
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
三相波整流器three phase full wave rectifier
主动安active safety
使完硬化hardened right out
一静压差pitot static difference
pitot pressure
压力与静压力差pitot static difference
压管pitot rake
厚度模拟full depth simulation
向性omni directionality
向风omni-directional wind
向风omni directional wind
国标准零件制造业协会National Standard Part Association
国电气规程national electrical code
国风电协会National Wind Power Association
天候风洞climatic wind tunnel
失速full stall
尺寸原型物full-scale prototype
尺寸原型物full scale prototype
尺寸实验full scale experiment
尺寸数据full scale data
尺寸时间full-scale time
尺寸时间full scale time
尺寸模型full sized model
尺寸模型full scale model
尺寸测量full-scale measurement
尺寸测量full scale measurement
尺寸雷诺数full-scale Reynolds number
尺寸雷诺数full scale Reynolds number
尺寸风洞full scale wind tunnel
尺寸风洞试验full scale wind tunnel test
幅值double amplitude
年需修量annual repair
控型器件fully controlled device
桥变流器full bridge converter
桥模型full span bridge model
桥模型full bridge model
气动弹性法full aeroelastic approach
波整流full wave rectifier
波整流full wave rectification
球增温global warming
球大气污染global air pollution
球尺度global scale
球尺度global rule
球弥散模式global dispersion model
球性弥散global dispersion
球性污染物global contaminant
球气候global climate
球潮汐global tide
球环流global circulation
球环流型global circulation pattern
球研究观测站网global network of research station
翼展overall span
翼展叶片间距full span blade pitch
翼展襟翼full span flap
范围桨距控制full-span pitch control
螺纹短节close nipple
襟翼full flap
规则safety regulation
跨地板full span ground board
跨度桨距控制full span pitch control
跨颤振full span flutter
跨驰振full span galloping
身剂量total body dose
身照射full body exposure
速运行full running speed
部层流的fully laminar
量程all range
金属结构thorough metal construction
金属结构all-metal construction
静压头pitot static head
静压探测管头pitot static head
静压管排水口pitot static drain
面翻修complete overhaul
full depth
高齿渐开线制full depth involute system
齿高齿full depth tooth
地面反射full ground reflection
失效安fail safe
保护safety precaution
信号safety signal
停机safe standstill
停止位置safety stop position
分离装置breakaway device
因数safety factor
因素safety factor
容许负载safe allowable load
寿命safe life
工作区safe operating area
工作区area of safe operation
safety belt
带扣环safety belt buckle
safety helmet
hard hat
开关safety switch
开关safety breaker
性能safety performance
报警器safety alarm
报警装置safety alarm device
控制safety control
控制策略safety and control scheme
控制设备safety control equipment
措施safe measure
措施accident prevention
援助safety aid
摩擦离合器slipping clutch
操作safe operation
断路器safety breaker
方案safety concept
旁通阀relief by-pass valve
条例safety regulation
标志safety marking
浓度safe concentration
熔断器safety fuse
safety factor
环境温度survival ambient temperature
等级safety class (IEC WTGS Class)
系数safety factors
系数safe coefficient
系数coefficient of safety
系统safety system
联轴器security coupling
联轴节safety coupling
脱钩装置breakaway device
safety color
螺栓shear bolt
螺栓breaker bolt
装置safety device
装置safety feature
装置fail safe facility
装置fail safe
规程safety procedure
规程safety code
设备safety appliance
设备safety apparatus
设备safety aid
试验safety testing
负荷safe allowable load
距离safety distance
距离safe distance
载流量safe carrying capacity
运行safe running
safety chain
链路safety loop
间隙safety clearance
emergency lock
emergency valve
防护结构safe guard construction
阻抗safety impedance
隔离变压器safety isolating transformer
风速survival wind speed
风速security wind speed
分离流动well separated flow
刚性模型fully rigid model
发展速度廓线fully developed profile
接地solid earth
接地dead earth
旗状complete flagging (IV级植物风力指 示)
滞止complete stall
相似性absolute similarity
自动控制full automation and cybernation
附着流fully attached flow
顺桨full feather
顺风位置full feathered position
IEC 61400—2小型风电机组安IEC 61400-2 Small Wind Turbine Safety
平均负荷功率average full-load power
应力安范围safe range of stress
强度安系数strength safety coefficient
故障安组件fail-safe component
故障安防护装置fail safe
最大安容量maximum safe capacity
最大安负荷maximum safety load
最大安转速maximum safe speed
最高安温度maximum safety temperature
材料安性数据表material safety data sheet
材料的安因素material safety factors
极限安系数ultimate factor of safety
气流完分离complete stall
液压安hydraulic relief valve
自身安inherently safe
被动安passive safety
设计和安参数design situation
过载安overload relief valve
过速安safety for overspeeding
运行安裕量operating margin
部分安系数partial safety factors
部分安系数法method of partial safety factors
防火安开关fire safety switch
防火安措施fire safety
防火安设备fire safety equipment
额定负荷full load rating
IEC 61400—1风电机组安和设计IEC 61400-1 Wind Turbine Safety and Design
IEC 61400—1风电机组安和设计修订版IEC 61400-1 Ed2 Wind Turbine Safety and Design Revision