
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
名的财产bare ownership
不可转换债务工non-convertible debt instrument
世界上最竞争力的国家world's most competitive countries
世界上最竞争力的国家world's most competitive nations
世界最竞争力的国家world's most competitive countries
个人大股东报书individual substantial shareholders notification
事务所用furniture and office appliances
交割工delivery instrument
产权信贷工equity credit instrument
债务发行工debt issuing vehicles
债务工投资liabilities instrument investment
允许进出口贸易以人民币开发票和结算allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
全世界最影响力的金融市场world's most influential financial markets
增值作用的收购项目accretive acquisition (能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目)
备偿付能力的银行solvent banks
有共同保障的债券jointly-guaranteed bonds
有历史意义的里程碑historic milestone
有政治敏感性的大宗商品politically sensitive commodity
有系统重要性的大国large, systemically important countries
有经济活力的地区economically dynamic region
有足够资本和能力have sufficient capital and the ability
有高度竞争力的实际汇率highly competitive real exchange rates
分散投资工diversification tool
创新性工innovative tool
利率敏感性金融工interest-rate sensitive financial instruments
利率衍生工interest-rate derivative instruments
办公室器及装修office furniture and fixtures
办公室家帐户office furniture account
原生金融工primary financial instruments (原生金融工具是金融市场上最广泛使用的工具,也是衍生金融工具赖以生存的基础,包括货币、外汇、存单、债券、股票、利率或债务工具的价格、外汇汇率、股票价格或股票指数、商品期货价格等)
取得体进展make concrete progress
合理运用货币政策工rationally use monetary policy tools
备品帐疔fitting account
提存金furnitures and fixtures sinking fund
设备保险furniture policy
国际支付工instrument of international payment
场外买卖衍生工合约off-exchange traded derivative contracts
场外交易衍生工over-the-counter derivatives
基础工underlying instrument
基础工primary instrument
基金投资工fund investment tool
复合金融工compound instrument
套期保值工hedging tool
套期工arbitrage tool
套期金融工hedging instrument
宏观工macro tool
宏观经济政策的有效工effective instrument of macroeconomic policy
实物结算股本衍生工physically settled equity derivatives
设备折旧准备depreciation reserve furniture and fixtures
对冲下行风险的工tool for hedging against downturns
嵌人式衍生工embedded derivatives
嵌人式衍生工embedded derivative instrument
嵌人式衍生金融工embedded derivative financial instrument
账单、收据等make out
信用证opening of a letter of credit
信用证open a letter of credit
微观工micro tool
房地产及器land building furniture and equipment
投资工investment vehicle
投资工Investment tool
投资工investment instrument
推出人民币计价的对冲工offer renminbi-denominated hedging tools
支付工手段means of payment
政策工policy tools
政策工policy instruments
及印刷stationery and printing
新加坡交易所衍生工交易有限公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
新型融资工new-type financing instruments
期货及货币市场工futures and money market instruments
机器及工machinery and tools
机械工mechanical devices
权益工公允价值fair value of the equity instruments
权益性工equity instrument
权益性工投资equity instrument investment
混合债券股本工hybrid debt-equity instrument
混合工hybrid instrument
混合资本工hybrid capital instrument
《独立审计准则》——体准则independent Auditing Standards: Specific
现金工cash instruments
现金结算股本衍生工cash settled equity derivatives
直接金融工direct financial instruments
真正有历史意义的长期趋势truly historic long-term trend
短期债务工short-term debt instruments
短期工near-term tool
碳排放权金融工carbon financial instrument
管理工management tools
管理风险的工tool to manage risks
结构性投资工structured investment vehicle
综合运用价格和数量工utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner
综合运用多种货币政策工employ a full range of monetary policy tools
美元工U.S. dollar instruments
股本衍生工equity derivatives
股票资产组合的对冲工hedging tool against one's stock portfolios
董事报书director's notifications
融资工financing tools
衍生工derivative vehicle (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
衍生工derivative tool (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
衍生工derivative instrument (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
衍生工交易商derivative trader
衍生工合约derivative contract
衍生工合约基础derivative contract base
表外金融工off-balance-sheet financial instrument
设备家折旧费depreciation expense of equipment and furniture
证券衍生工derivatives of securities
货币市场工money market instrument
货币市场工instruments of money market (指具有很高流动性、期限小于或等于1年的债务工具)
货币政策工monetary policy tools
货币政策工tools of monetary policy
货币政策工monetary policy instruments
货币政策工instrument of monetary policy
贴现工discount instrument
资产负债表外金融工off-balance-sheet financial instrument
资产配置工asset allocation tool
资本市场工capital market instrument
达成有约束力的国际协定achieve a binding international accord
运输工保险vehicle coverage
运输工保险hull insurance
采取体行动take specific actions
重新包装的资产工repackaged asset vehicles
金融工financial vehicle
金融工financial instruments
金融工价格prices of financial instruments
金融工列报presentation of financial presentation of financial instruments
金融工确认recognition of financial instruments
金融工计量measurement of financial instruments
金融衍生工financial derivatives
金融衍生工derivative financial instrument (即"金融衍生产品 (derivative financial product)")
间接金融工indirect financial instruments
非衍生工non-derivative instrument
非衍生金融工non-derivative financial instrument
报权益notifiable interest
报百分率水平notifiable percentage level
政治敏感性的房地产市场politically sensitive real estate market
高收益股投资工wild card
高风险投资工risky instruments