
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing | all forms
不完匹配imperfect matching
不完incomplete graph
不完散列defective hashing
不完的拨号incomplete dialing
不完矩阵ill-conditioned matrix
不完维护imperfect maintenance
不完覆盖imperfect coverage
中继线last trunk busy
中继线all trunk busy
中继线忙计次器all-trunks-busy register
互连full mesh
互连网fully interconnected network
互连网full meshing
互连网络completely mesh-connected network
互连网络completely connected network
互配光纤连接器fully intermatchable optical fiber connector
互配光缆连接器fully intermatchable optical cable connector
蜂窝通信人网通信系统total access communication system
full rate
体共识算法quorum consensus algorithm
体呼叫simultaneous calling
体班组人员话务员,乘务员, 机组人员,维护人员crew
余弦滚降full cosine roll-off
值绘图控制方式absolute plotter control
值计算机与增量计算机相对absolute value computer
光纤环路all-fiber loop
光通信full optical communication
光通信all optical communication
分散控制型系统total distributed control system
分离信令方式fully dissociated signaling
分离工作方式fully dissociated mode of operation
ATM 分配技术flooding
利用度full availability
利用率full availability
加感节距full load section
动感视像以25帧/s 再现的 PAL 信号,或30帧/ s 再现的 NTSC 信号full-motion video
区覆盖系统total area coverage system (Motorola 公司)
双工通信full duplex communication
同门identity gate
full name
蜂窝通信向人网通信系统total access communication system
向传声器astatic microphone
向天线isotropic antenna
否定no to all
general call
呼叫all call
国共306个metropolitan statical area (fRSA)
国拨号系统national wide dialing system
美国国标准参考数据系统National Standard Reference Data System
国现金出纳机公司1990 年被 AT&T 公司收购,成为环球信息系统公司National Cash Register
国电视体制委员会National Television System Committee
刊名,美国国石油新闻National Petroleum News
国编号方案national numbering scheme
国编号方案national numbering plan
国网管中心national network management center
国网路管理中心national network management center
国联播national dissemination
美国国自动控制会议National Automatic Controls Conference
美国国计算机图形学协会National Computer Graphics Association
国计算机程序索引National Computer Program Index
国超高速计算应用中心National Center for Supercomputing Applications
国通信系统National Communication System
国黄页电话号码簿广告页业务National Yellow Pages Service (NYPS)
域地址universe address
塑电缆光缆all-plastic cable
填充式光缆fully filled optical fiber cable
填充电缆光缆fully filled cable
天候电话机weather-proof telephone set
天候集装箱式交换机weather-proof containerized exchange
天服务full-time service
天服务full period service
full word
字体阅读器omnifont reader
字匹配MSMatch Whole Wort Only
all OK
局分析global analysis
局变量global variable
局名称global title (OSI 环境)
局名称global network-title
局布局global wiring
UNIX 命令局搜索grep
局文法systemic grammar
局法global approach
局状态global state
局误差global error
局路由选择表global routing table
屏幕显示full screen visual editor
非压缩的full frames
年业务量annual volume of traffic
年业务量annual traffic capacity
年话务量annual traffic capacity
序号full serial number
overflow call
all busy
息全景立体照片holographic panoramic stereogram
息存储器holographic memory
息数据存储系统holographic data storage system
息照相原片holographic master
息照相帧宽度hologram frame width
息电视holographic television
息立体照相holographic stereogram
成对代码zero-disparity code
接人能力full accessibility
接人通信系统total access communication system
提供电路群fully provided circuit group
提供电路群full-provided circuit group
提供路由fully provided route
提供路由full-provided route
故障total failure
散件completely knocked-down
散件小散件组装方式completely knocked-down assembly
散件小散件组装方式CKD assembly
数字化full digitalization
电话编号数字号码呼叫all-number calling
数字接人integrated digital access
数字编号all numeral numbering
数解法whole-number solution
complete text
文显示full-text display
新业务novel service
其宽度相当于" m"em
旁通使用卫星传送,完全绕过电信网total bypass
时等效终端full-time equivalent terminals
景技术panoramic technique
权控制right through control
波段full waveband
波段天线all-band antenna
波段干扰barrage jamming
波段接收all-wave receiver
波段无线电台comprehensive radio
活动视像full-motion video
混洗perfect shuffle
清零all clear
球信息技术管理global informatin technology management
球卫星系统global positioning satellite
球卫星通信系统global system
球无线电通信联盟Universal Wireless Communications Consortium
球波束转发器global beam transponder
球电话簿global directory
球移动个人通信系统Global Mobile PCS
球移动通信系统原为法语 Group Special Mobile, 原为 CEPT 标准Global System for Mobile Communications
球移动通信系统Global System for Mobile Communications
球第一联盟跨国电信公司联盟,由美国 Sprint 公司,德国电信公司和法国电信公司于1996年组成Global One
球网络global network
球资源信息数据库Global Resource Information Data Base
球通信universal communication
球通信业务global traffic
电视信号composite video signal
电视信号composite signal
相连映射fully associative mapping
矩阵complete matrix
full name
称地址generic address
程参考当量overall reference equivalent
程均衡器mop-up equalizer
程査找global search
程选择时间post selection time
穿孔lace punch
穿孔卡片laced card
等区域congruent region
线机构line organization
线管理line management
继电器系统一种机电式交换系统all-relay system
full group
欧洲共同体自动情报检索系统Fully Automatic Information Retrieval System
自动操作fully automatic operation
自动编译程序技术fully automatic compiler translator
自动编译系统fully automatic compiler system
自动计算机程序fully automated computer program
数字化色彩环境full color
色成像full color imaging
色胶卷panchromatic film
色调匹配系统Pantone Matching System
角/半角切换MSshape toggle
计算机字full word
路径full path
路由可用性full route availability
转储total dump
载波full carrier
载波单边带发射full carrier SSB emission
通网络all pass network
通通信系统total access communication system
部占线no trank
部占线all busy
部可利用性full availability
寻呼部呼叫all call paging
部在线all on-line
部大写字母all caps
部替换global replace
部检修complete overhaul
部正确无误all OK
部联机all on-line
部联机all on line
部退费full refund
部重排arrange all
阶层管理机构包括总经理,部门主管,班长,组长,技工line organization
阶系统full-order system
阻抗whole impedance
限制分机限内部通话,不能接通外线completely restricted extension
面服务网full service network (CATV 网+电信网)
面解决方案total solution
面试验comprehensive test
频道天线all-channel antenna
频道天线all-band antenna
内容部相符MSMatch Entire Cell
区分/半角MSMatch SBC/DBC case
占一席地位的电信、网络运营公司niche global operator
号码收信号number-received signal
呼叫announcement call
国家计算机安协会National Computer Security Association
国际石油百科International Petroleum Encyclopedia
某部分之前的all text before (specific point)
地址不address incomplete
地址收address complete
功能safeguard function
呼叫safety call
回叫secure call back
因数assurance factor
因特网的 IETF 所属的小组Security Area
屏障security screening
safety strip
body belt
性公理security axiom
性鉴定书safety assessment
措施security arrangements
模式一种启动计算机的模式safe mode
电子交易Secure Electronics Transaction
电子交易协议Secure Electronics Transaction protocol
万维网站点secure site
策略security policy
系数security coefficient
约束security constraint
能力security capabilities
计算机系统trusted computer system
美国国防部计算机系统评估准则即 DOD 5200.28STD, 又称为橙皮书Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
超文本传输协议secure HTTP
辐射电平safe radiation level
过滤器security filter
运行fail-safe operation
通信业务safety service
通信'设备safety communication equipment
插在 I/O 口上, 以保护软件dongle
gas pressure relief valve
防护maintenance prevention
阻止security screening
限制security constraint
隔离security screening
互控信令fully compelled signaling
函数依赖full functional dependence
占满的板所有 IC 插座都被占用的印制板fully populated board
受限分机fully restricted station (PBX)
序列sufficient sequence
故障complete fault
死机drop-dead halt
混乱fouled up beyond all recognition
环回complete loopback
生成符集complete generator set
短路dead ground
短路dead earth
调制perfect modulation
随机的perfectly random
complete set
小而变换multum in parvo mapping
小而变换MIP mapping
已接通路由的试呼fully routed call attempt
平衡不完框图balanced incomplete block
2003 年起,我公司开始投资手机部件生产和组装业务。到今年上半年,此项业务已占到公司部收入的37%We started investing in cell phone parts production and assembly in 2003, with this business accounting for 37 % of the revenue in the first half of this year
彩色息摄影术color holography
彩色电视信号video burst sync
彩色电视信号video burst and sync
影响安的电路vital circuit
扩充型人网通信系统extension total access communication system
放射性安防护radiological health
网管故障,配置,计费,性能和安管理fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security
数字息照相digital holography
数据库安database security
文件盘拒收响应response document general reject
最大离轴等效向辐射功率maximum off-axis EIRP
极易操作的网文档索引搜索 gopherspace 的工具,Veronica 是美国卡通漫画中的人物,是 Archie 的朋友;也可拼凑为句子:Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archivesveronica
recall factor
率和查准率曲线recall and precision curve
率-错检率曲线recall-fallout plot
recall ratio
民用球定位系统服务civil global positioning system service
民用球定位系统服务civil GPS service
激光器安防护罩laser protective housing
激光安laser safety
激光安标准laser safety standard
电文与地址部加密的电报coding message
息照相存储方式magnetoholographic memory type
息照相存储方式magneto-holographic memory type
等效向辐射功率equivalent isotropic radiation power
集群通信系统system wide call
美国空军国气象传真通信网USAF Weather Facsimile Network
自动安监测automated security monitor
行政管理安administrative security
计算机安computer privacy
计算机数据安系统computer data security system
设备齐的交换局self-contained central office
远程通信套设备remote communication complex
遍及球的world wide
附加安措施add-on security