
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
面的技术进步biased technological progress
不安投资insecure investment
不安条款insecurity clause
不安特征unsafe feature
不安设备unreliable equipment
不完代替品imperfect substitution
不完伽马函数incomplete gama function
不完信息incomplete information
不完关税同盟incomplete customs union
不完 0 函数incomplete function
不完区组incomplete blocks
不完区组设计incomplete blocks design
不完名单名单抽样list sampling with incomplete lists
不完垄断incomplete monopoly
不完寡头垄断imperfect oligopoly
不完竞争市场指市场不能发挥充分竞争的作用imperfect market
不完所有权imperfect ownership
不完所有权指土地、房产所有权有纠纷; 或指以欺诈、盗窃而得到的钱物等defective title
意外险不完所有权保单指购买有纠纷的房地产,为避免损失而投保的保险单defective-title policy
不完数字incomplete figures
不完方程式incomplete equation
不完模型partial model
不完物权imperfect real right
不完票据incomplete bills
票面记载不详的不完票据incomplete bill
不完稳定imperfect stability
不完竞争论theory of incomplete competition
不完竞争论theory of imperfect competition
不完背书partial endorsement
不完观测值incomplete performance
不完识别情形underidentified case
寿险endowment life assurance
寿险endowment insurance
寿险endowment assurance
寿险单endowment policy
个人安用品individual safety items
企业部成本outright cost of an undertaking
企业面整顿all-round consolidation of enterprise
会计健原则principle of sound accounting
估计部核查查账价值estimated total audit value
估计部核查价值estimated total audit value
作业安job safety
推销组织well-developed sales organization
的推销组织well-developed sale organization
组织机构十诫ten commandments of good organization
经济法制amplify economic legislation
财政政策sound finance policy
健康与安health and safety
outright buying
all-round buying
优工程meeting the quality standard projects
会员工厂all-union shop
any and every
BLOC wholesale
BLOC in the mass
体利益interests of the whole
体职工total employees
体表决en bloc vote
体议事者council board
体雇员all hands
信息估计full information estimation
信息估计法full information estimating method
信息法full information approach
免税品fully tax-free article
免税品fully tax-free goods
免税品fully tax-exempt article
total correlation
减器full subtractor
分布运输系统广告full showing
分布运输系统广告full run
分解零件组装方式completely knocked down
力以赴go for broke
力以赴all out
力推销high pressure selling
力推销协议best-effort selling agreement
力经营full-scale operation
功能公司full service agency
功能批发商full-service wholesaler
功能批发商full-function wholesaler
功能零售商full service retailer
勤奖励计划hundred percent time premium plan
单模矩阵totally unimodular matrix
厂薪工税汇总表summary of factory payroll taxes
变动成本fully variable costs
name in full
员劳动生产率labor productivity of total workers
员劳动生产率overall labor productivity
员劳动生产率all-personnel labour productivity
员预防维修活动total preventive maintenance
域平均值universe mean
天候通车公路里程all-weather highway accounted for
证券交易所天营业日full business-day session
套单据complete set of documents
套提单即轮船公司签发的二至三份的正式提货单full set of bill of lading
套装货单据full set of shipping document
套装运单据full set of shipping documents
套计划comprehensive curriculum plan
套设备协调试验complex coordination test
局性质global property
局最佳值global optimum
归储蓄者存单all-savers certificate
循环complete cycle
微商total derivative
拆散式销售complete knock down
海运保险用语total loss
损保费full premium of lost
定期船舶保险条件之一损时补缴全部保险费full premium if lost
损赔偿指无免赔free of all average
损赔偿即保险对象全损时才赔偿free from all average
数字控制total numeral control
数字相关all-digital correlation
数字程序控制total numeral control
数收讫照收receipt in full
整数规划all integer programming
in full
full time
日工full timer
日工作职位full-time job
日营业full-business-day's session
日行市full-business-day's session
有或全无限制all-or-none embargo
有效果universal effective set
期收益率maturity yield
代理人full power
title absolute
general power
full title
full right
free hand
权代理omnicompetent agent
权代理general power of attorney
权代理人general proxy
权代理人empowered person
权代理行universal agency
权使用full access
权公使envoy plenipotentiary
权大使ambassador plenipotentiary
权委托discretionary trust
权委托general power of attorney
权经销商free agent
权证书full powers
析因whole factorial
析因设计full factorial design
total disablement
total disability
残废恤养金total disability benefit
completely destroyed
民所有制national ownership
民所有制ownership by the entire people
民所有制ownership by whole people
民所有工业企业industrial enterprise under ownership by the entire people
民所有权all people's property
民所有财产all people's property
民财产all people's property
波直流电full-wave direct current
清除total dump
灾害保险all-in insurance
球交易系统Global Trading System
球储备指国际货币基金组织各成员国储备之和global reserves
球出口配额global export quota
球分保合同worldwide treaty
球市场信息global market information
球性保险业务worldwide insurance business
球性储备global reserves
球性混合组织global wide mixed organization
球性清偿能力global liquidity
球性的石油短缺危机critical global oil shortage
球性贸易worldwide trade
球性进口配额global import quotas
球性采办供应安排global procurement arrangement
球性销售global marketing
球环境监测系统global environment management system
球相互依存与危机分析模型model for the analysis of global interdependence and crises
球相互依存战略strategy of global interdependence
球跟踪网络global tracking network
球进口配额global import quota
球配额制global quota system
盘分配最高限额global allocation ceiling
盘战略comprehensive strategy
盛期palm days
知全能合理系统omnisciently rational system
直达运输through movement
程提单through document
程联运through carriage
程距离distance covered
fully tax
identical equal
线生产full line production
线通用运费率joint through rate
组装价completely knocked down
细磨加工all-slimming process
美托收系统check-routing system
脂奶粉whole milk
all colours
色制版full colour
行业by whole trade
行业公私合营joint state-private operation by a whole trade
行业劳资谈判industry-wide bargaining
行业协议industry wide agreement
行业谈判national bargaining
要或全不要all or none
记忆对策game with perfect recall
integrated picture
负载full loading
费率full rate
资本收益率all-capital earning rate
资附属公司wholly-owned subsidiary
距分布distribution of range
身永久残废permanent total disablement
载容量full reach and burden
载量throughout capacity
连基指数chain base index
in extenso
全额成本指包括可变成本与固定成本的产品成本absorption cost
部业务移转portfolio acquisition
分保部业务转移portfolio acquisition
部为上等品fully good fair
部会员full members
部债权账单completion statement
部制成品total manufacture
部售出后的报盘offer subject to selling all
部开工in full blast
部总体total population
部成本outright cost
部成本直接成本加上间接成本full cost
部成本价full-cost price
部成本价格即生产成本加利润full-cost price
部成本制度full cost system
部成本制度full-cost system
部成本原则full-cost principle
部成本定价full cost pricing
部成本计算基础absorption costing basis
部成本计算基础absorption cost basis
部成本计算法full-cost basis
部成本计算法full costing
部成本计算法absorption costing
部或全无all or none
部或部分承销all or any part
部所有子公司销售sales by wholly-owned subsidiary
部所有权wholly-owned ownership
部所有权absolute ownership
部收入full income
部收入entire receipt
部收益表one hundred percent income statement
部显著性差异wholly significant difference
部有形动产goods and chattels
部机械化all-round mechanization
部核实complete verification
部核对complete checking
部流动资金周转率turnover rate of whole circulating fund
部清偿im full settlement of
部生产总估计法method of overall evaluation of the whole production
部生产能力full capacity
部用益权full right of use
部缴付股款的股票fully paid stock
部缴款股份fully paid stock
部缴款股份fully paid share
部缴清股本full paid capital stock
"部航空"服务"all-up" service
部财产继承universal succession
部财力概念all financial resources concept
部责任full responsibility
部责任complete responsibility
部购买basket purchase
部购买或出售否则即取消的指令fill-or-kill order
部购进to buy up the market
部购进buying outright
货物部退回full returns
部退回保险费full returns
部销售法bulk sale law
部销售的报价offer subject to selling all or none
配对问题all-pair problem
书籍金边的full gilt
金边的all edges gilt
铁的all iron
键盘式信号寄存器full-keyboard signal-register
阶乘whole factorial
险保单all-risks policy
集装箱fully cellular
集装箱货船all containership
面上涨allround rise
面不景气full-blown depression
面事前测试full-scale pretest
面价格一切费用包括在内的价格all-around price
面关税同盟complete customs union
面冲淡每股盈利即换成转换股后再按股票总额均分每股盈利fully diluted earnings per share
面冲淡的每股盈利fully-diluted earnings per share
面准备计划one hundred percent reserve plan
面分析general analysis
面参与优先股fully-participating preferred stock
面发展城市comprehensive city
面受托人general trustee
面可行性报告full feasibility report
面可行性研究full feasibility study
面增加general increase
面增加工资across-the-board increase
面增长general growth
面增长one hundred percent increase
面复查comprehensive review
面外汇管制total foreign exchange control
面完成合同completed contract
面实施in full operation
面实施full-scale operation
面审查volume checking
面就业培训法规Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
面广告general advertising
面建设overall construction
面强制性制裁comprehensive mandatary sanction
面或综合预算overall or comprehensive budget
面执行integral implementation
面投资investment in depth
面抵押债券all-money debenture
面担保comprehensive guarantee
面控制overall control
面提高经济效益all-round development of economic performance
面改革comprehensive reform
面改革经济体制all round reformation of economic system
面最惠国条款comprehensive most-favoured nation clause
面有效时期全部时效期overall limitation period
面服务full service
面服务批发商即包括售货、提供仓储、运货、 提供信贷和市场行情等服务full-service wholesaler
面服务零售商即包括售货、接受信用卡、分期付款、赊销及为顾客送货等全面服务full-service retailer
面机械化general mechanization
面机械化comprehensive mechanization
面检修thorough overhaul
面检验overall test
面涨价all round advance
面环境管理global environment management
面生产维修total productive maintenance
面的full scale
面的可行性研究full-scale feasibility study
面管理overall management
面经济核算overall economic accounting
面经济核算overall economic calculation
面经济核算complete economic accounting
面经济规划all-inclusive economic planning
面经济责任制complete economic responsibility system
面结清across the settlement
面结账across the settlement
面统查overall statistical survey
面综合研究comprehensive and integrated study
面缓和overall relaxation
面考核make an all-round assessment of
面规划overall program
面评价global appraisal
面谈判方案comprehensive negotiating programme
面质量管理overall quality control
面跌价all-round decline
面配套改进all-round, complete set of reform measure
面验收general acceptance
total frequency
即纽约证券交易所规定的成交单位一100股full lot
额付清full payment
额准备制度即银行发行纸币额与现金准备额相等total reserve system
额分期付款full installment
额参与人full participants
额成本计算full absorption costing
额成本计算包括可变成本与固定成本在内full absorption costing
额抵押债券all-money debenture
额摊付full installment
额退费full return
额险full insurance
食宿房价full pension
分配range of distribution
优工程creating an all-excellent project
优工程竞赛all-excellent project emulation
到期部付清be paid in full at the appointed time
到期部偿还straight end payment
制造能化程度degree of manufacturing integration
制造商生产的部产品whole line of a manufacturer's product
半平衡不完区组设计semibalanced incomplete block design
半平衡不完区组设计SBIB design
半自动化或自动化润滑设备semiautomatic or fully automatic lubricating equipment
卖完部存货clear out all the holding
部公共支出的百分比as percentage of total public expenditure
各式俱的货物well assorted goods
各收报人名址communicate all addresses
各货俱all kinds kept in stock
同质不完竞争homogeneous imperfect competition
场区安系统range safety system
备货齐goods of every description are available
外国税收抵免面限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
外部奖励extrinsic reward
多国安措施multinational safeguard
大而large and comprehensive
"大而" 综合经营big and all-embracing operation
大规模国调查large-scale national survey
局部服从subordinating the part to the whole
市场结构不健inadequacies in the structure of the market
开单据的过程complete procedure in billing
急于买进部剩余股票snap up all the remaining stock
成本与收入的期配合period matching of cost and revenue
成本—数量—利润分析中的安边际margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
我们要求你方额付款We insist on full payment
打乱计划设计totally confound design
率课征to be taxed at full rates
部所得课税taxation upon total income
收报人名址communication of all addresses
最后安日期last safe date
最大安系数maximum safe factor
最大安系数maximum safe coefficient
未完完整履行合同defective performance
本利安safety of income-principal
标志不欠缺inadequacy of mark
标志欠缺不inadequacy of mark
样本sample range
模型完mode completion
模糊集的universe of fuzzy sets
流动资金额信贷acquisition of all circulating funds through credits
渐近完分布asymptotically distribution free
潜在的完竞争perfect potential competition
焊按安与卫生防护措施measures for safety in welding and health care
生产安safety in production
生产安safety of production
生产安production safety
生产安第一safety first in production
电告部细节telegraph full particulars
电告部细节tele graph full particulars
电文文完end of message
薪退职retired on full pay
社会安保险social security insurance
职业安办公室employment security office
职员安与保健法案occupational safety and health act
船上体船员ship's company
船内安clean bill of health
船舶装卸过程时间turn round time
调整、寿命、互换性、功能与安coordination, life, interchangeability, function and safety
货品齐的购物中心self-contained shopping centre
货物一切险条款cargo all risks clause
货物齐all sorts of goods in stock
货色齐all sort of goods in stock
费用部支付full payout
资产部变现后的清算liquidation after complete realization of assets
资源面配置overall disposition of resources
退还部付出款refund of the amount paid
通信套设备communication complex
通融arranged total loss
通道面积与厂面积比率ratio of aisle space to total area
道路安设施road safety facilities
锅炉压力容器安监察boiler and pressure vessel safety supervision
防火和安要求fire prevention & safety requirements
日工作part-time job
日工作制part-time job system
部偿付租赁non-full payment lease
面统计观察incomplete statistical observation
额参与人身份associate participant status
非完规范化决策non-completely specified decision
非循环完子群non-cyclic complete subgroup
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