
Terms for subject Bodybuilding containing | all forms
中国健美精英赛All-China Bodybuilding Masters Matches
国健美冠军赛National Bodybuilding Championships
国健美冠军赛National Bodybuilding Championship Meet
场冠军overall winner
场冠军先生overall Mr.
场冠军得主overall Mr.
屈体位full sit-up
屈体悬垂腿举hanging leg raise with full-up
身肌肉造型most muscular pose
力士杯国健美邀请赛Hercules Cup National Bodybuilding Invitational Tournament
力士杯国健美锦标赛Hercules Cup National Bodybuilding Championships
动作的过程用力full range of motion
训练safe training
训练范围wellness zone
正展身造型entire front pose