
Terms containing 全球经济 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.世界多极化和经济全球化multi-polarization and economic globalization
fin.世界经济论坛全球竞争力指数WEF's Global Competitiveness Index
fin.全球经济提供资金finance the global economy
fin.全球经济提供重要的支持provide critical support for the global economy
fin.主导全球经济dominance of the global economy
fin.全球经济陷人"平衡的衰退"plunge the global economy into a "balanced recession"
fin.促进全球经济增长promote global economic growth
tech.全球经济衰退global recession
fin.全球性宏观经济扩张global macroeconomic expansion
econ.全球性经济失调global economic malaise
interntl.trade.全球性经济衰退global recession
textile全球经济global economy
IMF.全球经济与金融展望global economic and financial outlook
fin.全球经济中的重要参与者important players in the global economy
fin.全球经济以不同速度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
fin.全球经济低迷international downturn
fin.全球经济低迷global downturn
fin.全球经济低迷downturn in the global economy
fin.全球经济再平衡rebalancing the global economy
fin.全球经济再平衡rebalancing of the world economy
fin.全球经济前景global outlook
fin.全球经济和金融活动global economic and financial activity
fin.全球经济困境global economic woes
fin.全球经济增长global economic growth
fin.全球经济增长复苏revival of global economic growth
fin.全球经济失衡global economic imbalances
fin.全球经济实力global economic power
fin.全球经济强劲恢复均衡增长strong resumption of balanced, global economic growth
fin.全球经济恶化形势deteriorating economic conditions worldwide
fin.全球经济持续衰退prolonged global recession
fin.全球经济收缩global contraction
fin.全球经济放缓global economic slow-down
IMF.全球经济模型Global Economy Model
econ.全球经济模型Global Economic Model
fin.全球经济治理global economic governance
fin.全球经济治理体系global economic governance system
fin.全球经济治理体系的弊端deficiencies in the global economic governance system
fin.全球经济治理新变革new changes in global economic governance
fin.全球经济治理机制global economic governance mechanisms
fin.全球经济治理的参与者participants of the global economic governance
fin.全球经济治理结构改革reform of the global economic governance structure
fin.全球经济深度衰退steep global downturn
fin.全球经济滑坡global slump
fin.全球经济状况global economic outlook
fin.全球经济疲软weakness in the global economy
fin.全球经济的复苏revival in the global economy
fin.全球经济的支柱fulcrum of the global economy
fin.全球经济的长期进步long-term global economic progress
earth.sc.全球经济计量模型global econometric model
fin.全球经济走软weakening world economy
clim.全球绿色经济指数global green economy index
IMF.关于加强合作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
IMF.关于加强合作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
proj.manag.在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走这些流动性的退出策略Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system
proj.manag.她表示、向全球市场经济开放、不一定带来更多的就业机会Opening up to the global market economy did not necessarily bring greater employment opportunities, she said
fin.全球经济的健康有重要影响have a significant impact on the health of the global economy
fin.巩固全球经济复苏strengthen the global recovery
fin.帮助全球经济恢复平衡help rebalance the global economy
fin.建立一个更加公正合理的全球经济治理体系build a more just and equitable system of global economic governance
fin.建设全球经济治理新体系build a new system of global economic governance
fin.恢复全球经济增长restore global growth
fin.承担与自己能力和在全球经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy
fin.抑制全球经济活动depress global economic activity
fin.推进经济全球化promote economic globalization
fin.提高全球经济治理improve global economic governance
fin.支持全球经济的健康发展support a healthy global economy
fin.支持开放的全球经济support an open global economy
fin.支撑全球经济support the global economy
fin.改善全球政治经济前景improve the outlook across the board would
UN, polit.最不发达国家融入全球经济综合性新行动纲领Comprehensive New Plan of Action for Integrating LDCs into the Global Economy
fin.涉及全球经济治理的机构institutions involved in global economic governance
fin.混乱的全球经济形势chaotic global economic conditions
fin.积极参与全球经济治理机制改革energetically participate in the reform of global economic governance
fin.积极参与全球经济治理机制改革actively participate in global economic governance reform
fin.积极完善全球经济治理actively improve global economic governance
China, polit.经济全球化economic globalization
fin.经济全球化的受益者beneficiary of economic globalization
interntl.trade.联合国促进全球经济合作的新机构new United Nations Structure for global economic co-operation
fin.脆弱的全球经济fragile global economy
fin.营造有利于全球经济健康发展的制度环境foster an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development
fin.融人全球经济integrate with the global economy
fin.解决全球经济失衡address global economic imbalances
fin.解决全球经济面临的迫切挑战address the immediate challenges faced by the global economy
proj.manag.这不仅是经济力量的重新定位、还涉及这股力量将如何被用来塑造全球经济秩序It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order
China, polit.顺应经济全球化发展趋势conform to the trend of economic globalization