
Terms for subject Electronics containing 全部 | all forms | in specified order only
一回路管道全部损坏complete open-ended severance of the primary pipe
中继线全部占线all trunks busy
全周进汽/部分进汽full-arc/ partial-arc
全球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络WWMCCS intercomputer network
全球军事指挥控制系统内部计算机网络原型prototype WWMCCS intercomputer network
全球打击特遣部队global strike task force
全球机动部队终端global mobile forces terminal
全部中继线忙all trunks busy
全部安全壳total containment
全部属性选项all properties option
全部抵押blanket mortgage
全部拆除complete removal
控制棒全部插入bulk insertion
全部撤离general evacuation
全部断裂complete rupture
全部栅交叠覆盖轻掺杂漏结构fully gate-overlapped lightly doped drain structure
全部电离total deionization
全部终止合同complete termination of contract
全部脱盐total demineralization
全部衬底剥除技术total substrate removal technique
堆芯全部熔化事故core melt-through accident
外部安全控制external security control
外部安全管理程序external security manager
外部安全设施【核】external safety feature
安全壳上部水池【核】upper containment pool
安全有关部件【核】safety component
安全相关部件【核】safety related component
安全重要部件component important to safety
完全内部水再循环full internal water recirculation
完全内部通孔结构各层之间都采用内通孔的PWB 结构any layer inner via hole structure
对安全重要的部件component important to safety
战略空军司令部全自动化信息网络SAC automated total information network
战略空军司令部飞机安全系统SAC aircraft security system
指示器全部读数full indicator reading
文件全部拒收应答response document general reject
核安全部Department of Nuclear Safety
甩去全部负荷full load rejection
电阻全部投入all-in resistance
缩写词可全部略去Acronym may be ignored totally
计算机全面内部控制computer total inner control
输电线全部投入运行状态all-line in service
部分平衡不完全块partially balanced incomplete block
全部极化partial polarization