
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
上市listed company
平价格unfair price
专业specialist firm
专业specialized company
专业服务service company
世界油轮Universe Tankship Corporation
东布雷克斯集输East Breaks Gathering Co.
中心距center distance tolerance
临港dock road
主要leading company
五点井网流动five-spot flow formula
井架称高度nominal height of derrick
美国休斯敦工程师股份有限Houston Engineers, Inc.
传输transmission company
修正的潘汉德modified Panhandle equation
倍角duplication formula
倍角double angle formula
倍量duplication formula
傅里叶反变换Fourier inversion formula
充填作业有限Placement Services, Ltd.
锥形扣一母螺纹male to female angle
common multiple
government securities
government bond
允市场价值fair market value
Anno Domini
共卫生部Department of Public Health
共块common block
共增益控制ganged gain control
共安全public safety
共时钟common clock
共输油管线common carrier pipeline
切线common tangent
美国制协会Metric Association
制大气压metric atmosphere
corporation (Corp)
company (Co.)
司债券debenture bond
司内部价格intra-company price
司内部价格intra-corporate price
司章程corporate by laws
司章程articles of association
司自有资金corporate ownership fund
metric tons
因子common divisor
因数common factor
害分析nuisance analysis
害防治public pollution control
差制度tolerance system
差范围margin tolerance
平交易价格arm's-length price
平竞争原则fair competition principle
平负担原则principle of equitable burden sharing
common measure
开出版public publication
开投标public biding
开投标open tender
开招标invitation for bidding
式识别formula recognition
方差common variance
common root
法线common normal
用事业公司utility company
用事业费utility expense
用区public domain
用区merge zone
用工程消耗utility consumption
用报警灯general alarm lamp
用设施utility facility
用设施平台utility platform
用设施排放utility drain
用设施模块utility module
用轴线common axis
用载体管道common carrier pipeline
用载波common carrier
用逻辑common logic
积金corporate surplus
积金reserve fund
称储量nominal capacity
称厚度nominal thickness
称壁厚nominal wall thickness
称应变conventional strain
称管径nominal pipe size
称管径nominal pipe diameter
称能力nominal capacity
称节距nominal pitch
称钻深范围nominal drilling depth range
company's seal
认的基准油价deemed marker crude price
认观点received view
证会计公司public accounting firm
证处public notary office
证手续notarial act
证机关notary organs
路交叉road crossing
路交叉highway crossing
路桥vehicular bridge
路油罐车road tanker
路油罐车road tank car
路穿越钻孔机road boring machine
路网road net
路里程length of highways
路里程length of highway
pin tap
male coupling tap
关联affiliated company
割缝slot tolerance
加利福尼亚钢铁工业司管材产品California Steel Industries, Inc. Tubular Products
加固工程Consolidated Engineering Corporation
卡西尼重力Cassini gravity formula
危险品路运输road transport of dangerous substance
接箍pin-to-pin coupling
双向bilateral tolerance
合股joint-stock company
吉茨马Geertsma formula (预测孔隙含流体岩石中的P波速度)
同心度concentricity tolerance
后向差分backward differentiation formula
后插back interpolation formula
咨询consultation company
商用涂层作业Commercial Coating Services Inc.
国家石油national oil company
国家石油建设National Petroleum Construction Co.
国有控股state owned stock-holding corporation
国道干线national trunk highway
国际差制International System of Tolerance
国际储International Freighting Corporation
国际大石油international oil company
国际大石油international oil majors
地区regional company
地区子regional subsidiary
地区配气local distribution company
地区配气Local Distribution Companies
美国地学交叉学科研究办Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies
块体bulk formula
埃德米斯特Edmister equation
基本basic tolerance
壳体housing tolerance
外国子foreign subsidiary
外推extrapolation formula
多色性pleochroic formula
美国太平洋天然气与电力司得克萨斯输气项目Gas Transmission-Texas
太平洋管道系统Pacific Pipeline System Inc.
太平洋近海管道Pacific Offshore Pipeline Company
套管称外径nominal outside diameter of casing
套管称质量nominal mass of casing
套管打捞casing fishing tap
sub company
constituent company
安德森一柯灵一伍德油轮Andersen Colling Wood Tanker Service
容许acceptable tolerance
展开expansion formula
工业industrial nuisance
已注册de jure corporation
带套管路穿越cased road crossing
dry metric ton
弗伦德里希Freundlich adsorption equation
径向radial tolerance
怀利Wyllie relationship
成员constituent company
成本分摊cost-sharing formula
打捞male fishing tap
打捞fishing taper
打捞锥导向器screw grab guide
打捞套管casing tap
承包turnkey company
技术technical bulletin
拉伸接头stretched pin
拉森一米勒Larson Miller formula
招标tender notice
招标bid notice
持股holding company
挂牌listed company
换算calibration equation
收缩contraction allowance
改正correction formula
放射性radioactive hazard
散装汽油Bulk Petrol Company
普通general axiom
替换substitution axiom
最大因子highest common factor
最大greatest common measure
最小分母lowest common denomination
最小因子lowest common factor
最终制造final fabrication tolerance
有限company limited (Ltd.)
未列入合并报表的子unconsolidated subsidiary
未合并子unconsolidated subsidiary
格雷戈里一牛顿Gregory-Newton formula
美国格雷特湖输气Great Lake Gas Transmission
梯形trapezoid formula
plus tolerance
正负plus-minus tolerance
气体压缩机Gas Compressor, Incorporated
汉布尔Humble formula (颗粒状岩石地层电阻率因数与孔隙度的关系)
petroleum corporation
petroleum company
油田改建股份有限Oilfield Improvements, Inc.
海洋法Sea Law Convention
海难救援salvage company
液化气船运Liquefied Gas Shipping Co.
潘汉德Panhandle equation
澳大利亚广播Australian Broadcasting Corporation
独立石油independent oil company
电子报委员会Electronic Bulletin Board
石油oil company
英国石油司器材协会Oil Companies Materials Association
石油船运Oil Shipment Corporation
破产declaration of bankruptcy
碳当量formula of carbon equivalent
租船chartering company
穿越road crossing
穿越highway crossing
管子pipe tap
美国管道安全办Office of Pipeline Safety
美国管道安全组织办Office of Pipeline Safety Organization
管道工程有限Pipeline Engineering, Ltd.
经济路运输半径economic road radius
经营operating company
结业gone concern
维数dimensional formula
综合石油integrated oil company
美国用天然气协会American Public Gas Association
美国石油学会API tolerance
美国铝业Aluminum Company of American
联合国跨国司中心United Natixis Center on Transnational Corporations
联合天然气供应股份有限Associated Gas Supplies Ltd.
联营associated company
美国联邦能源办Federal Energy Office
股份不开公司closed corporation
股份有限limited company (Ltd.)
股份有限incorporated company
股票开上市public offerings of shares
股票开上市public offering of shares
加拿大阿尔伯达能源与用事业局Energy and Utilities Board
美国能源服务司协会Association of Energy Service Companies
美国能源部巴特尔斯维尔项目办Department of Energy Bartlesville Project Office
英烯taraxerene protoactinium
英烯taraxerene protactinium
角度angle tolerance
超级高速superhigh way
路易斯安那能源司管道Louisiana Resources Co. Pipeline
输气股份有限Gas Transmission Co. Ltd.
达西Darcy equation
逐次逼近step-by-step formulation
速度插值velocity interpolation formula
配合差等级class of fit
配气gas distribution company
量纲dimensional formula
钻机称钻深nominal drilling depth of rig
钻杆称质量nominal mass of drill pipe
钻铤称质量nominal mass of dril collar
防喷器称通径drift diameter of blowout preventer
阿尔奇Archie equation
石油输出国组织阿拉伯石油服务Arab Company for Petroleum Services
美国阿普科石油Apco Oil Corporation
美国阿纳达科天然气集输Anadarko Gas Gathering Co.
阿达奇Adachi formulas
阿雷尼厄斯Arrhenius formula
雷奈得Renouard formula (法国气体公司输气管道摩擦系数计算式)
高斯插值Gauss interpolation formula