
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一回路管道部损坏complete open-ended severance of the primary pipe
一回路管道完断裂complete open-ended severance of the primary pipe
一层安single-barrier containment
一次安primary envelope
一次安primary containment
一级人身安伤害first-class personel-safety hazard
一级人身安伤害危险性first-class personel-safety hazard
三相波整流器three-phase full-wave rectifier
不安写就绪write ready unsafe
不安写电流write current unsafe
不安写选择write select unsafe
不安电压volts unsafe
不完乔莱斯基共轭梯度分解incomplete Cholesky decomposition with conjugate gradients
不完乔莱斯基共轭梯度法incomplete Cholesky-conjugate gradient method
不完任务记录incomplete task log
不完信息系统system with imperfect information
不完减振under damping
不完 γ函数incomplete gamma function
不完指定序列机incompletely specified sequential machine
不完指定有限状态机incompletely specified finite state machine
不完换位区incomplete transposition section
不完换位段线路incomplete transposition section
不完操作operation incomplete
不完水跃undular drowned hydraulical jump
不完水跃undular drowned hydraulic jump
不完燃烧incomplete burning
不完相关矩阵存储器incomplete correlation matrix memory
不完衰减电路underdamped circuit
不完认证内核incomplete verification kernel
专用工程技术设施engineered safety features
专用工程技术设施engineered safeguards features
专设安系统engineered safety system
专设安设施engineered safeguard
专设安设施序列engineered safeguard train
专设安设施触发系统engineered safety features actuation system
专设安设施触发系统engineered safeguards actuation system
两端非完断裂double-ended break without separation
个人安保密标识符personal security identifier
个人安环境personal secure environment
中国强制性产品安及电磁兼容性认证China compulsory certification (safe and EMC)
中国强制性产品安认证China compulsory certification (safe)
中央安控制central security control
中央安控制系统central security control system
反应堆中子流在堆芯内按堆芯高度平衡neutron flux flattening over the core
中性点完接地dead grounded neutral
中性点完接地系统full-grounded neutral system
中期安分析报告intermediate safety analysis report
中期安分析报告intermediate safety analysis report
中继线部占线all trunks busy
中继线群trunk group busy
中继路由all routes busy
中间安intermediate containment
中频无线电信标MF omnirange
中频无线电信标medium-frequency omnidirectional radio range
临界安几何形状critically safe geometry
临界安布置critically safe configuration
临界安旋转溶解器critically safe rotary dissolver
临界安限额nuclear safety limit
主安模块host security module
主安main safety valve
企业面电子管理解决方案total enterprise electronic management solution
企业安保护战略enterprise protection strategy
企业安管理器程序enterprise security manager
传输安transmission security
传输安密钥注人站TRANSEC rekey station
传送层安transport layer security
传送层安协议transport layer security protocol
低压安low-pressure containment
低频无线电信标LF omnirange, low-frequency omnidirectional radio range
作业安work safety
作战飞行安监制器operational flight safety monitor
倒T形栅交叠覆盖轻掺杂漏inverse-T gate fully overlapped lightly doped drain
倒相加器inverting full adder
倾斜注人交叠覆盖轻掺杂漏angled implant fully overlapped lightly doped drain
元件可靠性历史回顾程检查component reliability history survey
元素分析ultimate analysis
充惰性气体安inerted containment
先进天候武器系统advanced all-weather weapon system
先进安车辆advanced safety vehicle
息技术optical holography
光学光刻息图photolithographic hologram
光纤分布式数据接口双工技术FDDI full duplex technology
光致抗蚀剂息图photoresist hologram
封闭型装置totally enclosed apparatus
封闭外设风扇空冷电机totally enclosed separately fan-ventilated air-cooled machine
封闭外设风扇通风电机totally enclosed separately fan-ventilated machine
封闭式totally enclosed type
封闭式电机totally enclosed machine
封闭水冷却的totally-enclosed water-cooled
封闭水冷电机totally enclosed water-cooled machine
封闭独立风扇通风空气冷却的totally-enclosed separately fan-ventilated air-cooled
封闭电动机fully enclosed motor
封闭组合电器gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear
封闭风扇冷却通风电机totally enclosed fan-ventilated machine
封闭风扇冷却通风电机totally enclosed fan-cooled machine
封闭风扇通风空冷电机totally-enclosed fan-ventilated air-cooled machine
开通线路fully provided route
开阀位full valve point
卫星通信global communications
远程通信系统global telecommunications system
天气预报系统global forecasting system
球一个网one globe one network
球不间断供电电源global uninterruptable power supply
球专业化服务global professional services
球个人移动通信服务global mobile personal communications service
球交换服务global exchange service
球交易基础设施global transaction infrastructure
球企业管理应用global enterprise management application
球企业网global enterprise network
球企业网用户最高级会议Global Enterprise Network Users Super Conference
球位置传感global position sensing
球位置读出global position sensing
球低成本中继global low cost relay
球侦察打击global reconnaissance strike
球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络WWMCCS intercomputer network
球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络原型prototype WWMCCS intercomputer network
球军事指挥控制系统的信息系统WWMCCS information system
球军事指挥控制系统的新信息系统网络WWMCCS's new information system network
球军事指挥控制系统自动数据处理现代化WWMCCS automated data processing modernization
球决策支持系统global decision support system
球几何校验global geometrical checking
球分组无线业务global packet radio service
球分组无线系统global packet radio system
球分销系统global distribution system
球卫星个人移动通信global mobile personal communications by satellite
球卫星定位系统global positioning satellite system
球卫星终端world satellite terminal
球卫星软件global satellite software
球原子钟同步worldwide synchronization of atomic clock
球变暖气体global warming gases
球商业通信系统global business communications system
球因特网业务发展规划worldwide Internet service roadmap
球在线电话号码簿global online directory
球在线目录global online directory
球地球动力学测距系统global geodynamics ranging system
球地震测定world-wide seismic survey
球多卫星网络global multi-satellite network
球多厂商集成协议机构global organization for multi-vender integrated protocol
球多媒体移动性global multimedia mobility
球多媒体网络global multimedia network
球大学global university
球太阳能电池能源网与国际超导体电网公司Global Energy Network Equipped with Solar Cells and International Superconductor Grids
球安全话音通信体系结构world wide secure voice architecture
球定位卫星系统global positioning satellite system
球定位授时系统global positioning and time system
球定位矢量组group of global motion vector
球定位系统制导组件GPS guidance package
球定位系统接收机应用模块GPS receiver application module
球定位系统着陆系统GPS landing system
球定位系统辅助弹药GPS-assisted munition
球定位系统辅助目标定位指示系统GPS-assisted targeting system
球实时集成付款方案global real-time integrated payment scheme
Java 球实验室Java Bean Around the world
球实验通信会议Global Experiment Communications Conference
球广播服务global broadcast service
球广播系统global broadcast system
球性放射性沉降world wide fallout
球惟一标识符globally unique identifier
球战斗支援系统global combat support system
球打击特遣部队global strike task force
球技术评估worldwide technology assessment
球救援报警网络global rescue alarm network
球数字业务单元global digital service unit
球数字无绳电信worldwide digital cordless telecommunications
球数字高速公路global digital high speed road
球数据管理系统world-wide data management system
球数据链路global data link
球服务义务universal service obligation
球服务器负载均衡global server load balancing
球服务平台global service platform
球机动部队终端global mobile forces terminal
球机载国家指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
球机载指挥所worldwide airborne command post
球机载综合导航系统global airborne integrated navigation system
球标准化地震记录网world-wide standardized seismograph network
球标准时间world wide time
球气象中心global weather center
球气象实验global meteorological experiment
球求助和信息系统global-wide help and information system
球海上遇险安全系统global maritime distress safety system
球海洋监视系统global ocean surveillance system
球环境监测卫星global environmental monitoring satellite
球甚小孔径卫星终端论坛Global VSAT Forum
球电信基础设施global telecommunications infrastructure
球电信改进计划world-wide telecommunications improvement program
球电信系统global telecommunications system
球电子交易系统global electronic exchange
球电子交易系统global electronic transaction system
球电子商贸首脑会议Global Electronics Business Summit
球电子邮政系统communication world processing
球电视电话标准global videophone standard
球病毒追踪中心World Virus Trace Center
球的world wide
球的round the world
球监视计划world-wide surveillance program
球研究与开发global research and development
球空-地通信系统global air-ground communications system
球空间坐标系global space frame
球紫外成像仪global ultraviolet imager
IBM 球网IBM global network
球网global area network
球网络下层global network sublayer
球网络技术服务global network technology service
球网络操作中心global network operations center
球网络服务global network service
球罗兰导航图global LORAN chart
球联机数据与文献情报系统worldwide on-line data and document intelligence system
球虚拟专用网global virtual private network
球覆盖区global coverage area
球覆盖区global area coverage
球覆盖面积global coverage area
球观测应用软件包global observations applications package
球视频通信world wide video communication
球计算智能大会World Conference on Computational Intelligence
球访问worldwide access
联合国球贸易站网络global trade point network
球贸易网global trading Web
球远距离导航图global LORAN chart
球通信global communications
球通信业务会议Global Traffic Meeting
球通信中心center for global communications
球通信协会Institute for Global Communications
球通信处理communication world processing
球防御通信控制系统worldwide defense communications control system
球非对称数字用户线工作组Universal ADSL Working Group
锁定型fully-locking type
分布式安系统distributed safety system
分析网络用安管理工具security administrator tool for analyzing networks
利用球定位系统,只要你带着电话,他们就知道你在哪里With GPS, they know where you are whenever you have your phone
化学未完燃烧热损失heat loss due to chemical incomplete combustion
十分之一幅度宽值full width at tenth maximum
半导体制造设备安指南safety guideline for semiconductor manufacturing equipment
半导体安协会Semiconductor Safety Association
半峰处宽度半高宽full width at half maximum
半幅度宽值full width at haH-maximum amplitude
半幅度宽值full width at half-peak amplitude
半幅度宽值full width at half-maximum
半幅度宽值full width at half-height
半幅度宽值full duration at half maximum
半极值角度full angle at half maximum
单回路安系统single-loop safety system
单层安single-barrier containment
单相整流器single-phase, full-wave rectifier
单边带多普勒甚高频向无线电信标single sideband Doppler VHF omnidirectional radio range
卤化银干版明胶息图silver halide gelatin hologram
启动局串行通道发送出错中断enable GSC transmit error interrupt
启动局串行通道发送有效中断enable GSC transmit valid interrupt
启动局串行通道接收出错中断enable GSC receive error interrupt
启动局串行通道接收有效中断enable GSC receive valid interrupt
商业信息源百科encyclopedia of business information sources
商业通信安担保计划commercial CXDMSEC endorsement program
圆片厚温度均匀性uniform temperature through the thickness of wafer
电压下under full voltage
在安操作限度内within safe operating limit
地下安underground containment
地区安信息中心area security information center
地区安监视系统area security surveillance system
地址不完信号address incomplete signal
地址完信号address complete signal
地址完消息address complete message
地震安停堆safe shutdown earthquake
地面安aboveground containment
反应堆安系统reactor safety system
堆芯部熔化事故core melt-through accident
备用安系统back-up safety system
外加纵向磁场液封切克劳斯基单晶生长vertical magnetic field applied and fully encapsulated Czochralski method
外加纵向磁场液封直拉法vertical magnetic field applied and fully encapsulated Czochralski method
外安outer containment
外差息图heterodyne hologram
外差式息圆片对准heterodyne holographic wafer alignment
外部安控制external security control
外部安管理程序external security manager
外部安设施external safety feature
息透镜multiple holographic lens
多元方向可控天线multielement directional universally Steerable antenna
多孔氧化硅完隔离技术full isolation by porous oxidized silicon technology
多孔氧化蓝宝石完隔离full isolation by porous oxidized sapphire
多层安multiple barrier containment
多层安multiple containment
多层安multibarrier containment
多普勒甚高频向无线电信标Doppler VHF omnidirectional radio range
多环路安系统multi loop safety system
多用途安智能卡multi-application secure smart card
多畴安multidomain security
多级信息系统安联合开发计划美国国家安全局Multilevel Information System Security Initiative
多级安multilevel secure
多虚拟安环境multiple virtual secure environment
夜间天候night all-weather
景镜头extreme long shot
封装安encapsulating security payload
封装安协议encapsulated security protocol
X射线身照射whole body X irradiation
小功率甚高频向无线电信标low-power VHF omnirange
小型球定位系统接收机miniature GPS receiver
小型机载球定位系统接收机miniature airborne GPS receiver
小型水下球定位系统接收机miniature underwater GPS receiver
小应用程序安性简介applet security profile
就建议内容进行力开发full-scale development request for proposal
局域差分球定位系统local area differential global positioning system
嵌人式球定位系统/惯性接收机embedded GPS/inertial receiver
市场营销百科书系统marketing encyclopedia system
带驱动装置的安power operated relief valve
开放系统安security for open systems
弛压pressure suppression type containment
弹簧安spring relief valve
恢复到安状态restoring to safe state
慢化剂倾泄安机构moderator dumping safety mechanism
战区核武器抗毁性、安性和保险性theater nuclear forces survivability, security and safety
战时信息安计划wartime information security program
战术球定位系统制导tactical global positioning system guidance
战术自动化安系统设备tactical automated security system equipment
战略空军司令部自动化信息网络SAC automated total information network
战略空军司令部飞机安系统SAC aircraft security system
指示器部读数full indicator reading
按程序动作的安装置programm ed action safety assembly
按程序动作的安装置program ed action safety assembly
按计划要求面开发full-scale development request for proposal
按页息照相存储器page-oriented holographic memory
放射安radiological safety
政府信息安改革法令美国Government Information Security Reform Act
故障安运行原则fail-safe principle
故障时仍能测量的仪器fail-safe instrument
故障时仍能运行的自动保护装置fail-safe device
晕圈源交叠覆盖轻掺杂漏halo source-fully overlapped lightly doped drain
最低安出力minimum safe output
最低安高度告警minimum safe altitude warning
最大安泄量maximum safe capacity
最大安装药量maximum safety charge
最大试验安间隙Maximum Experimental Safe Gap
最安通信maximum security communications
最小安距离minimum working distance
最小安距离minimum approach distance
有利于环境、安和卫生的设计design for environment, safety and health
有效功率天数effective full power days
有线数据传输安系统data over cable security system
有限安limited safe
服务器安适配器server safety adapter
未完装备的导弹missile not fully equipped
未来球海上遇难保险系统future global maritime distress and safety system
未获证本质安电气系统uncertified intrinsically safe electrical system
未解决的安问题unsolved safety issue
未解决的安问题unresolved safety issue
本地安权力机构local1 security authority
本地安权限local1 security authority
本质安型"iD"intrinsic safety "iD"
本质安型"i"intrinsic safety "i" 
本质安电气系统intrinsically safe electrical system
本质安电气设备intrinsically safe electrical apparatus
本质安电路intrinsically safe circuit
机械未完燃烧热损失heat loss due to mechanical incomplete combustion
机组的最小安出力minimum safe output of the unit
来话呼叫完限制的fully restricted on incoming calls
标准向无线电信标导航进场standard omnirange approach
标准安分析报告standard safety analysis report
标准安standard containment vessel
标准安standard containment
树脂安收集器safety resin catcher
树脂安收集器safety resin trap
树脂安safety resin trap
树脂安safety resin catcher
材料运输安nuclear transportation safety
核临界安nuclear criticality safety
核反应堆安nuclear reactor safety
核安nuclear safety
核安信息中心美国Nuclear Safety Information Center
核安准则nuclear safety criterion
核安功能nuclear safety function
核安和审批上诉委员会Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board
美国核安和审批上诉委员会Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board
核安和审批委员会Atomic Safety & Licensing Board
美国核安和审批委员会Atomic Safety & Licensing Boards
核安标准Nuclear Safety Standards
核安检查监察监督北核nuclear safety inspection
核安环境分析Nuclear Safety Environmental Analysis
核安相关系统nuclear safety related system
核安研究指南Nuclear Safety Research Index
核安类别nuclear safety category
核安素养文化nuclear safety culture
核安规范nuclear safety criterion
核安Department of Nuclear Safety
核安限值nuclear safety limit
核心化安操作系统kernelized secure operating system
核材料安保障体系nuclear material safeguards system
欧洲通信安European Communication Security Agency
正压安overpressure containment
正向偏压安工作区forward biased safe operating area
分析complete analysis of water
水样分析complete water analysis
洞穴安cavern containment
洪泛区安措施flood plain insurance
测距球导航卫星系统完好性信道ranging GNSS integrity channel
演播室套设备studio equipment complex
管理safety control
球形安spherical containment
球形安reactor dome
球形安containment sphere
球形钢安spherical steel containment vessel
球形钢质安steel containment sphere
球形钢质安spherical steel containment
琉通-韦伯斯特标准安分析报告stone and webster standard safety analysis report
甚高频向无线电信标VHF omnirange
甚高频向无线电信标VHF omnidirectional radio range
甚高频向无线电信标与战术航空导航组成的联合导航系统VHF omnirange and tactical air navigation system
甚高频向无线电信标定位VHF omnirange localization
甚高频向无线电信标战术通信VHF omnirange tactical communications
甚高频向无线电信标测距设备VHF omnirange distance measuring equipment
甚高频振荡器~ VHFOR very high frequency omnirange 甚高频向无线电信标very high frequency oscillator
生物安biosafety level
用户安授权记录user security authorization record
用户安矩阵user security matrix
用户安验证user security verification
用户安验证程序user security verification routine
甩去部负荷full load rejection
由看安反应passively safe reactor
电信安telecommunications security
电力系统安调度power system security dispatch
电力系统稳定状态安power system steady state security
电力设备安规程power equipment safety rule
电子产品辐射安标准技术委员会Technical Electronic Products Radiation Safety Standards Committee
电子安技术的研究与发展research and development electronic security
电子安警报器electronic security alarm
电气系统失电事故complete power failure
电气安法规electrical safety code rules
电气安electrical safety code
电气操作安技术规程electrical safety code rules
电阻部投入all-in resistance
硝钱安炸药ammonium nitrate permissible explosive
稳压器安pressurizer safety valve
稳定型钢安free-standing steel containment shell
等效功率小时数equivalent full power hours
编码傅里叶变换息图coded Fourier transform hologram
缩写词可部略去Acronym may be ignored totally
网件球信息处理服务Netware global messaging handling service
网络交易安Web transaction security
网络安中心network security center
网络安体系结构和设计network security architecture and design
网络安分析network security analysis
网络安处理器network security processor
网络安套件network security suite
网络安技术提供商network security technology provider
网络安控制器network security controller
网络安模块network security module
网络安系统network security system
网络总体安total network security
罗盘、雷达与球定位系统compass, radar and GPS
考虑安约束时的调度security constrained dispatch
职业安与卫生管理局美国Occupational Safety and Health Administration
联合安控制系统joint security control system
联合战术终端/混合3信道双工制joint tactical terminal/hybrid three-channel full duplex
联邦信息安管理法案美国Federal Information Security Management Act
聚焦图像息摄影技术focused image holography
舰队信源战术终端fleet all-source tactical terminal
荧光安图像fluorescent security photo graphics
虚拟景显示器virtual panoramic display
虚拟存储器访问法局终止表VSAM global termination table
补偿-安shim-safety rod
调制白光栅modulated holographic grating
负压安negative pressure containment
资源安系统resource security system
通信安signal security
通信安控制组communication security control group
通信自动化、办公自动化、建筑管理自动化、消防自动化和安保卫自动化communication automation, office automation, building management automation, fire automation and safety automation
通用安报告generic safety report
通用安服务general secure service
通用安服务应用程序接口general secure service application program interface
通用差分球定位系统common differential global positioning system
阀门瞬时instantaneous total closure of valve
防故障安设计fail-safe design
元件防漂浮安装置antilevitation safeguard
陆军球军事指挥控制系统信息系统army WWMCCS information system
陆军球战斗支援系统global combat support system-army
陆军球指挥控制系统global command and control system-army
陆军球指挥控制系统army global command and control system
陆基电子向卫星通信天线ground-based electronic omnidirectional satellite communications antenna
限制扭矩的安联轴节torque dependent safety coupling
孔径nonfull aperture
桥联结incomplete bridge connection
相运行方式open phase operation
相运行状态open-phase operating conditions
相运行状态open-conductor operating conditions
耗尽的nonfully depleted
部极化partial polarization
非安功能nonsafety function
非完紧急停堆junior scram
非对称不完乔莱斯基共轭梯度法asymmetric incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient method
非核安non nuclear safety
非核安non-nuclear safety
非能动安壳系统passive containment system
非能动安装置passive safeguards
面向页面的息照相存储器page-oriented holographic memory
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