
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 共 的 | all forms
包括人畜共患病在内的重大动物疫病全球预警系统Global Early Warning and Response System for Major Animal Diseases, including Zoonoses
建设一个更加安全的世界:我们共同的责任A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility
挪威/粮农组织关于共享鱼类资源管理的专家磋商会Norway/FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks
日本-苏联共同组成的西北太平洋渔业委员会Japanese-Soviet Fisheries Commission for the Northwest Pacific
欧洲经济共同体内的山梨醇生产者协会Association of Sorbitol Producers within the EC
食品法典和世动卫组织关于严重威胁人类和动物健康的人畜共患病和食源性疾病标准的实施问题专家磋商会Expert Consultation on Implementation of Codex and OIE Standards on Diseases of Importance to Human and Animal Health with regard to Zoonotic and Food-Borne Diseases