
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
三尖瓣关闭不卡尔庞捷修复术Carpentier repair of tricuspid incompetence
下颌面骨发育不Treacher-Collins syndrome
下颌面骨发育不faciomandibular dysostosis
外显incomplete penetrance
并指incomplete syndactyly
并趾incomplete syndactyly
性并指partial syndactyly
性并趾partial syndactyly
不完性撕脱伤incomplete avulsion injury
不完性斜疝incomplete indirect hernia
不完性肠梗阻incomplete intestinal obstruction
乳房切除术total mastectomy
乳房发育不rudimentary breast
二尖瓣关闭不mitral valve insufficiency
二尖瓣关闭不卡尔庞捷修复术Carpentier repair of mitral incompetence
厚皮片full-thickness skin graft
厚皮片Wolfe-Krause free skin graft
厚皮片full thick skin graft
厚皮肤移植full-thickness skin transplantation
头皮撕脱total scalp avulsion injury
小肠移植whole small intestine transplantation
层皮片Wolfe-Krause skin graft
层皮片full-thickness skin graft
指腹侧皮瓣前移法Snow technique
盆腔清除术pelvic exenteration
程血尿total hematuria
纵隔清扫术en bloc mediastinal dissection
结肠切除术total colectomy
肺静脉异位引流total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
胰切除术total pancreatectomy
胰十二指肠切除术total pancreaticoduodenectomy
胰腺移植whole pancreas transplantation
脊椎麻醉total spinal anesthesia
脓胸total empyema
脾切除术total splenectomy
腔静脉一肺动脉连接术total cavopulmonary connection
腹腔脏器移植whole abdominal multivisceral transplantation
血激活凝血时间activated blood clotting time
趾甲移植术complete toenail grafting
身中毒剂general toxicant
身作用general action
身性感染systemic infection
身炎症systemic inflammation
身脆弱性骨硬化症osteosclerosis fragilis generalisata
身脆性骨硬化osteopathia condensans disseminata
隆凸切除术total resection of carina
颜面骨骨折panfacial fracture
髋关节置换术replacement of total hip
麻分子学说molecular theory of general anesthesia
麻原理mechanism of general anesthesia
鼻再造术total rhinoplasty
鼻再造术total nose reconstruction
冠状动脉完性动脉化搭桥术coronary total arterialized bypass grafting
冠状动脉完性动脉化旁路移植术coronary total arterialized bypass grafting
功能性三尖瓣关闭不functional tricuspid insufficiency
化学烧伤身中毒intoxication after chemical burn
半侧颅底次联合切除术combined subtotal resection of hemicranial base
单侧牛皮癣合并肢体不畸形unilateral psoriasis and ectromelia
压力安pop-off valve
发育不综合征Potter syndrome
唇不incomplete harelip
唇不incomplete cleft lip
唇完complete harelip
唇完complete cleft lip
头皮发育不hypoplasia of scalp
子宫发育不uterine aplasia
带伤seat belt injury
带伤safety belt injury
偏瘫complete hemiplegia
并指complete syndactyly
并趾complete syndactyly
性大动脉转位complete transposition of great arteries
性房室通道complete atrioventricular canal
性撕脱伤complete avulsion injury
性斜疝complete indirect hernia
性肠梗阻complete intestinal obstruction
尿道发育不urethral agenesis
尿道发育不hypoplastic urethra
左心发育不综合征hypoplastic left-heart syndrome
干骺端骨发育不metaphyseal dysostosis
异形性肌张力不dystonia musculorum deformans
心包外肺切除术extrapericardial pneumonectomy
根治性肺切除术radical pneumonectomy
鼻再造术subtotal nose reconstruction
气管袖状肺切除术tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy
甲状腺切除术total thyroidectomy
相对性三尖瓣关闭不relative tricuspid insufficiency
相对性二尖瓣关闭不relative mitral insufficiency
睾丸下降不incomplete orchiocatabasis
睾丸发育不hypoplasia of testis
突变性骨发育不mutational dysostosis
经会阴前列腺切除术total perineal prostatectomy
结肠次切除术subtotal colectomy
肋软骨发育不achondroplasia of rib
肌张力完丧失flaccid paralysis
肝发育不liver agenesis
肺动脉发育不hypogenesis of pulmonary artery
肺动脉瓣关闭不pulmonary valvular incompetence
肺发育不pulmonary agenesis
肾发育不renal dysplasia
肾发育不hypoplasia of kidney
切除术total gastrectomy
胃次切除术subtotal gastrectomy
胃肠道外面营养total parenteral nutrition
胃肠道外面营养total pancreaticoduodenectomy
胸骨发育不agenesis of sternum
腭不incomplete cleft palate
腭咽闭合不velopharyngeal incompetence
腭完complete cleft palate
膀胱发育不vesical hypoplasia
趾甲部移植术total toe nail grafting
输尿管发育不ureteral hypoplasia
进行性骨干发育不progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
连续层内翻缝合continuous full-layer inverting suture
连续层内翻缝合Connell suture
遗传性锁骨颅骨发育不hereditary cleidocranial dysostosis
门静脉系微支发育不hypoplasia of smaller interlobular branches of portal vein
阴茎发育不penile agenesis
颞叶发育不综合征temporal lobe agenesis syndrome
颞叶发育不综合征Robinson syndorme
颞骨次联合切除术combined subtotal resection of temporal bone
风湿性主动脉瓣关闭不rheumatic aortic insufficiency (incompetence)
风湿性二尖瓣关闭不rheumatic mitral insufficiency (incompetence)
骨骺成骨不epiphysialis dysostosis