
Terms for subject United States containing | all forms
三点球通信公司TriPoint Global Communications
众议院国家安委员会House National Security Committee
低轨一号球有限公司LEO One Worldwide Inc.
向跟踪系统Omni TRACS
国先进技术中心National Center for Advanced Technologies
国军事指挥系统信息处理系统NMCS information processing system
国军事研究中心National Military Establishment
国冰雹研究试验national hail research experiment
国咨询委员会National Advisory Committee
国地图测绘情报中心National Cartographic Information Center
国大气研究学会National Institute of Atmospheric Research
国大气采样网national air sampling network
国工程师协会National Engineers Association
国指挥与控制系统national command and control system
国教育电视与无线电中心National Educational Television and Radio Center
国火箭技术协会National Association of Rocketry
国电子协会National Electronics Association
国空气污染控制中心National Center for Air Pollution Control
国能源情报中心National Energy Information Center
国能源组织National Energy Resources Organization
国航空航天勤务协会National Aerospace Service Association
国航空航天电子学会议National Aerospace Electronics Conference
国航空航天系统national aerospace system
国视听中心National Audio-Visual Center
国辐射防护和测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
天候海上目标搜索系统all-weather sea target acquisition system
球军事指挥与控制系统信息系统WWMCCS information system
球军事指挥与控制系统计算机网WWMCCS intercomputer network
球军事指挥控制系统world-wide military command and control system
球卫星公司Globesat Globesat Corp.
球卫星数据库satellite global data base
球卫星通信支持中心Global SATCOM support center
球发射与试验靶场系统global launch and test range system
球定位和核探测系统global positioning & nuclear detection system
球定位惯性参照系统global positioning inertial reference system
球战斗支持系统global combat support system
球报警指示器监控系统worldwide warning indicator monitoring system
球指挥控制系统global command and control system
球星有限公司Globalstar LP
球电信有限公司Teleglobe Inc.
球空中指挥所系统worldwide airborne command post system
球空间图像索引world index of space imagery
球跟踪global tracking (system, 系统)
球通信公司Glocom Corp.
球通信国际公司G-COM International
球通信系统global communication system
球通信系统有限公司Globecomm Systems Inc.
球降水测量global precipitation measurement (卫星)
国家球环境业务卫星系统national global operational environmental satellite system
国家安决策备忘录national security decision memorandum
国家安决策条令national security decision directive
国家安National Security Agency
国家安工业协会National Security Industrial Association
国家安空间总师national security space architect
国家安空间总师办公室Office of the National Security Space Architect
国家安空间研究所National Security Space Institute
国家安空间综合办公室Office of National Security Space Integration
国家安资源局National Security Resources Board
国家职业安与职工保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
国家航空航天局安报告系统NASA safety reporting system
国家航空航天局航空航天安信息系统NASA aerospace safety information system
国家运输安委员会National Transport Safety Board
国防球网defense global grid
国防贸易安倡议Defense Trade Security Initiative
咨询委员会Security Consultative Committee
导航星球定位系统NAVSTAR global positioning system
导航星球定位系统navigation satellite timing and ranging-global positioning system
情报与安司令部Intelligence and Security Command
核安分析中心Nuclear Safety Analysis Center
核安情报中心Nuclear Safety Information Center
核导弹安Nuclear Missile Safety Office
洛克希德・马丁球通信公司Lockheed Marlin Global Telecommunications (LMGT)
海军站区和地基中段防御系统Navy Theater Wide and Ground-Based MidCourse Defense System
渐进性空天球激光交战系统evolutionary aerospace global laser engagement system
热带海洋球大气观测计划tropical ocean global atmosphere program
磁层顶极光球勘测成像卫星Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration
空军球气候中心Air Force Global Weather Central
空军系统安规程air force system security instruction
职业安和保健法案Occupational Safety and Health Act
航空航天分包商国协会National Association of Aerospace Subcontractors
航空航天安事故调查委员会Aerospace Safety Accident Investigation Board
航空航天核安情报中心Aerospace Nuclear Safety Information Center
高级研究和球观测卫星advanced research and global observation satellite