
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
为了制作口义齿,我将取模灌制研究模型To make upper and lower full dentures, I'll take impression for study models
伤口完愈合要一个月时间It will take about one month for the wound to heal
口义齿full denture
瓷冠看起来接近天然牙The porcelain crown will look just like a natural tooth
直到完止血后再漱口Don, t start rinsing until the bleeding stops
腭咽关闭不velopharyngeal insufficiency
请写上您的Please write down your full name
除了反复口腔溃疡外,您身还有哪些不舒服?Do you have any other malaise except for oral recur rent ulceration?
首先,我需要了解您的身健康状况和过敏史First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies