
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一次支付部保险费pay an insurance premium in a lump sum
一部关系经济社会发展局的重要法律an important law that affects overall economic and social development
上届国人民代表大会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the previous preceding National People's Congress (NPC)
下届国人民代表大会the succeeding National People's Congress
不安因素insecure elements
不安因素和隐患risks and latent problems undermining the safety
不少于体议员三分之二多数not less than a two-thirds majority of all the members
不能安使用cannot be used safely
专门的安管理制度special system for safety control
专门的安管理制度specialized safety administration rules
世界多极化和经济球化multi-polarization and economic globalization
严肃查处安生产事故investigate and prosecute cases involving industrial accidents to the full extent of the law
中华国世界语联合会All-China Esperanto League
中华国台湾同胞联谊会All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
中华国妇女联合会全国妇联All-China Women's Federation
中华国工商联合会全国工商联All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
中华国归国华侨联合会All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
中华国总工会All-China Federation of Trade Unions
中华国新闻工作者协会All-China Journalists' Association
中华国青年联合会All-China Youth Federation
中华人民共和国国家安Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China
中国人民政治协商会议国委员会National Committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference (CPPCC)
中国人民政治协商会议国委员会National Committee of the CPPCC
中国人民政治协商会议国委员会办公厅General Offices of the CPPCC National Committee
中国人民政治协商会议国委员会常务委员会Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC
中国联合国教科文组织国委员会National Commission of The People's Republic of China for UNESCO
临时召集的国人民代表大会会议specially convened sessions of the National People's Congress
国人大代表工作提供保障provide assurances to NPC deputies concerning their work
国人民代表大会代表和全国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员依法行使职权服务assist National People's Congress NPC deputies and members of the NPC Standing Committee in their work
国人民代表大会会议服务provide service at National Peopled Congress NPC sessions
国人民代表大会常务委员会会议服务provide service at meetings of the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee
国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长会议服务provide service at meetings of the Council of Chairmen of the National Peopled Congress NPC Standing Committee
主动采取保措施voluntarily take measures to preserve evidence
事关局的战略性重大课题major projects of strategic importance to the overall situation
事关局的问题problems affecting the overall interests of the country
事关经济社会发展局的一批重要立法项目work on important legislation bearing on overall economic and social development
作了面规定make comprehensive stipulations (governing)
债权部或者部分all or part of the right to debt
不同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions
不同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for promoting cooperation
不同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制improve the market mechanism
国家立法制度establish a sound legislative system of the State
法制improve the legal system
监督机制improve the oversight mechanism
社会主义法制improve the socialist legal system
社会保障strengthen the social safety net
党的十一届三中the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party
党的十六届六中the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth CPC Central Committee
体代表的过半数a simple majority of all the deputies
体会议a general meeting
体会议a plenary meeting
体组成人员的过半数majority of all the members
体职工all staff and workers
国人大代表联络处a liaison office for deputies of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
国人大代表联络机构the liaison office of the NPC
国人大信息中心the Information Center of the National Peopled Congress
国人大农业与农村委员会法案室the Legislative Department of the Agricultural & Rural Affairs Committee of the NPC
国人大培训中心the Training Center of the National Peopled Congress
国人大常委会代表资格审查委员会the Deputies's Credential Committee
国人大常委会代表资格审查委员会the Credentials Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人大常委会会议视频直播系统live television coverage of meetings of the Standing Committee on the Internet
国人大常委会关于加强中央预算审查监督的决定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
国人大常委会办公厅会议中心the Conference Center of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National Peo-ple's Congress
国人大常委会图书馆the Library of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人大常委会委员长会议the Council of Chairmen
国人大常委会委员长会议The Chairmen's Council of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人大常委会工作委员会Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
国人大常委会工作的总体要求the general requirements for the work of the Standing Committee
国人大常委会法制工作委员会法工委the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
国人大常委会综合办事机构Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
国人大常委会预工委the Budget Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
国人大机关贯彻实施监督法若干意见》Certain Opinions Concerning Implementation of the Law on Oversight by Organs of the NPC
国人民代表大会The National People's Congress of China
国人民代表大会the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会下次会议the following National Peopled Congress NPC session
国人民代表大会主席团Presidium of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会主席团the Presidium of the National People's Congress NPC session
国人民代表大会举行会议the National People's Congress NPC holds a session
国人民代表大会代表deputy to the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会代表the National People's Congress NPC deputies
国人民代表大会代表deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会代表名额the number of the National People's Congress NPC deputies
国人民代表大会代表每届任期、the term of office of the deputies to each National Peopled Com gress
国人民代表大会会议the National People's Congress NPC sessions
国人民代表大会会议session of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会会议a session of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会会议a session of the National Peopled Congress
国人民代表大会会议程序procedures of NPC sessions
国人民代表大会公告公布施行promulgate for implementation by the proclamation of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》Decision of the National Peopled Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
国人民代表大会各专门委员会the special committees of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会各专门委员会special committees of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会各专门委员会the National People's Congress NPC special committees
国人民代表大会各委员会committees of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法the Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and to the Local People's Congresses at Various Levels
国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法the Law on Deputies to the National Peopled Congress NPC and to the Local Peopled Congresses at Various Levels
国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法Law on deputies to the National Peopled Congress NPC and to Local People's Congresses
国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法the Electoral Law for of the National People's Congress NPC and Local People's Congresses
国人民代表大会……委员会committee/commission of the NPC
国人民代表大会常务委员会The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会常务委员会公报the Gazette of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会公报the Bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
国人民代表大会常务委员会关于县级以下人民代表大会代表直接选举的若干规定Provisions of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress for the Direct Election of Deputies to Pople's Congresses at or below the County Level
2008 《国人民代表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的决定》Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year
国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长the Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅全国人大常委会办公厅the General Affairs Office of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC
国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长吴邦国NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo
国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会的法律解释the legal interpretation adopted by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会秘书长the Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员the component members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会机关全国人大机关Organs of the National People's Congress NPC
国人民代表大会每年举行会议之际at the annual season of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会的组织the organization of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会立法程序legislation procedures for the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会组织法the Organic Law of the National People's Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会组织法the Organic Law of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
国人民代表大会财政经济委员会全国人大财经委the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress NPC
国人民代表大会财政经济委员会全国人大财经委the Finance and Economy Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC
国人民代表大会通过的法律a law adopted by the National Peopled Congress
国人民政权代表大会古巴National Assembly of Peopled Power Cuba
国人民政治协商会议the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC)
国动物疫情animal epidemic information nationwide
国助残日National Day for Supporting Persons with Disabilities
国县、乡两级人大people's congresses at the county and township levels across the country
国史学会China Society of History
国各族人民the people of all our ethnic groups
国各族人民the Chinese people of all ethnic groups across the country
国各族人民people of all our ethnic groups
国地方各级国家行政机关local organs of State administration at various levels throughout the country
国基础测绘national basic surveying and mapping
国妇联All-China Women's Federation
国对外贸易foreign trade of the entire country
国少年儿童工作协调委员会National Children^ Work Coordination Committee
国少年儿童文化艺术委员会National Council on Cultural and Art Work for Children
国工商联All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
国律师协会章程articles of association of the All-China Lawyers Association
国性法律national law
国性的of national in nature
国性的重大刑事案件major criminal cases that pertain to the whole nation
国总动员general mobilization
国总工会All-China Federation of Trade Unions
国政协委员members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC)
国教育工作nationwide educational work
国法院、检察院系统the national court and procuratorial systems
国煤炭资源勘查规划national plan for exploring the coal resource
国矿产资源规划national plan for exploring the mineral resources
国社会保障基金理事会National Council for Social Security Fund
国科技大会the National Conference on Science and Technology
国统一考试national examination
国范围内的选举nationwide elections
国范围内统一unified nationwide
国草原监督管理工作supervision over the grassland nationwide
国草原等级评定标准national standard for grassland grading
国财政收入national revenue
over the year
挂拖斗车full trailer
文公布法律草案release the full text of a draft law
文公布法律草案release the full text of the draft law
文公布法律草案publish the entire texts of bills
方位all dimensional
方位的涵盖各领域的整体对话机制an all-dimensional and all-embracing dialogue mechanism (with)
full power
权代表plenipotentiary representative
权委托full entrustment
民健身national fitness
民国防教育日Nationwide National Defense Education Day
民所有制ownership by the whole people
民所有制ownership of the entire people
民所有制工业企业industrial enterprise owned by the whole people
民所有制经济economic sector under ownership by the whole people
民族素质quality of the entire nation
盘供认full admission
社会all sectors of the society
社会共同责任duty of the entire society
程监督管理whole-process supervision and administration
程运输entire transport
程运送entire carriage
设施的设计design of safety facilities
资子公司wholly-owned subsidiary
部净值total net value
部履行fully fulfill
部或者部分股份all of or part of the company's shares
部损失all the losses
部损害entire harm
部期间entire period
部案卷和证据entire case file and evidence
面修改completely revise
面修改comprehensively revise
面准确地体现give a full and accurate expression to
法律面准确地体现坚持社会主义基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律面准确地体现社会主义基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律面准确地体现社会主义基本经济制度laws reflect the basic socialist economic system as fully and accurately as possible
面分析了制定监督法的必要性和重要性fully analyze the necessity and importance of formulating the Law on Oversight
面加强机关建设intensify all aspects of their self-improvement efforts
面发展the all-round development
面完成国家计划fulfill all the obligations under the state plan
面小康社会all-round well-off society
面小康社会a moderately prosperous society in all respects
面履行fully perform
面履行政府职能fully exercise the government's functions
面建设小康社会build a moderately well-off society in an all-round way
面建设小康社会building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
面建设小康社会build a well-off society in an all-round way
面接触comprehensive engagement
面推进依法公开审判make efforts to promote public adjudication according to law in an all-round way
面推进依法行政promote all aspects of government administration by the rule of law
面推进依法行政实施纲要the Program for Advancing All Aspects of Government Administration in Accordance with the Law
面推进法治财政建设fully ensure that public finance is handled in accordance with the law
面提高对外开放水平make China more open to the outside world in all respects
面提高行政效能comprehensively increase administrative efficiency
面清理优惠政策make a full review of preferential policies
面落实fully put into practice
面落实科学发展观materialize in an all-round way the scientific concept of development
面落实科学发展观materialize in an all-round way the scientific concept of on development
面落实科学发展观fully put into practice the Scientific Outlook on Development
面贯彻faithfully follow
法律面贯彻了党的十一届三中全会以来的方针政策a law fully accords with the principles and policies of the Party introduced since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee
面贯彻党的侨务政策faithfully follow the Party's policy on overseas Chinese affairs
面贯彻落实materialize in an all-round way
公众身体健康与生命安people's health and life
公共安的需要needs of public security
关于制止非法危害民用航空安的非法行为的公约Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation
关于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定球性技术法规的协定Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
关于第十届国人民代表大会代表名额和选举问题的决定the decision on the number and election of deputies to the Tenth NPC
《关于预防煤矿生产安事故的特别规定》the Special Regulations for Preventing Coalmine Accidents
关系国家局的重大问题major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
关系改革发展稳定be of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability
关系改革发展稳定have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability
关系改革发展稳定局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题the major issues that have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability, elicit widespread concern in society, or affect social harmony, issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony
关系改革发展稳定局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony
列入国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案the legislative bill that has been placed on the agenda of a session of the National Peopled Congress
列席国人民代表大会常务委员会会议attend a meeting of the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee as non-voting observers (participants)
制度不健institutional deficiencies
制止危及大陆架固定平台安非法行为议定书Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
制止危及海上航行安非法行为公约Convention for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
十一届国人大代表deputies to the Eleventh NPC
十届国人大四次会议的有关决定、决议relevant decisions and resolutions passed at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
十届国人民代表大会常务委员会the Tenth National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee
十届国人民代表大会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the Tenth NPC
协助国人大常委会工作assist the Standing Committee in (doing)
协助国家安工作assistance in safeguarding state security
协助国家安机关assist a state security organ
危及劳动者人身安endanger workers' personal safety
危及煤矿矿区安threaten the security in coal mine area
危及生产安endanger the safety of production
危及飞行安endanger air safety
危害公共安endanger public security
危害国家安endanger state security
危害国家安的行为act endangering state security
危害国家安罪行crime of endangering national security
危害安的行为conduct that endangers safety
危害生命安endanger human life
危害祖国的安、荣誉和利益的行为commit acts detrimental to the security, honour and interests of the motherland
危害网络安endanger network security
国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
国人民代表大会提出submit to the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会提出修改宪法的议案submit to the National Peopled Congress bills on the amendment to the Constitution
法律草案国公布交付全国人民讨论两个多月a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion
向大会体会议作说明brief the plenary session
向社会文公布法律草案release the entire text of a proposed law to the public
听取国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告listen to the work report by the NPC Standing Committee
国人民代表大会上at an NPC session
国人民代表大会会议期间during an NPC session
国人民代表大会闭会期间when the NPC is not in session
国公民中开展普遍的宣传教育运动initiate a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens (in)
国范围内发行的报纸newspapers with a nationwide distribution
球化时代in the era of globalization
社会树立中国特色社会主义的共同理想foster the common ideal of Chinese socialism among all groups in society
在修改法律草案的过程中during the entire revision process for the draft law
在大会体会议上at a plenary meeting of a session
在第一届国人民代表大会第一次会议上at the First Session of the First National Peopled Congress (NPC)
在第十届国人民代表大会第五次会议上at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC)
在第十届国人民代表大会第五次会议上通过adopted at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC)
地震安seismic safety
大会体会议plenary session
大会的体会议plenary meetings of a session
大会的体会议a plenary session of assembly
大力开展民健身活动put great effort into developing exercise activities for the general public
存储系统安storage system security
事故隐患hidden danger in production safety
使用制度system for the safe use
保卫条件security protection condition
保密协议security confidentiality agreement
保护措施safety protection measures
保障义务duty of safety protection
保障体系security guarantee system
公约safety convention
卫生safety and health
可靠safe and reliable
和正常运行safety and normal operation
和畅通safe and unimpeded (traffic)
存放safe storage
审查security inspection
对话security dialogue
工作人员personnel in charge of safety work
布局safety layout
应急措施safety emergency measures
性原则principle of safety
性处置safety treatment
性评价safety evaluation
性评估safety assessment
意识awareness of the importance of safety
战略security strategy
技术标准safety and technical standard
技术检验safety and technical inspection
控制措施safety and control measures
控制范围security control areas
提示safety warning
撤离safe evacuation
撤离的通道、路线passages and routes for safe evacuation
操作技能skills for safe operation
操作规程rules of safe operation
教育education in safety
无害safe and innocuous
条件论证safety condition argumentation
标志safety marker
标志服uniform with safety signs
状况safety conditions
状况state of safety
生产production safety
生产意识consciousness of production safety
生产教育和培训education and training in production safety
生产条件conditions for safe production
生产状况situation of production safety
生产监管oversight and administration to ensure production safety
生产管理职责duty of administering production safety
生产设施facility for safety production
生产责任制system of responsibility relating to production safety
用电safely consume the electricity
离船evacuate safely from the ship
第一、预防为主put safety first and focus on prevention
管理safety managment
维护security maintenance
缺陷safety defect
缺陷security limitation
缺陷security flaw
背景审査security background check
视距safe range of visibility
警示标志safety warning mark
警示规定safety warning and requirement
设施设计design of safety facilities
评价safety appraisal
责任人person responsible for safety
责任制safety accountability system
责任制the system of responsibility for production safety
车速safety speed
重点部位key safety spot
防护设施protective safety facilities
防范措施safety and prevention measures
防范措施preventive safety measures
防范服务safety and prevention services
风险提示risk warnings on the safety
风险监测safety risk monitor
风险评估assessment of safety risks
驾驶drive safely
驾驶drive the vehicle safely
驾驶要求requirement for safe driving
将法律草案表决稿提请常务委员会体会议表决refer the final version of a draft law to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for a vote
将草案发送国人大代表circulate copies of the Draft to NPC deputies
将草案提请十届国人大五次会议审议的决定the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
将议案提请常务委员会体会议审议refer a bill to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的within the scope of the functions and powers of the National People's Congress
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的within the scope of the NPC's authority
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPCs authority
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the National Peopled Congress
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers
属于国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPC's authority
常务委员会体会议a general meeting of the Standing Committee
常务委员会体会议a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee
常务委员会体委员the whole Standing Committee
常务委员会体委员all Standing Committee members
常务委员会体组成人员all Standing Committee members
常务委员会体组成人员the total membership of the Standing Committee
常务委员会体组成人员的过半数a simple majority of all Standing Committee members
常委会体委员the entire Standing Committee
1974 年国际人命安公约 1995 年修正案The November 1995 Amendments to International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (ch-II-1, II-2, m, IV, v, VI)
1974 年国际海上人命安公约1995 年修正案The May 1995 Amendments to International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
1974 年国际海上人命安公约1991年修正案International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amendment in 1991
《1974年国际海上人命安公约》1997年11月修正案 1997new Chapter XII, resolution A. 744(18) Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
《1974年国际海上人命安公约》1997年6月修正案 1997Chapters II-1, V Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
1974 年国际海上人命安公约1988年议定书Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, 1974
广泛的民讨论a broad discussion by the whole country
影响交通安adversely affect traffic safety
影响飞行安affect flight safety
承担部责任任务assume overall responsibility for
承担部赔偿费用bear all of the expense of the compensation
承担面纳税义务perform comprehensive obligation of tax payment
按照十届国人大五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
按照十届国人大四次会议精神follow the guidelines set out at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
捍卫真正完的国家独立uphold genuine and complete state independence
捍卫真正完的国家独立safeguard genuine and complete state independence
据不完统计incomplete statistics show that
据不完统计incomplete statistics indicate that
据不完统计according to incomplete statistics
放射性安教育education in safety from radiation
政协国委员会……委员会...Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC
文物安safety of cultural relic
是我们部工作的重中之重be a top priority in all our work
有序、安、畅通good order, safety and unimpeded flow
有碍航行安jeopardize navigation safety
未经国人民代表大会大会主席团许可without the consent of the Presidium of the current National Peopled Congress NPC session
未采取安措施without taking any safety measure
本届国人大任期内within the term of the current National People's Congress
本届国人大常委会the current Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
本届国人大成立以来ever since this NPC was elected
机动车国家安技术标准state safety and technical standards for motor vehicles
机动车安技术检验safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles
校舍安school building safety
根据国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的授权决定upon authorization by decision of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee
根据国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的授权决定under authorization decided on by the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee
根据国人民代表大会的决定in pursuance of the decisions of the National People's Congress
根据国人民代表大会的决定和全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定in pursuance of the decisions of the National Peopled Congress and its Standing Committee
民用航空安safety of civil air transportation
水上交通安safety of water transportation
派遣和召回驻外权代表appoint or recall plenipotentiary representatives abroad
海事证据保maritime evidence preservation
海事请求保maritime claim
海事请求保条件condition for a maritime preservation
消费安safety in consumption
消费者人身、财产安safety of the person and property of consumer
消防安safety of fire control
消防安布局fire safety layout
消防安检查fire safety inspection
消防安监测fire safety monitor
消防安责任人person responsible for fire safety
消防安责任制safety accountability system for fire prevention
消防安重点部位key fire safety spots
煤炭行业安规章、规程safety rules and regulations for the coal industry
煤矿安生产coal mine safety in production
特命权大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
生产安事故伤亡production safety accident casualty
生命安safety of life
《生物多样性公约》卡塔赫纳生物安议定书Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
法律草案体代表的过半数通过a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of all the deputies
国人民代表大会以法律规定be prescribed by law enacted by the National People's Congress
国人民代表大会制定be enacted by the NPC
由主席团提请大会体会议决定be presented by the Presidium to a plenary meeting for approval
由大会体会议决定decided upon by the plenary session
法律草案表决稿由常务委员会体组成人员的过半数通过a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of the total membership of the Standing Committee
申请海事证据保apply for maritime evidence preservation
申请海事证据保错误wrongfully submit an application for maritime evidence preservation
电信安telecom security
电信安communications security
电信网络安telecommunications network security
确保安生产ensure the safety in production
确保实现本届国人大立法目标ensure attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC
确认安be certain of safety
社会面进步all-round social progress
社会主义民所有制经济the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people
社会主义的民所有的财产socialist property owned by the whole people
社会安事件incident endangering public security
税收保措施tax preservation measures
税收保措施protective measures for collection of the duty
第十届国人民代表大会the current Tenth NPC
第十届国人民代表大会召开第一次会议the current Tenth NPC convened its first session
编制国城镇体系规划formulation of the national urban hierarchical plan
网络安事件network security incident
网络安保障体系network security guarantee system
网络安战略network security strategy
网络安标准体系system of network security standards
网络安等级tiered network security
联合国人员和有关人员安公约Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
航行安navigation safety
船舶安vesselэs safety
调查国人民代表大会主席团和常务委员会交付的质询案look into the questions raised by the Presidium and the Standing Committee of the NPC
财产保property preservation
财产保措施measure for property preservation.
财产安safety of the property
质量安quality and safety
通观look at the overall situation
道路交通安safety of road traffic and transportation
道路交通安工作work for road traffic safety
道路交通安教育road safety education
道路交通安教育education in road traffic safety
道路交通安法律、法规laws and regulations on road traffic safety
道路交通安管理规划administration plan for road traffic safety
道路交通安违法行为violation of the law on road traffic safety
镇压叛国和其他危害国家安的犯罪活动suppress treasonable and other criminal activities that endanger State security
防火安公约fire safety convention
日制用工part-time employment
日制用工双方当事人two parties to part-time employment
非经国人民代表大会会议主席团许可without the consent of the Presidium of the current session of the National Peopled Congress
顺应经济球化发展趋势conform to the trend of economic globalization
领导国武装力量direct the armed forces of the country
饮用水安safety of drinking water
饮用水安drinking water safety
驻外权代表plenipotentiary representative abroad
驻外权代表plenipotentiary representatives abroad
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