
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
交通工vehicle Any conveyance in or by which people or objects are transported (运送人或物体的任何运输工具。)
公共运输交通工public transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to another (通过收费运输大量人员的交通工具。)
furniture The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working (室内的可移动物品,或方便工作和生活的物品。)
furniture industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
政策工policy instrument The method or mechanism used by government, political parties, business or individuals to achieve a desired effect, through legal or economic means (采用某种方法或机制,通过法律和经济手段,政党、政府或个人达到预期的效果。)
私人交通工private transport Transport performed with private means (私人交通的手段。)
运输工transportation means Vehicles used for transferring people or goods from one place to another (将人员或货物从一个地方运输到另一个地方的交通工具。)
运输工transportation mean (将人员或货物从一个地方运输到另一个地方的交通工具。)
金融工financial instrument A generic term that refers to the many different forms of financing a business may use. For example - loans, shares, and bonds are all considered financing instruments (通用术语,指代许多不同形式的融资方式。例如-贷款,股票,债券,都被认为是金融工具。)