
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
上游石油工业安特别工作组Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
证据preservation of evidence To maintain and keep safe from harm, destruction or decay any species of proof legally presented at the trial of an issue, including witnesses, records, documents, exhibits and concrete objects (为了保证安全,提交任何合法的证明物品,包括证人、记录、文件、证物和具体对象的审判。)
美国健康与安委员会Health & Safety Commission
健康与安工作法案Health & Safety Work Act
英国健康与安执行委员会Health & Safety Executive
健康与安规范Health and Safety Code
健康、安与环境health, safety and environment
健康、安、环境与质量health, safety, environment & quality
健康、环境与安Health, Environment and Safety
美国国气体监测网络National Aerometric Surveillance Network
英国国水质委员会National Water Council
英国国水质管理局National Water Authority
美国国消防协会National Fire Protection Association
美国国火灾保险商委员会National Board of Fire Underwriters
美国国环保培训协会Notional Environmental Training Association
美国国用电安全法规National Electrical Safety Code
美国国用电安全法规National Electric Safety Code
美国国空气污染技术信息中心National Air Pollution Technical Information Center
美国国防火协会National Fire Protection Association
美国国防火规程National Fire Code
氯乙烯perchloroethylene Stable, colorless liquid, nonflammable and nonexplosive, with low toxicity; used as a dry-cleaning and industrial solvent, in pharmaceuticals and medicines, and for metal cleaning (不稳定、无色液体和低毒性,可作为干洗和工业溶剂,也用于医药、金属的清洗。)
球公约global convention A worldwide assembly of national, political party or organizational delegates, or the pact or the agreement that arises from such an assembly that forms, often, the preliminary to an international treaty (由各国、各政党或各组织代表参加的全球性会议、或由这样的形式会议达成的协定、协议,而通常是初步的国际协定。)
球农业生态区global agro-ecological zone
国际岩石圈生物计划球分析、解释和模拟global analysis, interpretation and modeling
球动态植被模型dynamic global vegetation model
球变化研究大纲global change research program
球变暖global warming Changes in the surface-air temperature, referred to as the global temperature, brought about by the greenhouse effect which is induced by emission of greenhouse gases into the air (由于温室气体的排放所导致的温室效应造成地球表面空气温度的变化。)
引起球变暖污染物global warming pollutants
球变暖潜能值global warming potential
球大气监视global atmosphere watch
球大气研究计划Global Atmospheric Research Program
球天气实验global weather experiment
球天气监测world weather watch
球对流层实验global tropospheric experiment
球年发散污染物annual global emissions
德士古公司球应急响应Worldwide Emergency Response
球模式global model Models concerning different aspects of reality which can be applied at global level (考虑现实的各个方面且能应用到全球层面的模式。)
球气候报告world climate report
球气候框架公约Framework Convention on Global Climate
球气候研究计划world climate research program
球气候联盟Global Climate Coalition
球气候计划world climate program
球水分循环路线route of global water circulation
联合国球海洋环境污染调査global investigation on pollution of marine environment
球环境机构Global Environment Facility An international organization established in 1990 to provide practical assistance to governments in achieving environmental improvements. The GEF is managed by the World Bank, which contributes 2/3 of its funds, the remaining 1/3 being controlled by the United Nations Development Programme (于1990年设立的国际组织,旨在向各国政府提供实现环境改善的实际援助。 GEF由捐助2/3基金的世界银行管理,而剩下的1/3基金乃由联合国开发设计署捐助。)
球环境监测服务处Global Environmental Monitoring Service
球环境监测系统global environmental monitoring system
球碳平衡global carbon balance
全球气候研究计划球能源与水资源周期实验global energy and water cycle experiment
球观global aspect Aspects concerning the whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being interdependent economically, socially and politically (认为整个世界通过现代通讯工具紧密相连,并在经济、社会、政治等方面相互依赖的观念。)
粗光能合成total gross photosynthesis
美国加利福尼亚职业安与保健管理局California Occupational Safety & Health Administration
化学品安chemical safety
美国化学品安与危害调查局Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
化学品安处置Safety Handling of Chemicals
反应堆安reactor safety Those studies and activities that seek to minimise the risk of a nuclear reactor accident (寻求最小化核反应堆事故风险的研究活动。)
美国国家天然气管道安法案Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
国家职业安与保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
美国国家职业安与卫生咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
国际球大气化学研究项目International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
国际安international safety Freedom from danger or the quality of averting risk of harm to persons, property or the environment shared across one or more national boundaries; consequently, the combined efforts of more than one nation to achieve or preserve that state (避免遭受危险的自由、或避免人身、财产、共享的跨国环境的伤害的属性;从而需要多个国家间的共同努力以保护上述属性。)
壳牌健康、安、环境委员会Shell Health, Safety, Environmental Committee
壳牌安委员会Shell Safety Committee
大气化学与球污染委员会Commission cxi Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
天然气安管理条例Gas Safety Management Regulations
safety The state of being secure from harm, injury, danger or risk, often as a result of planned measures or preparations (不会受到伤害、损伤或危险的状态,通常是计划或准备的结果。)
与环境safety and environment
美国与环境管理计划Safety and Environmental Management Program
、健康和环境保护safety health and environmental protection
分析safety analysis The process of studying the need for or efficacy of actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (为了降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险,而研究相关活动、过程或设备的效果或必要性。)
和防污设备safety and pollution prevention equipment
存活safe survival
protection helmet
开采和环保监督员mining safety and environment inspector
控制中心Security Control Center
保安,保险措施safety measure
措施safety measure An action, procedure or contrivance designed to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (为了降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险,而设计相关活动、过程或设备。)
标准safety standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases for any action, procedure or contrivance designed to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (为了降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险,而设计的在法律上可应用于任何相关活动、过程或设备中的方法。)
研究safety study Research, detailed examination and usually a written report on the need for or efficacy of actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (为了降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险而使用的一些相关活动、过程或设备,对这些活动、过程或设备的必要性或效果的研究,详细考察并通常给出书面报告。)
管理工程safety management engineering
系统safety system A unified, coordinated assemblage or plan of procedures and devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (统一、协作的集合或过程计划和设备,目的是降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险。)
规则safety rule A principle or regulation governing actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment (为了降低伤害对人、财产或环境的损失和危险的发生率或风险,而用原则或规定规范一些相关活动、过程或设备。)
防火委员会Committee on Safety and Fire Protection
安装安security of installations Measures, techniques or designs implemented to protect from harm or restrict access to any apparatus, machinery or construction put in place or connected for use (在保护任何仪器、机械或建筑的放置或使用以免其受到损坏的过程中所使用的方法、技术或设计。)
混合活性污泥complete mixing activated sludge process
耐干化种completely desiccation-tolerant species
工业安保障industrial safety Measures or techniques implemented to reduce the risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment in any facility or place involving the manufacturing, producing and processing of goods or merchandise (在任何有关货物或商品制造、生产和处理的设施或地方,为了降低对个人、财产或环境的伤害、损失与危险所采用的方法与技术。)
工业安手册industrial security manual
刊名, 美国工业防火安Industrial Fire Safety
应急安emergency safety value
建筑安标准safety standard for building A collection of rules and regulations adopted by authorities concerning structural and mechanical standards for safety (权威部门采用的关于安全的结构和机制标准的规则的集合。)
放射性安保健数据radioactive health data
日本安工程学会Japan Society of Safety Engineering
有害液体管道安条例Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act
核安nuclear safety Measures and techniques implemented to reduce the possibility of incidence and the potential harm posed by radioactive substances used as an energy source, a test material or in weaponry (实现降低作为一种能源、材料或武器的放射性物质引起的发生可能性和潜在危害的措施和技术。)
概念安评价concept safety evaluation
正规安评估formal safety assessment
民事安civil safety Actions and measures undertaken, often at a local level, to ensure that citizens of a community are secure from harm, injury, danger or risk (常在地方一级采取的,为了保证公民安全,不受侵害、伤害、危险或者风险的行动和措施。)
气候和球变化climate and global change
气候和球变化计划climate and global change program
美国汽车安标准Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
消防安规定fire safety requirement Rules to be followed and safety systems to be adopted for preventing or fighting fire (需要遵守的规则,需要采用的安全系统以预防和抵御火灾。)
环境、健康和安environment, health and safty
环境、健康、安与社会经济的environment, health, safety and socio-economic
环境安environmental security Measures taken or policies instituted to protect and promote the safety of external conditions affecting the life, development and survival of an organism (保护和提高有机体生活、发展和生存的外部环境安全性的措施。)
生物安biosafety The combination of knowledge, techniques and equipment used to manage or contain potentially infectious materials or biohazards in the laboratory environment, to reduce or prevent harm to laboratory workers, other persons and the environment (生物安全是一种知识、技术和设备的结合,为了减少或避免损害实验室工作人员、其他人员和环境,用来在实验室环境中管理或者容纳潜在的传染性物质或生物危害。)
百科encyclopaedia A comprehensive, often multivolume, reference work containing articles on a wide rage of subjects or on various aspects of a particular field, usually, alphabetically arranged (广泛性的,通常是多卷的参考著作。包含各种主题或不同特定领域的文章,一般按照字母顺序排列。)
空气安air safety Any measure, technique or design intended to reduce the risk of harm posed by either moving vehicles or projectiles above the earth's surface or pollutants to the earth's atmosphere (为降低因飞行器、火箭或污染物对地球大气造成损害的风险而采取的措施、技术或设计。)
统一系统安分析unified system safety analysis
美国工业安学会American Society for Industrial Safety
职业安occupational safety An area of statutory duty imposed on employers and employees in most countries, for the protection of the workforce from occupational disease and stresses and physical hazards through appropriate measures (在大多数国家,通过适当的措施以保护劳动力避免职业病、压力和身体危害而强加给雇主和雇员的法定义务范围。)
美国职业安与保健法案Occupational Safety and Health Act
美国职业安与保健管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
职业安法规occupational safety regulation Law enacted to reduce the incidence among workers of personal injuries, illnesses, and deaths resulting from employment (制定法律来减少工人来自职业的人身伤害、疾病和死亡的发生。)
英国安委员会British Safety Council
质量、健康、安和环境quality, health, safety and environment
近海安与防止污染培训促进委员会Offshore Safety and Anti-pollution Training and Motivation Committee
近海安Offshore Safety Division
道路安road safety Any measure, technique or design intended to reduce the risk of harm posed by moving vehicles along a constructed land route (任何致力于降低在修建的道路上行驶的交通工具所产生的危害和风险的方法、技术和设计。)
美国饮用水安条例Safe Drinking water Act