
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一般共服务general public services
上市司会计监督委员会Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
平竞争unfair competition
平竞争优势unfair competitive advantage
开销售private offering
开销售private placement
专属captive company
世界银行/基金组织会务办Bank/Fund Conferences Office
中介conduit company
主权财富基金认原则与做法Santiago principles
主权财富基金认原则与做法Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds
份额quota formula
份额式检查小组Quota Formula Review Group
优等司票据prime corporate paper
全球司治理论坛Global Corporate Governance Forum
全球global commons
全球global public good
全资子fully owned subsidiary
全资子wholly owned subsidiary
general public
public debt Debt Guide, 1993, SNA93
债余额outstanding government debt
债余额outstanding public debt
允价值fair value
共事业public service corporation
共事业public utility
共事务处Public Affairs Division
共产品social good
共产品public good
共产品collective good
共企业state enterprise
共企业state-owned corporation
共企业state-owned enterprise
共企业public corporation
共企业government corporation
共企业government enterprise
共企业public enterprise
共信息通告Public Information Notice
共信息通告Press Information Notice
共债务public debt Debt Guide, 1993, SNA93
共债务可持续性public debt sustainability
共公司state enterprise
共公司public corporation
共公司state-owned enterprise
共公司government corporation
共公司government enterprise
共公司state-owned corporation
共公司public enterprise
共关系官员Public Affairs Officer
共利益public interest
共当局public authorities
共投资public investment
共投资规划public investment program
共投资规划public sector investment program
共支出管理public expenditure management
共支出管理准则》Guidelines for Public Expenditure Management
共政策public policy
共服务government service
共服务public utility
共服务public service corporation
共服务public service
共服务企业public service corporation
共服务企业public utility
共秩序和安全public order and safety
共财政public finance
共财政管理public financial management
共财政管理一处、二处Public Financial Management Division, I, II
共货物social good
共货物public good
共货物collective good
共资本形成public capital formation
共选择public choice
共部门或由公共部门担保的债务PPG debt
共部门或由公共部门担保的债务government or government-guaranteed debt
共部门或由公共部门担保的债务public or publicly guaranteed debt
共部门消费public consumption
共部门的借款需求public sector borrowing requirement s
共金融机构public financial institution
共非货币企业public nonmonetary enterprise
civil servant Balance of Payments Manual - 5th edition (BPM5)
务机关civil service
public placement
public offering
business corporation
司会计准则corporate accounting standards
司债券corporate bond
司债务解决方案corporate workout
司债务解决方案corporate sector workout
司国家corporate state
司型企业corporate enterprise
司型企业incorporated enterprise
司型公共企业incorporated public corporation s
司所得税corporate income tax
司治理corporate governance
司股本corporate equity
司财产净值税taxes on corporate net wealth
司部门corporate sector
司部门债务解决方案corporate workout
司部门债务解决方案corporate sector workout
司重组corporate restructuring
司银行业务corporate banking
司风险利差corporate risk spreads
平市价fair price
平市价fair market price
平市价market value
平市价sale value
平市价fair market value
平的竞争环境level playing field
平贸易fair trade
特别提款权分配的平问题equity issue SDR allocation
开交易的股票publicly traded share
开出售public sale
开发行的publicly issued
开叫价open outcry
开失业open unemployment
开市场open market
开市场业务open market operation
开市场价格open market price
开市场操作open market operation
开拍卖public auction
开的unclassified IMF information security
开的竞争性贬值overt devaluation
开的通货膨胀open inflation
开销售public placement
开销售public offering
正性和公平性fairness and evenhandedness
民社会civic society
积金provident fund
认的会计原则generally accepted accounting principles
其他存款other depository corporations
内部审计与监察办Office of Internal Audit and Inspection
quasi-corporate enterprise
司企业quasi-corporate enterprise
出让子司股权divestiture of public enterprises
副总裁办Office of the Deputy Managing Director
室特别辅助服务人员组Special Office Support Group
设施管理处Facilities Management Division
美国千年挑战Millenium Challenge Corporation
共企业mixed enterprise
共企业parapublic enterprise
共企业semipublic enterprise
只含GDP的份额GDP-only formula
出差business travel
旅行business travel
旅行者business travelers
旅行者official traveler
国有government corporation
国有public corporation
国有state-owned enterprise
国有state-owned corporation
国有state enterprise
国有government enterprise
国有public enterprise
国有资产管理state-owned asset management company
国际货币基金组织文件,不得开使用document of International Monetary Fund and not for public use IMF information security
基金组织告栏bulletin board
基金组织告栏IMF Bulletin Board
基金组织告栏IMF Electronic Bulletin Board
基金组织电子告栏IMF Bulletin Board
基金组织电子告栏bulletin board
基金组织电子告栏IMF Electronic Bulletin Board
外地保卫办Field Security Office
外资foreign-owned corporation
多样性问题办Diversity Office
incorporated branch
subsidiary company
subsidiary enterprise
存款性depository institution
存款性depository corporation
审计办auditing department
审计办audit office
对非金融共企业的债权claims on nonfinancial public enterprises
封闭型投资investment trust
封闭型投资closed-end investment fund
封闭型投资closed-end investment company
封闭型投资closed-end investment trust
市场筹资国共债务可持续性分析指导说明Guidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
"幌子"dormant company
"幌子"front company
"幌子"shell company
开发与国际经济合作总干事办Office of the Director General for Development and International Economic Co-operation
开放型投资unit trust
开放型投资open-end investment trust
开放型投资open-end investment fund
开放型投资open-end investment company
开放型投资mutual fund
开放型投资open-end mutual fund
总裁办Office of the Managing Director
执行董事办Office of Executive Directors
技术援助管理办Office of Technical Assistance Management
投资investment company
投资办Investment Office
式计算的财政补贴formula grant
式计算的财政补贴formula-based grant public finance
控股holding corporation
控股holding company
数据布普通标准general standard
数据布普通标准General Data Dissemination Standard
数据布标准处Data Dissemination Standards Division
数据布标准布告栏Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
数据布特殊标准more demanding standard
数据布特殊标准special standard
数据布特殊标准Special Data Dissemination Standard
数据布特殊标准增强版SDDS Plus
数据布特殊标准增强版Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus
数据布通用系统General Data Dissemination System
数据布通用系统组GDDS Unit
数据布通用系统组General Data Dissemination System Unit
新兴市场国家稳定的资本流动和平的债务重组原则Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets
有限合伙limited liability partnership
有限合伙limited partnership
标准普尔Standard & Poor's Corporation
parent enterprise
parent corporation
parent company
民间及社区关系办Civic & Community Relations Office
泛美投资Inter-American Investment Corporation
消除对妇女一切形式歧视Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
清债信托Resolution Trust Corporation
独立评估办Independent Evaluation Office
现成ready-made company
现成off-the-shelf company
现成shelf company
监管的共利益理论public interest theory of regulation
监管的共选择理论public-choice theory of regulation
直属办Immediate Office
直属办Front Office
私人和共部门合作伙伴public-private partnership
《稳定与增长约》Stability and Growth Pact
"空壳"shell company
"空壳"dormant company
"空壳"front company
空壳off-the-shelf company
空壳ready-made company
空壳shelf company
第一副总裁办Office of the First Deputy Managing Director
签证办Visa Services Office
纳税tax fairness
纳税tax equity
经合组织的司治理原则OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
联储开市场委员会Open Market Committee
联储开市场委员会Federal Open Market Committee
联储开市场委员会Federal Reserve Open Market Committee
联合国跨国司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
美国联邦住房抵押贷款Freddie Mac
美国联邦住房抵押贷款Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
联邦存款保险Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
股份joint stock company
葡语非洲国家的数据布通用系统项目GDDS Project for Lusophone African countries
财务finance house
财务finance company
财务信息financial disclosure
道德准则办Ethics Office
金融finance house
金融finance company
银行控股bank holding company
长期资本管理Long Term Capital Management
防御性开市场业务defensive open market operations
阿拉伯投资担保Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
阿拉伯投资担保Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
共事业nonpublic utilities
共部门nonpublic sector
司型企业unincorporated business
司型企业unincorporated enterprise
司型政府企业unincorporated government enterprise
司型政府企业unincorporated public enterprise
非金融共部门nonfinancial public sector
非金融司与准公司企业部门nonfinancial corporate and quasi-corporate enterprise sector
预算和计划办Office of Budget and Planning
首次开募股initial public offering
首次开发行initial public offering
高级共关系官员Senior Public Affairs Officer