
Terms containing 军部 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.东部空军司令部eastern air command
gen.东部空军司令部Eastern Air Command
gen.东部空军运输部队Eastern Transport Air Force
China, polit.中央军事委员会各总部、军兵种、军区the General Departments, the various services and arms and the military commands of the Central Military Commission
el.临时欧洲盟军司令部快速反应部队信息系统interim ACE rapid reaction corps information system
avia.主要空军司令部major air command
gen.主要空军司令部major air command
footb.亚洲俱乐部冠军赛Asian Club Championship
avia.先进战术空军中央指挥部advanced tactical air command central
el.全球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络WWMCCS intercomputer network
el.全球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络原型prototype WWMCCS intercomputer network
avia.军事交通管制司令部Military Traffic Management Command
avia.军事交通管理司令military traffic management command
el.军事情报部military intelligence department
avia.军事情报部military intelligence department
avia.军事海运司令部military sealift command
USA, space军事海运司令部司令Commander, Military Sealift Command
gen.军事空运司令部Military Airlift Command
el.军事空运司令部Military Airlift Command
gen.军事空运司令部Headquarters, Military Air Transport Service
avia.军事空运司令部交通通报与控制military airlift command traffic reporting and control
el.军事空运司令部作战电话系统Military Airlift Command operational phone system
avia.军事空运司令部反应通信系统military airlift reaction communication system
avia.军事空运司令部综合管理系统military airlift command integrated management system (美国)
avia.军事空运部队综合管理系统military airlift command integrated management system
avia.军事部military department
China, law军事部门military organs
gen.军事部门military service
avia.军事部门间采购申请military intergovernmental purchase request
UN, tech.军人的冒险性格和行为,这是任何士兵气质的一部分risk-taking ethos and behaviour in the military, which is part of the make-up of any soldier
avia.军备武器研究和发展司令部armament research and development command
avia.军械后勤司令部armament logistics command
avia.军械战备司令部armament material readiness command
gen.军械部Ordnance Division
gen.军械部美国陆军所属的Ordnance Department
USA, space军用导弹司令部Ordnance Missile Command
avia.军用飞机储存和部署中心military aircraft storage and disposition center
avia.军用飞机司令部military aircraft command
avia.军用飞机系统部military aircraft system division
avia.军种部military department
mil., air.def.{美}军训与条令司令部training and doctrine command
China, law军队测绘主管部门competent department of surveying and mapping in the armed forces
tech.军需部Q department
gen.军需部队quarter-master corps
gen.军需部队quartermaster corps
avia.加拿大皇家空军防空司令部Royal Canadian Air Force Defense Command
gen.助理海军部Assistant Secretary of Navy
gen.助理空军部Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
avia.南方空军司令部southern air command
gen.原子能委员会军用部Military Application Division of the Atomic Energy Commission
USA, space又称海军航天司令部 NAVSPACENaval Space Command
earth.sc.国防部军事测绘局加拿大Military Survey Department of National Defence Canada
avia.〔北〕大西洋盟军司令部Allied Command, Atlantic
avia.〔北〕大西洋盟军最高司令部Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
USA, space大陆空军司令部Continental Air Command
gen.大陆空军司令部Continental Air Command
avia.大陆陆军司令部continental army command
gen.大陆陆军司令部Continental Army Command
gen.太平洋中部美军Army Forces, Middle Pacific
USA, space太平洋空军司令部Pacific Air Command
tech.战区海军司令部theater navy headquarters
el.战区陆军防空司令部Theater Army Air Defense Command
el.战术空军司令部Tactical Air Force Headquarters
el.战术空军司令部Tactical Air Command
avia.战术空军司令部air technical command
avia.战术空军司令部tactical air force head quarters
gen.战术空军司令部Tactical Air Command
gen.战术空军司令部手册Tactical Air Command Manual
el.战术空军司令部指挥所Tactical Air Command command post
el.战略空军司令部美国Strategic Air Command
gen.战略空军司令部Strategic Air Command
tech.战略空军司令部Strategic air command
gen.战略空军司令部Strategical Air Command
gen.战略空军司令部传真电报网Strategic Air Command Phototelegraph Network
el.战略空军司令部作战计划制定系统SAC war planning system
avia.战略空军司令部作战计划系统SAC operational planning system
el.战略空军司令部全自动化信息网络SAC automated total information network
avia.战略空军司令部情报处理系统SAC intelligence processing system
el.战略空军司令部情报数据处理系统SAC intelligence data processing system
el.战略空军司令部情报网Strategic Air Command intelligence network
gen.战略空军司令部手册Strategic Air Command Manual
mil., air.def.战略空军司令部指挥系统strategic air command control system
gen.战略空军司令部指挥系统Strategical Air Command Control System
avia.战略空军司令部控制系统strategic air command control system
avia.战略空军司令部数字信息网络strategic air command digital information network
USA, space战略空军司令部数字网Strategic Air Command digital network
el.战略空军司令部数字网络Strategic Air Command digital network
avia.战略空军司令部条例strategic air command rule
el.战略空军司令部电话网SAC telephone network
USA, space战略空军司令部管理系统Strategic Air Command control system
USA, space战略空军司令部自动化总信息网Strategic Air Command automated total-information network
avia.战略空军司令部自动化总信息网strategic air command automated total information network
el.战略空军司令部自动化指挥控制系统Strategic Air Command automated command and control system
avia.战略空军司令部自动指挥和控制系统strategic air command automated command and control system
el.战略空军司令部警戒与控制系统SAC warning and control system
el.战略空军司令部通信系统Strategic Air Command communications system
el.战略空军司令部通信系统测试设备SACCS test facility
el.战略空军司令部通信网Strategic Air Command communications network
gen.战略空军司令部通信网Strategic Air Command Communication Network
el.战略空军司令部飞机安全系统SAC aircraft security system
avia.战略空军司令部飞行器安全系统SAC aircraft security system
UN, afr.新军队的统一高级指挥部integrated High Command of the new army
el.欧洲盟军司令部Allied Command Europe (NATO)
avia.欧洲盟军司令部allied command Europe
avia.欧洲盟军司令部报告allied command Europe report
el.欧洲盟军司令部自动化指挥、控制和信息系统Allied Command Europe automated command, control and information system
el.欧洲盟军最高司令部Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers in Europe (NATO)
el.欧洲盟军最高司令部防空技术中心SHAPE Air Defense Technical Center
gen.欧洲空军器材司令部European Air Materiel Command
fr., space法国军备部Delegation Ministérielle pour l'Armement (直属国防部,现为 DGA)
avia., fr.法国战略空军司令部Commandement des Forces Aeriennes Strategiques
avia.英国的军部Admiralty War Office
gen.军部Admiralty Board
gen.军部Department of Navy
shipb.军部Naval Department
tech.军部Navy Department (美国)
tech.军部department of navy
el.军部美国Department of the Navy
USA, space军部Department of the Navy
USA, space军部Navy Department
gen.军部修造船厂Admiralty Dockyard
gen.军部实验工厂Admiralty Experiment Works
gen.军部实验潜水队Admiralty Experimental Diving Unit
gen.军部实验研究中心Admiralty Experimental Research Establishment
gen.军部对舰队的命令Admiralty Fleet Order
gen.军部对舰队的密令Admiralty Fleet Confidential Order
gen.军部工程实验研究Admiralty Engineering Laboratory
shipb.军部救捞司Admiralty Salvage Department
gen.军部材料实脍研究Admiralty Materials Laboratory
shipb.军部材料试验室Admiralty Materials Laboratory
shipb.军部气象预报处Admiralty Forecast Section
gen.军部气象预报处Admiralty Forecast Section
gen.军部水下武器研究院Admiralty Underwater Weapon Establishment
gen.军部水面武器研究院Admiralty Surface Weapon Establishment
gen.军部油脂实验研究Admiralty Oil Laboratory
shipb.军部浮船坞Admiralty floating dock
navig.英国军部海上救捞机构Admiralty Salvage Organization
avia.军部海洋工程研究所Admiralty Marine Engineering Establishment
navig.英国军部海洋技术研究院Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment
tech.军部海里admiralty measured mile
avia.军部海面武器研究所Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
avia.军部海面武器研究所Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
gen.军部炮学研究院Admiralty Gunnery Establishment
gen.军部燃料实验站Admiralty Fuel Experimental Station
gen.军部电报Admiralty telegram
gen.军部研究实验所Admiralty Research Laboratory
shipb.军部研究试验室Admiralty Research Laboratory
gen.军部科学情报联络中心英;N.S.T.I.C. 的前身Admiralty Centre for Scientific Information and Liaison
shipb.军部船厂Admiralty dockyard
gen.军部计算处Admiralty Computing Service
gen.军部训令Admiralty Instructions
shipb.军部试验技术研究所Admiralty Experimental Research Establishment
gen.军部通信与雷达研究院Admiralty Signal and Radar Establishment
gen.军部通信研究院Admiralty Signal Establishment
gen.军部the First Lord of the Admiralty
gen.军部Secretary of Navy
gen.军部Secretary of Navy
USA, space军部队指挥中心Naval Force Command Center
USA, space军部队识别系统navy unit identification system
gen.海军科学研究部美国Office of Naval Research
earth.sc.海军东部海洋中心Naval Eastern Oceanography Center
avia.海军作战部副部长vice chief of naval operations
avia.海军作战部长chief of naval operation
gen.海军供应系统司令部Naval Supply Systems Command
gen.海军军械系统司令部Naval Ordnance Systems Command
gen.海军助理作战部长Assistant Chief of Naval Operations
el.海军医学研究部队[单位]naval medical research unit
mil., air.def.海军器材司令部naval material command
avia.海军器材部naval material command
gen.海军土木工程部队Naval Civil Engineering Corps
mil., air.def.海军情报司令部naval intelligence command
gen.海军情报部Naval Intelligence Division
el.海军指挥、控制和海洋监视中心研究开发部NCCOSC Research and Development Division
earth.sc.海军海洋指挥部naval oceanographic command
earth.sc.海军海洋系统指挥部naval sea system command
mil., air.def.海军爆炸物处理技术分部naval explosive ordnance disposal technology division
avia.海军电子系统司令部Naval Electronics Systems Command (美国)
USA, space海军电子系统司令部Naval Electronics Systems Command
el.海军电子系统司令部美国Naval Electronic Systems Command
el.海军电子系统司令部Naval Electronic Systems Command
mil., air.def.海军电子系统司令部naval system of electronic command
mil., air.def.海军电子系统司令部naval electronics system command
avia.海军电子系统司令部naval electronic system command
gen.海军电子系统司令部Naval Electronic Systems Command
USA, space海军研究与开发分部Naval Research and Development Division
gen.海军科学研究部Navy Research Section (L.o.C. 所属的 TID 的前身)
gen.海军租子学实验所内部自动编码Naval Electronics Laboratory internal autocode
el.海军程序设计语言部Navy Programming Language Division
avia.海军空中和海上作战研究发展部队naval air/sea warfare development unit
mil., air.def.{美}海军空中系统司令部naval air systems command
avia.海军空运指挥部naval air ferry command
USA, space海军空间和作战系统司令部Naval Space and Warfare Systems Command
USA, space海军联合司令部/管理信息系统Naval Integrated Command/ Management Information System
gen.海军航全研究与发展活动司令部Naval Air Research and Development Activities Command
shipb.海军航海保证部Compass Department of Admiralty
avia.海军航空兵作战中心武器分部naval air warfare center weapons division
avia.海军航空兵作战中心训练系统分部naval air warfare center training system division
avia.海军航空兵作战中心飞机分部naval air warfare center aircraft division
avia.海军航空兵作战训练部naval aviation operational training command
avia.〔英〕海军航空兵司令部Naval Air Command
avia.海军航空兵基地训练司令部naval air basic training command
avia.海军航空兵指令系统部部长Commander Naval Air Systems Command
avia.海军航空兵训练与实验指挥部naval air training and experiment command
avia.海军航空兵训练司令部naval air training command
mil.海军航空兵部队fleet air arm
avia.海军航空系统司令部naval air systems command
avia.海军航空系统司令部naval air system command
gen.海军航空系统司令部Naval Air Systems Command
gen.海军航空训练司令部Naval Air Training Command
USA, space海军舰船武器系统部Naval Ship System Command
avia.海军舰船武器系统部Naval Ship System Command (美国)
avia.海军舰船系统司令部naval ship system command
gen.海军舰艇设备司令部Naval Ship Systems Command
navig.美国海军装备部Naval Equipment Department
shipb.海军装备部Naval Equipment Department
gen.海军设施工程司令部Naval Facilities Engineering Command
avia.海军陆战队两栖部队marine amphibious unit (美国)
avia.海军陆战队两栖部队marine amphibious force
avia.海军陆战队空中交通管制部门marine air traffic control unit
el.海军陆战队空-地特遣部队marine air-ground task force
avia.海军飞行研究发展部队naval air flying development unit
China, law煽动军人逃离部队incite a serviceman to desert from the unit
avia.〔英〕皇家空军海军司令部Royal Air Force Coastal Command
avia.〔英〕皇家空军运输司令部Royal Air Force Transport Command
avia.〔英〕皇家陆军军需部队Royal Army Ordnance Corps
avia.英国皇家陆军军需部队UK Royal Army Ordnance Corps
tech.军部Department of Air Force
gen.军部Department of Air Force
avia.军部air ministry
gen.军部Air Ministry
gen.军部Air Board
gen.军部事故调查局Air Ministry's Accident Branch
gen.军部‘令Air Ministry Order
gen.军部雷达实验站Air Ministry Experimental Station
gen.军部无线电台Air Ministry Radio Station
gen.军部次长Undersecretary of the Air Force
gen.军部气象局Air Ministry Meteorological Office
avia.军部secretary of the air force
gen.军部Secretary of Air Force
gen.军部长办公室Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
gen.军部air force units
mil., air.def.军部队指挥官commander, air force force
avia.军部队联络官air force liaison officer
gen.空军〔总〕司令部Air Headquarters
gen.空军〔总〕司令部Air Force Headquarters
USA, space空军武器系统司令部Air Force Systems Command
avia.空军东部试验场Air Force Eastern Test Range (美国)
avia.空军东部试验靶场air force eastern test range
avia.空军东部试验靶场手册air force eastern test range manual
gen.空军作战分析部Air Force Operations Analyses Division
avia.空军保障司令部air support command (英国)
avia.空军勤务区司令部air service area command
avia.空军协作司令部air cooperation command
avia.空军参谋部air force staff
gen.空军参谋部air staff
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验assistant chief of air staff inspection
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长assistant chief of air staff operations
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程assistant chief of air staff engineering
avia.空军参谋部指令air staff order
avia.空军参谋部指令air staff instruction
avia.空军参谋部指标air staff target
avia.空军参谋部指示air staff instructions
avia.〔英〕空军参谋部目标air staff target
avia.〔英〕空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
avia.空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
avia.空军参谋部训练大纲air staff training programme
avia.空军司令部air command
gen.空军司令部Air Command
avia.空军司令部和管理系统air command and control system
avia.空军合同管理部air force contract management division
avia.空军后勤司令部air force logistics command
avia.空军后勤司令部air service command
gen.空军后勤司令部Air Force Service Command
gen.空军后勤司令部Air Service Command
gen.空军后勤司令部Air Force Logistics Command
avia.空军后勤司令部手册air force logistics command manual
avia.空军后勤司令部指挥通信网air force logistics command operations network
avia.空军后勤司令部条例air force logistics command regulation
avia.空军后勤司令部程序air force logistics command procedures
USA, space空军后勤部Air Force Logistics Command
avia.空军后勤部Air Force Logistics Command (美国)
avia.空军后勤部指挥通信网Air Force Logistic Command Operations Network (美国)
gen.空军后勤部队air materiel force
gen.空军器材司令部Air Materiel Command
gen.空军器材部队air materiel force
avia.空军国外技术部air force foreign technology division
avia.空军培训司令部air force training command
avia.空军大部major air command
gen.空军工程发展部Air Engineering Development Division
avia.空军弹道导弹部air force ballistic missile division
gen.空军弹道导弹部Air Force Ballistic Missile Division
gen.空军弹道导‘部Air Ballistic Missile Division
gen.空军弹道系统部Air Force Ballistic Systems Division
gen.空军总司令部General Headquarters, Air Force
avia.空军总部air headquarters
avia.空军战术空中司令部air force tactical air command
gen.空军技术维炉司令部Air Technical Service Command
gen.空军指挥及控制系统发展部Air Force Command and Control Development Division
avia.空军支援训练部队air support training units
avia.空军教导培训司令部air education and training command
avia.空军材料司令部air material command
gen.空军武器中心总部Headquarters, Air Force Armament Center
avia.空军武器系统司令部装备分部air force system command' armament division
avia.空军武器系统命令部air force system command
gen.空军武器试验场司令部Air Proving Ground Command
USA, space空军特种作战司令部Air Force Special Operations Command
USA, space空军特种作战部队Air Force Special Operations Forces
gen.空军特种作战部队Air Force Special Operations Force
avia.〔英〕空军特种部队special air service
avia.空军特遣部队air force task force
avia.空军特遣部队air task force
gen.空军电子系统部Air Force Electronics Systems Division
gen.空军研究与发展司令部Air Research and Development Command
gen.空军研究部Air Force Research Division
avia.空军科研部air research division
avia.空军空间分部air force space division
gen.空军空间系统部Air Force Space Systems Division
avia.空军系统分部air force system division
avia.空军系统司令部Air Force Systems Command
USA, space空军系统司令部条令AFSC Regulation
avia.空军系统司令部构成Air Force Systems Command Form
USA, space空军航天司令部Air Force Space Command
USA, space空军航天司令部司令员AFSPC/CC Commander, Air Force Space Command
gen.空军航宇系统司令部Air Force Systems Command
gen.空军航空设备部Air Force Aeronautical Systems Division
avia.空军补给后勤部air force acquisition logistics division
avia.空军装备司令部air force material command
USA, space空军装备司令部Air Force Materiel Command
avia.空军装备司令部air material command
avia.空军装备司令部/航空航天研究办公室air force material command/office of aerospace studies
avia.空军装备部Air Materiel Command (美国)
USA, space空军西部试验Air Force Western Test Range
avia.空军西部试验区air force western test range
avia.空军训练司令部air force training command
gen.空军训练司令部Air Training Command
gen.空军训练司令部Air Training Command
avia.空军训练司令部条例air training command regulation
gen.空军训练总部Training Command Headquarters
avia.空军训练部Air Training Command (美国空军)
avia.空军训练部条例air training command regulation (美国)
avia.空军试验场司令部air proving ground command
USA, space空军通信司令部Air Force Communications Command
USA, space空军采购后勤部Air Force Acquisition Logistics Division
USA, space空军预备役司令部Air Force Reserve Command
avia.空军预备役部队air reserve forces
avia.空-海军联合部队joint air force-navy
mil., air.def.美军大西洋指挥总部commander in chief Atlantic command
mil., air.def.美军太平洋指挥总部pacific command
mil., air.def.美军太平洋指挥总部commander in chief pacific command
mil., air.def.美军欧洲司令部战术、技术和规程EUCOM tactics, techniques and procedures
avia.美国军用电子司令部USA Electronics Command
avia.美国战术空军司令部指挥官commander, tactical air command
mil., air.def.美国战略空军司令部弹道导弹部队人员missile airman
textile美国武装部队军帽fatigue cap
shipb.美国海军部Department of Navy
shipb.美国海军部Department of Navy, USA
earth.sc.美国海军东部海洋中心Naval Eastern Oceanography Center
tech.美国海军水道测量部United States Navy Hydrographical Office
tech.美国海军水道测量部United States Navy Hydrographic Office
el.美国海军电子系统司令部United States Navy Electronic Systems Command
mil., air.def.美国空军部secretary, US air force
avia.美国空军器材司令部United States Air Material Command
avia.美国空军总部Headquarters United States Air Force
mil., air.def.美国空军总部情报参谋长助理assistant chief of staff intelligence (HQ USAF)
el.美国空军特种作战部队United States Air Force Special Operations Force
mil., air.def.美国空军电子保密司令部electronic security command
gen.美国陆军作战研究司令部核子研究所United States Army Combat Developments Command. Institute of Nuclear Studies
el.美国陆军信息与数据系统司令部United States Army Information and Data Systems Command
earth.sc.美国陆军地形测量指挥部U.S. army topographic command
el.美国陆军导弹司令部United States Army Missile Command
el.美国陆军战略通信司令部United States Army Strategic Communications Command
gen.美国陆军战略通信司令部United States Army Strategic Communication Command
avia.美国陆军测绘司令部United States Army Topographic Command
gen.美国陆军电子设备司令部United States Army Electronics Command
avia.美国陆军空运支援司令部United States Army Airlift Support Command
avia.美国陆军空间与导弹防御司令部United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command
avia.美国陆军空间与战略防御司令部U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
mil., air.def.美国陆军空间和战略防御司令部United States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
el.美国陆军计算机系统司令部United States Army Computer Systems Command
avia.美国陆军运输研究与工程司令部United States Army Transportation Research and Engineering Command
avia.美国陆军运输训练司令部United States Army-Transportation Training Command
el.美国陆军通信与电子装备司令部United States Army Communications and Electronics Command
telecom.美国陆军通信兵部US Army Signal Corps
el.美国陆军通信司令部United States Army Communications Command
mil., air.def.美国陆军通信电子司令部信号战中心US army CECOM center for signal warfare
el.美国陆军防天与战略防御司令部United States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
el.美国陆军防空司令部United States Army Air Defense Command
gen.美国驻欧空军总司令部Headquarters, United States Air Force in Europe
avia.联合国军队司令部United Nations Command
avia.联合特种作战空军部joint special operations air component
mil., air.def.联合部队空军部分指挥官joint force air component commander
avia.联合部队空军司令部joint forces air component command
USA, space联合部队空军指挥中心Joint Force Air Command Center
avia.联合部队空军指挥官joint forces air component commander
fr., space瑞士联邦军事部Departement Militaire Federal
avia.航宇防御战术空军司令部aerospace defense tactical air command
avia.航空航天防御空军司令部aerospace defense command air force
avia.航空航天防御陆军司令部aerospace defense command army
gen.英国〔皇家〕空军战斗机司令部Royal Rir Force Fighter Command
gen.英国〔皇家〕空军海岸司令部Royal Air Force Coastal Command
gen.英国〔皇家〕空军运输司令部Royal Air Force Transport Command
gen.英国〔皇家〕空军运输指挥部Transport Command, Royal Air Force
avia.英国联合王国军部UK Land Forces
avia.英国占领军空军部British Air Forces of Occupation
shipb.英国海军部Admiralty of Board
gen.英国海军部British Admiralty
gen.英国海军部技术代表团British Admiralty Technical Mission
gen.英国海军部振荡器加热法则admiralty rule of heating
shipb.英国海军部标准无杆锚Admiralty standard stockless anchor
shipb.英国海军舰艇建造部Naval Construction Department
econ.英国空军部British Air Ministry method
chem.英国空军部方法British Air Ministry method (试验汽油抗爆性)
chem.英国空军部氧化试验British Air Ministry oxidation test (对深度精制润滑油)
avia.英国陆军部UK land forces
mil., air.def.英国陆军训练单元分部British army training unit subdivision
UN裁军事务部Department for Disarmament Affairs (裁军部)
avia.西部空军司令部western air command
avia.西部空军采购区western air procurement district
gen.负责空军参谋部的航空部副部长助理Assistant Undersecretary of State Air Staff
tech.运输船上运输部门的负责军官transportation officer
tech.运输船上运输部门负责军官代理人transportation agent
org.name., USA退伍军人事务部Department of Veterans Affairs
China, law逃离部队的军人serviceman who has deserted from the unit
UN, tech.部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission
avia.防空战术空军司令部air defense tactical air command
avia.阿拉斯加空军司令部Alaska Air Command
avia.阿拉斯加空军司令部Alaskan Air Command
gen.阿拉斯加空军司令部Alaskan Air Command
tech.军部Department of the Army (美国)
avia.军部War Office (英国)
gen.军部Department of the Army
gen.军部副部长Associate Secretary of the Army
mil., air.def.军部指挥控系统department of the army command and control system
mil., air.def.军部管理信息系统department of the army management information system
mil., air.def.军部通信中心department of the army communications center
gen.军部Secretary of the Army
gen.陆军〔总〕司令部Army Headquarters
gen.陆军作战研究司令部Army Combat Developments Command
manag.陆军供应部ministry of supply land
econ.英国陆军供应部Ministry of Supply (Land)
gen.陆军军械导弹司令部Army Ordnance Missile Command
gen.陆军军械武器司令部Army Ordnance Weapons Command
avia.陆军军械部army ordnance department
gen.陆军军械部Army Ordnance Department
gen.陆军军械部队army ordnance corps
USA, space陆军前线航天司令部ARSPACE FWD Army Space Comma nd Forward
gen.陆军器材司令部Army Materiel Command
gen.陆军地面部队Army Ground Forces
USA, space陆军导弹司令部Army Missile Command
gen.陆军导弹司令部Army Missile Command
avia.陆军导弹支援司令部army missile support command
nautic., tech.美国陆军工程兵部队army corps of engineers
tech.陆军工程部队或马歇尔沥青混合料配合设计法Corps of Engineers or Marshall asphalt mix-design method (美国)
tech.陆军工程部队设计法Corps of Engineers method (美国)
gen.陆军弹药司令部Army Munitions Command
mil., air.def.{美}陆军情报与安全司令部intelligence and security command
avia.陆军情报部army intelligence department
USA, space陆军战略司令部Army Strategic Command
el.陆军战略通信司令部Army Strategic Communications Command
avia.陆军材料司令部army material command
avia.陆军材料司令部条例army material command regulation
el.陆军武器装备研究发展司令部美国Army Armament Research and Development Command
avia.陆军电子司令部army electronics command
USA, space陆军空间和导弹防御司令部Army Space and Missile Defense Command
mil., air.def.{美}陆军网络企业技术司令部network enterprise technology command
USA, space陆军航天司令部Army Space Command
gen.陆军航空器材司令部Army Aviation Material Command
avia.陆军航空研究与发展司令部army aviation research and development command
avia.陆军航空部army air force board
avia.陆军航空部队army air force
avia.陆军装备司令部army material command
USA, space陆军通信与电子司令部Army Communication and Electronics Command
telecom., amer.美军陆军通信兵部Signal Corps
el.陆军通信司令部Army Communication Command
el.陆军通信司令部Army Communications Command
gen.陆军野战部队army field forces
gen.陆军防空司令部Army Air Defense Command
USA, space陆军防空司令部Army Air Defense Command
gen.陆军防空司令部Army Anti-Aircraft Command
avia.陆军防空部army air defend board
gen.陆海军倶乐部Army and Navy Club
el.陆海军通用合格零部件一览表joint army-navy qualified parts list
gen.集团军司令部Army Headquarters
gen.集团军炮兵指挥部Army Artillery Headquarters
gen.集团军野战司令部Army Field Headquarters
UN, tech.非建制部队成员的联合国军事人员和联合国警察united nations military and united nations civilian police personnel not members of formed units
avia.飞机军备部aircraft armament division
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