
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
iceberg A large mass of detached land ice floating in the sea or stranded in shallow water (飘浮在海上或搁浅在浅水中,不与陆地连结的巨大冰层。)
晶核ice nucleus
水沉积区outwash area
河,冰川glacier Slow moving masses of ice which have accumulated either on mountains or in polar regions. They are found where warm, moist air or warm water meets cold air or water. They move, influenced by the force of gravity and the pressure of the ice, above the underlying slush layers and slide downhill, eventually melting at lower levels to form rivers or reaching sea-level, where they form ice shelves or fall into the water as icebergs (积聚在高山或者极地地区的缓慢移动的冰块。可以发现它们存在于有温暖潮湿的大气处或者热水流与冷水流相遇的地方。它们的移动受地心引力作用和冰的压力的影响,高于基本烂泥层和下滑坡,最终会融化到低层形成河流或到达海平面形成冰架或以冰山形式掉进海里。)
河学glaciology 1. The study of all aspects of snow and ice; the science that treats quantitatively the whole range of processes associated with all forms of solid existing water. 2. The study of existing glaciers and ice sheets, and of their physical properties (1. 冰雪所有方面的研究;定量地对与各种形式的固态现存水及相关全部范围内的过程进行探讨的科学。)
refrigerator An appliance, a cabinet, or a room for storing food or other substances at a low temperature (为了低温存放食物或其它物品的设备、柜子或房间。)
hail Precipitation in the form of balls or irregular lumps of ice, always produced by convective clouds, nearly always cumulonimbus (以球状或不规则冰块形态呈现的降水,都由对流云层所产生,几乎都是积雨云。)
Arctic Ocean The smallest and most poorly studied of the oceans on earth. It covers an area of 14 million square km that is divided by three submarine ridges, i.e. the Alpha Ridge, the Lomonosov Ridge, and an extension of the mid-Atlantic ridge. It is also nearly landlocked, covered year-round by pack ice, and the third of its area is continental shelf (地球上最小且被研究最少的大洋。 它覆盖着一千四百万平方公里的区域,被三条水下脊分开,即阿尔法脊、罗蒙诺索夫脊、和一条延伸到到中大西洋的脊。 它几乎完全被陆地包围,终年为浮冰所覆盖,它的三分之一是大陆棚。)
Antarctic Ocean The waters, including ice shelves, that surround the continent of Antarctica, which comprise the southernmost parts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, and also the Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas (环绕着南极洲大陆,包括冰架的水域,由太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的最南端部分,以及罗斯海、阿蒙森海、别林斯高晋海和威德尔海所组成。)
ice pack Large areas of floating ice, usually occurring in polar seas, consisting of separate pieces that have become massed together (通常发生在两极海域的大片区域浮冰,由分散碎冰聚集在一起而形成。)
细胞外形成extracellular ice formation
胞外结extracellular ice formation
glazed frost
躲避冻机制mechanism for avoidance of freezing
转移结translocated freezing
高山积洼地geographic cirque A deep steep-walled half-bowl-like recess or hollow, variously described as horseshoe- or crescent-shaped or semi-circular in plan, situated high on the side of a mountain and commonly at the head of a glacial valley and produced by the erosive activity of a mountain glacier. It often contains a small round lake, and it may or may not be occupied by ice or snow (深陡峭壁形或半钵状深凹或山谷,在图示中表示为蹄形或新月形或半环形。位于较高的山边,通常在一个冰川头部,由冰川的侵蚀活动形成。它通常包含一个小圆湖,其中有或没有冰雪。)