulsed amplitude-modulated carrier
脉冲调相载波pulsed phase-modulated carrier
脉冲调频载波pulsed frequency modulated carrier
脉冲载波pulse carrier
脉冲载波系统pulsed carrier-current system
脉冲连续波pulsed continuous wave
行星际冲击波interplanetary shock wave
被波浪冲蚀的材料wave-worn material
超声波回波脉冲数字式测厚仪ultrasonic echo-impulse digital thickness meter
超声波脉冲supersonic sound pulse
超声波脉冲ultrasonic sound pulse
超声波脉冲supersonic pulse
测混凝土强度的超声波脉冲测强ultrasonic pulse method
超声波脉冲传输器supersonic impulse transmitter
超声波脉冲发射器ultrasonic impulse transmitter
超声波脉冲发生器ultrasonic pulse generator
测混凝土强度的超声波脉冲法supersonic pulse method
超声波脉冲测强法ultrasonic pulse method for strength
超声波脉冲非破坏检验non-destructive test by ultrasonic pulse
超短波脉冲激光器ultra-short wave pulse laser
载波监听多路访问/冲突检测carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
重复脉冲示波器recurrent surge oscillograph
震波冲击seismic shock
马赫冲波Mach's region wave