
Terms for subject Project management containing 具 有 | all forms | in specified order only
一个具有特定功能的 DOS 文本文件CONFIG. SYS
一般来说、广域网 WAN的带宽比局域网 LAN的带宽小、并且具有较长的响应时间Normally, the wide-area net-works WAN provide much lower bandwidth and longer response time than the local-area network (LAN)
不过、作为一项分析工具、它将绝对回报放回了应有的位置:对冲基金管理的核心As an analysis tool, though, it puts absolute return back -where it should be : at the heart of hedge fund management
与其他出售方法比较、单位信托基金作为出售计划的第一个项目、具有较多优点Compared with other disposal methods, the unit trust approach as a first step, offers a number of advantages
他是公认的开放源代码体系结构专家、具有企业计算方面的经验He is a recognized expert in open source architecture, whose experience includes enterprise computing
具有吸引力的价格attractive price
具有商业利益的commercially viable
具有增值作用的收购项目accretive acquisition
具有法团地位的公司incorporated company
具有纪念意义的硬币commemoration coin
具有逻辑查找功能的打印机logic-seeking printer
千兆位以太网需要第三代适配器、具有板上装有完成智能的、专为主机提供卸载功能的精简指令集处理器Gigabit Ethernet requires third-generation adapters featuring onboard reduced instruction set computing processors that perform intelligent, host-specific off-load functions
如前所述、这样的辅助设备的确具有一些不寻常的特点As described before, such auxiliary equipment does have some unusual feature
如果模块的访问级别在限制性上高于其一个成员的访问级别、则指定的模块访问级别将具有优先权When a module has more restricted access than one of its members, the specified module access level takes precedence
具有美的形式、 是形式美的真切体现It has the form of beauty and embodies a lively formal beauty
对于理解编写检测器的逻辑流程和方法名、Java 反汇编程序是非常有用的工具The Java disassembler is a very handy tool for understanding the logic flow and method names for writing detectors
当你对比来看半双工和全双工以太网时、对于半双工来说哪个具有唯一性?When you consider half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet, what are unique for halfduplex Ethernet?
当数据具有关系结构时、在数据访问、存储和可扩展性方面会非常高效、但编写高效的、可维护的代码则变得非常困难When data has a relational structure, data access, storage, and scalability are very efficient, but -writing efficient and maintainable code becomes more difficult
当然、另一种技术改进形式或许是当具有很大风险时放弃开采Of course, an alternative to improving a particular form of technology might be to discard it altogether as too risky or too damaging
我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow
最简单的程序集是具有简单名称并载入单个应用程序域的单个文件The simplest assembly is a single file that has a simple name and is loaded into a single application domain
有些 PCI 网卡具有相同的 PCI 标识、但却由不同的驱动程序支持There are various PCI network cards that have the same PCI identification, but are supported by related, but different drivers
每一版本的应用程序都具有独立于其他版本的数据目录Each version of an application has its own data directory, which is isolated from other versions
每个模块具有相同的基本设置面板的界面Each module has the same basic setup for panels within the interface
硅胶具有很强的吸湿能力、因此应贮存在干燥的地方、包装物与地面之间要有搁架Silica gel with a strong moisture absorption ability, and should therefore be stored in a dry place, packaging and have a shelf between the ground
这些技术一般使用专家系统或具有人工智能的成分Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component
这款文件加密软件具有界面漂亮友好、简单易用、稳定无错、功能强大和兼容性好等特点The document encryption software is pretty friendly interface, easy-to-use, and stability without fault, good compatibility and powerful features
这种汇编语言输出表是支持调试的有用工具This assembly language output listing is useful as a debugging aid