
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一片巨大的川体ice field
万年雪ice firn
万年雪firn ice
三角洲delta moraine
on-ice wind
上层迭置superimposed glacier
上溢弓闸门overpour head gate
off-ice wind
下降到点以下的温度a lowering of temperature below the freezing point
不成层unstratified drift
不活动inactive glacier
不规则irregular crystal
不规则松sludge lump
不规则的glacier ice berg
不透明rime ice
不透明opaque ice
丘状浮hummocked ice
两块大浮相遇ice nip
两年two-year ice
严重hard ice condition
严重hard frost
medium ice floe
medium floe
medium ice-field
medium ice floe
medium fracture
中国科学院兰州川冻土沙漠研究所Institute of glaciology
中得利亚斯older Dryas stade
中浮medium ice floe
伸入海中的山舌ice tongue
伸展的碛层push moraine
can dump
ice divide
ice culmination zone
ice shed
ice culmination zone
分凝Taber ice
分凝segregated ice
分叉transection glacier
分叉through glacier
分叉distributary glacier
分支distributary glacier
分支distributary tongue
分流distributary glacier
ice cutter
ice scum
young ice
cream ice
出现期first ice date
anaglacial period
预报frazil ice forecast
初凝slush ice
初凝sludge ice
初始new ice
初期newly-frozen ice
初期freshly frozen ice
初期岸young shore ice
初期岸young coastal ice
初期岸newly-frozen ice
片机ice flaker
刨花flake ice
刨花制冰机flake ice maker
ice scraper
ice scraper
ice plant
ice house
ice making machinery
ice machine
ice engine
机房ice house
水设备ice water installation
icc freezing tank
能力ice make capacity
装置ice plant
设备ice plant
ice melting agent
deicing agent
ice dissolving tank
药品deicing chemicals
化学抗ice control chemicals
Arctic Sea
洋一南极洲地壳波系Arctic-Antarctica crustal-wave system
洋带Arctic realm
洋蒸发雾Arctic smoke
洋蒸发雾Arctic sea smoke
北极North Pole ice
北极沼土tundra soils in the arctic area
北极Arctic ice cap
北极盖逐渐变薄thinning of the Arctic ice cap
北极多年Arctic ice
北极破Arctic ice breaker
北美大陆glacial sheet of north America
合成synthetical borneol
合成synthetic borneol
合流apposed glacier
桶车ice can truck
行车ice can crane
川期气候post-glacial climate
后期川沉积物late glacial deposit
向岸ice shore
ice content
含土argillaceous ice layer
含有泥沙贝壳石等的muddy ice
含硅的锌矿siliceous calamine
吸收式adsorption refrigerator
吸热式absorption refrigerator
吹雪snowdrift ice
吹雪drift glacier
吹雪snowdrift glacier
吹雪catchment glacier
moutonnee hummock
圆顶状dome-shaped iceberg
土内ground ice
土壤soil freezing
土壤中的冻标高freezing level in soil
土底ice mound
土底ground ice mound
在峡湾形成的冬fiord ice
丘冰pingo ice
地下interstitial ice
地下stone ice
地下subterranean ice
地下subsoil ice
地下ground ice
地基冻深度subgrade frost penetration
地基结过程artificial freezing of ground
地层ground freezing
地表冻指数surface freezing index
地面surface ice
地面ground ice
avalanche ice
堆积debris ice
堆积friendly ice
堆积accretional ice sheet
堆积厚consolidated pack ice
堆积指状finger rafting
堆积指状finger rafted ice
堆积浮hummocky floe
堪萨斯川作用Kansan's glaciation
堪萨斯Kansan's glacial stage
堪萨斯Kansan's glacial epoch
regelation (现象)
复合compound glacier
复合composition glacier
复合谷compound valley glacier
复式山谷composite glacier
复晶川冰polycrystalline glacier ice
复活recemented glacier
川沉积extraglacial deposit
冻土medium ice content frozen soil
多孔porous ice
多层rafted ice
多层nabivnoy ice
多年old ice
多年perennial ice
多年multiyear ice
多年very old hummock
多年old hummock
多年堆积very old ice
多年堆积very old hummock
多年的丘脉aged ridge
多年贴岸permanent ice foot
多瑙Donau glacial stage
多瑙一贡兹间Donau-Gunz interglacial stage
多脊ridged ice
多门multidoor refrigerator
large ice field
large ice pieces
ice cluster
hail storm
big floe
large fracture (超过500米宽)
bergschrund (超过500米宽)
大块can ice
大块浮pack ice (群)
大块浮ice pack (群)
大姑Tagu glaciation
大气ice nuclei in atmosphere
大气一海洋—陆地一雪体系atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system
大浮floe ice
大浮floating ice
大浮field ice
大浮ice floe
大浮big floe (宽500~2000米)
大片continuous ice sheet
大理Tali glaciation
大陆continental ice (川)
大陆mainland ice
大陆ice sheet
大陆川作用continental glaciation
大陆川地壳均衡过程crustal isostatic process by continental glaciers
大陆川覆盖continental glacial cover
大陆mainland ice
大陆inland ice
大陆盖出现年代appearance age of continental ice-sheet
大陆盖名称name of continental ice-sheet
大陆性continentality glacier
大陆边缘shelf ice
天然natural ice
ice slush
运输transport with ice between goods
威斯康辛Wisconsin glacial epoch
历时lasting of ice cover
period of ice-cover
封闭型closed moraine
small ice-field
ice cube
small ice piece
cake ice
screw ice
bergy bit
ice pellets
small ice floe
small fracture
ice pellets
小浮small ice floe
小面积流ice patch
冻土poor ice content frozen soil
尖塔形pinnacled iceberg
尖塔形pinnacle iceberg
尖塔形irregular iceberg
崩塌talus glacier
崩落debris glacier
带帆ice yacht
带状流stream of ice
带电electrification ice nucleus
常见ordinary ice
开始initiation of freezing
开放型open moraine
开顶式top opening freezer
片酯isobornyl thiocyanoacetate
式工程diversion canal development
式电站diversion canal type of power plant
channel-type head race
pilotage charges
闸门head gate
ice formation (过程)
成套式电self-contained refrigerator
成层washed drift
成片原冰continuous field ice
成矿溶液点的测定determination of minerogenetic solution ice point
水流ice-bearing current
挟屑河流frazil stream
挟屑河流frazil river
ice shield
ice shutter
ice apron
floating ice-boom
ice guard
ice boom
挤压screw ice
挤压pressure ice
挤压pressure ice foot
搁浅stranded ice
搁浅stranded ice foot
搁浅stranded floe ice foot
tributary glacier
支流distributary glacier
星状star glacier
春季spring crust
最大川作用glacial maximum
最早初earliest first appearance of ice
最早终earliest final ice clearance
最晚终latest final ice clearance
最高流水位highest ice floe water level
有条纹的川黏土banded glacial clay
未破碎unbroken ice
未破裂覆盖层的下游界限downstream margin of unbroken ice cover
本生量热器ice calorimeter
树枝状dendritic crystal
核动力破nuclear powered icebreaker
模拟雪条的路面winterized pavement
欧洲中北部大陆glacial sheet of north-mid-Europe
民德Mindel glacial epoch
民德一里斯Mindel-Riss Ice Period
民德一里斯间Mindel-Riss interglacial stage
气力输系统ice pneumatic conveying system
气动输系统pneumatic ice delivery system
气动除pneumatic deicing
气动除pneumatic decking
气动除设备pneumatic de-icer
气压输系统pneumatic ice delivery system
气垫破平台air cushion ice breaking platform
氨制ammonia machine
chlorine ice
水下submerged ice
水下破submerged ice cracking engine
水内submerged ice
水内underwater ice
水内needle ice
水内小submerged ice
水内小frazil ice
水浸depth of immersed ice
水浸water-soaked till
水的water freezing point
水磨石冲洗台磨石水槽落水terrazzo sink drop
水面surface ice
水面薄sheet ice
水面表层surface ice
永久permanent ice foot
永久neve snow
永久雪区firn area
永久积雪neve ice
cave ice
渠道弓式电站power canal development
温带temperate glacier
温带temperate periglacial
run of ice
沟痕iceberg furrow mark
瀑布cascading glacier
球柱面凸透镜sphero-cylindrical lenticular
球状ball ice
球鼻bulb glacier
理想冷循环ideal refrigeration cycle
甚疏浮very open pack ice
生水raw water ice
由浪花冻结的岸storm ice foot
甲基降片烯二酸酐nadic methyl anhydride
electrical refrigerator
ice box
electric refrigerator
箱压缩机refrigerator compressor
箱压缩机compressor for refrigeration
箱门突出的绝缘层door dike
电动融electrical defroster
电动融electric defroster
电子electronic refrigerator
电气除electrical deicer
电气除electric deicer
电磁压缩式electromagnetic compression refrigerator
电磁振动式electromagnetic oscillation refrigerator
电镀花工艺ice structure electroplating technique
ice break-up (开河)
onshore zone
broken belt
型船头Baltic bow
型船首Baltic bow
型货船cargo icebreaker
sharpened pier
icebreaking pier
工具icebreaking tool
拖轮ice-strengthened tug
拖轮ice breaking tug
ice breaker
ice axe
glacier mill
油船icebreaking tanker
爆破icebreaking blasting
电缆修理船icebreaking cable repair ship
icebreaker ship
船型船头icebreaking tow
船队icebreaking fleet
设备ice breaker
ice mine
ice fin
破碎的broken ice
稀疏slack ice
稀疏loose pack ice
稀疏open pack ice
稀疏broken ice
稀疏流slack ice
稀疏流open drift ice
稀疏浮scattered ice
稀疏浮sailing ice
稀疏浮open pack ice
稀疏浮open drift ice
第四纪Quaternary glaciation (作用)
第四纪Quaternary glacial stage
紧密fast ice
gentle ramp
缝隙interstitial ice
老化aged ridge
老化aged ice ridge
ice rake
frazil ice
脉动除设备pulsating deicer
dirty ice
can dump
舌状tongue-shaped glacier
船上观测的情日记ship ice log
船中带区amidship ice belt region
船坞形valley iceberg
船坞形dry dock iceberg
船用破icebreaking ram of vessel
船舶积ice accumulation on ship
船载区航行支持系统shipboard ice navigation support system
船首防加强材料ice doubling
萨勒Saalian glacial stage
萨勒Saalian glacial epoch
萨尔坦Sartan glacial stage
萨尔坦Sartan stade
萨马洛夫Samarovo glacial stage
萨马洛夫Samarovo stade
蘑菇mushroom ice
蜂巢spring ice
蜂巢spring sludge
蜂巢rotten ice
蜂窝spring sludge
蜂窝rotten ice
蜂窝状honeycombed ice
贡兹Gunz glacial stage
贡兹期【地Gunz glaciation
贡兹一民德旬Gunz-Mindel interglacial stage
贴岸land floe
贴岸shore floe
贴岸shore ice
贴岸ice ledge
贴岸collar ice
透明transparent ice
透明transparency ice
透明glaze ice
透明薄black ice
通航况标准operational ice criterion
通行况标准operational ice criterion
速度滑比赛场speed skate rink
water ice
鄱阳Poyang glacial epoch
锅形kettle moraine
水文ground ice
水文bottom ice
水文anchor ice
锥状pyramidal iceberg
ice scouring machine
阀状多层rafted ice
与融雪设备deicing and snow melting equipment
冻性freeze resistance
ice guard
措施ice control measures
措施anti-ice measures
构筑物ice control structure
汽化器non-icing carburetor
涂层ice-phobic coating
添加剂anti-icing additive
anti-ice paint
deicing salt
系统anti-icing system
系统导管anti-icing duct
系统手摇泵deicing hand pump
船首加强材ice doubling
装置deicing gear
装置ice guard
装置ice apron
装置deicing equipment
装置anti-icing equipment
雹的hail proof
防止冻protection against freezing
防止结icing protection
防止路面结措施road ice-control
防止路面结措施highway ice-control
防结涂料coating composition for prevention of icing
霜形rime ice
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